
Here we go boys and girls. We're starting another week come hell or high water. It's 7 am and it's time to get moving. Well, writing anyway. It's also Memorial Day so there's that. The Ev man, the missus, and I sat down to a nice meal last night since the Ev man was nice enough to stop by to say hello. The missus had some leftover fish something while the Ev man and I chowed down on Boar's Head hot dogs and Tater Tot's. We cooked up the dogs on the George Forman grill and they came out quite nice. You know, with grill marks and everything. I warmed up the buns in the microwave and we were off and running.


I've assembled my new jelly/jam Oriole feeder and I'm just now waiting for the jelly stuff to get delivered by FedEx before putting out the feeder. I had originally intended to use this feeder to attract Oriole's but after reading the materials that came in the box I understand that I can also use it to feed certain song birds and that's fine. It's probably a good thing since I think I've seen one Oriole hereabouts in the last ten years. Maybe I'll see more now that I have something to offer them. I thought putting fresh fruit out last year would do the trick but that seemed to attract everything but Oriole's.

The missus insisted that I put up a fence around our garden so put up a fence I did. We've always had a fence around the garden in year's past so this is nothing new. I think the only thing we're keeping out at this point are the occasional rabbits who wander in looking for something new and exciting to nibble on. I won't allow that to happen for the sake of a fence that takes me literally minutes to put together. I haven't seen any groundhogs around but I suppose they could do some damage as well should they have a mind to find their way in there. We do have deer around but I'm less concerned about them.

The Ev man is up early and looking to scoot before any of our neighbors are up and about. Not sure what that's all about but we helped him pack up a few milks and cold brews and he's good to go. A fist bump here and a fist bump there and he's out the door and gone. He may or may not attend a cookout at his place this afternoon but if I had to guess I would say that he's unlikely to attend. Probably for the same reason that he's wanting to avoid any unnecessary contact with our neighbors here this morning. Suffice it to say that that's the way that he rolls.

I was a little surprised yesterday that when we were out and about the traffic was very light. I told the missus that it was probably as light as it was for one of two reasons. On one hand, gas prices are very high here on the coast with prices at the pump close to five dollars a gallon for regular gas. With inflation raging at some 8% and gas prices surging, there isn't much left in the budget to go sightseeing or driving around willy nilly as you might have when prices at the pump were closer to two dollars a gallon. Secondly, is it possible that people were escaping to the Lakes Region for the long weekend? I just think the Lakes idea is a reach. It's more likely folks are doing what we did. You know, throwing a thing or two on the barbie and staying close to home.

It was such a nice day yesterday weather wise and I was thinking a little bit about Mrs G and how she was probably hunkering down at her facility without so much as a picnic to attend or a friend with whom to play whatever little games people play at her facility. Would it have been that much trouble for the missus and I to get over there and get her out of her apartment for a few hours? Then again, we were just over there not that long ago so maybe my idea was something of a bridge too far. I didn't share it with the missus so she didn't have a chance to say yea or nay. I don't know why I concern myself with such things when these things are not of my concern. She's not my mother, after all, but that doesn't mean I can't step up when stepping up is the right thing to do.

Did I mention that Mrs G has a new neighbor at her facility? Well, her apartment is kind of kitty corner to Mr's G's unit as the crow flies. Put another way, her patio is within spitting distance of Mrs G's patio. No sooner did she move in than she began to pull up this and that ground cover in and around the perimeter of her patio that borders on Mrs G's patio. She didn't ask anybody. She didn't consult anybody. If anything, she seemed to be doing what she was doing in order to establish her territory regardless of the concerns of others. She wasn't unlike a wild dog that marks his or her territory with urine and feces. Loosely translated, the message she was sending was clear: I'm here to stay and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself.

I've not known Mrs G to get her dander up but get her dander up she did. This new neighbor of hers knew all the right buttons to push and push she did. I don't know if Mrs G was feeling more threatened than annoyed as she told us all about what she thought her new neighbor was up to but you could see the anguish in her face getting more and more twisted and distorted with every new revelation. Adding insult to injury, her new neighbor had the unmitigated audacity more recently to lay the house watering hose across Mrs G's patio while she watered the plants on her patio without a word of caution to anyone. Is this what good neighbors do? Is this what thoughtful neighbors do? What if Mrs G happened to trip across the hose while out and about on her patio? Keep in mind that Mrs G is still using a walker to get about. She is still in recovery.

I swear to God that there are days when I feel like a Tesla. I'm good for only so many miles before I need to recharge. That means thinking twice before planning trips between points A and B. Sometimes, recharging means taking a nap. The longer I nap, the better the charge and the longer I can go between charges. I do autopilot but I'm better off if the autopilot is disengaged and I'm going fully manual. I think the missus prefers me on manual although I'm more predictable when I'm on autopilot. The usual idiot lights come and go regardless of the mode that I'm in. Just before my eyes open in the morning I can feel my circuitry coming alive and going online with visual artifacts of what I accomplished the day before and mental blueprints or roadmaps on how I might continue that progress in the day ahead. It's artificial intelligence at its finest.

All right, little birdies. I have my new feeder up. It's time to come around for a snack. This always happens when I put up new feeders. It's like they go unnoticed for a period of time for whatever reason. Once the birds "find" it we're off and running but until then it's like it doesn't exist. There is nothing to be done to change any of it. If I could, I would. I got the feeder to attract Oriole's but I'd be happy to see a couple of songbirds stop by until the Oriole's show up. We have Carolina Wrens around and I have to believe that they might find the jelly/jam concoctions to their liking. I was so concerned that the jelly/jam concoction wasn't the healthiest that I ordered some online. The shit they put in the food that comes off the store shelves these days isn't fit to be eaten by birds much less humans.

Word on the street has it that Bumbling Joe Biden has a meeting today with the head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell. What's that all about? Bumbles is probably worried about the impact of higher interest rates on the upcoming midterm elections and the plans Powell has for raising rates going forward. I thought the Fed was supposed to be an independent operator when it comes to creating monetary policy. Haven't they done enough damage to the everyday Joe on Main Street with the endless printing of money? You know you have a problem when consumers show up at their local grocer with a wheelbarrow of dollar bills to buy a loaf of bread. That's a slight exaggeration but not that far off the mark when you consider the damage that printing endless streams of money does to the economy. Think Venezuela.

Then again, Bumbles and his minions have been doing their level best to destroy the middle class here in America so crashing the economy to destroy the so-called wealth effect might be just what the doctor ordered. It's also true that reducing consumer demand also brings inflation down and bringing down inflation should be the top priority of any administration. I guess the challenge for the Fed is, how do they do what they need to do with inflation without bringing down the party in power responsible for contributing to the inflation in the first place. It's what they call a "conundrum." Raising interest rates is its own kind of hell. Just ask home owners who are now paying significantly more each month for their mortgages because interest rates are on the rise. Don't get me started on housing issues and the affordability of same.

The more I hear about this Texas school shooting the more I wonder if it wasn't a deliberate sort of thing in the sense that we're now finding out that the Chief of police in charge on site that day was a woke type who had made multiple contributions to Beto's campaign for governor. What better way to set up his candidate (Beto) for a win in the upcoming election that to frame him as an anti-gun proponent on the heels of a tragic school shooting. The greater the number of young lives taken, the better Beto's chances are of winning a battle against the gun toting Texans who are all now, by extension, culpable in the deaths of these young children. That's the only thing that makes any sense. Why else would the Chief have his men stand down when children were being slaughtered in a classroom just steps away from the hallway where 19 fully armed Texas lawmen stood awaiting orders. POP POP POP POP POP

Is it a coincidence that just when the Spanish vote starts to trend away from democrats and towards the Republican Party that we have this seismic event unfold in the heart of Texas? Is there anyone in their right mind who would put it past the democrat party to do whatever they could, including taking advantage of a deadly incident the likes of which we saw at the school that day, to further their gains or, alternatively, stop the bleeding of voters who are moving en masse away from their party? Never let a crisis go to waste is what they love to say. It's who they are. It's what they do. The ends justify the means. I don't know how they put the gun into the hands of this killer or how they managed to place him in the school that day but everything fell into place either by hook or crook. I know that's a stretch but how else do you explain what we saw play out that day? Someone knows something.

I was reading a rag (Boston Globe) out of the city of Boston the other day and they were talking about drones. Nothing says Big Brother like drones flying overhead watching, documenting, listening, and spying on your every move. I'm not sure how it compares to other technologies like facial recognition and the like but it's about invasive as you can get without inserting chips into the citizenry at birth. Even the Communist Chinese decided that using facial recognition technologies was a bridge too far and it was rarely or never deployed in major cities in China. But the leftist's running the City of Boston these days are not your Irishmen of old. They are young upstarts from Asia and could give two hoots about your rights. It makes me wonder how the citizenry will react when they decide to arm the drones. You know, to protect the children.

And what's this I'm reading about blacks leaving the Biden Administration in droves? It looks like they hired a boatload of blacks just because of the color of their skin. What else can you conclude now that we know that they're leaving because of a lack of mentorship and upward mobility within the White House? Does any of this surprise anyone knowing what we know about the hypocrisy of the democrats? They pretend to have the backs of the blacks but what they really want is to keep them on the plantation picking cotton and not asking too many questions. Oh, and if you need a ride to the polls on Election Day, Joe Biden and his minions will be there to give you a lift. Here's your ballot already filled out. Extra portions of sausage will be served at dinner for you and your family. You done good.

The United States has been sending money hand over fist to the Ukrainians so they can better fight back against the Russians who have invaded their country. Let's call a spade a spade. We're in a proxy war with Russia. I don't know that any other country is sending what we're sending to Ukraine by way of financial assets and military hardware. Does our sending money to Ukraine have anything to do preserving Ukraine's independence? In what way is Ukraine vital to our national interests? There seems to be something far more insidious going on here and nobody's talking about it. I'm not sure where all of this is going but I'm reading something about Russia preparing missiles that are capable of vaporizing the East and West coasts of America. They're just letting us know what's at stake should we keep pushing the envelope. You think Bumbles Biden gives a good shit about any of their threats? Does he even know what day it is?


Given Putin's heated rhetoric, there are definitely other places that I'd rather be living than the ground zero location where I'm currently residing. I'm a stone's throw away from both a nuclear power plant and a naval base. It's smack dab in the middle of one of the two geographic epicenters mentioned by Putin as likely targets should push come to shove. Maybe the good news is that it would all be over in an instant should one of those devices detonate overhead here on the East Coast. There would be none of the "duck and cover" bullshit that we went through during the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Kennedy Administration back in the sixties. There won't be any children running through the streets of our major cities hereabouts with their clothes burned off their bodies the likes of which we saw in the pictures coming out of Hiroshima in 1945. I wonder what Kansas is like this time of year?

The Ev man was texting me like a crazy man this morning. Of course, I'm sitting here trying to finish my blogging stuff so I can get off on the right foot for the day and his relentless texting is just a bit distracting. You hate to say that about your children and you'd hate to think that the day would come when you would regret saying stuff like that so I did what any self respecting father would do. I suggested that his mom was up and about and he might want to give her a call. Bend her ear for a while and let me finish what I'm trying to finish here. That was me thinking out loud. I could hear them off in the other room and he was on a tear. It sounded like a very caffeinated conversation and it sounded like she was talking him down off this or that cliff the likes of which he ends up on when he's had too much of the stuff. I figured that it was just more of the same since she said nothing to me when they were done talking. The Ev man got whatever it was off his chest that he wanted to get off his chest and all is now well with the world. For now, anyway.

Did I mention that June is Pride Month? What the fuck is Pride month, you ask? I gather it's the month that we're all supposed to celebrate all things gay. Who dreams up this shit? If the LGBTQ folks want to be gay and celebrate everything that being gay means to them then let them get a Facebook page and have their own hoo-haw. I won't be in attendance and I won't be shamed into celebrating something that I don't wish to celebrate. I guess that makes me a prune, or a prude, or whatever. We breeders need to stick together and stand up for what we believe in. We simply can't let the other side suck all of the oxygen out of the air which is what it feels like every year when Pride Month rolls around. I've had it up to here with these newfangled concepts like "diversity" and "marginalized communities." This frog is fighting back. That is to say, I'm jumping out of the pot of boiling water before it comes to a boil. Just sayin'.

That reminds me. Bumbling Biden's new Press Secretary is a self professed lesbian. I don't have anything against lesbians, per se, but having a lesbian stand at the podium in our nation's capitol each day giving her pressers on behalf of the President of the United States seems, well, oddly odd. Maybe it's Bumbling Joe's way of saying that he and his political party embrace diversity and it's something we need to get used to at least as long as he and his party are in office. I've read comments elsewhere that suggested that having this self professed lesbian at the podium represents some sort of societal degradation that we as Americans need to carefully consider lest we go down a path from which there is no return. It's just not Main Street USA if you know what I mean. I want more of Main Street USA and less of Main Street you-name-the-town when it comes to hiring town criers.

I do think that the LGBTQ folks country wide are having something of a come-to-Jesus moment in the wake of the Disney kerfuffle. They came across as a fringe group of nut jobs trying to impose their values and cultural mores on the kindergarteners and first graders of Florida. As employees of Disney, they implored Disney leadership to fight their fight and it was, for all intents and purposes, a battle that Disney continues to lose to this very day. The "Don't Say Gay" bill was passed with flying colors and we're not talking about the colors of the rainbow if you get my drift. Eighty percent of Floridians agreed with the bill that was signed by Governor DeSantis. Maybe these LGBTQ folks were part of some more radical group but that isn't what America saw or heard as the battle brewed on day in and day out. I think the biblical reference "You reap what you sew" seems appropriate here.

What is it with democrats wanting to take our guns? Who the hell trusts democrats in an environment where they have all the guns? Look at what they're doing to our country while we responsible gun owners do what responsible gun owners do. I'm not a gun owner but I might fancy having a nice firearm with which to protect my family in a pinch. The bigger the clip, the better. I think I want one of those canons that Clint Eastwood used in one or more of his movies back in the seventies. What was that? I think it was a 44 Magnum. I can hear him now as he stood over the piece of shit of a robber or whatever, "make my day, punk." "Do you feel lucky"? You need something that's going to get the job done. No? I asked the missus last night if she might like to go to a shooting range. We can rent a couple of pistols and have a little fun. She was having none of it. I think I knew the answer before I asked the question.

I mean, if someone is nutty enough to want to pull off whatever with a gun then there is probably not much anyone can do to stop him or her. If you raise the age to purchase a certain type of gun, then the criminal is going to find another way to get that gun. If you take certain types of weapons out of circulation, then the criminals are just going to get something else that will do the job. I agree that gang bangers, criminals, and the mentally ill ought not have access to guns. I might be ok with a limited red flag law thing which allows for the taking of firearms from people who, for whatever reason, have become unhinged and shouldn't have a weapon in their possession both for their protection and the protection of the community. But the democrats are not to be trusted when it comes to looking for ways to disarm legal gun owners the majority of whom will never commit a crime with a gun. It's a ruse to render their political enemies defenseless. It's the wet dream of every leftist.

The governor of South Dakota was on the Tucker Carlson show last night. She was talking about the fact that Bumbles Biden was threatening to withdraw funding for the feeding of school aged children in her state if she pressed on with her plans to keep biological males out of women's sports in her state. Maybe it had more to do with the use of restrooms. If there is a bigger turd in the proverbial punchbowl than Bumbles Biden, I'm unaware of who that might be. I mean, who the fuck does he think he is? What kind of tomfoolery is having males compete against women in any sport? Bumbles doesn't like what she's doing so he's taking food out of the mouths of babes? This is a real low point for Bumbles. Not that anybody thought that he wasn't capable of going this low if someone pushed back against his ridiculous policies as it relates to this issue. Her legislature will pass the bill and she'll sign it. That's how you rein in fools like Bumbles Biden. Good for her.

It's also somewhat true that these school shooting things provide the democrats with an issue going into the Mid Term elections come November. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v Wade in the next week or two, that will give them additional ammo to get their voters out to the pols. I think their efforts to whip up public sentiment against the republicans for something that a deranged shooter does on any given day is not going to work. Everyone knows where the blame for such things lies. And, the 300 million gun owners in our country get a vote too and most of them aren't buying what the democrats are selling. Those who are buying their bullshit have probably already turned their guns into the police in their towns or cities. It's sad to think that the democrats are on their knees daily praying for mass shootings so they continue to push for gun confiscation and, with any luck, save a seat or two in Congress in the Mid Term elections. That is, unfortunately, how they roll.

The Ev man was over for dinner last night. We ordered out for calamari fra diablo at the only place in town that offers the dish. It just seemed like the right kind of meal to have given the cool weather and something hot and mildly spicy sounded good to all of us. Ordering this meal has always been a catch-as-catch can with this particular restaurant. That is to say, we never know quite what to expect when we order it. We brought home one order last summer and found to our dismay that the squid had soured. Evan made the mistake of taking a taste and it was nasty. We could literally smell it so I'm not sure how we even let Evan get to the point where he even put it close to his lips. That was the last time we ordered it for a good while. There have been other times when the dish was too spicy. Last night's order was good in a lot of ways but deficient in the sense that we were having trouble finding any calamari in the dish. It was pissah. It just wasn't the same without those chewy little tentacles. I think we're done with them. Did I mention that it was not an inexpensive dish?

Someone posted a copy of a memo to Twitter that Elon Musk sent to his Tesla employees basically telling them to return to the office or look elsewhere for a job. I'm a little surprised that any employees anywhere are still working from home after leaving the office during the Covid-19 shutdowns. But, let that go. Anyway, who doesn't love Elon Musk taking the bull by the horns and laying down the law. Good for him. I wonder if the person responsible for posting the memo thought that it would deter Elon from going through with his plans to bring employees back to the office. Well, they would be wrong. If anything it sounds like he's doubling down. I've always despised these namby-pamby bosses who kowtow to their employees and who, at every turn, give in to their every whim. In no small way, we're talking about the pussification of the American male. Enough already. Is it any surprise that Elon says he's now voting Republican this Fall?