Sleeping with Dogs

I've had three bike rides on my new bike so far this 2015 season and I think I'm off to a good start. Don't much care about the salt or dirt on the roads hereabouts. Bikes are meant to be ridden come hell or high water and that is precisely what I am doing. On the warmer days when the temperatures get up into the low 40's, the roads are sloppy and wet from the melting snows and I do my best to avoid the water in the road but don't make much of it otherwise. As we get further into the month March the winds here along the coast have done a pretty good job of drying out the main roads especially along the ocean road so once I arrive on the boulevard I'm usually good to go. The Seacoast is slowly coming to life after an especially long and hard winter so folks who you might not otherwise expect to see until the early days of Spring are venturing out earlier than usual. It's good to have company whether they be on foot, on their bikes, or other. The parking areas along the state beaches are still impassable with snow that is knee deep but that doesn't deter the surfers. They line up their vans and cars up along the boulevard decked out in wet suits like dead-heads at a Grateful Dead concert looking for easy access to the concert. And there are days, I should tell you, when I have to bundle up to the point of having my face covered so the cold and or the wind doesn't dampen my enthusiasm for the ride. My darling has yet to join me as it is still a bit cold for her and that suits me just fine. A month from now I'll have a good jump on the season and might readily go longer than usual or further than usual if that is what we choose to do. It has been a long winter and it feels good to get my body going. I do that less well during the winter months.

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All that fretting and for nothing. Nancy has to drive into Boston today and was consumed the better part of yesterday with worry over the fact that snow was in the forecast. It would certainly make for a longer and possibly more difficult commute but a mere couple of inches give or take shouldn't matter one way or another. As I look out the window here at the early hour of 7am there are steely colored skies but not much else. The roads should be dry as the day gets underway but may turn slick if it does start to snow. There is no consoling her when she gets it in her head that her drive into town is going to be made that much more miserable by snow in the forecast. I go out of my way to tell her that she has one of the most reliable cars on the planet when it comes to driving in snow and that she might as well be driving a tank. This is of little comfort to her. It is now mid afternoon and the snow which started out as periodic and light has picked up in intensity and may if it does not slow down actually begin to accumulate. That would not be good. The treachery on the roads that Nancy feared might come to fruition seems to be doing just that. I may have to call her once she gets on the road to assure her that she will be just fine. Take it slow and easy and don't rush whatever you do. It might even give me a little more time to get some things done around the house that I have been avoiding for the better part of the day now. With any luck, the snow will taper off as time goes on and the roads will get back to normal. Chalk one up to wishful thinking.

I wonder if there is such a thing as an "old bag" factor when it comes to selecting presidential candidates. Or, a "has been" factor that simply suggests that we've seen enough of this person over time to know that we're just as happy to see them walk away. In 2015, the potential nominees include both a Bush and a Clinton. Hillary is without question the "old bag" to whom I refer. She looks tired and lethargic and even a little stout in the most fitting of her pant suits. Perhaps the word maternal is more fitting. Now that she is grandmother she can play that card along with all the others she has in her tiny little handbag of tricks. I used to think her husband was one of the sleaziest people on the planet but the sheer cumulative effect of her history reminds me of that old Arkansas expression, "when you lie down with dogs you are sure to rise with fleas." If half of what we've heard about the Clinton Foundation and their relationships with foreign governments is true then she should be summarily disqualified from running for president of the United States. There is no doubt in anyone's mind that the Clintons have sold their souls for power over the years. That may be the price and residual effect of sitting in the White House for eight years. Jimmy Carter left the presidency and started "Habitat for Humanity." Other presidents planned and executed on equally dignified pursuits. Bill Clinton traverses the planet exploiting what little political capital he has with foreign governments and was more recently associated in the press with a convicted pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. There is no shortage of stories about Hillary going back to the Travelgate days and the truth has never come out about her involvement in the Vince Foster murder among other stories. It's time for the left leaning press to vet one of their own. Leave no stones unturned. Do your job.