Make America Great Again!

If I hear one more story about a disenfranchised transgender or other minority who has been traumatized by the Trump ascendency I think I'm going to puke. Ben Carson was right. We're talking about the rights of all Americans and not some subgroup that thinks they are entitled to special treatment due to their status. Identity politics must be decried as a danger to our republic and multiculturalism is just one of many manifestations that cannot and should not be tolerated. If you come to America, and you damn well better do that LEGALLY, you will follow the rules of our society. You will assimilate. Our laws will become your laws and you will follow the laws faithfully and in accordance with local statutes. In other words, get the fuck with the program or get the fuck out. We will respect your voice when you decide to raise it in objection to things you find objectionable but you must respect the law of the land.

File Jan 15, 9 02 11 AM

What's with all these pussies wanting to avoid the limelight of the Trump inauguration for fear of retaliation by the left? The dancers, the singers, the prancers, the ringers, all threatened with blacklisting and even bodily harm if they show up and show off their many talents at the Trump inauguration this coming Friday. Who the fuck does the left think they are threatening anyone? This has got to stop. It may be that this is one of many steps in the grieving process for the liberals who cannot believe their beloved Hillary Clinton lost the election. They may never come around and that may well marginalize their hopes for the future since the Trump train is leaving the station with or without them. They will no doubt benefit from the many jobs he creates, the opportunities that his presidency is likely to foster, so they would be well advised to stop being obstructionist and start working to get this country of ours back on track after 8 years of Barack Hussein Obama. Can we get the party started please?

I want to be careful about using this here journal as an echo chamber of the Trump followers but will happily devote a paragraph or two to that very sort of thing in this first of several paragraphs in early 2017 if that is acceptable. I do look forward to Trump, once he is sworn into office on the 20th of this month, overturning many if not all of Obama's executive orders. Get rid of that fucking albatross called Obamacare that has been hung around the necks of decent god fearing Americans and I say NO to replacing it. Where, I ask you, in the Constitution does it say anything about providing health insurance? The answer is simple. It doesn't. If you can't afford insurance then you don't get insurance. If you are destitute then you walk into the emergency room with your so-called ailments and no hospital can refuse you treatment. And then there are the many thousands of regulations that Obama has imposed on the country at the behest of his leftist followers but to the clear detriment of our many industries, small businesses, and other interested parties. I think it goes without saying that once Trump proves his mettle as a businessman with the Amercian public it is quite likely that our great country will never again install a politician in the office of the presidency. hat, my friends, is a good thing. Special interests and lobbyists will no longer have a place at the table when it comes to leading our country to greatness. As Trump would tell you himself, it's all about the Amercian people. All of the Amercian people.