Spilling The Beans

I'm standing here in the kitchen a little after 6 in the morning watching as Nancy puts together her breakfast and lunch which she will be taking along with her in my car as she heads into Boston ahead of the morning rush hour. Her oatmeal is in the microwave; her fresh mango slices are sitting on the cutting board glistening with sweetness; the bag of flax seed is open and ready for pouring once she has her oatmeal and mango slices inside her 12 oz styrofoam cup; her organic black tea having steeped for precisely 4 minutes and now ready to go; her fresh turkey cubed and stuffed gently into a small but sturdy tupperware container; and a slightly soggy and ill formed plastic baggy sitting on the counter filled with balsamic vinegar which she plans to have on her turkey come lunch time.

File Dec 08, 10 41 55 AM

All I can think of is that she is turning the inside of my new car into a luncheonette. She likes to eat while driving and there isn't a lot I can do about that short of offering her a bib and a damp cloth with the hopes that she will use them to clean any spills, etc. I want her to do whatever it is that she enjoys and far be it from me to rain on her parade if I happen to disagree with what she happens to be doing at any given moment in time. So I bite my tongue, bide my time, and hope for the best. Have a nice day darling. Hope your commute goes well (ugh.)

I promised to remind the Ev man that he has an appointment today with nurse Sarah. Maybe it's nurse Sara. Not sure. It's hard to know one minute to the next how Ev is going to feel when the time comes to go to this appointment or any other for that matter. He's already missed one appointment at this office so missing another would not be good. It's likely to be a quick session so I can't imagine he will be opposed to going but millennial moods can be mercurial and that is a description that fits the Ev man to a tee. He is upbeat and talkative one moment and withdrawn and moody the very next. As I understand it, he had a visit with the eye guy (ophthalmologist) yesterday and he asked that Nancy drive him to the appointment.

In retrospect, it was a good idea since he had his eyes dilated and I'm not sure that he was expecting to have that done. Nancy anticipated that possibility and brought along another pair of sunglasses for him to use. Good call, momma. Like most parents, we usually worry needlessly when it comes to their children. Does he know where this doctor's office is? Will he get there on time? Will he remember what he needs to remember with information given to him by the health care professionals? Will he get up in time to get to the appointment? Just to be safe, since he has not been to this particular office, I will offer to drive him since I've been there with Nancy any number of times. It's the least I can do?

File Dec 08, 10 42 10 AM

We've not had any snow so far this season but that could change tomorrow. I need to make sure the wood pile is covered with the tarp before the snow starts falling and I need to bring in some wood just so we have it on hand should we want to fire up the wood stove. Evan has asked about having a wood stove a few times so I should probably get that going. He likes to camp out in the front room wth his laptop in the coziness that a wood stove brings especially in the early part of the winter season before things like wood stoves and snow storms become old hat.

We're between and betwixt when it comes to getting too comfortable in the front room since we plan to have wood flooring put in and the wood could arrive any day now. We had hoped to get that done sooner and regret to some extent not having the contractor who did our bathroom do our wood floors too. I think the timing of all of that just didn't work out although precisely where it fell apart is anyone's guess. We're looking in the rear view mirror and that mirror is just a bit foggy at the moment. And, it goes without saying that we can't put up our tree like the good christians that we are (tongue in cheek) until and unless we know for sure that the flooring guy isn't coming along to install the floor when we least expect it.

One last point I would make about contractors and such is that we've not had the final walk through on our bathroom which has been finished for a good month now. I'm guessing they don't want to be paid? They are too busy with all of their other jobs to follow up with us? For a group that was on the ball from a billing standpoint in the early to middle stages of the work scheduled, they now seem to have forgotten us now that the job is finished. But we're clearly pleased as punch with the work that they did do and that cannot be understated. So what if they still owe us a final bill not to mention that they also owe us an estimate on some other work that we had asked about.

File Dec 08, 10 42 48 AM

I'm looking forward to my bike ride today. I've been riding with temps in the low forties and I have not been alone on the highway. November was a slow month for riding but I seem to be making up for that so far in December. I should start to take a few pictures to post in this here blog. It's gets a little inconvenient to say the least to take pictures during the ride since it means stopping and going and stopping and going. Not exactly what they doctor ordered so I plan to make exceptions if and when the opportunity presents itself. Maybe like this here blog, and when it comes to biking and the end of the year type tallies, I can finish strong. I love that expression. I can't say I like wearing all the cold weather gear when riding but it is a small price to pay for staying fit and feeling good about what I'm doing when I'm doing it. It also helps to crank up some tunes while riding. Maybe a little Led Zeppelin or Guess Who if I can catch the wind at my back. It's 36.3 degrees now and maybe, with any luck, we'll get to 40 degrees but I'm not counting on it. I'm off!