Hard Time

I have a good mind to call into one of my favorite morning radio talk shows and set the host and his audience straight on this Will Smith and Chris Rock thing. That's all anyone is talking about this morning. Smith got out of his seat at the Oscars last night and walked onto the stage where he proceeded to give Chris Rock, the host, a bitch slap for making an off-color comment about his wife's alopecia. How can anyone not see that this was staged and for good reason. This is what they wanted everyone in America to be talking about on Monday morning.


The bigger story, and this is what they didn't want everyone talking about, was Joey Bumbles Biden's disastrous trip to Europe where he made a fool of himself on the world stage. He was there meeting with European leaders on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and he made three or four major gaffes that were sadly illustrative of his late-stage dementia. One report coming out of a newspaper in Prague referred to Biden as "merely a fool" and called out American's "multitude of fools" for electing him as their president. Yes, all eighty-one million of them if you're to believe the American media.

Joey's handlers probably thought it better to endure the slings and arrows of a European press by having him attend the meetings rather than have him stay home and have the American right-wing media make him out to be "not ready for prime time" president. It was a colossal miscalculation and it would take a colossal sleight of hand to take the Biden "gaffes" off the front pages of every newspaper from coast to coast upon his return. This is where Hollywood gets the chance to double down on their man who now hangs by the thinnest of threads in the eyes of the American Public. This is where Hollywood's finest step up to the plate and take one for the team. Who better than Will Smith and Chris Rock to pull this one off.

Are Biden's gaffes really gaffes if he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about? Do you pay any mind to the dementia patient walking the halls of his institution yammering about this and that? The simple answer to that question is, you do not. Biden's comments would be easy to dismiss were he not the president of the United States. Therein lies the problem. It gets worse when you start to think about the fact that if Biden is not up to the task of being president, who precisely is pulling the strings behind the scenes? Is it Obama? Is it Susan Rice? The policies coming out of the White House tell me that it's "all of the above." Just when you think that things can't get any worse, they get worse. This is where we are one year out from Biden's inauguration.

I don't like rolling out of bed on a Monday morning with a hair across my ass because of something this traveling side show of an American President did or didn't do. When I see Hollywood staging this so-called skulduggery or subterfuge with Will Smith and Chris Rock in order to cover for Bumbles Biden, someone has to set the record straight. I'm in with both feet when it comes to exposing the dumb-fuckery of Bumbles Biden and his minions across the plains that we lovingly refer to as America. This is a low point in the annals of the American Presidency and Steve Bannon had it right when he said "elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences."

The democrats threw the 25th Amendment to the Constitution around like a hot potato when Trump was in office. You know, the amendment that the politicians in Washington turn to when they need to remove an American President from office when he is no longer capable of performing his duties. It is usually the opposition party that first broaches the subject and it's typically nothing more than a flimsy reason to remove someone who is probably doing a pretty good job but you just don't like his or her politics. That was certainly the case with Trump. He was getting things done and the democrats were having none of it. But discussion of the 25th amendment, even for the democrats, and especially when it came to Trump, was simply a bridge too far.

That said, it may be just what the doctor ordered when it comes to Bumbles Biden. You should have seen the moron yesterday at a presser in Washington. He was holding index cards that held specific answers to specific questions that his handlers thought the media might be asking. Who does this? He occasionally went off script and things went from bad to worse. He started refuting facts that were already well established in answers that he had given within the past couple of days. He actually walked back comments that had already been walked back by his staff in the White House. None of this was lost on the media. They were stunned. It was stunning.

Mrs G will return to her facility today after spending a few days in the hospital getting all fixed up. You know, a tweak here and a tweak there. Things can only get better from here. She'll be back in familiar surroundings and back amongst friends. It's one thing to let your body get on with whatever it's going to do to recover but it's quite another to surround yourself with the kinds of things, people included, that will assist you in said recovery. Here's hoping that they have more liberal visitation policy than her prior hosts at the hospital in town. That's not to say that the missus and I have any plans to skip the light fantastic when paying a visit, but we have a couple of ideas that will work out better if we can do it together. Together is better. Right?

As for the Ev man, I'm sorry to say he's back in the thick of things. It's hard to say why this time although I can't say that we didn't seen this coming. It's like a slow roll that takes on a life of its own. Even he is along for the ride if I'm right about what I'm seeing day in and day out. I suspect that he is not at all surprised to find himself in this so-called predicament once again. Maybe "predicament" is too harsh a word. It's self imposed so that's a good thing. Nobody knows the Ev man like he does and we've told him time and time again that we as his parents think that he has exceptional insight when it comes to this stuff. He doesn't disagree. That doesn't make it any less painful. Godspeed, young man.

If I can get myself together today I'll be bringing our Christmas tree to the recycling center. It's about time, don't you think? It's still damn cold outside for the month of March, a mere 17 degrees or so, so we're still in something of a winter mode. This has to be some kind of a record. I'm wanting to desperately turn off the heat and open a few windows and Mother Nature is having none of it. One of my friends asked about Spring Cleaning and if I had any plans along those lines. I'm thinking to myself, Spring what? Oh, that thing that people do when temperatures start to warm up and when people start to get the urge to go outside, move their bodies, and come out of their damn burrows. So far, I'm just not feeling it. I'm not sure how much of that has to do with the weather.

The missus seems to be sleeping in today. Not sure why since she has a busy day ahead of her. I have a good mind to talk to her this morning about last night's take-out meal from the local seafood place. I need her to tell me more vociferously not to eat certain things like French fries and fried food in general. It was, admittedly, a moment of weakness for me. I don't typically eat that stuff for all the reasons you're told not to eat that stuff. The grease clogs your arteries, the French fries leave you feeling bloated and unsatisfied, and eating it just makes you want to eat more of it. I owe it to myself to be more selective and to seek out alternative and more healthful choices. Something as simple as a nice lentil soup would have been just as satisfying and with none of the guilt. Lessons learned.

The missus ordered a broiled half-scallop half-haddock dish that was to die for. She got it right. Her dish might have been a little heavy on the butter but that was maybe the worst thing you could say about the dish. I'm not sure if the restaurant had a version of her dish that used less butter but she wasn't asking and I was in no position to be waving any red flags given my order. It was one of those nights where we were hadn't had a decent meal for a few nights, our son was where he was, and the missus had had a long day at work. It seemed an easy road to go down and nobody had much fight in them when the hour of six o'clock rolled around. It was the veritable path of least resistance and we willingly and hungrily stepped into the fray.

Bumbles Biden signed off on an anti-lynching bill last night at the White House. Yes, you heard that right. I know, I know. There hasn't been a lynching in the United Sates in God only knows how long. It was perhaps a clarion call by the democrats who are facing a crushing electoral defeat this coming November that the forces of evil are still amongst us and they call themselves "Republicans." You might also know them as the White Supremacists Trump supporters who, not incidentally, stormed the Capitol on January 6th. It was a reaffirmation of the Democrat's commitment to the black community and a warning that should they be abandoned now, they could no longer protect the interests of the black community once the Republicans were back in power should that day come to pass (the sooner, the better.)


We are likely to hear and see similar types of gaslighting in the coming months as the Democrats try to keep the House of Representatives and, God willing (their words, not mine), the Senate out of Republican hands. I take some comfort this morning in the results overnight of a race for a State Senate seat in South Carolina where the republican candidate beat his opponent like a rented mule. I'm not sure how you otherwise characterize a 90-something percent to a 9 something percent result. I think Trump won that district by a 60-40 margin back in 2016 so that makes this result that much more stunning. Bottom line? Americans have had it with Bumbles Biden and his pathetic sidekick, Kamala Harris. The gig is up.

This one clown of a talk show host on progressive radio last night was going on and on about Trump and how Biden's Attorney General had everything he needed to investigate and indict President Trump for his role in the January 2020 insurrection in our nation's Capitol. Some Federal judge had commented or maybe even put something in writing about Trump being "likely guilty" of any and all charges related to the incident and this further enraged the talk show host. "He has all he needs to investigate Trump," he said. "But, I'm not hearing any rumors about any investigation and I demand to know why he's not being investigated," he went on. He was incensed and he wanted to do everything he could to incense his audience. Whatever the hell it takes to get them to the damn polls in November!

It feels and looks like a multi-front strategy that the democrats are waging. They even had that lame-brained bartender Congresswoman from Queens, Ocassio Cortex, out on the stump yesterday calling for Justice Clarence Thomas to step down from the Supreme Court because of his wife's role in the January 6th insurrection. The democrats want that Supreme Court seat and they are willing to get it back by hook or crook. What's next? A million woman march in Washington? How far are they really willing to go to get what they want? It's all about the power of the incumbency for the democrats. The allure of a hold on government in perpetuity is the wet dream of every democratic socialist from the streets of Caracas, Venezuela to the back alleys of Washington D.C.. It's within their grasp until it isn't. November 2022 can't come around soon enough.

The missus and I paid Mrs G a visit at her facility yesterday. She's home now, or at least back in her facility if not in her own unit, and that has to be of some comfort to her. It's a step in the right direction after what must have been a harrowing few days for Mrs G not know how things might turn out. There is a propensity to think the worst when you're in the middle of a shitstorm of a health crisis and Mrs G was knee deep in hurt. She's over the worst of it now but it's still an uphill battle. We feel good, as does she, that she is in good hands and that there will be a collective effort by all involved to get Mrs G back own her feet and back out onto the dance floor as soon as possible. That's the plan anyway.

Fast forward 24 hours and we were visiting Mrs G once again. It was not my intention to go this time around and I'm pushing back on the notion that I need to go every time the missus goes. Mrs G is not my mother is what I would tell anyone wanting to know why. That said, sometimes you go along to get along. I knew the missus had had a tough day and if I have one charge in life it is to keep the missus happy. There is always tomorrow and you do have to pick your spots so I pulled myself together and off we went. We found Mrs G sitting up in a plush lounge chair and looking and sounding chipper than just 24 hours ago. That's what we're talking about. You go, girl! Let's go through some of that mail, shall we?

What is this whole Disney thing about queers, gender fluid, and binary pansexual bullshit that we're hearing about? I don't even know what half of these terms mean. It sounds like Disney wants to turn what has become a profitable business model and an American institution into some version of itself that has to have good ole Walt rolling over in his grave. They want to do what? They will no longer greet their customers as "boys and girls." Is this some kind of joke? Disney's employees are putting their high heels down. They are insisting that their CEO bend to their every twisted and tortured version of how they see themselves and their queer friends. Boys can love boys, girls can love girls, and if Mickey Mouse wants a boyfriend, Minnie will have to suck it up and move the fuck out. It's a new day at Disney and the queers are now in charge. Well, we'll see about that.

This could end up being a defining moment for Disney and for our society at large. No one cares quite frankly, what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes but they care a lot when it comes to their children and the cultural influences that impact them. Parents want the last word when it comes to what their children hear and see. Disney has always been about family values and their brand has been unassailable in that regard for decades. Now that the Disney culture has been exposed to the light of day thanks to their employees reaction to Florida's "Don't say Gay" bill in Florida, it has exposed an underlying culture of queer debauchery at Disney that now threatens that very same institution. Disney might well become in short order here the veritable canary in the coal mine for every other institution embracing woke-ism. Go woke, go broke?

You have to admire Florida Governor DeSantis for standing up to Disney when the Disney CEO criticized him for signing Florida's "Don't say Gay" bill. It takes a certain amount of courage to stand up to the woke mob these days but DeSantis rightly called Disney out as the profligate purveyors of the kind of cultural rubbish that most people, and most parents, find reprehensible and he wasn't wrong to do it. There is a political angle here that could serve the Republican Party well going into the midterm elections in November if they play their cards right. When Governor Youngkin of Virginia pushed back against the teachers unions in 2020 when they went all-in to keep the CRT (Critical Race Theory) curriculum in the schools, he had overwhelming support from parents and they subsequently rewarded him with the governorship. In Virginia-speak, there's gold in them thar hills. This could go nation wide. That's a good thing.

I've never liked the idea of allowing lunatics to run the asylum. I've never liked or respected weak-kneed leaders who allow their employees to dictate what a corporation is and is not allowed to say and do. The lunatic fringe within any organization can have their fanciful ideas about what constitutes reality and they can share them with like minded loons at the water cooler or other oasis's as they see fit. That's fine but when the natural hierarchy within any organization comes unhinged, we get what we're now seeing at Disney. Superimpose a culture of rabid queer-ness on top of an already disastrous organizational structure and you have a special kind of mayhem. Parents will have the last word here and I think I know what that sounds like.

Bumbles was at the podium the other day reading haltingly as he does behind his trusty teleprompter. He was blathering on and on about celebrating the rights of trans people. I'm not sure how many trans people there are in the United States but I'm pretty sure their numbers are insignificant in the scheme of things. Is this a constituency that Biden feels that he and his leftist minions need to cultivate? Does this have anything to do with the fact that recent survey of a majority of young people under the age of eighteen in the United States now think of themselves as "trans"? I think this says more about the progress that the left is making in inculcating certain perverse cultural values in our children than anything else. It's high time we as parents insist that cameras be put in every classroom. Teachers found to be departing from the standard curriculum should be summarily dismissed without warning. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Who doesn't like a good Monopoly reference?

The missus and I are watching a show on HULU about Elizabeth Holmes and her now defunct company, Theranos. We've watched similar shows on HULU and we think they do a pretty good job with these types of shows. I read the book back a while ago and I can't say that HULU's version of Holmes's character is what I was expecting. That said, she's growing on me a bit here as I am six episodes in to this eight episode series. Hulu's version of Holmes is a somewhat flighty and less-than-serious version of the Holmes who fancied herself a reincarnated version of Steve Jobs. It wasn't enough to dress like Steve Jobs. She shamelessly co-opted his entire public persona. It was all a deliberate ruse to continue to distract and confuse while running a nine billion dollar company built on a series of lies and obfuscations.

It's hard to believe that it went on as long as it did. It's hard to believe that she had investors who bought into the crock of hooey that she was selling. They had a product that never worked but she sold them on the promise that this was something that would revolutionize the industry and that was seemingly enough to keep both her company and her delusion alive for yet another day. We're not talking about just any investors. We're talking about Larry Ellis (Founder of Oracle), Rupert Murdoch, and countless others who ponied up big bucks to get in on the ground floor. Any and all efforts by her detractors to expose her for the fraud that she was fell flat. Like any other house of cards, it ultimately collapsed under its own weight. Her sentencing is scheduled for September of this year (2022.) All I can say is, she had better get some hard time.