
The new iPhones are out. I'm not sure if I'll be getting one or not. Part of me wants to be anonymous and out of reach for those wanting to reach out and touch me. With all due respect, I don't want to be touched. Not here, not there, not anywhere. All kidding aside, I'm contemplating getting one of the phones if only because I've always had Apple products and anything less is just unacceptable. I got into a lease deal with Sprint when I last purchased iPhone 6's for the family and man was that a mistake. I recall very clearly asking how many payments were required after the expiration of the lease in order to purchase the phone as my own. The salesperson made reference to something like "a few" and so I went ahead with the deal. As it turns out it was more than a few and the final price was significantly more than it would have been had I purchased the phones outright. I won't make that mistake again. If I do buy one again, it will be for cash currency. Yes, that is a da-ism (Tribute to Mr G.)

File Sep 19, 5 32 25 PM

The price is not important at the end of the day but when you get a funny feeling that you've been sold a bill of goods which is how I felt that is never good. The thought of buying a phone and keeping the phone for generations into the future is something that also appeals to me. Like the cars that I've owned, I like to keep them as long as I can. With cars, it's easy peasy. With phones, not so much. Case in point: I went swimming with my iPhone 6 Plus within a year of getting it and today it barely serves as a paper weight. Do I have a plan for not making that mistake again? I most certainly do not. Is such a plan readily available? Not to my knowledge. And then there is the issue of usage. Do I spend up to $1,000 for a device that I would barely use? Do I spend that kind of money to send an occasional text, e-mail, or phone message?

I take heart when I see that Nancy has done well to keep and protect her phone even though it is getting a little long in the tooth. It is also admittedly somewhat less responsive after having had the glass replaced a year or two ago. The Sir Galahad in me says that I should buy Nancy a new phone and I would take her phone for my own use. Accruing goodwill is never a bad idea even in the best of marriages so that is currently under consideration. Nancy might well be offended if I get a nice new phone with all the bells and whistles leaving her in the proverbial dustbin of technological history. I'm just saying. I'm also hard pressed to admit that I have been using a Galaxy phone since I lost my iPhone 6 Plus and that has been a living hell. Replacing that phone and getting one that actually works has great appeal to me. So, we'll see. There is no hurry one way or the other. The phone that interests me, the iPhone X isn't available until October and even then it might be hard to get hold of due to supply shortages. I've waited this long, I can wait a little longer. I know, I know. What about Nancy? What about Nancy.

File Sep 19, 5 33 04 PM

Was Trump's speech before the UN just great today or what? As a brief aside, I get a little worried when I see him working with the Democrats but understand that he is a transactional president. If his party denies him then he will do what he needs to do for the American people even if that means reaching across the aisle. Or, as Trump tells it, to Chuck and Nancy. Ultimately, I want what he promised: Tax cuts, repeal and replace of Obamacare, a wall on our southern border, a strong defense and obliteration of Islamic Radicals, restoration of law and order, and a leader of our country who doesn't go around the globe apologizing for American exceptionalism. The UN is a den of globalists so you can imagine how Trump selling sovereignty went over. But, as an American I stand proud and assured after his speech today before the General Assembly where he railed against the evil forces of North Korea by referring to their president as "Rocket Man" and referred to the deal struck with Iran by the Obama Administration which Trump referred to as "the worst deal in American history" that my vote counted and it was the right vote. Still lots to do but we have to thank the baby Jesus that Hillary Clinton lost that election to Donald J Trump. Yes, still lots to do.