Occupy This Occupy That

Thanksgiving was pretty good. The turkey was a Plainville 14 pounder and @ $2.99 a pound I would have to say that I've had better. Maybe the best part about the holiday is the time off from work. That has been exquisite. I don't think I like the way the stuffing turned out either. We decided to spice up our stuffing and squash this year with recipes from Stonewall Kitchen which included a couple of different kinds of chutney. I wish we hadn't. Next year it will back to the same old thing which has been tried and true over the years. I even stuck a little pork sausage in the stuffing which may not have done much in the final analysis. Oh yeah, and whose idea was it to use skim milk in the pumpkin pie instead of the recipe which called for whole milk. I think that was my idea. And, of course, when we get to the in-laws we find out that the Mrs has peas on the stove heated and ready to go. Maybe we didn't need to send Evan on a trip to the store to buy a can of peas since I decided that we didn't have enough color in the food we were planning to carry over to Park Ridge. Ya think? And thanksgiving would not be complete if we hadn't gotten to our destination only to find that we forgot the squash. Nancy got to drive back to the house and she missed seeing Evan get a few dollars from Da. It was a stealth deal that happened just barely out of sight but within earshot of where I was standing. We worry these days when the Ev-man has any discretionary dollars and what he might be spending them on. I figure if it makes da feel good when he gives it to him then we ought to let sleeping dogs lie. Such indulgences are rare but critical to his well being.


The republican contenders for the 2012 election include Romney, Bachman, Santorum, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Gingrich, Rick Perry, and that other mormon, John Huntsman. The current money is on Gingrich but the steady money has been on Romney even though he can never seem to garner any more than 25% of the vote. The Union Leader endorsed Gingrich today which probably doesn't help Romney. Romney is in the race for the second or third time around and if the endorsement today derails him in NH then I not sure where he turns next. It seems like any number of the candidates have risen to the top of the heap only to fall by the wayside for one reason or other. Even with their shortfalls, any one of them can probably beat Obama next November. Unemployment is at an all-time high, there is an absence of leadership in the country, the national debt has spiraled to $15 trillion with no relief in sight, and the world's economy is in the dumpster. Conservatives around the globe are taking over the socialistic helm previously occupied by left, and the Arab Spring continues to unseat tyrants across the Mideast. The US version of the Arab Spring is Occupy-This and Occupy-That. Tent cities have sprung up across the nation from Wall Street to Oakland City Hall. Obama never fails to curtsy to his brotherhood on the streets as a pledge of solidarity but sleeps comfortably between the satin sheets while they saddle up in down sleeping bags on the filthy curbs of the nation's streets. They are a much needed distraction for the Obama white house and he's hoping that they will have the will power to stay the course through the next election. I'll be voting for the true conservative in the race, Newt Gingrich. Of all the contenders, I think he will do the best in a head-to-head match-up in the fall.

The weather has been downright pleasant here in the hood. I've biked the last 2 or 3 days since Temps have been in the fifties. I've also been playing a fair amount of scrabble on my iPad. I'm taking in a few good books with the most recent being "Steve Jobs." That book was powerful. I mean p-o-w-e-r-f-u-l. I'm reading something now about parallel universes which, thankfully, has been translated to layman's terms. The charm of the book seems to be the translation. The concepts are difficult to grasp so I read slowly. At heart, I think I am a frustrated mathematician even though I had trouble with the basics while making my way through my secondary school education. The artist in me is astonished at the possibilities while the right side of my brain is still looking for the instruction manual. It's a little like looking through a telescope into dark space. The eye takes in the images but the brain doesn't have the mapping capabilities to put it all together in a way that makes any sense. Maybe the universe is infinite. Or, as the book suggests, the universe is finite but so large that it just seems infinite. I'll let you know.