Pick Your Poison

Buenos Dias, laddies! We're off and running on another Monday morning. I'll need to push this week's post out one day earlier this week due to issues beyond my control. That means getting on the stick and writing in this here journal until my brain starts to hurt. I'll need to write a week's worth of gibberish in a week short of a day. Am I making any sense at all? I don't feel like I am, but I'm not the final judge. Anyway, it is what it is. Do I have big plans for this week's journal? Not really, truth be told. That has never stopped me before, so, as they say in the movies, feets don't fail me now.


I am a little curious this morning as to what the financial markets are going to do today. We saw all the major indices plunge by some four percent last Friday, so we'll see if continues today. There is some consensus amongst the talking heads on the telly that the market topped last week after rallying several weeks in this inflationary bear market we find ourselves in. Powell's comments didn't help the market on Friday, so we'll see where the darn thing goes today. Is it possible that we lose another four percent today? That would be eight percent in two days. Probably not likely short of some calamitous event in the markets, but it is possible. There is always that business about the market being oversold or overbought and the pendulum swinging one way or another, but that speaks to probabilities and not much else. On your mark, get set, trade!

Like the missus, I enjoyed watching a few of the Little League World Series games on the telly over the last week or two. From the start, the team from Honolulu looked to be the dominant team, and the team favored to win the whole enchilada. As you may or may not know, the teams are broken down into two categories: The International teams and the teams from the USA. The winners from each of the two categories face off in the finals for the so-called "World Series." The Asian teams usually do quite well, but they were beaten by the team from Curacao this year. Curacao went into the final game yesterday against Honolulu expecting great things, but they were soundly trounced. It didn't help that Curacao's ace pitcher wasn't eligible to play in the game.

You knew there was a problem when the cameras from the networks stopped scanning the faces of the parents of the players from Curacao in the stands. That was not the case when, in the first inning, one of the players from Curacao scored a run by stealing a base when the ball got loose from one of the players from Honolulu. That seemed to capture in a nutshell the kind of magic that the players from Curacao needed to beat this team from Honolulu. Any hopes and dreams the boys from Curacao had of taking home the trophy quickly faded when the boys from Honolulu had two back-to-back home runs in their very next return to the batter's box. It was also the last time you saw any faces of the parents of the boys from Curacao on National television. Maybe that was for the best since the team from Honolulu went on to beat Curacao 13-3.

I was listening to one of my favorite morning talk show hosts this morning, and he's just back from a vacation with his family in Arizona. He commented that Arizona has basically been annexed by the Mexican Cartels. Illegal aliens were everywhere, and the danger from the Cartels, especially for those Arizonans living along the border, was very real. If you had any sense at all, you carried a weapon with you wherever you went. You protected your family at all costs. This is America. What has happened to our great country? That's me speaking. If that can happen in the state of Arizona, it can happen anywhere in our great country. It makes me sick to my stomach to think that we have a president and a political party that is responsible for this carnage, this invasion, this travesty of justice.

It's no wonder that republican candidates are ahead in the polls in Arizona. People want their fucking country back. They want the illegal aliens sent back to their country of origin, they want the flow of drugs across their border to come to a stop, and they want their politicians to grow a fucking spine and do something about the problems dropped on their doorsteps by the leftist democrats and their pathetic pied piper, Joey Bumbles Biden. Those of us not living in states along our southern border should take no comfort in the fact that we don't have illegals and drug runners running through our backyards at night. The Biden Administration is transporting thousands of illegals into every state in our union every night of the week, so nobody should be under the delusion that they won't be affected by this invasion.

I've seen quite a few tweets from Dr. Oz as of late about what he's doing out on the campaign trail. As you know, he's the Republican Senatorial candidate from Pennsylvania, and he's running against John Fetterman on the Democratic ticket. As you may also know, Fetterman had a stroke recently, and he's spent a total of 11 minutes on the campaign trail since his so-called recovery. I think that the Fetterman people think that they can run his campaign out of his basement as Joe Biden did during his 2020 race against Trump with similar results. The democrats don't want a voice in the senate with the candidate that they elect, they want a rubber stamp so they can get their radical agenda through Congress and onto the desk of someone they hope will be a democrat president.

If their Senator has to crawl on their hands and knees to put through their vote once in Washington, then so be it. The ends justify the means when it comes to the democrats. They play for keeps. His stroke aside, Fetterman is a radical, and the republicans need to make sure that the voters in Pennsylvania understand the consequences of sending someone like Fetterman to the United States Senate. Dr. Oz is a lot of things, but one thing he is not is radical. Is Pennsylvania not better off electing a RINO (Republican in name only) to the Senate instead of a socialist freak like Fetterman? They most assuredly are. They have a long history of voting for republican senators, so sending Oz to Washington shouldn't be a stretch. Let's do this, my friends.

I'll be heading off with the Ev man this morning to his appointment with his eye doctor. It's one of those appointments where they put that stuff in your eyes, and you're essentially blinded for about 4 hours. That might be a small exaggeration, but he didn't care for the experience the last time he had it done, so I'll be driving this time around. I've got a couple of other errands to run while he's recovering, so it should all work out. Did I mention that I bought a couple of high-intensity low-beam headlights for his car? I was driving it last week or so, and I thought his low beams were a little on the tired side. He has an older car which might help explain some of it, but the lenses are getting a bit frosted if that's the right word, so these new bulbs should help. I don't think he's out at night all that much, but he is out and about in the early morning hours quite often, so think of this as a risk mitigation measure.

I'm going to have to rethink my garden next year. It seems that we have a groundhog hereabouts that has eaten a lot of my tomatoes right off the damn vine. The little mother chewed right through the plastic fence I put up, and he's been helping himself to the fruits of my labor. He doesn't even wait for them to ripen. I'll be damned if I going to spend the kind of money one needs to spend to put up a sturdier fence just to keep animals out of my garden. It's nice to have homegrown tomatoes but not if I have to spend a king's ransom just to ensure that they reach maturity. I'll happily spend a few more sheckles at the local supermarket, where they feature tomatoes from this or that local farm. Take that, you little bastard! I have one or two plants that have been picked clean before I was able to grab even one tomato, and that irritates the hell out of me. If I were handy with a crossbow or if I thought my neighbors would ignore the sound of a shotgun discharging within earshot of their property, I might well dispatch the little bugger and never look back.

This whole business with Trump and the documents seized by the FBI when they raided his home at Mar-a-Lago a few weeks back gets more bizarre by the day. I don't know who's right or wrong in this Kabuki dance of a fuck-fest, but all of this talk about indicting Trump seems so far-fetched. You're telling me that you're going to indict Trump on a technicality over documents that he had stored at his home? The only thing that makes any sense is that the Biden-ista's are wanting to use the Justice Department to collar Biden's political opposition. What the fuck kind of world are we living in? In what universe is this allowed to happen in the greatest Republic on the face of the earth? It seems a reach at best, and it could well mean the end of the FBI as we know it as an institution once they realize that the American people are not buying what they're selling. They are already on thin ice after any number of missteps that, much to their dismay, have gone public and not in a good way.

Biden is running around making speeches and warning the general public about the dangers of the MAGA-Republicans. I gather that he's referring to Trump's supporters. Like a pyromaniac looking forward to starting his next blaze, Biden has lit the match by going public about the dangers to our republic from Trump supporters, and now, if he can get the Justice Department to put the cuffs on Trump, he will have put a match to the fuel thereby proving his case as Trump supporters take to the streets with their pitchforks and their passion. If the Biden-ista's have their way, it will be January 6th on steroids. Should the riots and mayhem not occur, Biden and his leftist followers will take a victory lap while declaring that the Trump era is over. With a lackluster response to the frogmarching of their political leader into the courtroom, Biden will insist that the general public is now in favor of his heavy-handed tactics and he has been vindicated in doing what he's done.


How far will the Bidenista's take this before the independents that they need to win some of the key congressional races in the upcoming midterms decide that they've seen enough? I looked at a handful of polls yesterday that show Trump beating Biden handily in three or four of the pivotal states that any presidential candidate needs to win in 2024. One poll showed Hershel Walker beating Warnock by a slim margin in the Georgia Senate race. With seventy-four percent of the public believing that our country is going in the wrong direction, it's no surprise that republican candidates are surging in the polls coast to coast. Biden was on the telly last night broadcasting his stump speech from Pennsylvania. If you can believe this, he was going on and on about his support for the police. This is the same ass clown whose party has long called for the defunding of the police. Crime rates have surged on the streets of America under Biden, yet there he was, declaring that Trump supporters posed the greatest danger to our Republic. We've got the video, Joey. Would you like to see it?

Supreme Court Justice, Sotomayor, recently upheld the NYC mandate that municipal workers be vaccinated against COVID. More accurately, she declined to block the city from enforcing its vaccine mandate. There may be other departments involved as well, but you get the point. I'm not sure that this makes any sense knowing what we all know by now that the more recent variants have been more of a nuisance than anything else. Mask mandates are either no longer in place or are not otherwise enforced in most places.

Are people dying from the virus from time to time? They are, but people are dying from a lot of things that are not otherwise mandated by the City or upheld by some greater authority, i.e., the Supreme Court. Why would Sotomayor come down on the side of the City when the science says that the City needn't have a mandate in place? Isn't it the Socialists who are always telling us to believe science? We should keep in mind that these so-called Socialists or liberals also believe in the authority of Big Government and that Big Government knows best when it comes to ruling and controlling the citizenry. Maybe none of this should come as a surprise.

I slept like shit last night. That P med has to be the culprit. As far as I can tell, it's doing squat for me. My plan is to stop taking it and move on to plan B. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask the missus to look at our electric bill and let me know what it looks like. I'm hearing here and there that rates are going up, but I have no idea since I never see that particular bill. I don't know that we're going into the energy dumpster the likes of what we're seeing in Europe, so that's good. With all of these green energy freaks wanting to shut down refineries and nuclear energy plants, it's no wonder really that rates are going up and brownouts and blackouts, which once seemed inconceivable here in the United States, are more likely than not. In the hottest month on the calendar, California is urging its citizens to turn their thermostats up to 85 to avoid putting additional strain on an already maxed-out power grid. How exactly do they plan to charge their Teslas? Raise your hand if this green energy thing isn't working for you.

We're heading into Labor Day weekend here in the US. Labor Day is typically the start of the Fall election season, so that should be interesting. It seems like the only tweets I'm seeing in my Twitter feed as of late are those from liberal candidates. Big Tech is doing its part to make sure that the voices of conservatives, or fascists, as Joe Biden would tell you, are suppressed or removed from any and all conversations. I heard yesterday that Google is shutting down certain outlets related to Trump's app, Truth Social, so that he and his fellow fascists don't have any opportunity to weigh in on matters. What I think they don't understand is that people, by and large, have made up their minds about what Biden's democrat party has done to our country, and they're going into the voting booths coast to coast come November to put a stop to all of it. It won't matter how many bots they employ to try to change minds. The carnage is real, and there will be a price to pay. People are hopping mad.

The bullshit coming out of Joey Bumbles Biden's mouth these days is an abomination. His comments about MAGA supporters being fascists reminds me of Hillary's referencing Trump supporters as "deplorables." And how about that clip of Biden in Pennsylvania the other day when he told a national audience that six police officers were killed during the insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th? It was a fucking lie! Do you know that there are people out there who will believe this nonsense? If that doesn't get your dander up as a red-blooded American, I don't know what will. It's bad enough that he's a demented fuck-fest. We don't need the clown to be out on the stump disparaging half of America. I thought he ran on being the great uniter. Great uniter, my ass. The Biden Administration and every last asshat in Congress who has supported his leftist agenda needs to get the boot this November. We need to put a stop to this leftist insanity once and for all. I barely recognize this country of ours anymore. Do you know how painful that is to say out loud?

I spent a while with the Ev man today. We used our time together to tidy his place up ahead of our going off on vacation. I've come away from the experience thinking to myself that we need to work on his organizational skills when it comes to staying ahead of the things in his apartment that need staying ahead of. If I sound a bit cryptic here, it's intentional. I told him that it's not in his best interest to give anyone the impression that he's incapable of doing just that. That could take him in a direction that would not please him in the least. He knew precisely what I was talking about. He tends to dig himself a hole that he's inxapable of digging himself out if you get my meaning. I think he just taps out and looks to the referree (me?) to help him get up off the mat and back onto his feet. It's not exactly the proverbial point of no return but it's close. It's funny how that works sometimes. You get sucked into the black hole of life along with everything else around you and the next thing you know you're the frog in the pot of boiling water wondering how things went so sideways.

I just want to be clear. It wasn't all me. He was here and there picking up trash and sweeping up after me as I went from spot to spot in his small apartment with a sponge in hand. He always leaves me to do the dishes and that's probably a good thing. I can whip through a stack of dishes like a hot knife through butter. He has a dishwasher but some dishes needed soaking. I will say that I think his head was somewhere else today. Not that he was distracted but I think given his druthers, I think he would have been just as happy to lay on his couch with his headphones on. I'm saying that becasue that is precisely where I found him when I looked up from doing this and that. Or, maybe he was lying on his bed wondering how much longer I was going to be before I was finished doing what I was doing. This is me spitballing in the rear view mirror as it were. I sent him a message later in the day once back home telling him how I wished I had tasked him with putting away the dishes that I left in both the dishwaser and in the drying rack. He responded with a wistful, "Oh."

Bumbles Biden gave a speech from Independence Hall in Philidelphia last night. It was a planned political speech so, like any other speech Biden gives, I had zero interest in tuning in to watch or listen to it. I had the telly on so I saw glimpses of the backdrop and it looked like some half-cocked production out of a bad movie. The backdrop lighting was intended to do what I'm not sure. It had a dark blood-red coloring to it that I've since heard suggested that they are the colors of Antifa. Antifa, as you may or may not know, are the brownshirts of the Biden Administration. The speech itself, after my curiosity got the best of me and I was forced to look at a few clips after the fact, was in a word, Hitler-esque. It was deeply disturbing. Biden lashed out at MAGA republicans as the enemy of the state among other things. If you simply replaced the term "MAGA republicans" with the word "Jews", "Japanese", or any other targeted group in recent history in our country or elsewhere, the words coming out of Biden's mouth could only be interpreted as divisive if not a direct physical threat to 73 milliion supporters of one Donald J. Trump.

It was a speech that was unbecoming of an American President. It was beyond the pale in so many respects. I was embarassed for Biden and our country to think that his speech was being seen around the world as hateful and excoriating as it was. It would most certainly have some thinking that as a country we've lost our collective minds. To see an American president speaking in such dark terms about an opposing political party was perhaps remiscent of a speech one might expect from a Stalin, a Hitler, a Castro, or some other 3rd world dictator. One has to wonder if Biden's speech wasn't designed to be as devisive and derisive as it was. Is it not in their best interest as a political party to demonize their political enemies? Is it not in their best interests to cast their opposition as less than human thereby making them easy targets for every Bidenista wanting to do the implied bidding of their fearless leader? Would igniting a civil war give Biden what he and his minions need to cancel elections and impose martial law upon our citizenry? Houston, we have a fucking problem.

Make no mistake about it. Biden's followers want him waging war on his political enemies. This is who they are. This is what they do. There is nothing they won't do to hang on to political power. The ends always justify the means when it comes to the democrats. I hesitate to throw every last democrat under the bus because the democrat party of today in America is not your grandfather's democrat party. This is a more Marxist democrat party that subscribes to the vilest tenets of their ideology and we're seeing precisely what Ronald Reagan warned us about so many years ago when he said that "the only permanent danger to the hope that is America comes from within."

I want to be careful here as well to not give the impression that what we're seeing and hearing from Biden is actually something that Biden subscribes to. He's been co-opted somehow. I don't know what drugs he's on, I don't who's pulling the strings behind the curtain, nobody knows how compromised he is by internal or external forces. We do know he suffers from late stage dementia so most of what comes out of his mouth is not of his creation. Whatever and whomever it is may well be more insidious and more dangerous than any of us realize.

Now that I have a target on my back as a MAGA republican thanks to Joey Bumbles Biden and his Hitlerean speech last night from Independence Hall in Philadelphia, I suppose I should watch my back. I'll have to be careful who I confide in and who I associate with as we get closer to the Mid Term elections. I'll not wear my affection for the MAGA crowd on my sleeve nor will I slap stickers on my car that might trigger an anti-MAGA brownshirt into doing something that the two or more of us might regret. If I had something to lock and load I might just do that but, alas, I do not. I'll not tip my hand while tweeting nor will I look to antagonize those who voice their favor for the democrats in either the Mid Term or 2024 presidential elections. As much as I disdain them and their party, whatever name that party goes by these days, I'll not lash out like a petulant child when they do what they do. I will rise above it all. I will not give them a reason to tag me as an insurrectionist.

Trump has a rally in Pennsylvania tonight to support Dr. Oz and Colonel Mastriano. It should be a rally for the ages. We'll be on the road for most of the day so I'll look forward to settling in later this evening to watch the rally. Trump's support and subsequent rallies for the people he supports typically helps them over the finish line. We're still a good sixty days out from the election so lots can happen. I'll try not to get too far over my skis with wild eyed speculation since Pennsylvania is a must-win state if we're to win back the House and Senate from the leftists. I'm hearing that they're expecting some fifteen thousand attendees and that compares favorably to the 275 people that barely filled a gym just outside Philadelphia during Biden's visit. In other words, it's all about Pennsylvania. As goes Pennsylvania, so goes the Mid Term elections.

Imagine that. The day after Biden gives a disturbingly dystopian speech from Indpendence Hall in Pennsylvania where he laid out his case against MAGA republicans, the stupid bastard walks it all back just a day later. Does the damn fool even know what the term MAGA stands for? It means Make America Great Again. Anyway, someone got in his ear after his speech and told him that he needed to clean up his comments if he doesn't want to lose even more seats than they're expecting to lose come November when the Mid Term elections roll around. I don't know how else to explain his complete turnaround when it comes to either trashing or courting Trump supporters. I don't know that any self respecting MAGA supporter would ever vote for Joey Bumbles Biden so I'll just put that out there. There's only one problem. The damage he's already done by giving that speech ain't getting unwatched, unseen, unheard, or unforgotten by anyone. How do you like them apples, you old coot?

I'll end this business with a couple of thoughts about Putin and the Nordstream pipeline. I don't know everything there is to know about the pipelne, but I think it supplies natural gas to any number of European countries. When the pipeline goes offline, it means that the supplies of natural gas no longer flow to the consumers across Europe. When supplies are cut off intentionally, it smacks of politicization and weaponization by people or persons responsible for sourcing the natural gas. When that person is Vladamir Putin, you know, or you should know, that his actions are inextricably linked to the Ukraine Russia conflict.

Maybe it has something to do with the European countries wanting to come together to cap the price of natural gas coming from Russia. I'm not entirely sure. How does one tell their natural gas provider that you are willing to pay only so much and not a penny more for the product that they control? I think the quick and dirty answer is, you don't. Maybe Vlad has decided to bring Europe to its knees by cutting off the supplies of natural gas. Who wouldn't want to spank the countries responsible for financing a proxy war that was killing your fellow Russians day in and day out in the hills, valleys, and plains across the country of Ukraine. I don't expect to sort it all out in this here diatribe, but I'm thinking that maybe the Europeans should just cut to the chase, invade Russia, and solve the natural gas supply issue once and for all. What's the alternative? Have half your population freeze to death and have the other half die of starvation? The mold has been cast. Pick your poison.