Fall 2011 Delights

Dude. Where have you been? I should just hang the "gone fishing" sign out when I take a leave of absence from this here blog. Maybe next time. I guess we're in a little bit of a fast forward mode here as I sit here just a few days before Thanksgiving. My feet are cold because the floor beneath my feet is cold. Maybe we should put down a little rug beneath this chair. Even with my socks on I can still feel the chill. I have the wood stove going as the temperatures outside hover just below the freezing mark. My babies are still fast asleep and that is a good thing. My sweetness gets up early enough 3 days a week so she should luxuriate as long as her little heart desires. As for the Ev-man, he comes in late at night so is much in need of as much beauty sleep as he can eek out. God only knows that he gets up early 5 days a week for his St. Thomas gig so deserves not to at least two days a week. Besides, he's between sports and should take advantage of his free time. That's the ticket.
I have to say. Mr. and Mrs. G seem somewhat lukewarm to the idea of Thanksgiving this year. I don't know if Mr. G is just not up to it or, if he is simply trying in his own inimitable way to exercise his will in the only way he can these days. Infirmities have a way of sneaking up on the elderly and Mr. G is not without his detractors in that regard. He can swim with the sharks as well as any other in his age group and who knows what goes on in that head of his. The fact that Mrs. G didn't say much when we asked about the holiday as she and the Mr. sat on the couch facing us tells us all we need to know. It was the fear of being contrary that held her back from expressing any desire to party on with us. What scourge might befall her were she to express a contrary opinion we can only contemplate. Not sure he's a physical threat given his ambling and unsteady gait these days but he can probably still instill fear as the man of the house. Maybe that means withholding affection. Maybe that means giving her the silent treatment. Maybe that just means that he continues to be his old irascible self. What ever it is, she doesn't deserve it. She deserves better. But who are we to say. Maybe one of these days Nancy will have a little lunch with her mother to talk about those kinds of things. It hasn't happened yet but who knows. Stranger things have happened.

I continue to be enamored of my iPad. Seems like I've had it forever and I continue to find new and fun things to do with it. For example, I've been playing a lot of scrabble lately. There may be a network version available but I'm going it alone for now. It's a very nice way to wile away the hours in a challenging way. Hours might be a slight exaggeration and I would hasten to add that I'm usually good for about one game a day. I think my record is 16 and 2 at the moment but many of those games were played in the "easy" mode. Even after graduating to the more difficult games I continue to rock and roll. The machine seems to have the vocabulary but the strategy I see does not suggest superior anything. It leaves openings around the double and triple score areas that a real opponent never would. I even find myself making words that I never have before. You'd be amazed at the way you can string together letters in a way that might make sense but have no relation to any word that you might otherwise find in the dictionary. It doesn't cost me anything so why not. If the game were really "smart", it would challenge me from time to time. It can't so I go along my merry way taking advantage and looking silly more often than not. Ask me if I care.