You Didn't Build That

I sure as shit did, Barry. The president's own comments have been twisted and contorted into a very usable theme by the Republicans at their national convention. I love it! It so captures the liberal mindset. The notion that one cannot do or create anything in a truly liberal and socialistic society without the help of government rankles the very hearts of those who have done just that. Speaker after speaker stepped up to the podium at the convention and gave personal accounts of their own success while making the case for electing anyone other than Obama in 2012. Another shill for the democratic point of view, Ms. Hillary Clinton, espoused a similar point of view some years back and expressed it in different terms when she penned a book entitled, "It Takes a Village." Given the economy, unemployment above 8%, gasoline prices above $4 a gallon, and a staggering national debt above $15 trillion, this is no time to increase dependencies on the government. Rather, our nation needs to rally its citizens to pull together their collective enterprise and intelligence to rebuild our sensibilities and forge a new and inspired view of what we can accomplish. That task, god willing, will fall to Mitt Romney come election day some 90 days from now.


Evan registered to vote this past week. This has been eighteen years in the making and this year will be his year. He will get to exercise his civic duty in the confines of the voting booth. It will be unlike any experience he has had to date and I'm not quite sure how he will vote were I to venture a guess. The influences of social media on today's youth do not register with me but I know them to be powerful yet subtle. Obama sold the hope and change bullshit 4 years ago which was a compelling theme for the time and in the end proved to be more than effective to get him elected. This time around, I'm not sure they have such a theme and that is telling. Were they to tow the "Hope and Change" theme once again, my question would be, how is that working out for you? Actually, I think their theme is "forward." A theme right out of the Saul Alinsky's playbook. It represents a culmination of socialistic influences as pitched by the penultimate community organizer. Now is not the time for a community organizer. If I have given any direction whatsoever to Evan relative to politics, it is that he should never vote for the man. It is always best to vote for those who would best represent your political philosophy. The delineation could never be clearer this time around. He only need be true to himself at the end of the day.

What in god's name were they thinking when they widened our road? Did they have nothing else to do in town? We have two houses on our street and we needed this so-called improvement like a hole in the head. They actually pushed back the sides of the road and didn't actually widen the road itself so I should clarify that point. As critical as I am of this effort, I must say that our street now resembles a boulevard rather than a lane and I think that is a good thing. It will likely look better once vegetation replaces the lanes of dirt created when the bulldozer pushed each side of the road back some two feet. It will all be a distant memory and life will resume as though it never occurred. My darling will cease spewing her vitriolic views on the subject and I will stop defending the actions of the town.