Domain Name

Not sure what I want for my birthday but getting a domain name for my blog site is not out of the question. Domain names didn't exist when I born so I think I want one. I'm not sure how I feel about getting a birthday present that you can't wrap but if I can manage to get my head around that concept I think it might well work. In a way it's like getting a global address without a zip code. I certainly don't want to be the last person on the face of the planet to get one because the domain name of my choice may well be gone at that point. My choice, in case you haven't already figured it out, is "". Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? has already been taken by someone who seems to have to have bought it just in case some famous Johnny comes along and is willing to pay the piper for the name. I can live with so the rest may well be history.

It's funny to think that some people won't vote for Barack Obama because he's black. How neanderthal can we be in our thinking. I knew but one black family when I was growing up and I harbored no resentment whatsoever against them. If there were racial overtones or even undertows , they were lost on me. I think I may have even thought they were kind of cool for being different in a way you could easily understand. I wasn't deterred when the Black Panthers came along because I was able to parse that out as some sort of political force and not just blacks being blacks in a black sort of way. It wasn't until the movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" that I understood the phrase "lilly white" to mean something other than it's literal interpretation. I guess I was lucky and even fortunate in that I never heard a racist utterance in our home as a child growing up in those turbulent times. Others, apparently, were not so lucky and they may well be the voters in the year 2008, the historic year 2008 since we have both a black man and a white woman on the democratic ticket vying for the presidency for the first time in our country's history. The ultimate irony may be, at least for democrats, that it may come down to which minority has the greater representation; people who won't vote for a black person for president or those people who can't or won't vote for a woman for president. Were I a democrat, I would fall into a slightly different variation on the latter theme. I would vote for a woman but not Hillary Clinton. Not in a million years.

Looks like the rain may hold off here on the coast long enough for me to get in a bike ride this morning. Can't wait to work off a few of those extra lb's I put on over the course of the winter. The fat globules are attached to my colon walls like spackle as the commercial goes. Can you imagine a more tantalizing visual? I already told the wife that we ought to stop buying beef and replace that with chicken going forward. One only needs to look at the pan after broiling beef and imagine that crap going through your system. I wouldn't want it going down my sink drain much less pass my lips. I wouldn't put regular gas in my car when it requires premium gas so why would I do the same thing to my body? That's a rhetorical question. I will start to work on that today. The first day of the rest of my life. Certainly, the first day and the maiden voyage for the good ship Be sure to visit often.