Smoke and Mirrors

We'll be taking a closer look at the new iPhone 13 for the missus soon. She won't be needing or wanting either of the pro models and the only choice left to make is whether or not she wants the mini or the regular sized model. This will be a real upgrade for the missus since she has one of the older models that is either no longer supported or is close to being no longer supported. I've always regretted not getting one with enough storage when we first bought her the phone she has now so we won't make that mistake again.


I was a little worried that she might never get up the courage to buy a new phone. She likes what she likes and, truth be told, she might be a little fearful of change and having to adapt to that change especially where technology is concerned. I have a newer model phone that she has some familiarity with so that might be helpful in providing a bridge to the so-called future for her where smart phones are concerned. She also read an article recently where certain electronic devices are susceptible to hacking by nefarious entities and that may have pushed her over the top.

I'm not sure what a hacker might find on her phone. I suppose they could whip up some porn using the photos stored on her phone and then threaten to e-mail them to everyone in her contact list. You can do wonders with an application like Photoshop these days. It wouldn't take much to snip out her head from an existing photo and put it on Nicki Minaj's body. So, there's blackmail. You pay us gazillion's of dollars in cryptocurrency or we'll mail this stuff to everyone in your contact list. Then, there is always the possibility that they can sell the data on her phone to someone. China, maybe?

The only decision left to make now is which size phone to buy. We'll have to go to a few local outlets when the iPhone's finally hit the shelves and see which one fits best in her hand. She typically keeps the phone other places on her person when she's exercising but the phones are usually tethered to the counter so stashing it on her person to gauge fit might not work too well. The biggest plus for her, I think, will be the facial recognition capability. Punching in the passcode every time you want to do something is so yesterday. Welcome to the 21st century, little darlings.

I haven't seen any hummingbirds this morning as yet so maybe today is the day. Maybe they've departed for points south wherever that might be. September is the month they leave so the only question left to answer is, which day is it. I've done a good job staying on top of their feeders this summer in terms of changing the sugar water regularly and so forth so I feel good about that. If it isn't today, then maybe it will be tomorrow. We have two feeders on opposite ends of our house so we always have a bead on their comings and goings. I suspect that they have a bead on our comings and goings too. So much intelligence inside those little heads of theirs.

We have other bird feeders as well. I decided this summer that I would stop putting out bird seed during the summer months. Their appetites for the seed (nuts and fruit) were seemingly insatiable during the summer months and that surprised me. I've always thought that they would turn back to Mother Nature after a long hard winter at our feeders if for no other reason that to enjoy the bounty of natural food sources so plentiful and readily available in the environment. I also thought to myself, why am I spending so much money on this bird food when they have everything they need. It's there for the taking.

It made me wonder if I wasn't playing God just a little bit by inadvertently training generations of birds to come to my feeders for the calories they require. I was denying them an opportunity to develop their own foraging techniques and to learn those techniques typically handed down from generation to generation. The parents became dependent and their offspring also became dependent. In a manner of speaking, I was feeding them fish every day instead of teaching them how to fish so they could feed themselves. In other words, I wasn't doing them any favors. God forbid.

Does a day pass by when I wish I hadn't gotten the jab? Not so much. The Veritas group put out some sort of expose' in the last 24 hours which is damning. The gist seemed to be that no one knows what is in the vaccine, the vaccine has side effects the frequency and severity which are being kept out of the public eye, and the single mindedness with which the government is pushing these vaccines on the population is cause for serious concern which no one in government seems to be paying any attention to. They don't want to hear about therapeutics. They don't want to hear about natural immunity that arises from having the virus itself. It's get the jab or lose your livelihood.

I'm listening to one caller this morning calling into one of my favorite morning talk shows on the radio and he says he's had conversations with a doctor friend of his who, rather than get the jab, has taken a saline jab instead. His doctor friends have no interest in putting this "vaccine" in their arms and they are going to great lengths to avoid having to take it.

Some are even having fake paperwork put together so they'll have something to present to the officials if and when requested. The talk show host has a theory of his own which says that big Pharma will avoid any and all liability if and when they can eliminate what is commonly know in the industry as the "Control" group. If everyone gets the jab, there is no control group.

And what about all of these federal agency employees who are not subject to the mandate? Is this the ruling class doing what the ruling class does again? It's for thee, but not for me? What, pray tell, lays in store for those of us who have already taken the jab? Where are all the longer term studies? I'd settle for a short term study for chrissakes. It's fucking crickets from the folks doing the studies. Maybe there are no studies. That way, there is nothing to put out. There is no cause for concern and the push to get everyone vaccinated is on.

We should have known that something was up when they put this vaccine together in record time. There had never been a vaccine for a coronavirus until these viruses came along and maybe we know why now. These aren't vaccines at all, now are they? What are they then? How is it that within a year of the virus coming out of the lab in Wuhan that we have vaccines available for this particular virus across the globe.

I'm beginning to think that there never was any competition as to which pharmaceutical company would come out with their vaccines first. They were all tasked with producing the same vaccine. One vaccine that would go out under different names but essentially one commercially concocted cocktail for all. The only question remaining is, what the hell is this designer drug designed to do exactly?

I take some comfort in the fact that they are now pushing boosters. It tells me that the original swill of a cocktail isn't getting the job done whatever that job is. Maybe the dose was insufficient. Maybe the formula needed a tweak or two. The good news is that the anti-vax crowd has made serious inroads into this maniacal push to get everyone vaccinated and now people have questions and concerns. The sheep are waking up. People like me who got the jab have no plans to get the booster. Over my fucking dead body is what I say. Maybe I should be careful what I ask for.

If one needs any further proof that this vaccine thing is a well crafted hoodwinking, one only needs to pay attention in the media to the stories that we see from time to time where public officials say one thing in public and then do something quite the opposite in private. Yes, it's hypocritical, but it's also telling when they mandate that everyone wear masks in and out of doors and then you see footage of these very same people dining in large private parties where no one is wearing a mask and there isn't a semblance of social distancing.

Whatever happened to social distancing anyway? If this is what they're doing with one of the more obvious prophylactics of the so-called pandemic, imagine what they're doing or not doing when it comes to getting the vaccine. It's all smoke and mirrors, folks. And what they're doing to our children is unforgivable. Fauci wants to get them all jabbed up too. "The younger, the better" seems to be their mantra. It's just heartbreaking to see these little tykes all masked up and unable to play as children do in and out of the schoolyard. The devil (Fauci) is going to get his due but at what cost?

I'm hearing this morning that planeload after planeload of illegal aliens are being flown into airports in Massachusetts. This is government sponsored madness, my friends. My guess is that these are transplants from Afghanistan or maybe Haitians who have been amassing on our southern border for the past two weeks swelling in number to maybe 20,000 or so. It is an unmitigated disaster. When I say it's government sponsored, it's coming at you fast and furious compliments of the Biden Administration. Every country has an immigration policy and ours is no different.

The difference here is that it's part of a bigger, more nefarious plan, which I've already discussed at length. Suffice it to say that it's coming to a town near you now like it or not. They don't speak our language, they probably have little interest in adjusting to our culture, and god only knows what diseases and crime they intend to introduce to the collective communities that look to embrace them with open arms. The lot of them probably don't have two nickels to rub together so their general welfare will be largely defined by whatever funds they are allotted as part of the onboarding process.

If you are a black or brown skinned American who already finds the job market and opportunities in same to be elusive, I've got bad news for you. It's only going get worse. That's me admitting that there may be a handful of illegals who prefer to take their chances in the job market rather than subsist on the "paltry" $200 to $300 per child per month that the government is now paying to every Tom, Dick, and Harriet with an eligible child. You know, the basic income bullshit that the democrats put in a bill to create yet another welfare state where personal creativity is discouraged and incentives to put in a hard day's work flame out like a bad dream.

Maybe we'll find the illegals to be more industrious than we thought they would be. Maybe there's a Henry Ford or Elon Musk coming in on one or more of the planes. What the Biden Administration doesn't want to see is any one or more of the immigrants casting ballots for republicans once they qualify to vote. The key for Biden and his minions in the democrat party is to keep them fat, dumb, and happy living off the largesse of the government. Have more children, bring your relatives in to share in the wealth, and realize the American dream while not forgetting for a minute who made it all possible. Can you imagine anything more insidious? This is your democrat party in the year of the Lord, 2021.


I think that the democrats made mistake in assuming that this model of government would create an underclass that would be there for them as a perpetual "cradle-to-grave" constituency. They never figured on a Trump coming along to upset the apple cart. It turns out that the underclasses that the democrats have taken for granted all these years have started to see the light thanks to non-politicians like Trump. When Trump put an end to the immigration nonsense at our borders, that was good for a certain segment of the population who wanted nothing more than to earn a decent paycheck and put food on the table for their families. Trump made that, and more, possible.

With blacks and browns no longer tethered to the plantation created by the democrats, the democrats now need a new constituency. It has to be a constituency that will not vote for a republican so Cubans need not apply. If they arrive on our beaches, back they go compliments of the democrats. Haitians, on the other hand, may be the perfect constituency so every accommodation should be made to see that they are sent to red states where they can cast their ballots for the political party who made their new and improved lives possible. If the goal is to turn red states blue, and it surely is, this is a step in the right direction for the wily democrats.

Ev was telling me the other day that the mirror on his new car had gone all wobbly. I took a look around on YouTube and after looking at a video or two I think I can fix the darn thing. It isn't the kind of thing that I usually think of when I think of things going wrong with cars. It's mechanical but it isn't? The car will operate just fine without the mirror but it handicaps the driver as you might imagine. It may even put people and things at risk so it needs to be fixed. There is an adhesive that bonds the mirror to the underlying holder and that can weaken over time. It just needs to be reapplied so I ordered some adhesive from Amazon and I'll give it a go the next time the Ev man pays a visit.

Is it something that I think he can fix himself? With the proper guidance, I think so. Do I wish he had taken a look out on YouTube to see if it was something that he thought he might be able to fix? Yeah. Maybe he thought I was more familiar with the problem than he was so he chose to take the path of least resistance. I'll want to have him see what it is that I do when I remove the mirror and reapply the adhesive so he can be up to speed if and when it happens again. I think the key is just having him keep an open mind about these sorts of things so when I'm not around he can do what needs to be done. Just sayin'.

There is a Carolina Wren making quite a racket just outside my back door. That is a big noise for a little bird! It's a piercing warble of sorts that gets your attention. You actually have to convince yourself that this little bird is capable of producing that sound so getting a visual of the bird mid-warble is key. He might be complaining that the suet is running low in my suet feeder so I'm willing to take that to heart. It's been an insistent warble for the last five minutes or so and now it's stopped. He probably knows I've taken notice and it's all about next steps now. I was wanting to make sure that all the suet was gone before refilling the feeder but I'm now reconsidering. You've made your point, little man.

I never give a lot of thought as to how much I put in any one of my blog posts. I think there is such a thing as not having enough to say so I try to pace myself to make sure that my post is not too short and not too long. I suppose "long" and "short" are subjective anyway so maybe it's all in the eye of the beholder. Well, the reader anyway. I also worry a little bit from time to time that if I stop writing for days at a time that I might have trouble getting started again. I'm pretty regimented in how I go about this business so getting off track seems to be unlikely as I sit here today. Tomorrow could be another story.

I'm thinking about getting a pair of Crocs. There are days when I'm running around the house when I'm not feeling like putting on a pair of shoes but otherwise feel the need to have something on my feet. I have slippers but they're lined and not quite right for the summer months. I've been slipping into a pair of Evan's sandals here and there that he left behind but they're a bit too small and I can only wear them for so long before I need to get them off my feet. I don't know why I've not noticed this so-called deficit before but here it is and I think I've now made a decision. Something new should be fun so there's that. I like the black ones with the ankle strap that can flip up when you're not wanting to use it. I only have one question left to ponder: Do real men wear Crocs?

We're one step closer this morning to buying that iPhone 13 for the missus. We ended up at Best Buy yesterday and we wanted to see if they had the new phones in stock. It was very quiet in the store even for a Friday. Ain't that always the case. You think you're going to run into iPhone lovers like yourself beating a veritable path to the iPhone section in the store. We didn't know what to expect but we were pleasantly surprised to see that there wasn't a soul there to look at the new iPhones. We had it all to ourselves! Who knew? And then, the other shoe dropped. The phones were there all lined up line like presents beneath the Christmas tree but the signs said otherwise.

The little placards in front of the display told us that these were iPhone 12's. Now it made sense as to why no one was there to see the "new" iPhones. I wasn't surprised that they didn't have the new phones and I was prepared for that eventuality before we even entered the store. But, wait. I started to explain to the missus that these were maybe what we might expect to see when the phones came around. I thought we might start by comparing sizes since that is really why we were there. We had no intention of buying the phone at the store. Apple's terms are much more favorable so we planned to make the purchase online once the missus was satisfied that this was the device for her.

The minute I picked up one of the tethered phones so the missus could make the appropriate comparisons, The screen on the device in my hand came alive. To our pleasant surprise, it was, in fact, the new iPhone 13. How is it that the store management saw to it that the phones were out on display but they failed to update the cards propped up in front of phones that would otherwise inform the viewing public that these were new iPhones? It was a comedy of errors but we were the beneficiaries of their incompetence and we were not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, Just call me Johnny Cliche'.

We looked over the various sizes, makes, and models of the iPhone 13 until we were pretty much decided on which one was best for the missus. We were wrapping up and really didn't have any questions but a fella came off the sidelines asking if we needed any help. I think we came up with a question or two for no reason other than he was there offering to help. We noticed that there was an older woman at another display in the Apple section and the store employee beat a quick path to offer her assistance. The missus was not happy with this development. "Who is more likely to make a purchase of these pricey devices", she asked? I thought it was a reasonably good question.

When we finally had the employees undivided attention, I have to say, he seemed somewhat detached and maybe a little disinterested. We almost answered our own questions without his input. Maybe he could tell that we weren't there to make a purchase and he'd seen our types before and didn't want to expend the energy or time trying to make a sale. He was pleasant enough but maybe a little detached emotionally. It helps when you're excited about making a purchase that the salesperson shares your excitement. He didn't know we weren't planning to buy but he didn't have to be a fucking deadpan Donnie.

That wasn't the worst of it. He wasn't with us for more than 5 minutes when a young woman came up to him inquiring about ear buds. It was bad enough that he didn't attend to us the minute we showed up and now he was looking to run off and satisfy the needs of another customer without "closing the deal" with us. There was no closing the deal but he didn't know that. Or, maybe he did. We were a little gobsmacked to see him walking away with another customer so soon and the missus was not taking it well. No woman likes to be ignored and my missus especially doesn't like to be ignored. That's just a fact.

The missus was definitely wearing her "I'm the manager and this is what I would do" hat while in the store. Have Apple releases become that humdrum over time to the point where Best Buy employees could care less now when they release new devices? How about a little fucking fanfare, fellas? Is that too much to ask? I'd love to see someone like Steve Jobs go into that store as a phantom shopper just to see how apathetic and incompetent these store employees were in hawking Apples's new wares. Maybe Best Buy doesn't make all that much from selling Apple products. A mere pittance perhaps? But they bring customers into the store. No? Yes, the missus had some ideas. She always has some ideas.