New Sheriff in Town

I don't know much about the Federal Appeals Courts as it relates to presidential powers but it seems to me when a president has been given with the statutory authority by Congress to bar certain parties from entering our country for the safety and security of our people that the courts ought not to try and second guess the president when he chooses to exercise that authority. When President Trump tried to suspend or ban non-citizens from certain countries to prevent the alleged import of terrorism he was roundly criticized by his democratic rivals, not unexpectedly, and lawsuits followed looking to preempt the President from following through on his plans to implement same. It is true that the appeals court hearing the case has had roughly 85% of their decisions overturned by the nations highest court so to say they are an activist court is an understatement. It is also true that the appeals court relied heavily on certain statements made by candidate Trump during the campaign to conclude that his propose ban was in fact a ban against Muslims when that was not true. This is unprecedented. The ruling from the leftist 9th Circuit (Circus) Court made no mention of the law that gives the president the power to do what he did and that in and of itself invalidates their decision in the minds of the american people. If you need one more example of what an activist court looks like and what allowing such a court to run roughshod over our system would do for our democracy you need not look any further than this example. Congress should take immediate steps to disqualify the 9th Circuit Court of California. Absent that, a civil war may be the only other option.

File Feb 11, 10 42 45 AM

I was happy to see recently that certain protesters who had raised hell during Trump's inaugural ceremony in Washington DC on January 20th were given jail time (up to ten years), steep fines, and other penalties in holding with the crimes committed. Protests against Trump nationwide have taken on a sinister tone and appearance since his inaugural and seem largely organized and coordinated in order to justify the express narrative of the left wing media that Trump is not a legitimate president. The gnashing of teeth has barely begun but the media, distraught from its inability to elect their candidate (Hillary Clinton), continue their relentless campaigns individually and collectively to tear down a democratically elected president. Candidate town hall forums coast to coast are now held hostage not by right-minded citizens wanting a constructive dialogue with their elected representatives but rather by bandanna wearing agitators wanting nothing more than to wreak havoc and dominate the headlines on any given day.

Illegal aliens found guilty of felonious activity are being summarily rounded up and deported. Pictures in the press show their distressed family members lying down in front of the ICE vans hoping that their antics will somehow result in the release of their loved ones. The anguish is palpable. For those who voted for Mr. Trump, these are promises made and promises kept. For the leftists, this is tantamount to interference with the march toward globalism that had begun under Bush, has been fully funded by George Soros, and has only accelerated during the eight years under Obama. One only has to look at Merkel's Germany to see that this is a recipe for disaster on a global scale. The ensuing chaos is part and parcel of the overall plan. On the issue of healthcare, those indigent recipients of Obamacare who have paid nothing for insurance under Obama's plan are now squealing like stuck pigs at the prospects of having this government funded program replaced or repealed. I would not replace it; our constitution makes no reference to providing insurance to our populace. We have a safety net for the more needy of our citizens and that should suffice. A word of warning to those would-be anarchists who march in our streets, participate in the destruction of personal property, cause irreparable harm to our existing social order, and believe that anarchy is now an acceptable form of protest, be advised that there is a new sheriff in town. He goes by the name of Jefferson Sessions.

File Feb 11, 10 42 26 AM

Is it me or does the left wing of the Democratic party in Washington look and act like what can only be described as a bunch of leftist nut jobs? With the coming to power of Donald J. Trump, the democrats stand alone in their madness and it is indeed stark in contrast to the their members across the aisle. Anyone representing Massachusetts in the US Senate, for example, has always been an outlier going back to the days of Barney Frank. He was about as queer as you can get but no one held that against him since he was more eloquent than most when compared to his party equals. Even Ted Kennedy, who was never held responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne, enjoyed many years in the senate despite his scandalous and murderous past.

For a brief period it seemed like Massachusetts had seen the error of their ways when they sent a republican, Scott Brown, to the Senate in 2010. He lost re-election to a democrat by the name of Elizabeth Warren whose claim to fame was that she lied about her heritage to gain admission to Harvard University. As proof of her Indian heritage, she offered what she described as her "high cheek bones" as evidence of her lineage to an astonished but compliant media. A media who was more than willing to accept her foibles and fibs being what they were given that she was a woman, a democrat, a minority (native American indian), and last but not least, from Massachusetts. This goes to the very moral depravity that is the democratic party in 2017. As president Trump stated yesterday in a meeting with democrats and republicans at the White House and in a reference to Elizabeth Warren, "Pocahontas is now the face of your party." It was a subtle reminder at just how far left the left has gone and was willing to go to appeal to the Bernie (Bern) Sanders wing of the party.

File Feb 11, 10 46 51 AM