Killer on the 32nd Floor

Fifty-nine people attending a country western concert in Las Vegas were killed the other night when an individual holed up on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Hotel opened fire with automatic weapons. While the number of people killed was tragic, the enigmatic story emerging of the individual responsible continues to morph with every news story reported by the main street media. Social media has appropriately pointed out that the targets were largely white, largely patriotic, and more than likely, Trump voters. Social media reports as well that when law enforcement finally gained entrance to the room they found numerous pieces of Antifa literature scattered throughout the suite. Few of the obvious incongruities are likely to be reconciled now that the perpetrator has taken his own life.

File Oct 03, 6 13 41 PM

We may never know why this so-called gentle giant who enjoyed computer gambling, who once worked as an accountant but is now retired at the age of 64, whose brother openly admitted that he had no political or party affiliation whatsoever, who owned a few handguns, who by all accounts was a successful real estate dabbler, and who was known to send his mother boxes of cookies from time to time, would decide to plan and execute one of the more horrific crimes in american history. One post to social media mentioned that he was absent from one of his homes last year for a six month period. Was that long enough one way or another to travel somewhere to obtain the technical training required to perpetrate this crime with the precision and technical proficiency with which it was carried out?

Within 24 hours the FBI stated unequivocally that there was no link to terrorism. Is this the same FBI who has been investigating our president for alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential election and has yet to come to any conclusions after the better part of a year has gone by? Did I mention that ISIS has already come forward and taken responsibility for this heinous act? Not once, but three times now. If we know one thing about ISIS, it is that they do not take responsibility for actions for which they are not responsible. Their admissions of complicity, of course, are being discounted out of hand and summarily dismissed by the FBI. Indeed, why are we now seeing pictures of the hotel suite, pictures of the guns used in the commission of the crime as they lay on the floor of the suite, actual pictures of the perpetrator after he took his own life lying on the floor face up with blood streaming from his mouth and with eyes wide open, and all posted to social media for the world to see. One picture even shows a possible note left by the killer on a stand of sorts.

This is a crime scene if I'm not mistaken. Is it their (law enforcement) modus operandi to allow photographs of the crime scene to leak to social media? Are they leaking the photos for a reason? Call me cynical but I can't say that I think we'll ever get the straight poop on what transpired in Las Vegas that night. Law enforcement, the media, and our Government simply can't and won't admit that this killer was a Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton supporter or even a card carrying member of the Antifa organization without inciting a riot within the ranks of the Trump supporters and to a lesser extent the American people. The "sheep" simply wouldn't stand for it. Rivers would run red with the blood of the opposition and the patriots would hastily and with overt precision extract their pound of flesh. Chaos would reign supreme and any illusions of unity in and amongst the body politic would be lost for generations to come. The truth about what happened may become as elusive as JFK and the grassy knoll, the moon landing, or even something as epic as the murder of Jimmy Hoffa. The American public deserves to know the truth even if it involves pitchforks and shovels.