Call Me Crazy

Here we go, boys and girls. We're off and running for another wild and wooly week. What the hell is a wooley week, anyway? I don't know, and I don't care. I'm hearing that China and Russia had warships off our coast of Alaska last week. Where was the mainstream media when all of this went down? Were they asleep at the wheel? Or were they doing the bidding of Biden's Deep State and keeping Americans in the dark? What were those warships doing off our coast, exactly? I suppose if they really wanted to make a statement, they might have picked a better spot to make a statement than to go off the coast of a barren ice-laden landscape populated not by American citizens but by polar bears and penguins. Did this really happen, or are we being gaslit by our own government again? Color me skeptical.

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Just like the stupid videos the White House keeps circulating of Bumbles Biden riding his bicycle around Rehobeth while waving to adoring crowds. They never show the adoring crowds waving back, just so you know. Nobody in their right mind puts an eighty-year-old man with late-stage dementia on a bicycle, much less a president of the United States with late-stage dementia. How fucking stupid do they think we are? Am I the only one asking this question? It's what they call a doppelganger, right? I think they're pulling the same stunt with the idiotic pictures of Bumbles on the beach in Rehobeth sitting under the umbrella with Dr. Jill. They've got AI working overtime to project these fake photos and videos of someone other than Bumbles Biden, and I ain't buying their bullshit.

If those warships running around in the Arctic are really a thing, maybe what we're seeing is that the China/Russia alliance is not as far-fetched as our woke generals would have you believe. In other words, waging a proxy war against Russia in Ukraine is one thing. Taking Russia head-on, with China right behind them, when all else fails, is a horse of an altogether different color. Are we willing to take on two of the more powerful armies and navies in the world in order to vanquish our Russian foes? That would seem to be insanity on steroids, and I would hope our woke generals might realize that. I can't speak for the demented fool in the White House. If he, and I'm talking about Bumbles here, can't steer clear of the fog in his head before sending our boys to a certain death, then I guess we get what we deserve. There are far too many war games being played out on various landscapes across the globe for my tastes. And those are just the ones we're being informed of by our main street media.

I don't know what Trump is thinking sometimes. He puts out a tweet saying, "If you come after me, I'm coming after you." It sounds like a veiled threat against the prosecutor, Jack Smith, who is going after Trump hammer and tong in order to keep him from winning the 2024 presidential election. In Trump's defense, his tweet could have been directed at his Republican opponents. Smith has now gone running to the radical leftist judge overseeing the case, and he's looking to have the judge further restrict Trump from doing certain things that Trump needs to do in order to beat this shithole of a rap he's been indicted for. If this is what three-dimensional chess looks like, I'm not sure it's going to work. In fact, it neither looks nor sounds like three-dimensional chess. It looks like something that someone would say when they open their mouth before they think about what it is that they want to say. Something a little more measured might have been just as effective but less threatening. You know this judge is just looking for a reason to put Trump in jail. Do not give her a reason. Just don't.

My guitar practice is coming along well. There's only one problem. I've been learning this one particular song. I was getting the intro and the chorus down nicely when along came a section that called for a bar chord. I hate bar chords. I figured that I was sitting pretty and coming down the home stretch when I could relax a little bit and just play the song through from beginning to end without stopping. I have a little crook on my index finger, which isn't helping. I'm thinking if the crook crooked in the other direction, I might have an easier time of it. Now, what do I do? The guy in the tutorial said something about needing strength in your fingers to play this particular section. I'm not sure that I have a choice at this point. I like the song, I like how far I've come, and I'm not willing to throw it all away because I can't nail a bar chord. I think I'm going to make this work, crook and all. By hook or crook, as they say in the movies.

I was telling the missus that I was having second thoughts about asking Mrs. G about the Kentucky Fried Chicken nuggets we picked up in Seabrook last week. We ordered them as well. We found them to be, in a word, hideous. I don't even know how to describe what we didn't like about them. It would have been nice if they had been crispier. I thought Kentucky fried chicken was supposed to be crispy. It didn't help that they were no longer hot by the time we got around to eating them. That's probably true of most take-out food, maybe with the exception of pizza, which is sometimes better cold than hot. Mrs. G usually gets a couple of wings and maybe a drumstick or two. Not this time. The lot of us fell for the advertisement on the ordering board, and we went with the nuggets. Did I mention they were clumpy and soggy and came in a small box the size of a pack of playing cards? If we get feedback from Mrs. G to the contrary the next time we pay her a visit, we'll not say a thing. No need to rain on her parade. No siree, Bob.

It looks like we're in for a rainy day here on the seacoast. I hope it holds off long enough so that the Ev man doesn't need to drive to his dentist's office in the rain. I'm quite sure he doesn't care for driving in inclement weather, be it rain or snow. Hell, you can probably throw fog into the mix as well. I would have offered to give him a lift, but I've not heard a peep from him as yet this morning. That reminds me. I hope he hasn't forgotten about his appointment. The missus is off on a couple of appointments herself, so she'll be busy and out and about this morning. No, little darlings, no need to pick up any bagels while you're out and about. We've got a few things for the Ev man to take with him when he stops by after his dentist's visit, so he'll be happy about that. Anytime he can avoid going shopping, food shopping, more specifically, he's okay with that. Better than okay, I'd say. Am I enabling him in some way, shape, or form by having a few things on hand to pass along to him? Probably. Does that make me a bad person? Probably not.

The Hummingbirds will be happy. They love this weather. I've got both feeders completely topped off and ready to go. You'll laugh at this: I noticed that black ants were climbing all over one of my feeders to get to the sugary water in the well. I don't know how the hummingbirds feel about it, but it irritates me, so there's that. I rinsed the ants off into a bucket of warm sudsy water a couple of times when it was time to refill the feeder with sugar water. Another time, I put a smattering of Vaseline mixed with Cayenne pepper on the pole leading to the feeder to see if that wouldn't impede their travel. Just the other day, I turned our hair dryer on high heat and high air and literally blew them off the feeder through the screen in the window. That was very satisfying, to say the least. Whether they learned their lesson remains to be seen. I also know that I'm supposed to add less and less sugar to the water as the summer goes on, but I simply don't have the heart to give them less than what they become accustomed to if that makes any sense. God forbid they don't come back next year because of something I did or didn't do. I'd never forgive myself.

The Governor of the State of Massachusetts, just south of here, has declared a state of emergency. Not because of flooding or some other unanticipated natural disaster but because of the enormous influx of illegal aliens. Let's call this what it is: It is a disaster of their own making. Massachusetts is a Marxist hellhole, so no, one should be surprised that they embrace Biden's immigration policies with both hands. You'll not see these illegals ferried out to wealthier communities like Martha's Vineyard, Brookline, etc., so they need not worry about the impact of the illegal aliens on their housing values. You won't see the Governor herself taking in illegals, either. Her contribution will be measured in terms of how many driver's licenses, EBT cards, free sneakers and jeans, free health care, free education, and work permits she and her minions in state government are willing to issue. Her motto, and the motto of her fellow Democrat hacks, is simple when it comes to the illegals: I scratch your back, and you scratch my back. Loosely translated, that ensures that Democrats in the state of Massachusetts never lose another election. It's all about the votes.

I'm not even sure what the declaration of emergency means for the people in Massachusetts who want nothing to do with the hordes of unwashed illegals showing up on their shores. Or, more to the point, being flown and bussed in from our open southern border. Maybe even more surprising is the number of Democrats who would take a sharp stick in their eye before offering to take one or more of these people into their own homes. They had better decide where they stand and quickly because the flow of illegals into their state is just getting started. Hotels across the state are filled to capacity with illegals, and that leaves little to no room for people who want to visit Massachusetts, where they would otherwise spend their hard-earned money to the benefit of the communities across the state. Did I mention that winter will soon be here? Some of these illegals have never seen snow or experienced something even close to what we see here in the Northeast from November to March every year.

I cringe every time I see a story or a picture in the local papers of an illegal alien who has raped a child, killed an American, deprived an American citizen of his or her property, or some other act of criminality. The reports in the newspapers and in the press will never identify them as illegal citizens, although anyone with half a brain knows better. No one will tell you that they have a criminal record the length of one's arm back in their country of origin. I suspect that the sheer volume of criminality that we're about to see in every community across our country may well mean that they are too numerous to report on without inciting violence against these very same perpetrators and anyone who looks like them. Our entire social order is under assault, thanks to the radicals at the highest levels in our government. When they say that it is going to get worse before it gets better, that is probably an understatement. It probably doesn't matter who we impeach, be it Mayorkis or Biden. They will just be replaced by another leftist from the ranks of the swinish Democratic establishment who will continue the destructive policies of the Left until we can throw them out of office in 2024. That is unless they steal that election, too.

We get another CPI report today. That's the one that speaks to inflation. Is it getting better, or is it getting worse? Does anyone believe a fucking thing that comes out of the Biden Administration? They'll tell you that the sun is out while you're pulling your boots on to wade through a deluge of rain. Hell, they've co-opted our entire judicial system, so what makes you think they can't or wouldn't corrupt the people publishing the CPI number every month? I can hear them now: If you want to keep your fucking jobs, you'll put out the number we tell you to put out. So, we get a slow-and-steady number that makes it look like Joey and his minions are getting the job done when, behind the scenes, people are paying significantly more for just about everything under the sun. The stock market responds favorably, so that helps the folks who have not already tapped out their 401k's. It's all smoke and mirrors. And, God help you if you drive a car that requires premium gas. You're paying nearly $5 a gallon for gas in most states across the country.

Congressman Comer released another report yesterday about Biden's taking $20 million, give or take, from countries overseas. The usual line-up of Democrats was out in force crooning, "Nothing to see here, move along." "There's not one shred of evidence that Joe Biden profited personally from any of Hunter's overseas deals." I don't tune in to network news, but I can guess how they covered this story: Crickets. Whatever it takes to cover up for the most corrupt president in the history of our country. Wait a minute. I thought it was the job of network news to get to the bottom of stories like this. I thought that this was their bread and butter. You get the scoop, and you get it out there before your network rivals, and that's how you earn your bona fides in the rough-and-tumble world of network news. Is this the modern-day version of journalism? You sit back and wait for a governmental agency to send you the latest and greatest leak that you, in turn, use to write an elaborate expose using "unconfirmed sources" and "reliable sources"? No fucking wonder nobody believes a word you say anymore. It's a damn sorry state of affairs, as my dad used to say back in the day. Pops didn't know how right he was.

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The fact of the matter is that we don't know precisely how compromised President Biden is. We do know that he never sanctioned the wife of the mayor of Russia, who wired $3.5 million to the Bidens, while he put sanctions on every other Russian oligarch after Russia invaded Ukraine. We also know that the Bidens have taken millions of dollars from China. The fact that Joe Biden instructed his military not to shoot down China's spy balloon as it traversed our country and, in several instances, it flew directly over our most secret military installations is perhaps another indication of just how compromised Biden is. I think they call it "kompromat" in Russian. I'm not sure about the Chinese translation. I guess my question is, how many examples do we need before we call what Biden is doing as treasonous? If we don't follow the prescriptions laid out in the Constitution for these alleged crimes, what do we do the next time we have this level of criminality in one or more of our elected leaders? How far do we fall from grace before our beloved Constitution is nothing more than a 250-year-old document written by a bunch of old white men? With white people soon to be in the minority, it can't possibly still be relevant. Or, can it?

What the hell? Our FBI is out of control. They find some 300-pound guy in Utah posting threats to various public officials, and the next thing you know, the guy is lying in the gutter outside his home in a pool of blood after being pumped full of lead by a battalion of FBI agents. Do they not issue arrest warrants anymore? Don't tell me that they didn't have any number of opportunities to throw the cuffs on this fella if that is what they wanted to do. No one should condone the kinds of threats that this fella was making, but neither should we, as Americans, condone the use of deadly force by our Federal agencies against Americans whose politics they disagree with. These are the same assclowns, allegedly, that worked with governmental officials to pull off the January 6th ruse in order to paint and jail Trump supporters as insurrectionists and domestic terrorists. This is also the same organization that dispatched undercover resources to churches and school meetings to monitor God-fearing Americans. We'll likely never know what happened in Utah on that fateful day because Biden's Stasi will never hold their own responsible. Why should they? They have the full support of the President of the United States.

When I heard about the proposed deal, or at least the outlines of a proposed deal that the Biden Administration was negotiating to effect the release of Americans being held in Iranian prisons, all I could think of was one thing: Bo Bergdahl. Bergdahl, you may recall, was the soldier who went AWOL while serving in Afghanistan in 2009. President Obama traded five high-level Taliban terrorists for Bergdahl in a highly controversial trade. This deal with Iran had Bergdahl written all over it. This time, Biden was proposing to give Iran, a known terrorist state, six billion dollars in exchange for releasing the Americans being held. Who the hell does that? Why would you give Iran 6 billion dollars so that Iran can foment even more terror and death in the Middle East and across the globe? Truth be told, the six billion represents Iranian funds held by the United States going back to, I'm not sure when, but the end result is the same. How is this not appeasement? This is Jimmy Carter level appeasement. Does this not incentivize Iran to grab even more Americans wherever and whenever they can? It's enough to make you sick as an American. Bo Bergdahl sick.

Word has it now that Comer's committee in Congress is planning to subpoena Bumbles Biden and his profligate son to question them about the tens of millions that they have added to the Biden Family's coffers dating back to God knows only when. That's a good thing. Right? They have all the bank records they need, and now they just need to tie a nice bow on it in order to wrap things up. How delicious would it be to get Bumbles lying through his teeth while under oath? I suppose Bumble's supporters might say that questioning a man of Bumble's age and his alleged frailty, not to mention a man in Biden's cognitively challenged state, is a bridge too far. He's prone to say almost anything they might say. Why, just the other day, he referred to the Grand Canyon as one of the nine wonders of the world. He can barely pronounce the names of the public officials in attendance, for chrissakes, so you really shouldn't take anything he says seriously. He even refers to his vice president as "president" from time to time. All of that is true, of course. How much of it is real and how much of it is gaslighting, only his neurologist knows for sure. If anything good comes from the questioning under oath, it will be proof positive that he is not fit for the office in which he serves. Whether that makes any difference to anyone at the end of the day remains to be seen.

I don't know why people keep floating Gavin Newsome's name as a potential replacement for Biden in 2024. Has anyone noticed how he has practically and singlehandedly destroyed the beautiful state of California? People have been fleeing that state in greater and greater numbers over the past few years. It's essentially a one-party state. Just look at the shithole cities of San Fransicko and other bastions of liberal insanity. Retail outlets are leaving the state en masse thanks to bills signed off by Newsome that make retail theft a misdemeanor. We've all seen the videos of gangs of thieves walking into stores in California and walking out with cartloads of stolen merchandise while store security stands on the curb doing nothing. Newsome, to me, seems to be about the easiest guy out there on the Democratic side to beat like a drum on Election Day were he to be his party's nominee. Of course, that precludes any shenanigans that the Democrats might employ coast-to-coast to get their boy into office. You know, the same shenanigans they employed to steal the election from Trump in 2020. So, maybe it doesn't matter how anyone feels about Newsome. All that matters is that the Democrats and their ballot-stuffing mules get the job done in 2024. Is it me, or is all of this starting to feel more than a little preordained?

Let's call this appointment of a Special Counsel to look into Hunter Biden's transgressions what it is: It's bullshit. It's a blatant attempt to blunt the ongoing investigation by Congress into the lawlessness and likely treasonous activities of Joe Biden and, by extension, every member of his extended family who has benefitted either directly or indirectly from Joe Biden's criminal activities during the last several decades. Both Speaker McCarthy and Congressman Comer have called the appointment of the Special Counsel, or at least referred to it, as an attempt to muck up their investigations, and they've committed to moving forward in spite of the appointment. I'm paraphrasing, of course, but I think you get my drift. Both Joe and Hunter are probably getting a good laugh at this seemingly well-crafted sleight of hand put together by Joe's Attorney General. It potentially delays any number of proceedings that could embarrass Joey in the months leading up to his winning a second term in 2024. We'll see how much of what Comer and McCarthy tell us comes to fruition. Do they or do they not have the power to upend the shell game devised by the White House and General Garland? Here's hoping the answer to that question is "yes."

I need to give myself a pat on the back for a job well done in painting my bulkhead doors. It was just one of those things that needed to be done but wasn't getting done because I wasn't taking the initiative. It was also one of those things that wasn't easy to avoid day in and day out, so having it in my face helped to motivate me to move off the proverbial dime. Sometimes doing these things is easy once you have everything you need to do the job, but if you don't, it can seem a little daunting. Let's face it. I'm easily daunted. It's the story of my life, you might say. With all of that in the rearview mirror, at least as far as my bulkhead doors are concerned, I'm getting a certain amount of mileage, if you will, from looking at the before and after pictures of the bulkhead doors. I still have a little more to do around the edges, so I'm not quite done yet. The missus is similarly pleased, and I think she's not just saying it to make me feel good. All of a sudden, I'm seeing a million other things that need to be painted hereabouts. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

On the campaign trail, I love those videos of people chasing DeSantis around the Iowa State fairgrounds with a blowhorn calling him "pudding fingers," amongst other things, and telling him to go home. If I hear that fool, Pence, tell his audiences one more time that he "stood up for the law" that day in Congress back on January 6th when he failed to refuse to sign off on the electors, I think I'm going to puke. The people following him around on the fairgrounds holding "traitor" placards aren't wrong. You may disagree with the premise that what Trump wanted him to do was illegal, but it was a workable legal theory in a lot of ways despite what the mainstream media wants you to believe. It's also a little weird to me how these candidates, at least the two I'm talking about here, have their wives involved in the process. Maybe that's what it takes to get the female vote when neither of these two twats can get that done, I'm not sure. I think I've seen about as much as I want to see and hear from Casey DeSantis. Who are we prostituting next, pray tell? The children? Is this supposed to remind those of us who are old enough of the picturesque Kennedy clan in the White House back in the sixties? They were Democrats, for fuck sakes. Try harder.

Raise your hand if you want to celebrate the judge who sent the crypto wunderkind, Sam Bankman Fried, to jail yesterday for tampering with witnesses. You want to forget the judge and just celebrate Fried going to jail? That's okay too. A week or two back, they dismissed certain charges against him having to do with his involvement in campaign financing or something along those lines. I have no idea what charges he's facing in total, but when I heard about these charges being dismissed, I figured the whole ball of wax was coming undone. He's given millions to mostly Democratic candidates, and that has to be worth something. Right? He had to be thinking to himself, where is my damn get out of jail free card? This ruling by the judge tells me a lot about what has and what hasn't gone away. It tells me that his prospects for avoiding jail after all is said and done are probably not all that great, despite his extraordinary largesse to certain politicians who are probably now pretending that he doesn't exist. That says more about the sleazy politicians than it does about Fried, but that can't be a surprise to anyone who's been paying attention to what goes on in our nation's capitol. It remains to be seen how long he survives in prison. #Epstein

How delicious is it that while Bumbles Biden is traveling around the country touting his infamous "Inflation Reduction Act," inflation is actually starting to tick back up again? I think he was actually quoted as saying that he regrets calling it the Inflation Reduction Act. What do the Republicans who voted with Bumbles to pass that piece of shit of a bill have to say for themselves? It's fucking crickets, excuse my French. We've got their number, so don't worry. You know who else regrets voting for that bill? Joe Manchin. He was promised 30 pieces of silver for going along with the legislation that he knew was a farce, but he signed off on it all the same. To make matters worse, Bumbles never did give him his thirty pieces of silver, and now he's mad. He's threatening to leave the Democrat party, and maybe worse yet for Bumbles, he's threatening to run against him for his party's nomination for president. Maybe he and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can get a ticket together. Anything that takes Bumbles out of the game is fine with me. I think that Manchin is likely to lose his Senate seat to that Justice guy running against him in 2024, so what does Joe have to lose?

Man, those wildfires that destroyed Maui were something else. I think it was Maui, but don't quote me. I know shit about the Hawaiian island chain. I even had to look up how to spell "Hawaii" when I was putting my thoughts together this morning. Thank God for spell check. I'm hearing a lot of smack about what may have caused the devastating wildfires. It's pretty wild stuff, but I'm going to go with it anyway. We have billionaires with residences on the island, like Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey, amongst others making a pitch to fund relief efforts, which seems innocent enough. Others are suggesting that these billionaires are now positioning themselves to buy up properties destroyed in the blaze in order to expand their ownership interests on the island. There was also something about displacing, once and for all, the claims of native Hawaiians to properties that have been in their families for generations. Did I mention that the homes owned by the billionaires went untouched by the fires? Some people seem to suggest that these fires were preternatural, which is to say they came out of nowhere and wreaked a level of devastation not generally seen in nature.

It's pretty crazy stuff, even by my standards. What kind of monster, or monsters, would put together a plan to raze thousands of acres of priceless oceanfront acreage on one of Hawaii's most popular islands, kill hundreds of people who were unable to escape the wall of fire that descended on them, burn down standing properties worth billions of dollars, and render the land a ruinous and barbecued landscape just to increase their own footprint on the island? Maybe the same group of people, or types of people, who conspired to lock down every last American and kill millions of our elderly and infirm citizens in order to enrich themselves at the alter of the Pharmaceutical industry when COVID-19 came to our shores? I don't know. I'm just thinking out loud here. Maybe the same group of people who don't want the American people to see our government files on the Kennedy assassination because it might well prove that our government had a hand in the assassination? Maybe the same group of people who don't want you to see what our government has on UFOs because it may upend everything our government has taught us about the origins of our planet and the fallacy of what we know about organized religion? What do you mean the world wasn't created in seven days after which the Lord deemed day seven, or Sunday on the Gregorian calendar, to be a day of rest?