Winter be Gone

I have to say that the show "Shameless" is not bad as Showtime shows go. I'm not an over-the-top fan of William Macy's but he makes it all work. Funny thing is that he is probably the least likable character of all the characters in the show and there are many. Maybe the only thing more exciting that watching the show is when I get to download the puppy to my iPad for my own personal viewing. When the house is feeling particularly cool after a long winters night and the wood stove is sputtering down to the last ember I like to curl up on the couch, pull a blanket up around my neck and down to my toes, and watch the show in my own little cocoon. If not Shameless, then I may go off in another direction with "Flying Alaska" or even "Being Human". There is something to be said for continuity and week in and week out I do what I do and never look back. The same is true for the work that I do, the people and places that I see and go, and the shows that take me to places I've never been. We are, after all, creatures of habit and habits die hard. Bad habits die even harder.


I feel the need to recalibrate after this miserable winter we've had. That task would be considerably easier were we to see some weather more reminiscent of spring rather than the latter stages of winter. I'd like just like one morning where I don't have to feed the wood stove or dress up like a Siberian in order to feel comfortable. Even at this late hour of the morning my little darling is still asleep. That should tell you something since she is one who prefers not to sleep past 8am. If she does, then she laments the fact for the rest of the day. When she laments, we all lament. Maybe all that goes away when the sun starts to shine once again. Maybe today is the day. Maybe I'll fix the leaky faucet and change the oil that needs changing. Maybe I'll clean around the wood stove and start to feel better about all the hard work involved in doing what is necessary to keep that darn thing going all winter. Maybe when all of these things are behind me I can move on to the next phase of activities on the calendar. I'll look forward to biking and just getting more exercise than I've had over the last few months. Maybe I'll even go to the gym with my darling since she has been after me as of late to do just that.

Enough about me. What about the price of gas? It's frigging $3.50 just for the usual stuff. Just when the economy was starting to rebound we see a spike in oil prices. I know the Mideast is in turmoil and Ghadafi is battling for his very existence but that mutha has to go. Seems as though he has the sweet crude that goes mainly to Europe and the rebels in Libya have control over some of the oil wells so where that is going nobody knows. Too bad our president is so busy trying not to be George Bush that he can't bring himself to come down on the side of the Libyan people and send a few troops in there to remove that asshole of a dictator. Egypt got rid of Mubarak and it's hard to say what that means except the people in that country are happy to done with that bum. And now, there are warships of every ilk traveling down the Suez canal and all are within striking distance of Israel. The people of Israel can't be sleeping well knowing this. If they are looking to the US for leadership or direction, they are sadly mistaken. So, gas will go to $5 and I'll take my Toyota out of storage and put the Volvo away for a few months. Well, if Ev is careful not to go galavanting here there and everywhere, I suppose we ought to leave it out for him to use. We'll rethink it all when gas goes to $10. God help us all.