Can't We All Get Along?

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. That aside, I'm getting a late start this week doing this here journal thing. I don't know if I'll be ready to get it out by the time Sunday rolls around so that remains to be seen. I've got a guy coming over this morning to look at our dishwasher so I could be interrupted at any time after 8 o'clock. It's s dishwasher that we stopped using a long time ago because I never could get used to idea that coating the dishes that we use day in and day out with nasty chemicals was a good idea.


Fast forward a decade or two and I'm now of the mind that I can probably live with chemicals that are likely less toxic than they were back then if it means using less water in the dishwashing process. I am the chief cook and bottle washer in this here establishment so I get to make those decisions unilaterally. Our water is sourced from an artisan well that has never come up short in all the years we've been here so I'm not necessarily worried about waking up one day to an unproductive tap.

Maybe I've just come to the conclusion that I use too much water when I wash the dishes and I'd like nothing better than to make that progress more efficient. It's about moving forward and not accepting the status quo. It's about changing things up for the better. Maybe it means that I spend less time in the kitchen doing things that I don't particularly enjoy doing. When my focus shifts as it has from making sure that the water I'm using to wash the dishes is hot enough to get the job done to seeing to it that the drainer is properly stacked for maximum aeration then there's a message in there somewhere. Where am I going with all of this?

I'm not sure what I'm going to do if this fella tells me that we need a new dishwasher. To fulfill this fantasy of mine I suppose I'll have to take a look around and see what a dishwasher costs these days. Not that it matters but it doesn't make a lot of sense to have an appliance sitting in our kitchen that no longer functions as intended. What is it worth to me to see to it that things are working as they should? I would certainly replace a microwave were it no longer working. It goes without saying that I would replace a broken refrigerator. If we ever sell this joint we're going to need get it fixed anyway so there's that.

Debbie Rah-Rah is coming to town this weekend. She's coming to take in a crafts show hereabouts and she'll be around for a day or two before returning home. We have no plans to join her but the missus kicked around a few ideas with her on where she and her companion might dine out while they're in town. I suggested to the missus that we call the restaurant and make arrangements to pick up their bill in advance of their arrival. What's the price of a steak dinner between sisters, I asked. Imagine her surprise if you can. She couldn't.

So that was that. Yes, it would have been expensive but so what. We've surprised strangers with our largesse from time to time and, as you know, it's always better to give than to receive. It's never about the money. Think about it as paying it forward if you must. It might even make their dinner that much more memorable. I was having a meal with a friend a number of decades ago in Boston and a couple at an adjoining table picked up our tab. We didn't know them and they didn't know us. See how that works?

Anyone see bumbling fumbling Joe Biden as he made the rounds in Europe last week? My god, what a complete and utter embarrassment. This is what happens when you steal and election and put a demented old fool in our nation's White House. He was the laughingstock of the planet as he and his minions did their best to keep him under wraps.

God forbid a real reporter ask him a real question. He always carried a list with him of approved reporters who were ready with a predictable question and never pushed back when he gave a non-answer or something canned and ready to roll. This is how you manage patients with dementia. #SAD

It's hard to find a negative story about the Biden Administration these days. It's not because they don't exist, that's for sure. I thought I saw a story the other day about Biden withdrawing military aid destined for Ukraine following his trip to Geneva where he met with Putin. I can't find that story anywhere as I sit here today.

You may recall that the Obama Administration sent them blankets and some other bullshit instead of armaments which they desperately needed to keep the Russians from invading their country. Trump fixed that but here we go again as they say. And all you heard for four years when Trump was in office was Russia, Russia, Russia. And now, crickets.

This veil of secrecy around the Biden White House is nothing short of a dystopian nightmare brought to the American people by none other than the democrat party and, quite possibly, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP.) We can thanks the likes of Rand Paul for connecting the dots between the Chinese Communist party, the democrat party, and the Wuhan flu, better know as Covid-19. Yes, these mother fuckers weaponized the virus to take down Trump and install their puppet, demented Joe Biden. Millions had to die in the process but it was a small price to pay to get rid of Trump and advance the interests of the Chinese. Not the people, the Party. The CCP.

Never before have we seen a more sinister and sycophantic relationship between the liberal media and a political party in our country. They are quite literally the propaganda arm of the democrat party. Goebbels would be proud were he alive today to see how intertwined and incestuous the two interests have become over time. When the hacks from the various intelligence agencies leave government they literally walk across the street and take up their new posts working as mouthpieces for the networks.

The heads of the intelligence agencies lied through their teeth in front of Congress and the American people while employed by the agencies and suffered no consequences as a result of their chicanery. Then, they do the same as employees of the CNN's of the world and are applauded by the left for their bravery and insightfulness.

Had Trump returned from a trip to Geneva where he took to the stage with Putin and then turned around to take aid away from Ukraine, the democrats in Congress would be preparing articles of impeachment. They'd be screaming, "He's Putin's puppet"! And how about the story that Tucker (FOX) has been talking about for the past week?

You know, the one where they identified any number of FBI agents who were part and parcel of the riots on the steps and in the halls of Congress back in January of 2021? He's asking the obvious questions. Why were they there? What role did they play? Why are they not in sitting in jail like the others who are allegedly being held without bail and in solitary confinement? What the fuck country do we live in?

This is all part of a larger narrative concocted by the democrat party and their henchmen in the media to paint Trump supporters as racist and white supremacists. It's a cancer on the body politic that needs to be exorcised and laid bare for all to see.

As far as the story about the FBI agents who participated in the "insurrection", the media is fighting back. Tucker played back no fewer than 5-6 video clips where the CNN's of the world spewed their garbage about it being a nonsense story and nothing short of balderdash. I'm paraphrasing, of course. Who the hell even watches CNN anymore? I'm afraid this takes us all to a very dark place when all is said and done.


I used to like Twitter as a newsfeed but it no longer acts as an even handed purveyor of news and commentary. They effectively censor any and all news that does not favor the democrats and it's safe to say that they too have been co-opted by the power in party under Joe Biden. If you have something to say that is not to their liking, feel free to put it out there but know that if it doesn't pass muster by the minions behind the curtain at Twitter it will never see the "light" of day. Congress failed to put the proper safeguards in place when they created the ground rules for these big tech behemoths and, sad to say, the horse has left the fucking barn.

I guess I don't know where to get my news from anymore. Where can I expect to hear the real news? You know, the unbiased and unvarnished truth. How can I make decisions about things without worrying that maybe I've been mislead, our worse yet, lied to? I guess I should be happy about the fact that we no longer have just three networks available to us for news but, truth be told, I think I'd rather have Walter Cronkite back if it means getting rid of all the purveyors of bullshit across the spectrum of idiocy that we call the "internet" these days. Don't get me wrong. I'm happy to have Tucker and maybe a handful of others who will give me the straight poop night after night. I just don't know how long that will last in Biden's America in the year of the lord 2021.

So deviant and dasterdly are the policies of the democrat party these days that I'm afraid it (the rot) has metastasized to Main Street and the back streets of every community of our great nation. I can't drive through town here where I live without seeing a sign for someone running for this or that local office and thinking to myself, which one of these fools want to teach our children Critical Race Theory (CRT.) How can someone in their right mind buy into this nonsense and who will stand up and call it out for the sickness that it is? That is just one example of what we know the democrat party is pushing these days.

In all honesty, what the hell is this Critical Race Theory anyway? Where did it come from and who is responsible for including it in private and public curriculums from coast to coast? I don't hear anybody talking about that aspect of CRT. That may well help to shed some light on what the hidden agenda is behind the training. It's really indoctrination though, isn't it? When your audience for the training includes pre-schoolers as well as personnel in the armed forces you know they're spreading their net far and wide for a reason. I'm not going to pretend to know what the training entails so I need to do my homework.

You have to believe as well that the training has a meaning and a purpose. It's not enough to put out a pamphlet and leave the reader to his or her own devices. I'm particularly concerned about the impact of this training on young impressionable minds. Children are born color blind and we need not tamper with god's plan when and where our children are concerned. Does CRT teach hate? Does it teach intolerance?

Even introducing the word "racist" to young minds is devilish and divisive in its design and we need not tolerate that in any way, shape, or form. As for the agenda, it's coming from the leftists in our government so it must be questioned and torn root and branch from its moorings if it's half as toxic as we currently understand it to be.

Trump wasn't having any of it so he issued an executive order to rip it out of our institutions. That order must have been reversed by leftist Joe Biden because it's back in the news and not in a good way. I've seen the videos of parents schooling school boards on the menace that is CRT and to say they are hot under the collar on this issue is an understatement.

It's one thing to have your children attending library readings hosted by drag queens, courtesy of the democrat party, and quite another to be teaching them a vocabulary that espouses hate and intolerance. When little Tommy comes though the door after a long day at school and asks, "Mommy, am I a racist?", you know there's a problem.

I've never given much thought to race or racial issues. I've never considered color to be a binary issue. That is to say, black is bad and white is good. Or, white is bad and black is good. As Trump put it, there are good people on both sides. Conversely, there are bad people on both sides. But this constant harping on race in the last year or two is putting me at odds with a race I've never been at odds with before.

It's that whole "woke" thing that demands that I do things like pay reparations, give up things I own and believe in because of an alleged racial disparity, that I look the other way when blacks burn, loot, and pilfer because they "probably needed the things that they stole. I don't know about you but I'm not buying any of it.

Corporate charters of "woke" companies now demand that "people of color" make up a certain percentage of their boards regardless of their capacity to add value. It's affirmative action on steroids. Television shows make a point to add actors and actresses of color in scenes where they are portrayed as professionals of one type or another albeit in a lopsided fashion.

They seem to be trying too hard to make up for doing just the opposite in the not too distant past. Am I wrong for not wanting to see a black Superman or a black Spiderman? Does that make me a racist? And, quite honestly, I dismiss all-black television shows out of hand as nothing more than a blatant attempt to put people of color on the payroll regardless of talent. I can't turn the channel fast enough.