Feral Dogs

I put a few ears of corn on the grill over the weekend. They were the first of the season. When I saw them in the store, I thought they looked like they were right off the farm. Which farm, I don't know. I do know that the missus loves her corn, so far be it from me not to pick up a few ears. It's the least I can do. We'll sort out where the corn may have come from some other time. I've never grilled corn before, but I figured it can't be that difficult. So I fired up the grill, soaked the ears of corn in water, and proceeded to throw the ears on the grill and then lowered the cover. It was quite good when all was said and done. The next time around, and I read this after the fact, I'll need to strip away all but the innermost husks, and I'll need to snip off the silk before I grill the corn. De-Lish!


The corn that I purchased was almost too good, now that I think of it. The ears were particularly robust and insect free when peeling back the silk at the tip of the ears. It didn't look like the early-season corn that we typically see hereabouts this time of year. I'm guessing it was safe to eat, but who knows? What are the chances that it was some of that fancy schmancy corn grown in a lab somewhere that we've all heard about? That would explain the absence of bugs. I've never bought corn when I didn't have to toss an ear or two after checking for worms. Unlike many folks, I never check the husks at the store, so I usually buy an extra ear or two assuming one or more has an infestation of something. I think they've perfected the science behind growing corn, so we consumers are the beneficiaries once their product hits the shelves in our local supermarket.

I told the Ev man that I'll throw a chicken breast on the barbie the next time he's over. I'll make him one of those chicken sandwiches that he usually orders from Petey's down by the water. He loves it with lettuce, tomato, and pickle, so we'll have to ensure we have those items on hand when we fire up the grill. He really enjoyed the knockwurst that I grilled for him a week or two ago, so this grilling thing might have legs for the summer. The funny thing is, I rarely ever use the grill, and that's been true forever. I've often wondered why I even bought the grill since I almost never use it. Truth be told, the Ev man can be a little idiosyncratic when it comes to having a meal here at the homestead. He typically prefers take-out to prepared meals. I think that will change for the better now that he's seen what we can do with the grill.

I had no intention of going full Julia Childs when I sat down to do this blog thing this morning. It's not like there aren't other things going on that deserve my attention. I need to rush off to the store this morning if the missus and I are going to have salads for lunch, so that might partly explain my having food on the brain. Despite being a federal holiday, it's a work day for the missus. What the fuck is Juneteenth anyway? Was this a consolation prize Bumbles came up with to celebrate something or other related to race relations or maybe something having to do with queer people? Let me rephrase that: It's something to do with people with queer proclivities? Am I even close? Have I offended anyone? It's just a nothing holiday, so I'll not be waving any banners or doing anything unusual. They lost me long ago when they changed George Washington's birthday to President's Day. Bastards.

What's the deal with this submersible that has presumably lost contact with the ship on the surface while on a 12,000-foot deep dive to see the Titanic? It's a hyped-up deal to get someone or something in the news. Right? If this is the submersible company looking for attention, or perhaps more money from investors, I'm not sure this was a good idea. Has the vehicle been somehow compromised and is unable to maneuver back to the surface? Did it get entangled on the surface of the Titanic somehow and can't free itself? It's hard to believe, with the technology we have these days, that the lines of communication aren't open between the vessel and its support ship. It's possible as well that the submersible got lost while looking for the Titanic and is ambling aimlessly in the canyons on the ocean floor. One guy interviewed on the telly said that the craft has any number of ways to get to the surface. With only 48 hours' worth of oxygen left on board, it has to be all hands on deck.

Make no mistake about it. The media loves this shit. Everyone's talking about it. It gets even more interesting when you consider the people who are on board the submersible. There are five people on board in total. There are two operators of the craft and three paying customers. One fellow named Hamish something is allegedly a billionaire who had this trip on his bucket list. I don't know what kind of a safety record this craft has, but if you were a billionaire and had your choice of fun things to do, would this be at the top of your list? Never mind that the cost per person for this so-called adventure is something like $250k. I wonder if they feel like they are getting their money's worth as they sit on the bottom of the ocean with oxygen getting thinner by the minute in cramped quarters and with seemingly zero prospects for recovery. Efforts to locate and recover the submersible are ongoing and robust, so let's keep our fingers crossed here. If there is a God, now is the time.

Good for Robert F Kennedy Jr. He's going after Blinken hammer and tong for not doing more to stop the bloodshed in Ukraine. Now that Kennedy is getting a bit more traction in the media, YouTube has taken down something or other Kenedy posted to YouTube having to do with vaccines. It probably has less to do with anything vaccine-related and more to do with the fact that Kennedy's support is growing while support for a second term for Biden is in the proverbial dumpster. The shitter, as it were. I've seen some posts on social media indicating support for a Trump-Kennedy ticket which seems a bit insane. Add to that Kennedy saying something positive about Trump's appeal to the middle class, and it has me thinking there may be something to this. As for Blinken, his recent trip to China and his comments while in China about not supporting Taiwan's independence was a complete disgrace and a body blow to Taiwan's body politic. I thought Bumbles said that we were all in when it came to defending Taiwan. Let's just say that China is getting its money's worth if you get my gist.

As I think about this a little more, Kennedy might well be appealing to Trump's supporters in the event that Trump can't run for whatever reason. None of Trump's supporters have given any indication that they are jumping ship for any of the other Republicans in the clown car of candidates running on the Republican ticket should Trump's campaign get stopped out. Since nearly all of Trump's opponents have bad-mouthed Trump at one point or another, including candidates who have not come to Trump's defense with an adequate level of muscle or verve, he is likely to endorse none of them if and when he can no longer run. That leaves a rich vein of middle-of-the-road voters, both Independent and Republican, and maybe even a few disaffected Democrats, who can and probably will find a home in the Kennedy camp. That would be Kennedy's ticket to winning any number of primaries that would otherwise go to Biden. Well played, sir. Smaht.

What's the point? What's the point of anyone talking about the words coming out of Biden's mouth? Bumbles said something at a fundraiser in California about Xi being a dictator following Blinken's meeting with Xi in the last few days. I'm guessing that Blinkey told his boss, and I'm referring to Bumbles here and not Xi, that Xi humiliated him in any number of ways during his trip to China. Every picture I saw out of China showed an obsequious Blinken kowtowing to Xi. Blinken's body language in the photos was, in a word, embarrassing. The Chinese invited Blinken to China with the express intent of embarrassing him on the world stage. By extension, China was deliberately embarrassing America on the world stage. As Americans with Blinken as our proxy, we were deliberately treated like subservient dogs, and it was designed as such from the jump by Xi and his Chinese Communist Party. I'm guessing Bumbles took exception to the treatment of his boy, Blinky, at the hands of Xi and his comrades. Why else, pray tell, would you refer to another world leader as a "dictator"? Who does that?

I'm not sure that Biden's words had any impact on anyone, much less the leader of China. Everyone knows that Biden is a bought-and-sold asset of the Communist Chinese Party, so Biden's comments may be nothing more than a distraction play. You know, let Bumbles play the tough guy for consumption by American audiences while Xi and his boys keep their receipts of Biden's corruption close to the vest in order to safeguard their investment. Put more simply, both Bumbles and Xi are probably having a good laugh behind the scenes and likely over a nice cognac about the whole kerfuffle, orchestrated as it was. Just so you know, this is the same guy, and we're talking about Bumbles here, who worked with the Chinese to allow their spy balloons to traverse our country unmolested and is now working with Xi to put Chinese troops on Cuban soil just 90 miles off our coast. Did I mention that Bumbles has our border agents looking the other way while allowing some 10,000 Chinese Nationals of fighting age into our country by way of our southern border?

Does anyone think that this missing submersible thing in the news is nothing but a hoax? Here we are, some 12-24 hours before the five people in the submersible are allegedly going to run out of air, and all of a sudden, I'm reading reports of banging noises coming from the search area. So, someone is banging an empty tea cup against the wall of the submersible in the hopes of getting the attention of someone, anyone, that might be looking for them? It all seems so, well, contrived. Of course, I'm going to be eating a wee bit of humble pie if they locate the sub after the banging has stopped. That can only mean one thing. Besides, if they are trying to conserve every last breath with oxygen in the submersible running on empty, is it really a good idea to exert oneself by banging on the wall of the submersible? If this is a ruse to get their business in the headlines, I'm not sure that it's not going to backfire. Raise your hand if you're interested in getting on board knowing what we now know about the inherent dangers of going to sea in one of these crazy contraptions.

I'm a little irritated that the first Republican debate in August is going to be moderated by two of the turdier turds in the FOX line-up, Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. How about having Tucker Carlson moderate the debate? Would that be too much to ask? When is the Republican Party going to learn: The mainstream media is not their friend. FOX is the new CNN, so get that through your fucking heads. Bret Baier just gave Trump a bit of a run for his money when Trump sat down with him for an interview. Trump hasn't decided whether or not he'll be in attendance in August's debate, but I'm not sure how he can not be there knowing that every one of his ten-plus opponents will be gunning for him whether he's there or not. My advice would be to go and be himself. Trump is always at his best when Trump is being Trump. If he can find the inner strength to be the same Trump that appealed to the suburban moms in 2016, all the better. Immigration is still a hot topic, and Trump can own that conversation, unlike his opponents' hysterical posturing and prognostications on same. As usual, Baier and MacCallum will give him just enough rope to hang himself. DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT.

The oxygen in the submersible runs out this morning around now. It's Thursday, June 22nd, and the time is now 7:12 am. I'm unsure what to make of the reports of banging and clanging picked up by various sonar devices that have been dropped into the waters in and around the original drop zone in the last few days. I saw someone on social media refer to the noises as "wishful thinking." Someone else said that even if the submersible were floating around on the surface of the water somewhere, the fate of the people inside the submersible would be sealed since they cannot open the hatch from the inside. Some of the darker posts on social media show a video of the occupants of the Titanic opening their ballroom doors to welcome the souls of the Titan aboard. It's some pretty sick shit. I'm still trying to get my head around the idea of five intelligent and very wealthy people getting into that cylindrical-shaped coffin for a thrill ride to the bottom of the sea. What the fuck were they thinking? Unless something changes in the next hour or so, we'll likely never know.


There was another photo out there on the internet juxtaposing pictures of the massive public and private efforts undertaken by several nations to locate the 5-man submersible with both air and ocean-going assets to efforts that were literally nonexistent when it came to rescuing Great Britain-bound migrants facing a certain death on overcrowded rust buckets on the high seas. I can see their point. It is true that nobody gives a shit about migrants or their plights, whatever they may be. That is unless you need cheap labor or you're looking to gain an electoral advantage by flooding various areas with migrants who are more inclined to vote with your political party than not when they become eligible to vote. Oh, I almost forgot. You have declining birth rates in some countries, which pose yet another long and short-term threat. Migrants also represent a threat to existing welfare systems that are already under extreme pressure due to economic and other forces. There are only so many sheckles to go around, as they say. Safety nets are just that until they are torn asunder. Anyway, an interesting comparison nonetheless.

I watched a bit of the John Durham hearings in Congress yesterday. I came away thinking that Durham should have sent more people to jail over what was essentially a plot hatched by Hillary Clinton and the FBI to bring down a duly elected president. More people? He sent no one to prison. By comparison, the Mueller investigation into Trump's Russian ties resulted in the arrest of some 30-plus individuals. When Durham was asked by Congressman Matt Goetz about Joesph Misfud and why he wasn't served with a subpoena, Durham responded: We couldn't find him. WUT? And then there is the thing about Bill Barr's role in putting Durham on the case to begin with. Was this investigation designed to fail from day one? The investigation took some four ungodly long years and ended well after Trump's departure from office. How long does it take to deliver justice? I guess when your name is Trump, the answer is a resounding "never." Hillary Clinton is still running her scam of a Foundation, and the now-retired FBI agents who were involved in the conspiracy are raking in million-dollar book deals and stints on CNN and MSNBC. It was all just a colossal failure from the jump.

Yet another Congressional Committee came out with a press conference yesterday to talk about even more graft and corruption in the Biden Administration. They alleged everything from Biden's DOJ looking the other way when they had proof of corruption on the part of Hunter Biden to Biden's DOJ tipping off Hunter's attorney when the IRS had a raid planned on a storage space of sorts belonging to Hunter so he could clean the place out ahead of the raid. Congressman Smith put up a placard showing a text that Hunter sent to one of his high-level contacts in China, threatening to have his father (who Hunter stated was in the room with him at the time the text was sent) address the matter if monies were not paid immediately. So, we're actually talking about tax evasion, bribery, extortion, and God only knows what else. Perhaps worse than Hunter's crimes, as if those aren't bad enough, are the crimes of the so-called Justice Department and the IRS, who are essentially doing the bidding of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. When in our country's history have we seen this level of criminal activity and corruption not only out of the White House but down every last rat-hole agency in our Government? Tell me again why this is not an existential threat to our very Republic.

And on the very day the media informs the world that they've discovered a debris field on the surface of the ocean above the Titanic, ostensibly resulting from the implosion of the Titan submersible that they lost contact with some four days previous, we find out that the White House knew four days ago that the submersible had likely imploded. Yet, they allowed the multi-national and massive search effort to continue for four long agonizing days without acknowledging what they knew to be true. Who fed the monstrous nonsense to the media about the underwater metal clanging sounds our government's sonar devices picked up? What the fuck was that all about? They either knew precisely what the sounds were and where the sounds were coming from, or worse yet, they made it all up to perpetuate a lie they knew to be a lie. Was this yet one more "never let a crisis go to waste" deal brought to you by the Democrat Party? Were they hoping to time their release of the news about the implosion with the release of Congress's testimony about the corruption of the Biden family so as to bury the Biden story? Is there any doubt in anyone's mind that this is what they did? Oh, and then there was the daily and hourly countdown until the crew and their passengers ran out of oxygen. It was all a lie.

The missus and I are watching this show on the telly called "Perry Mason." Let's just say that this is not your grandparent's Perry Mason. I don't recall, for example, that Perry's assistant, Della Street, was a lesbian in the Perry Mason series back in the sixties. The full-frontal nudity and the bedroom scenes in the show we're watching, and I'm talking about the girls here, that is to say, Della and her sweetheart, took me by surprise. Is this some producer's idea of making a more modernized version of this classic from the sixties? Make no mistake about it, normalizing homosexual relationships on the big screen seems to be where it's at these days. Interracial relationships are so yesterday. It's all so woke and, well, Pride-ish. And the language in this flick, oy. The word "fuck" is repeated time and time again, and it catches me by surprise every time. I asked the missus, "Do you remember this show being this lewd back in the day"? It was a rhetorical question. Perry is still his old perspicacious self and just as good a lawyer as he ever was. It's all of the claptrap you have to wade through that makes me wonder if it's really worth watching at the end of the day.

I smell a rat. The head of the Wagner Group in Russia is allegedly taking his fight to Moscow after several of his troops were killed in a raid. I use the word "allegedly" because I'm not sure that any of what we're hearing in the news is true. Maybe that's because I've been brainwashed by our media to believe everything we hear coming out of Russia is disinformation. Not that I even watch or listen to our main street media, but you get my drift. I mean, the reports are just so incredulous when you think about it. Russia forces are bombing roads leading into Moscow to impede travel by Wagner's tanks? Wagner reportedly said that his fight is not with Putin but with the head of the defense forces for having killed his men. Of course, all of this is playing out with the Ukrainian conflict potentially hanging in the balance and with the collective West on tenterhooks, wondering if there isn't a play here to hobble the Russians and advantage the Ukrainians. I'm sitting here thinking to myself, do not believe your lying eyes. Putin is a master at this shit. He'll suck you in and fuck you up.

I'm not sure who said it, but I agree with the sentiment that says that the Bidens are feral dogs. I mean, who thought it was a good idea to have Hunter Biden attend a State Dinner for India's Prime Minister, Modi? The media showed scene after scene of that greasy fuck working the crowd at the dinner like a con man looking for his next mark. Everyone at that dinner was well aware of the fact that Hunter is about as sleazy a fuck as has ever attended a State Dinner at our beloved White House. They've all seen the now-famous photos from the laptop with Hunter hanging out with underage girls and posing in his jockstrap while sucking on a crack pipe. The same goes for the big guy, but we're stuck with that piece of shit, at least for the moment. I can't imagine how Modi and his entourage viewed having Hunter on the periphery, just waiting for him to come around looking to collect on any number of potential play-for-play opportunities. I'm talking influence peddling here, just to be clear. I'm talking ten percent for the big guy. Even the Indians know a piece of shit when they see one, or two.

The rain just started here on the coast, so I may not get a bike ride in after all. I was hoping to beat the rain and get one in, but it doesn't look good at the moment. The missus is off on a trip to Massachusetts for the day so I'm on my own. Maybe I'll clean the garage. That's way overdue. I have a cake mix that I think I'd like to make, if for no other reason than I think the missus might like a piece or two in a pinch. I'd hoped to do a little weed whacking today since I mowed the lawn late yesterday, and all I have left to do now is to trim around the edges here and there. The good news is that I have the energy to do whatever the hell I feel like doing today and maybe then some. If I can find the can of tuna that I think I have somewhere around here, I'll throw together a cold tuna salad with organic peas. Did I mention that I bought a thumb pick for my guitar? I'm going to be doing me a little finger-picking just like that retarded kid in the movie, Deliverance. What I wouldn't give to be able to play like him.

There's this cuck talk show guy out of Philly who I listen to on Sirius from time to time and who also has a part-time schtick on CNN. He puts up these polls on the web every day that seem to me to be nothing more than an indulgence in uber-liberal confirmation bias. So, today, when the news world is abuzz with news about Hunter Biden shaking down the Chinese, as evidenced by messages sent by Hunter using the WhatsApp app, this cuck out of Philly is running a poll on gender dysphoria. You know, gender dysphoria, a freakish condition that affects a mere .0001% of the American population. Of course, he wants nothing to do with news about the derelict and criminal element in our beloved White House and his perverted and felonious spawn, so why not run a poll that appeals to his 20,000-some-odd Marxist listeners? They don't want to hear anything that might detract from getting these clowns of theirs back in the White House for a second term where they can continue to deliver on the wet dreams of the radical left. This is who they are. This is what they do. Cucks through and through.

I was right. This whole Wagner thing was a ruse. Stories about Putin leaving Moscow on his plane as this Wagner guy and his troops were 100 miles out from Moscow and heading into Moscow for the so-called "coup", was nothing but a smokescreen. The collective West and the CNN's and MSNBC's fell for it hook, line and sinker. They were creaming themslves in antcipation of a Putin ouster as though this was the plan all along. They brought on the usual sychophantic ex generals and ex this and ex that and they were all falling all over themselves with their I-told-you-so prognostications. These armchair fucks proved just how clueless they were when this Wagner guy all of a sudden changed plans midstream causing the network cucks to stop drooling and admit that everything was not as it seemed. What they didn't see coming was that the Wagner group would effectively reposition themsleves in Belarus, just 100 miles from Kiev, the capitol of Ukraine. They are now in position to take Kiev and, with billions more in their bank accounts thanks to transfusions of cash from Western countries willing to pay good money to anyone willing to take down Putin, it's party-hearty time in Red Square as the chess pieces on the board now advantage Putin.

It was rather amusing, really, to hear news reports time and time again of President Biden being in contact with European leaders and this and that NATO group as events unfolded in Russia. It almost sounded collaboarative if you didn't know better. Biden can't find the men's room in the Oval Office so it seems unlikely that he'd be discussing much of anything with world leaders. He surrounds himself with sychophantic soyboys and woke toadies who fight for the rights of men to use women's rest rooms, the rights for men to wear heels and fishnet stockings when and where they like, and for men to compete with women in sports of their choosing. This is your lunchbucket Joe from Scranton, PA, don't you know. Video of Bumbles and his perverted and corrupt spawn, Hunter, appeared throughout the day boarding a helicopter on the lawn of the White House with the following caption: President and son head for Camp David. Should we now be adding the adjective "handler" to Hunter's long list of adjectives that include bagman, crackhead, felon, pedo, and scumbag? Maybe he's taking on the task of holding up the old man's flash cards when they are in off-camera situations. Is Hunter now in charge?