Ebbs and Flows

Not sure how I'm going to get this business started if I don't have anything to say. That's me thinking out loud. Did I mention that it's cold as a witches tit outside? Don't do that. Don't go there. Just you never mind. How cold is it, Johnny? It's so cold that, yada yada yada.


We put Mrs G''s car in our garage yesterday so my car is outside in this frigid weather. What the hell was I thinking? Had it not been for our icy driveway, I might have had Nancy park her mom's car in the driveway instead. I didn't want Nancy walking and maybe falling on the driveway so I had her drive directly into the garage. That's what good husband's do. Mrs G could probably care less where we park her car. Might she prefer to have it garaged? Probably.

Let me back up a bit. We brought Mrs G's car to get a detailing job yesterday. We picked it up the other night at her place and drove it to our place for the night before dropping it off the next day at the detailers. That was yesterday. I had but a cursory look at the car after the job was done and I think they did a great job. Evan and I sat in our car at the detailers talking about this and that while Nancy was inside the shop taking care of the bill.

I'm guessing that Mrs G will think that it was worth every penny. I'm not sure Mr and Mrs G ever had this particular car detailed and they've had the car for a lot of years. Were Mr G still with us, he would have seen to it long ago. He had an eye for detail, he did. One look at his garage while he was alive and two words would likely come to mind. Anal, and organized. Whether he had a genetic predisposition to be as organized as he was, or maybe it was all of his years doing what he did for a living, not really sure. Nancy would know but she's not saying. That's fine.

I just ordered a couple of breakfast burritos for the Ev man and me from a local shop. Ev will be leaving shortly to pick them up. He stopped by this morning so he didn't have to be at his place when workman showed up to perform some scheduled maintenance.

I think it has something to do with checking the ventilation in each of the units in his four-story building. He would prefer not to be on the premises when they arrive on his doorstep. Our advice to Evan was simple. Be sure to tidy up before they arrive. This maintenance business could be a ruse. I said nothing to him about the ruse business. He's got enough irrational notions kicking around in his head without having to worry about one more.

I don't think I understand all of this Robinhood business that seems to wreaking havoc in the financial markets. I'm talking about all of the small investors that have been communicating through certain social media sites like Reddit and collaborating as it were to drive up prices of certain stocks.

I now know that Robinhood is the app they all use to buy and sell stocks, futures, etc.. I'm a little less keen on what these day traders are hoping to accomplish. Are they intentionally trying to thwart the institutional traders who have been shorting these stocks hoping to make a quick buck? If the stocks go up instead of down, then the hedge fund guys need to cover their shorts and that doesn't come cheap. Somebody get Janet Yellen on the phone and be quick about it!

Is it truly a David vs Goliath move or something a little less noble? And what on earth does it have to do, if anything, with the 2 percent loss in most of the indices yesterday? Maybe it was just what the market needed. A catalyst of sorts to change a seemingly stoppable skyward trajectory in its tracks. Whatever it was, it worked. Remember, nothing goes straight up and nothing goes straight down when it comes to the markets. Think ebbs and flows.

FOX is still on my shit list so I'm not watching it with any regularity. I do like Maria Bartiromo and Lou Dobbs so I'll maybe stick my toes in the water just a bit when their programs are on. They have been dyed-in-the-wool Trump supporters right along. I appreciate the personal sacrifices they've made to support our 45th President while the rest of the analyst's on FOX have gone full Bernie Sanders, AOC, or Joe Biden. Pick your communist.

I miss the Trump pressers. He would take questions from the press endlessly and there would be plenty of give and take. You'll never get that from Joe Biden. He's simply incapable of having any kind of exchange or back-and-forth without the assistance of a teleprompter and without questions queued up in advance. The Jen Psaki pressers are pathetic. I suspect that she knows very little because the Biden insiders tell and involve her in very little. She puts a very sad and incompetent face on an administration that is, well, just as pathetic, sad, and incompetent.


I have a couple of Mourning Doves sipping from my heated bird bath his morning. It's something like eight degrees out there so I'm delighted to have something to offer them by way of liquid refreshment. A pair of Carolina Wrens are busy getting what they can from my suet feeder. It won't be long now before the squirrels show up for their share of whatever they can find. These are lean times for our fine feathered friends so I'm doing my part to help them get through the winter.

I've decided I'll read a book authored by Maria Bartiromo. She wrote the book in 2011 in the wake of the financial crisis of 2008 involving The Lehman Brothers. She was a reporter on Wall Street at the time so she was front and center when it all went down. I'm not sure that we're not in a similar but somewhat different situation these days just a decade later.

Our debt as a country is in the tens of trillions, the Fed is printing money like there is no tomorrow, financial markets are no longer tethered to the usual guideposts, and the average saver is screwed with interest rates at or below zero. Don't even get me started on the economic devastation in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Looks like Mrs G is going to be all set with the inoculation. She won't be needing the assist from us. Her facility worked something out with one of the pharmacies in town and they will be administering the shots to Mrs G and her fellow residents. It just didn't make any sense to have each and every person in her place making their own arrangements to get the shot. That's putting a lot of senior citizens at risk unnecessarily. God only knows what one or more of the residents might bring back to the place.

I was telling Nancy that if they can't tell me which vaccine I'm getting when the day comes for me to get the shot then I'm not getting the damn thing. I'm not an anti-vaxer, per se, but I'd like to have some say in terms of which vaccine I get. My preference is to get the Astrozenica vaccine since it doesn't have that RNA thingie.

Listen to me. Like I know what the hell I'm talking about. I don't. Just so you know, I'm still of the mind that I'd rather get the virus and take my chances knowing what I know about the odds published by the CDC for my age group. But, it isn't just about me, is it.

We got us a storm coming, folks. Not sure what we'll be seeing ultimately for accumulations but it looks like a good Nor'easter. We're talking high winds, drifting snows, whiteout conditions, so stay tuned. We have next to nothing on the ground when it comes to snow so that's about to change. I think they're talking about maybe 10 inches so that's enough to make things messy in and around town. Not that we'll be out and about because we won't.

I think we have enough groceries on hand to survive for the next couple of days. We won't need to get down and dirty with the usual hustle bustle of the crowds in the supermarkets that precede every 1-2 inch snowfall that comes around. We're running a little low on bottled water and milk so I can make a case of sorts for stopping into a store to see if I can't grab one or more of those items. I asked Nancy if she might consider making lentil soup today so we have something hot and nourishing on hand. If she can throw together a nice pan of hot cornbread to go with the soup, all the better.

I finally bit the bullet and bought a subscription for coffee beans. I also placed an order today for a burr grinder for the beans. I've had this little Cuisinart grinder for a lot of years and it's been as reliable as $25 piece of machinery can be. It smashes everything to smithereens, though, and I've decided that I need something that knows the meaning of "nuanced."

In other words, I may or may not want a coarse grind. Then again, if I'm making my darling of her favorite latte's, I might need a finer grind for the espresso. I'm staying with the Cuisinart brand though. Oh, and I love the idea of grinding just enough for the one or two cups of coffee that I'm brewing. My order can't arrive fast enough. That goes for both my new subscription and my new burr grinder.

The storm that's on the way looks like one of those storms that starts later in the afternoon, if not after dark, and continues throughout the night dumping snow at the rate of one to two inches an hour. I've never cared for late night storms since you wake up to snow banks sometimes seemingly unscalable. Thanks for nothing, Mr Snow Plow man. You know that we have to move the snow you've piled up at the end of our driveway, right?

I've got the hardware to get the job done but it can be a push if I don't take a few inches off the top every half foot or so. That's the plan as I sit here this morning. We'll hunker down and wait it out and hope we don't lose electricity along the way. It wouldn't be a Nor'easter without the high winds so there's that.

The Ev man will be stopping by midday or so and has plans to spend the night until the storm wraps up. He's never been keen on moving his car here and there in the lot at his place during storms in order to accommodate the plows so we're happy to have him tough it out here at home with us.

There are no surprises anymore now that we have technology that tells us all we need to know about what's coming down the pike where the weather is concerned. We know just when, just how much, and just how long it's going to last. I like that. Predictability is good.