Colds and Soufflés

This damn cold won't seem to go away. A fitting epitaph perhaps but I won't let it get the best of me. I won't, I won't. It's been a week today and the hacking has been endless. Night and day. Day and night. I've tried my best to quell the beast with NyQuil, endless afternoon naps and hour after hour resting on the couch, other medicines too numerous to mention, and even that time old elixir that is allegedly even better than mother's milk when it comes to putting colds out of their misery, chicken soup. To say this cold is persistent is an understatement. It makes me wonder if there isn't an underlying condition that is otherwise masked by this cold. Were it not for other people I've heard hacking in a similar fashion I might allow myself to go down that road. It is funny, not in the comical sense mind you, when you hear someone with an identical cold. It may even be comforting in a sense when you see them battling the beast much in the same way you do. The coughing that you try to avoid but in the end is necessary so you cough anyway. The stacatto rattling of the throat, the retching of the body with each cough, looking here and there before each hack so as not to offend or infect, and the deception with each cough that that cough is the last one. The last one indeed.

File Feb 07, 8 36 24 AM

The family has been supportive yet oddly more scarce over this last week. I can't say I blame them. I know they wish me well but I also know they want to keep their distance so as not to contract this cold of mine. That has been more difficult for Nancy since we share the same bed. What I worry about more than anything else is keeping her awake with my coughing. I figure that our proximity being what it is she will either get the cold or she won't. If she doesn't, the least I can do is to do my best to cough less at night so she can get a good nights sleep. This is especially true on those nights when she has to work the following day. In the latter instance, I might well consider spending the night on the couch. Visiting her mother is, of course, is out of the question. As for Evan, I think about the computer keyboard, and countless other points where our activities intersect throughout the day so I can take the necessary precautions when and where possible. You just don't want to give something this nasty to anyone much less your immediate family if it at all can be avoided. I owe this much to them and would expect the same from them were the shoe on the other foot. Maybe this is nothing more than the usual nonsense that I experience every year around this time of the year. It is a little late in the season but not altogether unexpected.

It looks like our 2-5 inches of snow is arriving right on schedule. I'm happy to not have to go anywhere today although I'm feeling well enough to spend a little time at the gym so we'll see how that works out. There is not a lot on my plate otherwise but I should spend a bit of time looking at the taxes, cleaning the kitchen, and maybe even getting a fire going in the wood stove. There is nothing like a nice wood stove and the penetrating heat it offers to keep the weather blues at bay. Nancy made some egg concoctions yesterday in a newly purchased muffin tin and they were both visually impressive and tasty. They came out of the oven all puffed up like a lovely french
soufflé but quickly deflated much to her chagrin. Nonetheless. they were quite good and I had one for breakfast just now. A little bit of change from the usual breakfast items so that is always good. Something you can stick in the microwave for a few seconds and you are good to go. Did I mention that she added some scallions and peppers to the egg concoction before baking? I might have suggested that she add some cheese and perhaps diced ham or even a little bacon to spice things up. I suppose you could throw in the kitchen sink without going to far astray.