Orange Man Bad

I don't know where we're going with this morning, but if I don't get going, it won't be going anywhere. Man, August mornings have a very different vibe compared to July mornings. It's like the earth tilted on its axis overnight in an ever so slightly different direction away from the sun. I wonder if I'm the only one noticing this transformation or alignment of whatever it is that is now upon us. There is no turning back. Maybe I'll start a new book today.


I have a good mind to have someone come around this Fall to take up all the leaves that fall to the ground around our house. I usually make a project of it every Fall. Sometimes I wait until all the leaves have fallen to make a sweep, and other years, I'll do it in phases so as not to make a big job any bigger. You've seen those fellas with the lumbering trucks and something akin to a big vacuum cleaner hanging off the back of them. Right? They'll Hoover up the leaves in a fraction of the time it takes me to do it. It won't be nearly as satisfying, and I'll feel infinitely less accomplished, but the job will be one less task, so there's that.

I do occasionally look at these sorts of things as opportunities to get some exercise or to add to an already hopefully robust exercise regimen. That paradigm has shifted this year with the whole coronavirus thing. I've not been going to the gym, so I’m less tuned and toned when it comes to certain activities that require that I otherwise be up to snuff.

Biking is good for the heart (cardio), and it's pretty good for everything and anything to do with the leg muscles, but it's not the best when it comes to upper body strengthening and that sort of thing. That sort of thing comes in handy when it comes to things like raking leaves, clearing snow from the roof, shoveling, etc.

There is a home not too far from here whose owner has put up any number of political signs along a strip of the road in front of his house. One of those signs is a Trump sign, so I'm assuming that the signs for the other candidates are of similar political persuasion. The Trump sign is a more recent addition since I haven't noticed it before. I'm riding my bike by the house daily, so surely I would have seen it.

It doesn't surprise me that people don't have a Trump sign or sticker openly displayed these days since the crazies on the left are an intolerant bunch. They get so triggered by anything Trump or Trump related that they are willing to risk life, limb, reputation, and even their freedom to destroy the sign. Any overt support of a candidate the likes of Trump is a damnable offense and worthy of scorn at a minimum and complete obliteration at worse.

So I applaud this homeowner who may, unbeknownst to him, be placing his family and his premises at considerable risk when showing his support for our president. If he is aware of such things, his conviction for the candidates of his choice is even more admirable. So this is where it gets interesting.

The first time I passed his signs, I noticed that the Trump sign was laid flat on the ground while the other signs around it were still up. I turned around on my bike and went back and put the sign back up while giving the metal rods on the frame an extra push into the gravel to make sure it wouldn't easily get uprooted or blown over again.

It just so happened that their neighbor saw me turning around on my bike and walking over to the sign. The scene unfolded while they were going through the motions of backing their truck into their driveway. I'm quite sure that they slowed down just long enough to make sense of what it was that I was doing or not doing with their neighbor’s signs. I'm not altogether sure that they didn't think that I might have had a hand in taking it down, or maybe they thought I was putting it back up because I was trying to cover my tracks.

Maybe they had a hand in pulling it up by the stakes, but being the good neighbors they were, they may have simply laid it on the ground instead of laying waste to it. I think that is not the case since they have multiple American flags prominently displayed on their property, and no self-respecting leftist or anarchist would be that non-conforming. Part of me sits here this morning hoping that they thought better of me after the fact and better of their fellow man for taking the time to right a wrong when he sees one.

The following day I proceeded along my usual route once again while out for my ride. No sooner did I turn the corner and head up the hill when I saw the house on the right and the usual array of signs next to the road. Wouldn't you know it that the Trump sign was once again down on the ground while the other signs remained standing? So I was back to wondering who might have had a hand in taking the sign down once again. Why did they not take it away with them? Why did they not destroy it and leave it tattered by the side of the road?

I circled back and put the sign back up for the second day in a row. On the third day, I rode past the house. The Trump sign was just leaning ever so slightly, so I just kept on riding. Who knows what I'll find today, but I'll stand at the ready to do my duty should that opportunity present itself.


Oh, and there is just enough tree and bramble-like brush between the house that is set back from the road and the road itself so that the owner of the home can more than likely not see me doing whatever it is that I am doing with his signs. Unfortunately, that also gives cover to anyone that might want to take down the signs without being seen. How convenient.

I am a proud member of the silent majority who won't overtly demonstrate my support for Trump but will show up with bells on when the time comes to go to the polls this November. But it's not the man, although he does have some admirable and maybe even roguish qualities at times, it's his policies that have me squarely in his camp and in the camp of the party he represents.

Party's aside, there is still a lot of swamp that still needs draining in Washington, D.C. Has anyone of either party come close to even exposing these swamp creatures as Trump has? That is why we need the man in office for another four years. Eight would be better, but there is that pesky little thing called the Constitution.

The polls have been leaning in Biden's favor over the past few weeks, but who believes the polls? I saw one survey last night on FOX, where Trump was favored by two points in polling done on who would do a better job handling the economy. Are you fucking kidding me? Trump, who gave us the best economy in the history of the modern industrialized age? They realize that Biden is holed up in his basement in Delaware, where his handlers are panic-stricken that every time they let him open his mouth, he says something stupid or, to be kind, preposterous. Right?

The lefties are counting on reaping the benefits of Main Street Media's (MSM) long-standing war against Trump. After four years of constant negative press, they are hopeful that this will turn just enough voters against Trump to keep him from another four-year term. They are the propaganda arm of the democrat party, and they have delivered on their promises. Now, it's up to the voters. The democrats have no real candidate, and they offer nothing to the American public other than they will celebrate like it's 1999 when Orange-Man-Bad has been taken from the White House in handcuffs or worse.

Nancy and I visited Evan last night in Exeter at his home. It's been a good six months since we've been over to his place. We picked up burgers on the way there, and we enjoyed a lovely meal together. We also paid a visit to Mrs. G while in Exeter and brought her an excellent lobster roll that we picked up at Rye Harbor before heading over to see her. Had it not been for the fact that the day was getting long in the tooth and we were getting a bit tired, we might have offered to lend Evan a hand in tidying up his place.

We walked away with a bit of laundry to tend to, and she and I had the usual debate about doing his laundry at home or, because there was a lot to do, just take it to the laundromat and use one of their commercial machines to get it done. He was more than happy to tend to his laundry, but as usual, he has the best of intentions, but that is where it all ends. Sometimes I wish he were more open to our offers to help with these sorts of things, but, alas, he is not. You can only push so hard as parents, and then you're done. Take this to the bank: We'll never stop pushing.