Stealing the 2020 Election

Well, we've got ourselves a disputed election. Sleepy Joe has amassed some 80 million votes as of this morning which, amazingly, exceeds the number of votes Obama garnered in his historic election in 2008. Reports of electoral fraud are coming in fast and furious and this has all the hallmarks of a stolen election in progress. Some precincts in swing states like Wisconsin, which has already been called for Biden, have vote counts which are greater than 100 percent of the registered voter rolls.


Trump has been warning us for months that this ballot business would result in a massive fraud on the American public and, as usual, his remarks were prescient. Does Trump have the goods on these freaks trying to steal the presidency of the greatest country on the face of the earth? He's certainly been warming us about it long enough so I would hope that the answer to that question is an unequivocal "yes." What concerns me is that all I'm hearing about are the battles in court to gain access to watch the ballot counting process and nothing more.

What about the boatloads of ballots (130,000) showing up in the State of Wisconsin at 4 in the morning that show Biden wining all but 4,000 of the votes? What about the caches of ballots showing up at 4 in the morning in Wisconsin no down ballot candidates selected? Did I mention that all of these hijinks are occurring in blue swing states that Trump won in 2016 by, albeit, very small margins. All the red states announced the winning candidates the night of the election.

The blue states have continued to count ballots well beyond election day. In some states, like Pennsylvania, the damn signatures don't even have to match the signatures on record. I think the postmark date is no longer of importance in that State thanks to John Roberts of Supreme Court fame. This is the same toady that voted with the liberals to say that the Obamacare mandate was essentially a tax. That decision breathed life into a tenuous piece of legislation that failed to get even one republican vote.

Nobody minds losing an election in a fair process. That's how we Americans have rolled going back to 1776. There have been questionable decisions in the Supreme Court from time to time that have swung election one way or another. The close ones have always been difficult to take for the losing party. You can understand how that might leave a bad taste in one's mouth. But, we move on because that is who we are. I think it's different this time. There's just no right minded person who thinks that the likes of Sleepy Joe Biden, beset with dementia as he is, could get the number of votes that he allegedly did to "win" an election against Trump.

Trump amassed huge numbers of votes in minority populations across the country. Maybe even more than anyone in the last 70-80 years. The Republicans will keep the Senate and they picked up more seats in the House of Representatives than projected. It just makes no sense that you get this number of down ballot wins and the top of the ticket loses. If all is lost at the end of the day and Biden wins, the only good news is that we kept the Senate which will prevent these thieves from doing what they want to do when it comes to packing the court, adding States to the Union and senators to the senate, etc.

The problem now is, how do we come back from this as a Republic? We will have lost all faith and confidence in our institutions that have, thus far, protected us and our processes from chicanery the likes of which we're witnessing in this election. If the democrats can steal an election, if they can unseat a duly elected president in the dark of night, where do we go to get our integrity as a nation back? How do we have any confidence in the sanctity of the voting process? Why should any of us go to the polls to cast a vote when we know our votes are not going to matter? The founders of our nation must be rolling over in their fucking graves.

If I hear one more person say that every vote must be counted I think I'm going to throw up. I agree with Trump when he says that all legal votes must be counted. Those conjured up out of thin air must be tossed. We're three days out from the election and there are still 5 States or so that have yet to complete counting their ballots and declaring a winner. This is the first time in American history when the winner has not been decided on the night of the election or shortly thereafter. Well, there were a couple of elections that dragged on a bit longer but not for the reasons related to ballots and the counting of same.


You might even say, and there are those of us on the losing side at the moment who are saying, that the extra time allotted to the States still counting their ballots is giving the opposition time to manufacture as many votes as they need to win. Maybe it was Stalin who said, and I'm paraphrasing, it's not the number of people who vote, it's the people counting the votes that matter. It just leaves a terribly sickening taste in my mouth and I think the democrats have taken us down a very dark road with their treachery. In a nation guided by laws, this cannot stand.

This fight isn't over yet, my friends. Still a long way to go before the dust settles an we know who our next President is going to be. In the meantime, it looks like the republicans may hold the upper hand when it comes to races in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. This could be a game changer. If Biden does prevail, he'll be constrained in implementing his liberal policies by Houses in Congress held by the opposing party. That is a good thing. He may end up being President in name only which would be just fine with me.

Even Sleepy Joe's executive actions may get slapped around by a decidedly now more conservative Supreme Court. In case you were wondering why you were seeing and hearing so much angst on the part of the democrats during the Amy Cony Barrett hearings earlier this year, now you know. It isn't referred to the court of last resort for nothing.

We also have to keep in mind that it isn't necessarily the leftist leanings of the demented, and get more demented by the day, Joe Biden, that keep we conservatives up at night. It is the radical leftist forces of AOC, etc., that now believe it is their destiny to take the reins of power in our government after helping to tip the scales in Sleepy Joe's favor in the election. Liberal legislation takes us down one path. Communism takes us to an altogether different and predictable place.

It wouldn't surprise me at all to see Biden and his leftist buddies get back into bed with countries like Cuba and Iran, and maybe even Venezuela, again while holding at arms length or worse those relationships cultivated so brilliantly by the Trump administration.

He will, no doubt, bend the knee to those in his party who despise Israel and I expect him to fully restore funding to the Palestinians and other nasty fucks in cesspools around the globe. That is who they are. If these shit holes, as Trump calls them, aspire to anything it is the destruction of the United States as the preeminent power on the planet. Game. Set. Match.

Don't even get me started on what they probably have planned when it comes to Trump's trade policies. If they look to undo everything Trump put in place, that's a problem. Trump used tariffs with countries around the world as leverage in negotiating more favorable deals for our country. Before Trump came along, we as a nation essentially bent over backwards to benefit other less well-off nations and more often than not to our own detriment.

Trump understood well that our wholesale beneficence, unparalleled as it has been for decades, to countries around the world came at a cost. It cost jobs, opportunities to more fully compete in the global economy, and it seriously undermined many economic and political advantages we held as a global superpower. Prostrating ourselves on the world stage has never been a good look. Trump's America First policy came along just in time. What we really need is four more years of Trump. I'm just not sure that's in the cards.