Make America Great Again

Yes, I think a new strategy in my journal keeping is needed. I’m thinking a paragraph a day is just what the doctor ordered. Get it down on paper and don’t worry about the filters so much. Don’t worry about the voices in your head directing you one way or another. Just let it go. Let’s give her a try then. Today is primary day for the Speaker of the House Paul Ryan in the first district in Wisconsin. He’s been lukewarm on Trump since day one since Trump’s views are antithetical to his own on issues like trade, immigration, etc. This is a guy, and a somewhat doltish fellow if one cares to take a closer look, who perhaps embodies the midwestern stereotypes when it comes to intelligence, looks, and values. Like many of his brethren in the cauldron of vipers within the Washington establishment he has never had real job in the private sector and has no real appreciation for what the average american goes through each and every day when faced with the prospects of having to put bread on their family’s table. This is precisely the type of establishmentarian that the Trump revolution and the American people are trying to dispense with given their collective inability to get the jobs done for the people who send them to Washington. That would be us. That would be me. That would be you. Let’s hope and pray the people going to vote today in that district do the right thing and elect his opponent, Paul Nehlen. Let’s get er done.

File Aug 13, 7 36 24 AM

The world is on fire and all I can think about is blueberries. That might be a slight exaggeration but there is a kernel of truth to it so it stays. I don’t remember ever being this fond of blueberries but that may not be altogether true given that the season is so short and the memory from season to season tends to fade and fade quickly once a season is past its peak. Maybe I’m just overcompensating for the sugar that I have been trying to stay away from and with some success I might add. Balancing all of these things while seeking that ephemeral state of optimal health has been a challenge but taking sugar out of the equation was and is proving to have been a good place to start. And so I supplement my now suppressed sugar addiction with fruits of all persuasions including blueberries, strawberries, and even the acrid sweetness of red grapefruit from time to time. Grapes deserve their place in the lineup as do red cherries but never bananas not even in a pinch. Nor will I have dates or their close cousin, raisins, since they both now taste too sweet on my dulled palate but I don’t miss them. Truth be told, I had a small slice of a zucchini bread last evening that I baked in the last week and since I know all too well the amount of sugar that I used to make the bread I took less infinitely less enjoyment in eating the bread than I might otherwise have had I used perhaps a little less sugar than the recipe called for. So, blueberries on my cereal, blueberries by the handful, blueberries and yogurt, and other variations I’ve not yet dreamed up are there for my enjoyment. When the world gives you lemons you get off your high horse and make the best of it. I’ll keep an eye on the number and size of the servings so as not to sabotage my well laid plans but for now its working. Get your lemonade here!

Not sure how it turned out that I’m more involved than ever in Nancy’s morning routine. I know I’ll look back on this time and get a good chuckle at some point but now as I sit here thinking about it I’m slightly annoyed that it has gotten completely out of hand. It began with me simply making sure that she had hot water for her tea in the minutes leading up to her departure those mornings she drives into Boston to work. It’s a pretty good hike into Boston so not a big deal. Happy to do it. Happy to make her life easier if that is what it means. And then she needed to have her grapefruit cut up and put into a container and stored in the fridge so it was sufficiently chilled and ready to be eaten in the car on the way into work. Not problem. Happy to do it. Her breakfast routine also includes shredded wheat in a cup of milk and seasonal fruit all of which she consumes on the way into work. The next thing I know I’m cutting up the fruit while she showers. It is one less thing for her to concern herself with. Not a problem. Happy to do it. The strawberries need to be washed, the stems removed, and sliced into bite sized chunks. The blueberries need to be washed, patted down with a paper towel, and stored along with her grapefruit in the fridge. Oh, and if there are any rotten or misshaped pieces of fruit they of course need to be culled and removed before storing the fruit. Not a problem. Happy to do it. At the same time I’m checking the oil in her car to make sure she has enough and I’m approving her wardrobe with a glance and a nod and sometimes i don’t even glance but just nod anyway. Her morning routine has become an extension of my morning routine or so it seems. The one time of day I’m looking to carve out my own private affairs which include none of the above mentioned chores I find myself being her private valet and maybe that is the way it is supposed to work. I just wish someone had warned me that this was my destiny. For now, not a problem. Happy to do it. I just need to work on doing less of it if that’s possible. And staying in bed is not an option. Even at the early hour of 5am. There. I said it.

It’s hard to know from day to day what is really happening in the 2016 presidential race. The left wing media is spewing all kinds of nonsense from false stories about Trump to ridiculous polls that favor their globalist candidate, Hillary Clinton. I’ve taken to Twitter to see what I can glean but even there I’m listening to like minded individuals so the stories may well one skewed to favor my candidate, Donald J. Trump. What is true is that Clinton is scandal ridden and even today as I’m reading the Daily Caller online there is a story about investigations around the Clinton Foundation. This is in the wake of several stories in the last few days about e-mails that revealed a pay-for-play arrangement while she was Secretary of State. Donations to the Clinton Foundation were rewarded with favors from the State Department.

People have gone to jail for a lot less than what many allege in the case of Clinton and to think she is the nominee of a major political party for the highest office in our land seems on the face of it just preposterous. But there is no shame in dealing with grifters if you are a democrat. This is how they roll. When they fail to indict they give legitimacy to the crimes committed and it further lowers the bar that we have set for our government, our national standards, and the ethics by which we value ourselves in the eyes of the world. To think that anyone could actually cast a vote for this woman knowing what they know about her seems ludicrous. It is the power of the presidency that ultimately matters so that is what they seek and they seem willing to overlook everything and anything to get the prize. Trump may not have all the answers but he is a viable alternative if you can get past the constant stream of mistruths you hear in the media. God help us all if Hillary Clinton becomes president.

File Aug 13, 7 34 51 AM

It feels funny to be looking forward to vacation even though every day of my life these days is a day on vacation. Maybe it’s just the change of scenery that I’m looking forward to. Or, new faces, new conversations, old friends, really old places to revisit, and being with one of my earliest true loves can never be a bad thing. It’a a place and not a person. That is all I can tell you. The shangri-la of destinations. Where nothing ever bad happens and where nothing bad can happen. A place where I want to be alone and away from everyone and anyone who would trample on my tranquility. That does not include my darling Nancy just so you know. Or, Evan for that matter should he show up. Without a doubt, Nancy will make every effort to see to it that he joins us if he can. And that will be fine. My guess is that he would much prefer to sit at home and far away from the maddening crowds wherever and whenever they might appear. You just never know with Evan.

I suppose we’ll do what we always do in this special place of ours, and it may be just as magical to Nancy after all the years we’ve been going there, so the usual lists we have on hand to make sure we bring everything will be checked, double checked, and maybe even triple checked before we depart. The only plan I have is to see to it that I have a little lunch with the sisters, to make sure that we hit the usual spots like Long Island and Bolton Landing, and maybe we’ll even get in a visit to the cemetery while there. It’s good to say hello to the dead relatives too. I’m not a cemetery hound like some others I know but if we’re in the area I can be persuaded to stop by. Yes, I don’t look in the rear view mirror very often. Never have. That probably sounds funny coming from someone who is constantly looking in the rear view mirror when chronicling a life of tedium and transition but there you have it. Oh, and I plan to get in a few good days of fishing. Not because I want to but because that is what I do when I’m in my special place. My “happy” place as it were.

Yes, I think this paragraph-a-day is going to work out just fine.