The Day After

I just don't get Justin Bieber. What a dufus. I guess the boppers like him so who's to say. Karli is also keen on him as well so we'll keep an open mind when we head up to the Falls in the coming days. One thing we didn't quite expect was that Evan would be as thrilled as he was to get the gift certificates to the Darden restaurants. You know, the Olive Garden, The Red Lobster, etc. Do you suppose he'll take his friends there? We encouraged him to take a friend or two and just arrange to pay the difference if the bill exceeds the value of the certificates. Let's hope he uses them and doesn't lose them first. And then we went to Nana Da's and spent a little time with them on Christmas night. Da was not himself to say the least or maybe he was. It's hard to say these days if it's the meds or what but he seems so much less interactive than usual. Maybe Nana just had him propped up on the couch to participate as he might for better or worse but she expected at least that much on Christmas night. It wasn't like we were showing up with bells on or anything. We were bearing gifts as you might expect but our visitation was expected to be brief and to the point. Turns out, whatever it was that was going through me came on quickly and I had little choice but to rush the family along and out the door. It was only later that evening that we finally got around to talking about the general state of affairs at the inlaws and much of that discussion was around Da's head and the injury thereupon. It was a festering wound and he just couldn't leave it alone.


Whatever I had was evidently shared with others in our household. The only thing we ate as a group was the chinese food from Christmas eve and that may have been the culprit. I never threw up but I did have had some serious issues at the other end. Ev had the same issue and he spent an equal amount of time in the bathroom dealing with his own demons. The scent was not pleasant but it was consistent which further had us thinking that our thoughts on the subject were very much on target. My poor darling had her own issues and they were not helped in the least by her rib issue. She threw up in the evening after everyone was in bed and fast asleep. She woke me but for an instant and then I was lost to my dreams once again. I'm sure her issues were further compounded by the box of chocolates she consumed earlier in the day. I admit to having one or two but she devoured the rest and paid the ultimate price. Not sure she understands herself why she did what she did. She is up this morning but clearly not herself. We'll see as the day wears on if she improves or not. She is expected at her parents if only because her siblings are planning to be there to celebrate the holidays with their parents. A day late for sure. A dollar short not so much.

Let the races begin! Looks like Mitt is down to be the Republican contender for 2012. Newt, for all his bravado and amusing clarity around the issue of who the nominee would be (I will be the nominee, he declared early in the month of Dec as he topped the polls nationwide). Slow and steady Mitt, the proverbial tortoise in the race for the nomination, will likely surpass the hare (Newt) in the final stretch as we close in on the beginning of the caucus and primary process. Not sure how the Mitt-ster is going to survive some of the southern states since he is not a true conservative and they do like their red meat in them there states. My guess would be that everyone will be on board and that means that the Republican rallying cry will be for anyone but Obama. The first black man elected to the presidency will more than likely go out as a one-term president. His socialist agenda failed miserably and one only has to look at the unemployment numbers to appreciate that fact. Big government and all its proponents will have to once again scour the academic alleys and liberal institutions for a leader and a voice that will help them to recapture their dream. It will not be at the expense of the god loving and god fearing Americans that want a better America and who are not afraid to vote for a man who will help deliver the dream of smaller government, less intrusion, more independence, and success based on merit. Let's hope Mitt can sell that message. This is his chance. This is our chance. We had better get it right.