On a Bender

I just don't know what got into me yesterday. I got to cleaning the garage and it was all consuming. I had hoped to do other things, like rake some leaves and maybe even take a bike ride, but my focus was on the garage. Nancy was working in Boston for the day, and working Saturday's is clearly unusual for her, so I was on my own. I was looking forward to having the day to myself but had nothing in particular that I wanted to do. I knew that keeping busy was probably a priority and I had given just a little thought to taking Nancy's mom out for coffee later in the afternoon. I knew around noontime that that would not happen. I was immersed in what I was doing. I had a blueprint of sorts in my head or a pathway to success that would take me a number of hours to complete giving me a break for lunch and some late afternoon refreshment but that was about it. I moved stealthily from spot to spot in the garage leaving no areas untouched. There were things to be thrown away; things to be swept and cleared; things to be placed elsewhere; things to be moved from one container to another; and decisions to be made one after the other until the day grew dark. I was clearly in a zone the entire day. I had the energy, the desire, the music, the time, and no distractions whatsoever to take me off my stride. At the end of the day I would turn from time to time to look back at what I'd accomplished and it all seemed so magical were it not for the residual aches and pains that were quick to remind me that it was I who had moved heaven and earth to complete this task. All Nancy wanted to know when she finally got home, since I had told her nothing in our conversations during the day of my task at hand, is if I had thrown anything away. Imagine that.


Fast forward one week. I just did one paragraph last week? I have got to get on the stick. We talked to Evan yesterday. He was asking right off if he could get rid of the corn starch containers in the trash. He does have a thing about concealing this aspect of his life. I'm guessing he would tell no one if he had the choice. We told him that he could and that the containers were probably good to go right in the recycling bin since they are a 1 or 2 on the recycling scale. He gave us an update on his food stuffs and assured us that he was eating well and that he had enough money on his account to last through Thanksgiving. We asked if he was meeting any girls he liked and his response was expectedly dismissive. That is how it always is with that boy. He is just about the most private person you could ever want to know. But, that's Evan. His studies seem to be going ok although he admits to struggling with math and made some reference to a high school teacher who just made matters worse for him. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? We asked him is the Business curriculum was working out for him and he said that it was. My math skills are equally suspect and it made little difference when I was in college since Business has less of a focus on math and more on accounting, spreadsheets, and such. And god only knows that I don't do quantum physics day in and day out in my day job so I'm good to go. I think Evan would do well to stay on his current path and get through as best he can. I'm sure he'll be fine.

I just don't know where the time goes. I had every intention to get a birthday card out to my bro and just never got it done. I do that a lot and it only seems to be getting worse as I get older. But we'll leave that alone. Everything from this day on goes out belated. It will have to do. Did I tell you that I bought an android phone? I wanted to send a message to the good folks at Apple that their upgrades and updates have been less than inspirational since Steve died and my good friends at Samsumg have backfilled my needs nicely. Ironically, it was the iPad that got me hooked on larger screens and shifting from that to the iPhone just never really worked that well. I like having the extra real estate on the Galaxy and it is clearly a more stunning device to play with and use. And, they are catching up in the app department so I'm good with the transition however temporary. I am now hearing that Apple will be coming out with larger screen next year. They are a day late band a dollar short to the party. Where you been, baby??? Are they paying any attention to the trends in the marketplace? We're liking the iPad air though and may well trade up for the holidays and give Nan's device to her sister so she can party on like it's 1999. She has always been very good to us so I have no issues with that at all. We're getting out turkey from Hurd farm this year as we did last year. We're a little late with the deposit so I'm hoping we didn't miss the boat. Deb will be joining us as well. Maybe she can help her mom with the mashed potatoes. Maybe more. She can surprise us.