
You didn't miss anything. I was sick as a dog last week and didn't post anything. The missus got tested, and she had COVID-19, so I probably had COVID-19, too. It was just enough to take the wind out of our sails for a solid week or more. It got so bad at one point that I had to turn my phone off so as not to hear the constant ding ding ding of people trying to get ahold of me. Enough already. Don't they know I'm sick? It would have been more bearable were it not for the incessant cough one gets with Covid-19. I'm still sucking on Halls's cough drops here nearly a week later since the cough seems to be the last vestige of this damn virus to give up. We've had spots here and there where we thought we'd lost our sense of taste but nothing long-lasting. Rice Krispies and blueberries has been our breakfast go-to, interestingly enough. God willing, we'll feel better this week and get back on track to feeling whatever passes for normal.

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The Supreme Court will hear arguments on February 8th on Colorado's efforts to remove Trump's name from the ballot due to his involvement in the "insurrection" on January 6th in our nation's capitol. I think these arguments lump in efforts in other states to do the same thing. Let's get one thing straight. January 6th was not an insurrection. It was a lot of things, but it was not an insurrection. It was a hoax perpetrated by the left to taint Trump and his supporters and to prevent them from ever gaining power again. We'll see how far the Supreme Court goes to sign off on the anti-democratic forces looking to establish a one-party state in our country. Will they invalidate the right of every American to vote for one Donald J. Trump just because the radical leftists in our country have found an argument in some amendment or other dating back to the Civil War? This is where the Supremes have to step in with a 9-0 decision in Trump's favor. Anything less will be destabilizing.

Thankfully, the snowstorm we've had in the last couple of days (first of the season) held off long enough so I could get back on my feet after this COVID-19 thing. How much snow do you think we got? I'm thinking close to a foot here in Southern New Hampshire. The birds at my thistle feeder have been going absolutely ga-ga. All of our bird feeders have been stocked up and ready to go from the jump ahead of this storm. You know how I hate to feel flat-footed when it comes to taking care of the birds. Did I mention that I think I saw a Tawney Shouldered Blackbird at one of my feeders yesterday? My bird book says they're not around here, so I'm not sure, but it sure looked like one. I was out at least three times yesterday in the wake of the storm, clearing this, that, or other things. My back deck is a bloody mess, and I'm not looking forward to working on that section of the house. If I can get some snow off my roof and a trail cleared from the street to my oil tank, I'll be doing well today.

Now I'm hearing that we have some damaging winds heading our way. Will we or won't we lose our electricity? If so, for how long? I think there's some rain coming along with this storm as well. That means I need to make more of an effort to get some more snow off our roof before all of this goes down. All we need is a collapsed roof on top of everything else. Did I read the article about the latest King Arthur baking contest correctly? Did they really say that it's for non-whites only? Fuck them and the horses they rode in on. They can take their white-ass flour and shove it where the sun don't shine. Do they think they're the only flour company that does what they do? Put me down for boycotting these DEI fucks or whatever brand of Kool-Aid they're drinking these days. I guess it wasn't enough for institutions to try and be more inclusive when it comes to minorities. You're not getting the job done unless you now exclude whiteness in all its form and function. All of this comes on the heels of the story out of Boston where Mayor Wu had a year-end party for non-whites. Wut? You heard me.

I don't really give two shits about this latest Lloyd Austin story. It sounds totally concocted. People realize that the Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D.C., has its own chain of command in place. Right? It's the premier military hospital in the United States for chrissakes. If Lloyd Austin was in Walter Reed and indisposed for any period of time, everyone up and down the chain of command would have been notified by the hospital, including the White House. What I can believe is that word went out to the White House and Bumbles Biden forgot what they told him about Austin's being indisposed. If Bumbles can even name half of the people in his cabinet at any given time I'd be surprised. He's that far gone. Anyway, what's this all about? Why are they blowing yet another smokescreen up our collective arses? What other story are they trying to cover up? Does this have anything to do with Bumble's trip to the church in South Carolina where he praised the actions of BLM during the 2020 riots? Did he just endorse another summer of rage in order to get himself back into the White House for another term?

I'm two weeks out from catching this damn COVID thing, or whatever, and this cough just won't go away. I'm getting just a little tired of going to sleep at night with a cough lozenge under my tongue so as not to keep the house awake with my hacking. Thankfully, the lozenges are doing the trick most of the time. I'm also taking far too many naps during the day. That suggests to me that this sickness is far from gone. I wouldn't say that I'm suffering from fatigue, but I tire more easily, and it seems to take me longer to recover from what little activity I find myself doing at any given time. I would just as soon leave dishes in the sink as clean them when they should be cleaned, and it takes something of a herculean effort to clean up when the time comes to clean up. I did the best I could when it came to clearing the foot or more of snow that fell on our roof overnight the other night. I'd clear a section and then take a break for a couple of hours before getting back to it. That's what I'm talking about. All I'm asking is to feel like myself again. Is that too much to ask? I don't think this is long COVID so let's not go there just yet. I'm also not feeling any brain fog or maybe one or two other symptoms that one usually associates with COVID. Did I mention that the missus isn't able to taste her food?

I saw a bit of video this morning out of New York where they were unloading busloads of illegal immigrants in front of a local high school. They are apparently jamming these illegals into school gymnasiums and telling locals that their children are going to have to do their schooling online or some such bullshit. Elon Musk chimed in on a tweet to the effect that it won't be long before the illegals will be coming for your homes. Remember when Maura Healy, the governor of Massachusetts, asked her citizens to open their doors to the tens of thousands of illegals being bussed and flown into her state? How many takers do you think stepped forward to open their doors to these people who have never been vetted and come from countries all over the world to escape God only knows what? Secretary Mayorkas, Biden's globalist-in-chief, is up for a vote of impeachment today in Congress so we'll see how that goes. He's about the slimiest mother fucker I've ever seen in all my years watching Washington, D.C. He can lie with a straight face as well as anyone, and that's saying a lot when it comes to the rats that occupy our nation's capital. I hope they run that fucker out of town on a rail when all is said and done. As for the families and the children whose lives are being sacrificed at the altar of globalism, Election Day 2024 can't come soon enough.

This Fanny Willis story isn't going away. She's the local district Attorney down in Georgia who brought racketeering charges against Trump and a number of his associates for trying to overturn an election. It's just one more case of lawfare being brought against Trump in order to put him in jail before the American people go to the polls this coming November. So, here's the twist. She hired a boyfriend of hers who had zero experience trying racketeering cases and paid him handsomely for his time. Invoices submitted by her boyfriend for his services, if you can believe this, show time billed for his services when he went to the White House to allegedly coordinate their efforts with White House Counsel to bring down Trump. Sorry, boys and girls, but that is election interference, plain and simple. How many other services were billed while these two lovers were galavanting around the globe from one vacation spot to another? Who in Georgia is going to call this for what it is? Who is going to call for Fanny to step down from her position as local district attorney on the Trump case? When are we going to see the governor step up to the plate and order an investigation into the affairs and the skullduggery around their attempts to put Trump and his associates in jail? I'll wait.

Chris Christie dropped out of the presidential race last night. There is a recording going around where he says something off-tape about Trump smoking Nikki Haley. I don't know if Christie endorsed Haley, but as I sit here this morning, I've heard nothing about any of it. One of the leftist loons I listen to on Sirius radio, Smerconish, was suggesting just yesterday that were Chris Christie to drop out that his 12% in the polls would, more likely than not, accrue to Haley's benefit. That would put her within striking distance, according to Smerconish, who was wetting his trousers just thinking about it. Smerconish was surmising that if Haley can pull off an upset in New Hampshire, it might be the beginning of the end for Trump. I think that some of this assumes that DeSantis drops out after Iowa, coming in a distant third place behind Trump and Haley. I'm not so sure that a third-place finish in both Iowa and New Hampshire is going to do much to help DeSantis's bid for the presidency either now or in 2028. That said, Haley is a piece of work. Watching her gleefully and deftly put the dagger in DeSantis's back time and time again in the debate on CNN has to be giving the decent folk in Iowa pause as they try to figure out who they want as their standard bearer in the 2024 presidential race. She's no Margeret Thatcher. That is for fucking sure.


As DeSantis and Haley were duking it out on CNN, Trump was holding a Town Hall on FOX. Trump was on his game. It certainly helped that just about every person the moderators called on in the audience planned to vote for Trump in the upcoming caucus. I wish Trump had talked more about what he plans to do in a second Administration beyond just undoing everything Biden has done. Getting us out of wars around the world is important but deporting every last one of Biden's illegal aliens is important as well. He did say something about that so that's good. He could have talked about doing away with electric vehicle mandates imposed on us by the Biden Administration as well as other "green" initiatives lauded by the Climate Cultists. He could have talked about choking off Iran from money now flowing into Iran thanks to Biden's looking the other way on sanctions. I didn't hear him say that he'd be shutting off monies to Ukraine so I'm left wondering about that. How about men competing in women's sports? What is he going to do to put a stop to that? I know instinctively that he's against this stuff, but it needs to be said time and time again.

The United States and the UK bombed sites in Yemen overnight. Biden hasn't been seen in 4 to 5 days, but he issued some kind of a statement about the bombings that I have yet to pay any attention to. Isn't Bumbles supposed to go to Congress when he decides to wage war on another country? Or, is that sort of thing just one more thing that Biden and his minions have unilaterally decided that they don't have to comply with? I did read somewhere that nowhere in his statement did Bumbles utter the name of the real troublemaker behind everything going on in the Middle East: Iran. Of course, we know that the Biden Administration has been infiltrated by Iranians with the full knowledge of everyone in the Administration. Let there be no doubt that Bumbles will continue to support Iran by ignoring any and all sanctions that have, to date, enriched Iran to the tune of some $100 million dollars. Or, is it $100 billion? Iran will, no doubt, continue to support the attacks by their proxies across the Middle East on Americans and American assets. How is this not just one more act of treason by a bewildered and demented Joe Biden?

Since much of what happened last night was telegraphed by Biden's spokespeople, it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that Yemen had a chance to hide its assets underground prior to the bombing. It makes much of what transpired performative. It may well be the "wag-the-dog" strategy that has been employed more recently by presidents like Bill Clinton in order to get Americans to rally around the flag in the days and months leading up to the presidential election and, not coincidentally, the Commander-in-Chief. Oddly enough, the mainstream media is silent as I'm looking here and there at headlines this morning. You would think that they might take advantage of the Yemen situation to cast their ideological leader, Bumbles Biden, as the greatest Commander-in-Chief to ever come down the pike. Does this have anything to do with the fact that Biden and his Administration have involved our country and our military in just about every conflict across the globe since he came into office in 2021? Americans have had it up to here (holding hand above head) with Biden's fecklessness and incompetence. Whether it's our open borders, which Biden has failed to protect, or the economy, which is teetering on the edge, Yemen is yet another example of one more abject failure by the Biden administration that puts America and Americans at risk. That's a hard sell if you're in the media.

It's probably just a matter of time now before sleeper cells in the United States are activated to do what sleeper cells do. I'm talking about the 8-10 million illegal aliens that have poured into our country under Joe Biden's open border policies. You know that a pretty big percentage of these illegals have come here to wreak death and destruction on our citizenry. Has that been the plan all along? Is that the excuse Joe Biden plans to use when he institutes martial law and calls off elections until things "stabilize"? You know, like in Ukraine. I'm not sure how sleeper cells organize themselves, so I'm at a loss to say that this or that Yemeni sleeper cell is likely to be activated. Maybe it's a Hezbollah sleep cell working in concert with a Yemeni sleeper cell to get the job done. Americans are, and this is a guess on my part, what they consider to be "soft targets." In other words, it wouldn't take much to put a little bit of fear in the populace if that is their goal. I'm surprised that we don't have more of this sort of thing, given how open our society is, so that bears mentioning.

Biden finally emerged after being out of sight for the last four or five days. He showed up in Pennsylvania somewhere where the people with him were walking him here and there looking about as bewildered and senile as I've seen him. At one point, he announced, "My name is Joe Biden, and I'm in the United States Senate." He also, at one point, reached down near a pre-teen child sitting in a chair, seemingly wanting to get a good sniff of her hair before someone distracted him from the matter at hand. You could see the panic in his eyes, and it's not unlike the panic you see in patients with late-stage dementia when faced with something new or something unrecognizable. He had what appeared to be a drink in his hand, perhaps an ice cream drink that wouldn't easily spill were he to forget he was carrying a drink. Maybe it was his favorite chocolate chip ice cream that he constantly talks about when he can't otherwise remember his name or what day of the week it is. I just don't know who on his team thinks that having this demented old fool out in public does anything for his prospects in the upcoming presidential election. Someone asked him a question about bombing Yemen, and he responded with something about Iran not wanting a war with the United States. What he didn't say is that he continues to fund Iran by not enforcing sanctions against them. Like I said before, since when is that not an act of treason?

Taiwan is holding elections today. I believe that one of the people on the ballot is a Chinese person who, if elected, will bring the island of Taiwan more in line with the politics of the China mainland. That would not be good for Taiwan's independence as a nation. Is this an election that China can effectively steal? How will China react if their candidate doesn't do well in the final tally? Will they invade Taiwan under the pretense that the election was stolen? Aside from the presidential candidates on the ballot, are there other less high-profile candidates running for congressional seats that could also give more power to mainland China? I'll have to tune in to the war room with Steve Bannon this morning, where he'll be covering the race from soup to nuts. It's entirely possible that China has been waiting for this opportunity to take the island of Taiwan by storm alleging this or that infraction. Some people also think that having the US military spread as thin as it is across the globe makes it less likely that the US will have any gas left in the tank to push back against China were China to go into Taiwan with guns blasting. It's all by design, of course, knowing what we know about China having bought off the Biden family over the years.

All eyes are on the weather reports out of Iowa as the first-in-the-nation caucus takes place this coming Monday. As of today, it looks pretty darn cold but with not much precipitation in the forecast. It's possible that Trump voters, who are older, generally speaking, might be less likely to go out in the really cold weather, and that wouldn't be good for the Don. You can see the media spinning the outcome of any one or more races based on their biases and not even bothering to mention factors like the weather. Imagine spending zillions of dollars on your ground game in Iowa only to leave everything to the weather at the end of the day. It seems crazy at best but what the heck can you do about any of it? "Not much" is the answer. Then again, if Trump does well despite the weather, will the media applaud Trump's resilient base and the strength of his overall campaign? Some things are so obvious that they can't go unmentioned, but it's also true that the media finds a way to not say things when saying things will help people they don't want to win. There are also reports that DeSantis and his people are calling Trump voters and warning them not to go to the polls because of the weather. It's no longer "may the best man win." It's all about stopping Trump. If Haley and DeSantis need to join forces to make that happen, so be it.

Fast forward 24 hours and all is well in Taiwan. China's candidate didn't cut the mustard in Saturday's elections, and Taiwan put one in the "win" column. Democracies around the world rejoiced and sent along their congratulations. Everybody but, you guessed it, demented Joe Biden. He's not acknowledging their independence because China's CCP doesn't recognize their independence. In other words, Bumbles Biden is parroting the words of his paymasters in Beijing because that is precisely what they bought when they invested as heavily as they have in the Biden Crime Family. How much more evidence do you need that Bumbles Biden is a Manchurian candidate? It's so completely embarrassing as a citizen of the United States to have this demented old fool, Biden, doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party at every turn. Can you imagine if Trump were president and he came out against Taiwan's independence and in favor of the Communist Chinese Party? The media would literally rip him a new one and brand him a puppet of the CCP. When it comes to Biden, it's crickets from the mainstream media. Fucking C-R-I-C-K-E-T-S. Just a complete disgrace.