New Year's Eve 2023

It's Christmas Day, 2023. I guess the only reason I'm sitting at this keyboard on Christmas morning is because I don't know what else to do with myself at this hour of the morning. The missus is still fast asleep, and the EV man won't be paying a visit until later this morning. I got all my wrapping done last night, so that's out of the way. I turned on all the Christmas lights in the living room so the missus will be pleased when she finally emerges from her slumber. We stopped by to see Mrs. G last evening to wish her a Merry Christmas and everything that goes along with it. We brought along the Ginger Ale she asked us to pick up for her a week or two back, but we never got around to dropping it off. I don't know what we were thinking. She's been sick for the better part of the last week with a nasty cold, and she could have benefitted from having the Ginger Ale on hand. We need to do better.


I was going to skip writing altogether this morning, but I'd likely pay the price by feeling like I was behind the eight-ball every morning this week when I sit down at this keyboard each morning. Behind the eight ball in the sense that I'll not get as much down on "paper" as I always do every other week of the year. I have no quota, per se, but I like to be consistent, so I usually keep to a certain length every week when it comes to this blog thing. That's just me, for better or worse. I have nothing in particular that I feel like I need to write about this morning, so I'm just blathering away, as you may have noticed. As for world news, all anyone seems to be interested in this morning is whether or not Santa Claus reached his destination. Maybe more to the point, how much further does he have to go to deliver all the goodies still on his sleigh? CNN has some street impersonator on a loop doing impersonations of Donald Trump, and word has it that Sri Lanka is freeing one thousand prisoners to mark Christmas.

Temperatures are going to be in the forties today so there will be no sledding or ice skating for those so inclined. Do you think it will ever get to the point when they don't even sell sleds or skates anymore because it never gets cold enough hereabouts to do those kinds of things? Al Gore has been on the telly as of late berating everyone and anyone who will listen that we're not doing everything we can to fight climate change. We're going to pay the price, he tells us, in the way of mass migration to the West of people looking to escape the heat of the Sub-Saharan climates. I've got news for Al Gore. His buddy, Joe Biden, has already opened the floodgates at our southern border for the passing of millions of illegal immigrants into our country and it has nothing whatsoever to do with climate change. It has everything to do with turning red States blue and creating their wet dream of a one-party country where Democrats rule like the Marxists that they are.

I think it's true what they say about Bejing Biden. China will do everything it can to see to it that Joe Biden wins re-election in November 2024. He's doing their bidding at every turn, and it's painfully obvious to anyone paying attention. Having a weak and demented president of the United States makes for a stronger China. They no longer have anyone like President Trump to push back against the expansionist goals of Xi and his fellow compatriots in places like Russia, North Korea, and Iran. They can dominate the waterways from the Straits of Taiwan to the South China Seas without any pushback from countries like the United States or their allies. Allies, I would hasten to add, who are leaving the United States to their own devices and do not want to sign on to the folly of a demented president and his goofball advisors. Just in the last week, Spain broke with the United States and will not be joining the coalition to protect ships in transit in the Red Sea. The United States Navy, under the Commander-in-Chief Joe Biden, had the audacity to insist that every nation in the coalition put their vessels under the control of a US-led force. So much for bumbling Joey's leadership on the world stage. Just another epic fail for the Biden administration.

Quite honestly, I don't know how China can help Joey and Jill keep their digs at 100 Pennsylvania Avenue knowing what we know about the likelihood that Trump is going to trounce them on Election Day in 2024. That's what the polls tell us anyway. Is this going to be another 2022-style election where, according to all the polls, it looked like the Republicans were going to dominate only to see them go on to lose or come in closer than anyone thought possible on Election Night? I still don't think anyone knows how that happened. Maybe it had something to do with abortion rights, and maybe it didn't. Was 2022 a dry run for the 2024 Presidential election? We all saw President Trump go on national television on Election Night 2020 and talk about how he was ahead by decent margins in the key swing states. He insisted, if my memory serves me correctly, that the Democrats were stealing the election right before our eyes with the mail-in-ballot thing. He wasn't wrong. That's exactly what they did. No one believes that Joe Biden got eighty-one million votes. No one. It was COVID and mail-in ballots in 2020. How far is Xi willing to go to get Joe Biden over the hump in 2024? Here's my advice: Fasten your fucking seat belts.

It's okay to wake up the day after Christmas feeling all anti-climactic about everything, isn't it? It's time to move on and the time is now. It's time to put away all the presents and start thinking about the new year. If I had my druthers, I would just as soon take down the tree, put away all the ornaments, and pretend like it never happened. The tree was nice, and I'm happy that we got our tree so early this year, but it's getting old already. What else? If I can get a handle on the kitchen after the missus leaves for her appointments, we'll all be better off. I'm already thinking that we need to get back to having salads for lunch and I'm not sure about waiting until after the New Year comes along to make that happen. Keep in mind that I've discussed none of this with the missus so how any of this ends up is merely speculation or wishful thinking on my part. I'm annoyed that we have another week left in the year where we're supposed to feel all holiday-ish and, quite frankly, I'm not in the mood. We're supposed to attend a little thing with Mrs. G later this week, and I don't think either of us, and I'm talking about the missus here, are in the mood. I don't want to speak for the missus so I won't. I'm just sayin'.

I hear Senator Joe Manchin is planning to visit New Hampshire in January. He's been threatening to run on a third-party ticket of some kind ever since he announced that he won't be running for his Senate seat in 2024. He's not running because Jim Justice, his Republican opponent from West Virginia, is going to kick his ass in the general election. West Virginia has had enough of the Democrats, just like everyone else across our fruited plains. It's almost as though the Democrats conspired with candidates that they knew would appeal to disillusioned Trump voters to run on this or that ticket in the hopes that they would drain votes from Trump in the general election. Joe Manchin is one of them, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the other one. Maybe the good news is that Trump is so far ahead of Biden in the polls that it won't matter. Sometimes, I think that Vivek Ramaswamy is running on a Trump-lite platform to siphon votes away from Trump in the primaries so these other runners-up like Haley and DeSantis can take either Iowa or New Hampshire or maybe both, thereby depriving Trump of some much-needed momentum going into other states. Is there nothing the Democrats (or Republicans) won't do to deny Trump a second term?

2024 is almost upon us, my fellow Americans. I was telling the missus yesterday that we need to make a list of things we want to get done in 2024. I like to have a running list of things I want to do so why not have one for the household is what I say. I think the missus agrees with me, although talking about it is one thing, and doing it is a horse of an entirely different color. There are things that we want to do, and there are other things that we need to do. I'll not get into any of them here for obvious reasons but understand that there are things that may not get done unless we add them to our list. We'll just lose sight of them, and they'll fly off into the ether like everything else that isn't nailed down around here. As far as projects go, I would like to see to it that we get rid of our shed. It no longer serves any useful purpose so it's time to go. I wish it were as easy as taking something out with the trash, but it's not that simple. Nor, that inexpensive I might add. Isn't it funny that the things that I want to do that have the biggest price tag invariably get done last or not at all? Maybe we can start with the boxes of clothes sitting in the room off the garage that we haven't opened in the last twenty-five years or so. You know, baby steps.

I read somewhere yesterday that ChatGBT will be able to call and make a restaurant reservation for you in 2024. That's pretty cool. Right? How will that work, exactly? I also heard about examples where people use ChatGBT to do bad things like build bombs and that sort of thing. I have to believe that all kinds of bells and whistles would go off in the ChatGBT database if they had some clown looking up certain chemical formulas associated with this, that, or the other thing. That's not unlike what I think the Alexa devices do which is to essentially eavesdrop on every household where an Alexa device exists. I don't know who they think they're kidding when they tell purchasers of these types of devices that they can prevent anyone from listening in by pressing a certain button on the device. And if you don't think that your government isn't spying on you by tapping into your cell phone, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. We can thank the idiot, George Bush, for all of this big government bullshit. After the calamitous event on September 11, 2001, his minions decided that they needed to spy on the American public to make sure that we never have another 9/11. I've got news for George Bush and his small-minded minions: Our fellow Americans are not the problem.

What's this I'm hearing about T-Mobile levying fines on people who use their services to spread "disputed content"? I suppose they decide what is and what isn't objectionable. Who the fuck do they think they are? Do they realize that other carriers will benefit from T-Mobile users who no longer want to do business with a company that not only spies on them but imposes fines for language that they don't like? This has AI (Artificial Intelligence) written all over it. The way things are going these days, it wouldn't surprise me to learn that T-Mobile is but one of many carriers planning to do this. This is the proverbial devil in the details that comes with the digital age in which we live. If you think this is bad, just wait until they foist a digital currency on us. What are we talking about here, anyway? Are they going to send me a bill for the language that I use when texting or on phone calls that they don't like? If I send a text expressing my beliefs about the number of possible genders, will the non-binary rubes manning the monitors tag my account as an account to be fined? This is where we need someone like Elon Musk to step in and offer an alternative to these fucks looking to curtail our freedoms at every turn. The sooner, the better.

We're thinking of taking a drive up Maine way tomorrow just to get the hell out of town for the day. We'll have to check in with the EV man to see if interested in coming along for the drive. He might have other plans, and that's okay too. I should also check the weather to see if that's going to be a problem. We've had nothing but rain so far here in New Hampshire this winter, but that doesn't mean it isn't snowing or hasn't snowed where we're thinking of going in Maine. If the weather is going to be inclement in the least, the missus would probably just take a pass. She's that fickle when it comes to driving in the bad weather. Not that I want to tempt fate, mind you, but I'm more likely than not to throw caution to the wind and see where it takes us. This week between Christmas and New Year is just an odd week, truth be told. Half of what you hear in the news is prerecorded, and the other half is just not that interesting since it's written or repeated by backbenchers. When you're a news junkie like me, that just doesn't cut the mustard. Is there really anything new when it comes to the tens of thousands of illegal aliens crossing our southern border each day, or maybe something new when it comes to the war between Russia and Ukraine? How about the Israeli war against Hamas? See where I'm going with this?

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I do hope that what I'm hearing about the EV (Electric Vehicle) market is on the level. They can't give the fucking things away. That's music to my ears. That tells me that Biden's push to electrify the cars that we drive in his sick and demented effort to achieve a zero-based carbon environment is going nowhere. Maybe it was more of an issue when gas was over $5 a gallon, but prices at the pump have been falling. All those righteous Climate-Change cultists who ran to the dealerships to pay $50 or $60 grand for an electric car because they could, have to be rethinking things now that gas prices are coming down. It's no longer cool to have to plug your car in and sit around for five or six hours for a "fill-up." All of those bills passed by Congress and signed into law by Biden to fund the build-out of an appropriate infrastructure for electric vehicles have failed to produce much of anything, with most of the funds disappearing into the pockets of Democrat donors. It's been one big money laundering scheme after another. Does that not perfectly encapsulate everything we've come to learn about the entire Biden regime? It just breaks my heart to see car companies like Audi, for example, bend over for the Leftist freaks pushing this bullshit. The sooner they come to their senses, the better. GM (General Motors) is learning that the hard way.

We've got two primaries in January which should help further cull the candidates running on the Republican ticket for President. Trump is expected to win both contests in New Hampshire and Iowa so anything to the contrary coming out of these contests is likely to make things, well, interesting. I have to believe that we'll see one or more of the candidates drop out if they don't pass muster one way or another whatever that means and whatever that looks like. Then again, if the lot of them expects Jack Smith to put Trump in jail before the election, he or she may want to stay in and hope for the best. If either DeSantis or Haley performs better than expected, they will deemed to have the "big MO" as they say in the business. There is nobody more loved by the left-wing media than the dark horse who rises up out of the ashes like a Phoenix to take out the prohibitive favorite in the race. With Trump being the prohibitive favorite, they may not care one way or another how much of the "Big MO" they have or don't have. As Allen Dershowitz writes in his second-to-latest book, "Get Trump", it's all about getting Trump at any cost. Oh, and we'll see if this latest gaffe by Nimrata, I mean Nikki, Haley as it relates to slavery and the Civil War gets legs. Did I mention that her first name is Nimrata and not Nikki? Since her parents were not citizens of our country when she was born in 1969, is she really a natural-born citizen? Or, simply another anchor baby?

Now we have another dumb shit official in the State of Maine that has unilaterally decided that Trump cannot be on the ballot in that State. That makes two States in as many weeks that are doing their damnest to keep Trump off the ballot. What are they afraid of? Or, are they just showing the world what a leftist moonbat really looks like? I wish the damn Supreme Court would get off their lazy duffs and step up to the plate here to put this nonsense to rest. When you don't slap these mothers silly for taking the law into their own hands, you just encourage more moonbats in more moonbat States to follow suit. The court probably needs to address the "insurrectionist" issue more directly since that seems to be the basis on which these idiots are doing what they're doing. I don't know how many times they need to be reminded that January 6th in our nation's capitol was a lot of things, but it was not an insurrection. I also don't care how many Democrat-led Committees Congress throws together to hold kangaroo courts to find Trump guilty of insurrection. How many insurrections in history are you aware of where no firearms were confiscated? Lastly, and listen up here, calling it an insurrection doesn't make it an insurrection. It just doesn't.

We've got another 6,000 plus illegal aliens heading up to our Southern border through the Eagle Pass this very morning thanks to the open border policies of the Biden Administration. How many is that in total in 2023? Eight to ten million? Who the hell are these people? Does it bother anyone that most of them are military-age men in their late teens and twenties? Who's feeding and clothing them? What the hell are they doing here and what sort of havoc are they planning to unleash on our citizenry? Clearly, Joe Biden doesn't give a shit. He's off on a tropical island somewhere with his extended crime family sitting in the lap of luxury while this invasion continues on our Southern and Northern borders. Does this even begin to explain the hordes of Hamas supporters amassing in our major cities coast to coast and night after night calling for the destruction of the Jewish State? Does it surprise anyone that these invaders are being called "savages" by marginalized communities whose very livelihoods are being threatened by this influx of itinerant people from around the globe? We'll see if the mayors of these sanctuary cities are successful in their efforts to slow or stop the busses from rolling into their inner cities under the cover of darkness. Inner cities that now look more like the slums in Istanbul these days than the once-great cities designed and built by our forefathers.

I think I have an idea of how to fix Mrs. G's issue with her always having problems accessing Prime on her Samsung television. I can just hook her up with an Apple TV, and she should be good to go. The Apple TV is about as intuitive an interface as you'll find these days in the many and sundry ways one has to access online content. I was a little concerned that it would be just one more remote and one more device for her to manage, but after discussing the matter with her yesterday at the family holiday gathering, I think she's up for the challenge. Having come away from the get-together with an Apple gift certificate or two, the Apple TV is just a few clicks away from being delivered to my doorstep. I can't remember the last time I purchased an app on the Apple store. I also don't have any need for an Apple watch, computer, earbuds, tablet, or the like so the Apple TV is an easy decision. Before placing the order, I should probably take a dry run by bringing one of my Apple TVs over to Mrs. G's place and see how she likes it. She gets this stuff pretty quickly for a gal her age so I'm thinking she's going to be on board after the first few clicks. She'll probably wish she'd been on board sooner, but that's a story for another day.

Ruh-Roh. Debbie Rah-Rah has the dreaded Covid. Did I mention that she was at the post-Christmas party with the missus and me, along with the rest of her family? The missus phoned her immediately after receiving her text. She couldn't speak because she had a nasty case of laryngitis, so we spoke to W, who brought us up to speed. One always wonders what COVID-19 looks like since there are usually a half dozen or more variants floating around in the ether at any given point in time. You just can't kill this beast. Anyway, I looked it up, and it sounds like any other virus floating around with symptoms ranging from a runny nose to headaches and sneezing. You also have to wonder just how infectious this particular strain is and what are the chances of contracting the virus if you're in close proximity to the patient for a period of time. Were one or more of the partygoers more or less susceptible based on other health factors, age, or perhaps the number of boosters received? It may well be instructive to find out after the fact that not one other person at the party came down with the virus. None of us is outside the incubation period as yet so only time will tell just how instructive, if that's the right word, any of this turns out to be. Best wishes for a quick recovery, Ms. D. As for W, he'll be lucky to escape unscathed. Godspeed, nonetheless.

Here I am complaining about how dreadfully slow the news cycle is between Christmas and New Year's Eve and along comes this story about the Chinese spy balloon that flew over our country earlier this year and how the Biden Administration lied to the American people about what it was, what it was doing over our airspace, and how effective it was in transmitting data that it vacuumed up and sent back to Beijing with the assistance of one of America's premier Internet providers. I've always wondered why we didn't have congressional hearings over the matter. Why would our government, and Joe Biden specifically, approve and sign off on allowing one of our staunchest enemies to gather intelligence about our most secret military installations by allowing China to fly their spy balloon over our airspace from coast to coast? This is not unlike the kind of news story that Washington drops into the ether before a three-day holiday weekend with the expectation that nobody will be paying attention and those who are paying attention won't give a shit one way or another. This story has treason written all over it, and yet we hear not a peep from the uni party in Washington. It's a story that dwarfs anything that may come out of congressional hearings about the Bidens and their shell accounts and the millions of dollars that the Bidens have pocketed by peddling influence around the world. It should be article one when articles of impeachment are introduced in 2024.

Remember the faux outrage coming out of China when Biden approved the shootdown of the spy balloon off the coast of the Carolinas? Of course, it was faux outrage. China had already transmitted the stolen data back to Beijing well before the balloon was shot down, and Joe Biden knew it. Joe Biden, along with his paymasters in China, wanted the American public to think that by taking out the balloon, he was protecting our country's closest-held secrets and that he was doing his job as Commander-in-Chief to protect our sovereignty. China would play its part in the Kabuki Theater production by expressing its outrage while issuing idle threats of another cold war. None of it was true. In other words, Biden and Xi were in cahoots to play the American people for fools. Xi would get his data, and Joe Biden would happily facilitate the treachery and lie to the American people after the fact. Worse yet, as Commander-in-Chief, Joe Biden would implicate our military and our intelligence agencies in his scheme to ensure that China's spy mission was a success. We'll see who, if anyone, runs with this story in the new year. Will the New York Times, who got a Pulitzer for their coverage of the Russia hoax (which they were never asked to return once it became clear the story was a hoax) even bother covering this story? Color me skeptical.

The anti-Trump wing of the Republican Party is putting its cards on the table. They figure if they can get Trump in a head-to-head battle in the upcoming New Hampshire primary, then Haley has a chance to take out Trump. I think they're thinking that DeSantis might drop out after a lousy showing in Iowa. Then, they just have to hope that Chris Christie sees the light and drops out ahead of the New Hampshire Primary, leaving Haley in a head-to-head match-up with Trump. Christie is the only guy on the stump taking it to Trump so he may well jump out if that means increasing the odds that Trump will lose to Haley in some cockeyed fantasy of his. All of this presumes that most of the votes that would have gone to the other candidates will now accrue to Haley's benefit when the others drop out. As a Trump voter, I take Haley's promise that she'll pardon Trump when she becomes president for what it is: An exercise in sheer nonsense. It is presumptuous as hell, as well. It's just not a good look. And I can say with some level of confidence that Trump is never going to lose to an anchor baby. That just ain't happening. Haley's parents were not American citizens when she was born. That's just a fact. Vote accordingly.

As it stands here on New Year's Eve, the missus and I are a little bit under the weather, so we'll not be going dancing this evening. Not that we had any plans to go dancing, because we surely did not. That aside, I'd be a little concerned about attending any large gatherings knowing what we know about threats to our Republic with some 10-12 million illegal aliens now on American soil. Who knows if one or more of them have plans to terrorize our citizenry by doing what terrorists do? Would it surprise anyone if a Democrat wearing a Trump hat was found planting explosives or doing some other nefarious act so they can continue to push the narrative that Trump supporters are domestic terrorists? These are the same ass-clowns that keep yelling insurrection, insurrection, insurrection and insist that being an insurrectionist disqualifies Trump from appearing on ballots across our fruited plains. I'm counting on the Supreme Court to nip this insurrection bullshit in the bud when they rule this coming week on the Colorado ballot case. Send a damn message to any other moonbats out there who think that the insurrection ticket is the ticket to four more years of Joe Biden.