You betcha

I should know better than to sit down at this here keyboard when I haven't had a good night's sleep. I awoke as I am prone to do in the early morning hours, probably a little after 1a.m. I turned on the radio and caught the end of the Red Sox game against the California Angels. They were in the top of the 9th and the game was all tied up at 5 to 5. With a win, the Sox would return to Boston for Game 3 up two games in the best of 5 series. I've seen the Sox blow too many of these types of games over the course of the season and I wasn't optimistic to say the least. Then, to my amazement, Poppy hit a double and JD Drew drove him in with a 2 run homer to put the Sox up 7 to 5. Jonathan Papelbon took the mound for the Sox and threw a take-no-prisoners inning in the bottom of the 9th and that was all she wrote. That, my friends, was worth waking up for. But wait, there's more.

I had forgotten along the way somehow that OJ Simpson was in the final hours of his trial in Las Vegas for robbery and kidnapping charges. What I didn't realize when I went to sleep, but soon realized as I regained my equilibrium after hearing the Red Sox win their game on the West Coast, was that the jury was just now coming back with a verdict at the late hour of 10p.m. I guess those jurors really wanted to go home for the weekend and they weren't about to let a felon the likes of OJ stand in the way of their plans. Besides, that bastard should have gone to prison some thirteen years earlier almost to the day for the brutal slaying of his wife and her boyfriend. If the baby Jesus has anything to say about it, justice will be served. We can only hope that sentencing will take him into the end zone for one last time.

Sarah who? Yes, I'm talkin' bout McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin. You know, the one with the cutesy hairdo and a folksy style that won't quit. Was that a wink she gave the audience in the Vice Presidential debate the other night in front of 69 million viewers? Oh, Sarah, those glasses you wear are just so darling. That is the last you'll see of good ole Sarah unless you are one of the fawning faithful willing to go see her by McCain's side as he takes to the hustings in these remaining weeks of the campaign. God forbid someone ask her a thoughtful or serious question like, what newspapers do you read, or, can you name a Supreme court decision besides Roe v Wade. And I am, by most accounts, quite conservative. Even I find her lack of substance to be of serious concern. McCain is but a bowel movement away from death and he has the unmitigated gaul to put this moron on his ticket. What was he thinking? Here's what I think; he's toast. And he thought he was so cool by putting a woman on the ticket. Oh, I'll get all those disaffected Hillary voters and I'll be on my way, he probably thought to himself. If that is the kind of thinking and judgement that we can come to expect in a McCain presidency. If so, I want no part of a McCain Presidency. We deserve better. The world deserves better. We can do better. Even if that means putting a black man in the office. My boy, Barack. That might take some getting used to.