Sons of bitches. Congress passed the bill to give that grifter and his oligarch friends in Ukraine a shitload of our money again. What the hell happened to Speaker Johnson? Didn't he say not that long ago that there wouldn't be another penny for Ukraine unless we saw funding and protection for our southern border? Word has it that he went into a skiff with one or more of our intelligence types, and they put the fear of God in him. Maybe they threatened to drum up fake child molestation charges against him were he to continue fighting against the funding for Ukraine. I've given up on these Republicans in Congress who roll over each and every time and end up doing the bidding of the Democrats. Why the hell do we even vote for these fuckers? What good are they? Even if Trump wins the election, does anyone really think that a Congress of pussies is going to allow Trump to get anything done? And then, when the bill passed in Congress, the Democrats, to a person, waved little Ukrainian flags like the stupid cunts that they are. I honestly don't know where we go from here.


Trump's lawfare trial in NYC continues today with opening statements by both sides. It's just so much Kabuki theater. The plan all along has been to convict him, and nobody in their right mind sees this fiasco going any other way. If they can paint him as a serial womanizer or a man or low moral character along the way, all the better. Testimony from hookers, ex-cons, and publishers of nudie mags named Pecker, are all on the hook to lay out the details of their relationships with Trump going back years. If you thought that Trump's comments, "Grab them by the pussy" was bad, you ain't heard nothing yet. For those of you who think that the impaneling of a jury of Trump's peers was on the up and up, think again. They were, no doubt, selected with great care prior to showing up for their appointments with the court. There was nothing random about their selection. This is a pure and unadulterated weaponization of our judicial system by Biden, his Justice Department, and the Democrat Party to take out Biden's political opponent, aka Donald J. Trump.

What the hell is going on with these anti-Jewish movements on the campuses of American universities these days? I've never seen so many Hamas-loving sympathizers in my life. Their apparent vitriol for the Jews is over-the-top. You'd think the October 7th massacre of Israelis would have engendered a little more sympathy for Jews around the world rather than the rabid hatred we're seeing unleashed on university campuses these days. It's a damn tinderbox out there if we're to believe what we're seeing on the nightly news. Not that anyone watches the nightly news, but you know what I'm talking about. It's so bad that Jews have to be careful now about where they go, who they associate with, and what they say in public. Does anyone remember the last time that Biden spoke to this issue in any meaningful way? Never mind that he hasn't held a press conference with the American people in the last three years. If he doesn't have their (Jews) backs, who does? Who will? Saying nothing makes him complicit in any crimes committed against the Jewish people. And then there's Dearborn, MI.

I look forward to listening to oral arguments from the Supreme Court on Thursday of this week when Trump's presidential immunity case is heard. This is only the second time that I've ever tuned in to these types of hearings before the Supreme Court. Now that I think of it, we've only been able to do this as of recently anyway. I'll have to look that up. I last listened when they heard the case of Colorado v. Trump when they tried to remove him from the state's ballot for his participation in the January 6th "insurrection." In listening to the arguments, you got a pretty good sense of where it was going to end up, and that was true in the Colorado case. While the Marxists in the media will argue that Trump doesn't have absolute immunity for his actions while president, a more nuanced argument may emerge here when all is said and done. That is to say, any and all presidents have immunity for their official acts as president, but that may not extend to acts not considered official. If this results in sending the case back to the lower courts to determine what was and what wasn't "official," this case will never get to trial before Election Day this Fall. Sorry, not sorry.

I don't know who these clowns in Australia think they are. I'm referring to some governmental official in Australia who is calling for Elon Musk to remove certain videos involving a terrorist attack on a certain church official from Twitter's servers WORLDWIDE. Who the fuck does she think she is? In what universe does she think she has the authority to control anything beyond Australia's borders? I don't know much about Australia other than the heavy-handed tactics of the Australian government that played out day in and day out during the pandemic. Who the hell puts these clowns in any position of responsibility? Why would you give anyone like that any authority whatsoever? We all saw what happened to that clown of a leader in New Zealand after her bullshit directives during the pandemic resulted in her being removed from office. She may have stepped down in order to avoid a humiliating defeat at the polls, but I can't recall exactly. I've also heard rumors over the years about the influence of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in Australia. This kinda smacks of something you'd see in a totalitarian regime like China. Then, you have to ask yourself how it is that the CCP gets its insidious tentacles into the inner workings of the Australian government. You might ask the same question about our government.

I saw a tweet the other day that, if true, is troubling. It said that Biden is making it difficult for Americans to extract resources from our lands so that he can deliver a resource-rich country to the Chinese Communist Government when he hands it over to them. I know, I know. It's out there. Right? How else do we explain Biden's policies that benefit the Chinese Government each and every time at the expense of our own country? What was it that he banned in the last week or so? Oh, right. He banned oil exploration in the Arctic or something along those lines. What was that all about? Was he angling to win the votes of the natives in that stretch of the Arctic? Not so much. He could give two shits for the natives in the Arctic or the votes that he may or may not get from them. The environmentalists are probably singing his praises, thinking that Scranton Joe is the best president in their lifetimes since forever on environmental issues. Joe Biden couldn't care less about the environment or the environmentalists. He does care about who's signing the next wire transfer that is going to benefit him and his extended family. He's reached the pinnacle of his career, and he's not about to walk away from the pot at the end of the rainbow. If setting aside some of America's most coveted oil and mineral reserves for his global paymasters is what it takes, then Scranton Joe is in with both feet.

Jesus. The President of New Guinea is not happy. He is taking to the airwaves in response to Biden's comments about his uncle Bosie, who Biden insists was devoured by cannibals when his plane was shot down over New Guinea during WWII. Can you blame the president of New Guinea? Were the story true, the president of New Guinea might not have a leg to stand on when pushing back against America's demented president and plagiarist. The story isn't true, of course. Most of the stories Scranton Joe tells aren't true. He's got a gift of blarney, don't you know. If it isn't on his cue cards, he makes it up. That's when he runs into trouble. The media won't fact-check him, so now everyone and anyone who planned to visit New Guinea is having second thoughts thanks to Biden and his off-handed, ludicrous statement about cannibals. Who's next? What country is next? Now that I'm on the subject, if I hear one more clown talk about Biden and how he overcame his stuttering, I think I'm going to puke. Joe Biden's stuttering is a media creation. It's just more smoke and mirrors to obfuscate the obvious, which is that Joe Biden has a stage-5 dementia problem. In all the analyses we hear these days of Joe Biden, good and bad, dementia is the one subject that is the veritable third rail of media coverage. Nobody mentions it. They don't dare. They go along to get along. End of story.

At the end of last week, the stock market dipped five percent or more, depending on the indices you were looking at. After 23 straight weeks of gains, nobody was surprised to see things pulling back a bit. Even fewer people were surprised by the conviction of the move down. Nobody thought the bottom was put in after the week-long descent, but everyone was of the opinion that the market was oversold and probably overdue for a bounce. That's what you see in healthy markets. Right? You get a bounce that lasts for a few days or more, and then you see a continuation of the correction. That pattern continues until the market finds support, and then buyers step back into the fray and do what buyers do. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. The trend is your friend. All in all, if we're back on track now, it was a pretty shallow correction as corrections go. Maybe that says something about the strength of the market when all is said and done. Some folks might have liked to see more of a correction or maybe another leg or two down, but the consensus seems to be that the bottom is in, at least for now. Not sure how any of this is possible, with inflation, bond yields, and oil prices being what they are, but markets can ignore a lot of things for longer than one thinks.

I have to give Julie Kelly (@julie_kelly2) a shout-out this morning. She's been doing the Lord's work on the various lawfare cases against Trump. Her focus, at least as of late, has been on the documents case before Judge Canon in Florida. And I have to say thank God for Judge Canon. She's not letting this asshole of a federal prosecutor, Jack Smith, off the hook for a minute. Smith has been trying to introduce government exhibits, which are almost completely redacted, and Judge Canon is having none of it. Now that we've seen the unredacted versions of the documents, thanks to Julie Kelley, who has released them all on Twitter, we know why Smith was trying to keep them from prying eyes. If I'm understanding what I'm seeing, this thing was an Obama-Biden effort, working with Biden's Justice Department, from the jump to ensnare Trump in an obstruction case. It's all there in black and white. Judge Canon has yet to set a date for the trial, which you know is not making Smith happy. I don't know at what point Canon throws this case out, but I have to believe that we're getting closer and closer with each passing day. You're hearing nothing about the contents of these unredacted documents in the mainstream media. That tells you everything you need to know.

We're watching this show entitled "Manhunt." It's an Apple production about the killing of Abraham Lincoln and the tracking down of his killer, John Wilkes Booth. It's about as woke a production as one can imagine. If you closed your eyes and just listened to the show, you'd likely be able to substitute certain players referred to as "extremists" in the show with Trump and his supporters. You'd never know from watching the show that it was Democrats during that period who wanted to keep negroes on the plantation. Lincoln, a Republican if there ever was one, is played by this effeminate clown of an actor in the show without so much as a whisper of gravitas. That was a disgrace. It was akin to having Jim Carey play the part of Ronald Reagan. I guess no one should be surprised to see Apple trying to weigh in with their bullshit to try and influence any voters who may still be on the fence when it comes to who they plan to support in November. Just understand that the government officials left behind in the wake of Lincoln's assassination are nothing like the clown car we have in Washington today with Joe Biden in the lead clown car. And Trump followers, never mind how Booth and his radicals are portrayed in this flick, are America-loving and God-fearing and want nothing but the best that America has to offer. The same cannot be said for Biden and his Democrat Party in our country today.

What have we got here? The Arizona Attorney General has indicted several people who allegedly helped set up an alternate slate of electors for Trump in the 2020 election. I don't know enough about this "alternate electors" process to say whether the process itself is good or bad, but this indictment smells bad. I think the Attorney General in Michigan is getting ready to do the same thing in her state. C'mon, folks. We all know what this is. It's another attempt by the Democrat Party to taint, tarnish, and bankrupt anyone affiliated with Donald Trump so they can put them all behind bars in the days and months leading up to the November election. Does anyone believe for a minute that this isn't being coordinated with the Biden White House and Biden's Department of Justice? Trump is currently holding a lead in both Arizona and Michigan, and that is unacceptable to the Democrat Party. This is also what totalitarian governments do. The message they are sending out across the transom of American politics is that if you have any affiliation with Trump or have acted on his behalf to bring him to power, you will be ostracized, canceled, and put behind bars.


This can't be sitting well if you're a conservative sitting on our Supreme Court. They know a scumbag when they see one, and Democrats have been telling us who they are since Trump came down the escalator to announce his run for the presidency in 2015. This is just more of the same and probably not a big surprise to the Supremes. That said, we've never had such an obvious theft of an election by interference in the history of our Republic as we're seeing now. When the Democrats use the law as a cudgel to take out their political opponents in a presidential election, as they clearly doing in places like NYC, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, and Florida, the Supremes are likely standing at the ready to do their part to reign in the criminal behavior of the Democrats. The Supremes will hear oral arguments today on Trump's presidential immunity, so we'll get a good sense when we listen to the arguments as to what measures, if any, they are willing to consider when it comes to pushing back against these radicals in the Democrat Party. This may be their only chance since if Biden is re-elected he will more than likely push for adding additional seats to the Court. Spoiler alert: They will not be Republican seats.

Trump's visit to the bodega in NYC last week was such a success that it looks like he's trying to do more of it. He's campaigning on the streets of NYC this very morning, talking to large crowds about his dreams for America, the reckless and disastrous Biden Administration, Biden's endless wars, and the enduring financial crisis that Biden's policies have wrought in the last three years under Biden's "leadership." I don't know that Trump can win New York in November but don't tell him that. He's the undisputed heavyweight of Manhattan when it comes to realizing his dreams, and Trump has been punching above his weight his entire life. He can do for America what he's already proven that he can do for the Manhattan skyline. He has a record that anyone would be proud of, both as a prior president and a developer in what was once the greatest city on the face of the earth. Taking his soapbox and his message of change and optimism onto the sidewalks of NYC before the city awakens is just Trump being Trump. This is who he is. This is who he's always been. Now you know why the Democrats are doing everything they can to stop him. It's not going to work.

Can someone please explain to me, like I'm a fifth grader, why Biden thinks that telling people that he's going to increase the capital gains tax from roughly 15-20 percent to 40-50 percent is a good idea in an election year? He's even talking about taxing unrealized gains which is just crazy. Oh yeah, I want to vote for the guy who's going to take more of my earnings through taxation. Maybe that message resonates with Biden's constituents who don't have a pot to piss in, but it's sheer lunacy to those good God-fearing folks who work their entire lives and have a few sheckles to throw into the casino that we call the stock market. Biden is even talking about doing away with Trump's tax cuts, which expire in 2025. That would represent a two percent tax increase for every American. You may recall that Biden promised that he would never raise the taxes for those Americans earning less than $400k a year. I just don't know how many more reasons any of us need to not vote for this clown in November. Also, understand that once he's elected, he's likely to step down and put Kamala Harris in charge. For those of us trying to put a stake into the heart of the progressive movement in America and all the insanity it represents, putting Kamala in charge is the very last thing we need in America. Wake the fuck up!

After listening to the Supreme Court's oral arguments yesterday on presidential immunity, I think we have reason to believe now that this is going to be good for Trump. We won't know their decision until June or so, but if I had to guess, I'd say there will be no trial on Jack Smith's Jan-6 bullshit case before the election. The Supremes may well nix all of the State cases from NYC to Georgia and back again. They were having none of what the attorney for the federal government was selling. I think I've been right on this all along. The Supreme Court isn't about to let a handful of Biden's henchmen and any number of Democrat district attorneys across the country make a mockery out of our Constitution. It's a farce that we Americans have to go through this at all, forgetting Trump for a minute, but thank the baby Jesus for a conservative majority on our country's highest court. Somebody needs to spank these lawless pricks in the Biden Administration and spank them hard. Yesterday was a good day for America. It was not a good day for the leftist media, who melted down in spectacular fashion before our very eyes and ears. It was a sight/sound to behold. I hope to sip even more liberal tears today as the mourning continues unabated.

I think I missed Justice Amy Coney Barret's comments yesterday when I was listening to the arguments. She raised the issue of state prosecutions against current and former presidents, which tells me that she and her counterparts on the Court have been paying very close attention to Biden's lawfare cases against Trump. This isn't necessarily about Trump. The Supremes see what the rest of we Americans see, which is a government cabal attempting to jail their political opponent using state prosecutions. They are likely eager and willing to put an end to all of it, which, just incidentally, helps Trump. How happy is he, and I'm talking about Trump here, that he put three of the six conservative justices on the Supreme Court during his first term? You might say that Trump was prescient in doing what he did to grease the skids to put the Justices on the Court. Isn't that what people say about Donald Trump? He has an almost eerie record when it comes to warning the American people about what the future holds. Maybe eerie isn't the right word. It sure feels other-worldly if we're to be honest. Call it what you like.

I e-mailed Mrs. G yesterday and told her to pick something off the menu at our local seafood restaurant, and we'd bring it along when we pay her our usual weekly visit today. She responded with her request for a fried haddock sandwich with french fries. Who doesn't love a nice fish and chips meal? That sounds good. Right? We've come a ways now from the days when we couldn't decide what we'd bring over when we visited. She loves Dunkin Donut's jelly donuts, so when all else failed, we'd pick up a couple of those puppies. Showing up empty-handed was just a non-starter. The deliberations on what to bring would occasionally start as early as the day after our visit when something or other might come up in conversation. I prefer surprises, so I'm always on a bit of a fishing expedition when I listen to what she has to say about some of her favorite dishes. She also loves liver and bacon, but that dish doesn't travel very well, so it's come off our list of things to deliver. We've brought chicken sandwiches these last two trips, and she's certainly enjoyed them. Personally, I think she fancies the crinkle fries more than the chicken, but that's just me. Nothing says that she might not rather go out for a bite to eat. We can do that too.

I was in Home Depot the other day looking at various things. I noticed that they had a number of mowers for sale, most of which were electric. In fact, seven out of eight push mowers were electric. Eight of the eight big sit-down mowers on the floor were electric. What the hell is going on? Have the Climate Change cultists gotten to the mower industry, too? Did I hear about any regulations coming out of this leftist White House dictating that we can't own gas-powered lawnmowers anymore? I did not. Does that mean that they didn't put something out in the middle of the night to take yet another remnant of traditional Americana off the table for those of us who might prefer to keep our gas-powered devices? Or, is this simply one particular supplier who has gone woke and bought wholesale into the sham that is Climate Change? Maybe I'm overthinking this. Maybe Home Depot has turned the corner from the Trump-supporting days of 2016 and is now firmly entrenched in everything left of center. I'll be visiting Lowes in the near future to see their line-up of mowers and power tools. While I'm there, I'll be checking out their line-up of gas stoves. If they have any, that is.

I've never been a big Bill Barr fan, so I'll just put that out there. For those unfamiliar with the man, he was Trump's attorney general. He's been fairly critical of Trump on many issues and has been vocal in his criticisms. My recollection is that Barr was unwilling to investigate any of the nuanced reports of voter fraud across the country during the 2020 election. That was his job, and he failed miserably. I suspect that history will not be kind to Bill Barr when all is said and done. That said, Barr has also been quite vocal about who he will and who he won't vote for or support in the 2024 election between Biden and Trump. He is unequivocally in the Trump camp. He's seen the damage inflicted on our country by the Biden Administration, both domestically and around the world, and let's just say that he's not a fan. He laid it all out in excruciating detail for Kaitlin Collins on CNN last night on her 9 PM show, who was gobsmacked when he pushed back on her ridiculous and relentless efforts to get him to criticize Trump for everything from Jan 6 to the 98 or so criminal indictments pending against him. This was not the go-along-to-get-along Bill Barr she's interviewed in the past. Times are a changin'.

I have to laugh when I hear stories about people like Stephen Speilberg taking over key aspects of Joe Biden's presidential campaign. It reminds me of the saying, "You can put lipstick on the pig, but it's still a pig." I'm also reminded of what happened when Hollywood types took control of the January 6th Congressional hearings in terms of what the nightly hearings, once televised, would look like. America tuned out and saw the nonsensical hearing for what they were. I've got news for Stephen Speilberg and his ilk. Americans have already made up their mind about Joe Biden, who he is, who he isn't, and what he's done to bring down one of the greatest countries on the face of the earth. It's a little late to bring in the make-up man and to try and recast a doddering and corrupt old fool as the next best thing since sliced bread. It's only going to get worse for Joe Biden between now and Election Day. I heard Victor David Hansen say recently that during the Regan campaign, it was in the last two months before the election when voters and voter sentiment moved en masse from Carter to Regan. I'm not so sure that the movement toward Trump hasn't already begun. It is unlikely to move back in Biden's direction any time soon. Joe Biden and the Democrats have only themselves to blame. They can soon blame someone else when Biden goes down in flames on Election Day: Stephen Speilberg. He'll just move on to his next project. There will be no "next project" for Joe Biden. That's all, folks!

I agree with Steve Bannon (Warroom) when he says that what we're seeing is a criminal conspiracy against Trump involving the Democrat Party and, yes, even Republicans. He says that Congressman Jim Jordan should be holding hearings about the various and sundry parties that are bringing these ridiculous indictments against Trump from Florida to Arizona. I think the Supremes are doing some of the heavy lifting as it relates to state district attorneys trying to put Trump in jail, so we'll see where that goes. I hope they delay releasing their decision on the presidential immunity case until August or September just to take the wind out of the Democrats' sails, who want the case back before Judge Chutkin in New York so she can keep the ball rolling toward an almost certain conviction. Maybe Bannon is right when he says that Republicans don't want Trump back in office either, so they're doing their part to stifle or stop his candidacy. They're happy to win their own races come election day with Trump at the top of the ticket, but they will more than likely vote with the Democrats if and when Trump becomes president. That is a sad fucking state of affairs. What they don't understand is that Trump's America-First agenda is the only agenda we Trump supporters will support come this election day or any other election day going forward. It has nothing to do with Donald J. Trump. It has everything to do with America.

I saw something yesterday about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. coming out for reparations. Politically speaking, that puts him to the left of Biden. It's yuge! The very promise of reparations for blacks and those descendants of slaves who can prove that their lineage goes back to the slave trade has been catnip for black voters at the polls. Who doesn't want a new Cadillac Escalade sitting in their driveway? Sanctuary cities from New York to San Fransicko can ill afford to roll out reparations programs, considering the fact that most of them don't have a pot to piss in, but that hasn't stopped them from lying to their constituencies with the promise of reparations in exchange for their votes. The decision to announce their support for reparations by Team Kennedy is a game changer. If anyone had any ideas about who Kennedy, as a third-party candidate, was going to hurt come Election Day, it's now pretty clear that he'll be taking more votes from Biden than he will from Trump. It has everything to do with the promise of reparations. Since Kennedy is clearly not going to win the election as a third-party candidate, you have to wonder if his goal in announcing the reparations thing has anything to do with throwing the election to Trump. Or, perhaps more to the point, making sure that Biden doesn't win. Good for him.

I've always wondered why illegal aliens weren't required to get vaccinated with the COVID-19 shots when they entered our country. It's a good question. Right? I listened to Dr. Naomi Wolf give a talk yesterday on vaccinations in Canada and the devastating impact on male sperm counts and other reproduction-related issues concerning both males and females. It has everything to do with the massive drop in birth rates and whether or not these so-called mandated vaccines are to blame. Knowing what we know about these studies and knowing what we know about how illegal aliens are not required to get the vaccinations, there is only one conclusion you can draw. That is, our government is looking to increase the population of black and brown people at the expense of white Americans of European descent. American institutions did the job that our government couldn't when it came to imposing mandates. Imagine America, if you can, with people of European descent in the minority. I'm not saying that we're going to look like South Africa in the short term, but there could be a reckoning of sorts should that day arrive. By the way, did Tony Fauci conspire with the Chinese to come up with this vaccine? You know, the one that has people keeling over dead at the age of thirty-five and coming down with deadly cancers right and left? And, what are we to conclude when we hear that our congressmen and senators were never required to get the vaccinations?