For All The Marbles

What if, what if, what if Joe Biden didn't really win the election? What if he actually stole the election? Oh, he got the most votes all right. He got more votes than Obama if you can believe that. Sorry, folks. It just doesn't pass the smell test. What we're now hearing is that the software used in many states to tally the votes may well have been utilized to tip the scales in favor Biden and to disfavor Trump. They say this is the same voting software used by the CIA in years past to control elections in various third world hell holes around the globe.


It was rather odd that many states on the night of the election chose to stop counting ballots at the same time late in the evening on election night. This was done ostensibly to see just how many votes Biden needed so that one or more operators behind the scenes could step in with a software "fix" to make the appropriate allocations which would turn a Trump win into a Biden win. It was Joe Biden himself who made the comment in the days leading up to the election, and I paraphrase, "I don't need your votes now, I'll need them after I win." He didn't need the votes because the software was going to guarantee him a win!

Trump's legal team has the goods on the nefarious bullshit pulled off behind the scenes on election night. The perpetrators targeted several rust belt states whose government officials had, in some cases, accepted large bribes in order to have the Dominion software installed for use in their states. All Trump's people need now, and they seem confident that they have this in hand, is the evidence to prove their case. It is not clear to me on who they have to convince or what precisely they have to do to overturn the election results so we'll need to stay tuned.

If I were a betting man I would not bet against Trump and his team on this one. It seems to me that there are prison sentences awaiting those who played pivotal roles in this cauldron of corruption. The radical libs have overplayed their hand this time. They got greedy and they may not have realized that at the end of the day, when the numbers were tallied, a Biden win of such massive proportions was just not within the realm of possibility. Biden, in his own words uttered prior to election day, said something to the effect that his campaign was involved in the largest fraudulent effort ever to win an election. You can't make this stuff up.

Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell are the two attorney's working on Trump's behalf to get the Biden "win" overturned. I'd like to see someone like Alan Dershowitz or even Judge Starr get involved as well. This one is for all the marbles. We need patriots and all good Americans to step up to the plate to make sure that we do not allow shenanigans like this to play out in our great republic. I don't care what your party affiliation is, this is too important not to address right here, right now.

Will one for more people be thrown under the bus in order to redirect responsibility away from the democrat party when all is said and done? Who at Dominion Software was directly or indirectly involved in this usurpation of the American voter's will? What kind of money exchanged hands in order to guarantee a Biden win? Are their countries who have a vested interest in Trump's defeat who may have had a hand in perpetrating this seemingly institutionalized fraud?

What if Trump's people fail in their efforts to convince the appropriate parties that a fraud has been committed on the American people? They may, in fact, not find a sympathetic ear in the judiciary in order to plead their case. There are people at the highest levels in our government, maybe in both parties, and behind the scenes who may be too invested in a Biden win to turn back now. They may all prefer to turn a deaf ear to arguments made and perhaps even a blind eye to incontrovertible evidence laid out before them.

Just knowing the broad outlines of what appears to be the theft of an election in progress, it would seem that the weight of the evidence would favor a judicial overview at a minimum. There isn't one of the 72 million Trump voters who think for a minute that this wasn't stolen from Trump knowing what they know about how things unfolded coast to coast.

There isn't one Trump voter who thinks that the importance of this misappropriation doesn't eclipse one or more of the several attempts to remove their candidate from office starting with the Russia hoax and ending perhaps with Trump's ridiculous impeachment. This is the big one. What the American people need now, and more importantly what they deserve, is complete transparency on what transpired during the tallying of the ballots in this election.


Don't expect to hear much of anything from the mainstream media or the various social media platforms on these open questions and more. They have effectively shut down discussion about anything but a Biden transition and the end of the Trump era. I guess I would say that it worked well when it came to exposing ( or not exposing) the Biden Crime family after they discovered Hunter Biden's laptop which was chock full of evidence tying he and his extended family to the Chinese Communists.

Since they chose not to share that information with the public, there was no expose'. Perhaps even more alarming, no one in any one of our several intelligence agencies even seemed to care that the Bidens' were compromised. Who was it that said, "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"?

There may be State legislatures and Justices sitting on the Supreme Court who will want to have a say before all is said and done. Electors will be chosen by the various state legislators on December 14th or thereabouts. I doubt very much that they will want to be complicit in the scheme being perpetrated by the democrats to elevate their candidate to the presidency. They have a higher standard of jurisprudence and propriety which hopefully transcends any tomfoolery tolerated by lesser statesmen.

There have been upsets in the past when it comes to presidential elections but, should this come to fruition in Trump's favor, it will be a massive shock to the political system the likes of which could prove to be tsunami-like. Just the thought of that many liberal heads exploding puts a smile on my face and a renewed spring in my step. Let the anarchists be anarchists, we'll squash them like the bugs that they are. There are lessons to be learned here on both sides of the aisle. Stealing elections will not be tolerated in our great Republic. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.

On the other hand, what if this is nothing more than a conspiracy theory? What if this is just something that we Trump supporters want so badly that we're willing to suspend belief long enough that we're willing to allow ourselves to be convinced that this is something we can hang our collective hats on? Would pillars of the legal community the likes of Sydney Powell put their reputation on the line to go on national television to make these kinds of allegations if they didn't have the goods? Me thinks that would be preposterous at a minimum. Who does that? Certainly not Sydney.

There is another battle being played out on the political landscape as I sit here this morning wondering how this is all going to turn out. There are two senate seats yet to be decided in the 2020 election cycle. Should they be held in republican hands, the republicans will keep the majority in the Senate and our republic will not fall to the malevolent political forces on the left.

Should the republicans not prevail, all hell is likely to break loose. In fact, it will be a cold day in hell before the republicans win much of anything after the democrats pack the Supreme Court, add states to the Union which will give four more senate seats to the democrats, etc. They will have free rein to open our borders, to legalize any and all illegal aliens currently residing within our borders, to institutionalize criminal elements the likes of Antifa and BLM as the modern-day version of Hitlers brown shirts, to pass laws that will effectively accelerate the redistribution of wealth from the makers to the takers in our society, etc.. America, as we know it, will be fucking toast.