Polling Fall

I did say that once our summer vacation was over that I would try to keep this here blog going. I'm not sure that will prove to be all that much of a task and I think I am otherwise up to the challenge so here I am. Front and center. I've had my morning coffee and the world is looking better and better by the minute. It certainly helps that it's Saturday here on the Seacoast so lots to do and I'm glad I'm up early thinking about how I might get everything done. Nancy's sister is in town so we might do a thing or two with her and that will be fine. She was complaining a bit yesterday when we chatted about the fact that Apple had forced a download of the group U2 onto her iPhone and she found herself listening to the music and wondering just where the hell it came from. She wasn't the only one. The Twitter-sphere was on fire with iPhone owners who were apoplectic about the fact that this music was force downloaded onto their devices without any warning whatsoever.

Who the fuck do they think they are? Yes, Apple. I'm talking to you. As if privacy issues are not already of major concern to smartphone users around the globe in the wake of admissions prompted by Edward Snowden that there really is no such thing as privacy when and where electronic devices are concerned in the U.S.. Land of the free. Home of the brave. Right. Ask Mr. Snowden, who now resides in Moscow after fleeing the US after charges of electronic espionage were leveled against him by his own government, if he still thinks those hallowed concepts found in the Bill of Rights hold true. That is a rhetorical question.


But the new election season is upon us. Ah, there will be much grist for the proverbial mill. So much anticipation; so much excitement; so much excrement. It is a dirty business after all. Souls will be sold; dollars will change hands; reputations will be sullied; falsehoods will be sold as truths; and the business of american politics will survive another painful cycle. It is likely to be a watershed election if one is to believe the pundits who see a widespread sweep of the old guard only to be replaced by members of the alternative party. This time around that party would be republican. Those bastards were swept out the last time around on the coattails of George Bush. The bastards currently in power, the Democrats, will be swept out of office in a similar fashion once the November elections come around. At least that is what they say.

My vote will go the party who wants to enforce our laws and protect our borders. My vote will go to the party who takes the task of eliminating jihadist terrorists seriously and is willing to implement policies to get the job done. My vote will go to the party who is willing to take on the issue of deficit spending and will actively seek to roll back or eliminate subsidies going to illegal aliens and and others who would prefer to live off the dole rather instead of putting in an honest days work for an honest days pay. My vote will go to the party who puts this nonsense of climate change and greenhouse gasses behind us once and for all. My vote will go to the party who takes on the issue of political correctness once and for all and will cease and desist doing things like robbing business owners like Donald Sterling and football players like Ray Rice of their livelihoods because the liberal fascists in the media decided that they are the arbiters of such matters. My vote will go to the first one who declares the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the most despicable of race baiters, person non grata. Putting them behind bars where they belong would be preferable but unlikely given the power and persuasion of their current constituencies. As you know, when blacks kill and maim whites, society looks the other way. When whites kill blacks, even when and where that action is warranted, it is a civil rights violation and whites are criminally culpable.

Well, I think I feel better already. Good to get some of that vehemence out of my system. I'll try to get some reading done this weekend and will make an effort to stack a bit of wood. Nancy has asked that I get her oil changed so I may take care of that. I think I need to go into work for a bit as well. Time permitting, we'll squeeze in dinner with nan's sister and her mom. Did I tell you that Ooma sent me my phone via Fedex? I think I like that service. We'll see how it plays out. But, the sun is up; the temperatures are a bit on the cool side for September, and my darling is up asking about breakfast. Life beckons.