Thanksgiving 2015

Why do I get the feeling that everything I have planned to do today when and where Thanksgiving is concerned is just a rehash of prior holidays. And It's not just me. Nancy is making the same old pumpkin pie recipe that is allegedly from her grandmother but probably came off the back of a Readers Digest rag decades ago and continues to find a place at our dinner table despite the many protestations about the absence of alternatives. How about a nice fucking apple pie for a change? Or maybe a bloody blueberry pie. It's just getting very tired and I say to hell with tradition. I don't think anyone really wants to do this and it's more of a chore than it's worth. I'm not even sure we have anything to be thankful for as I sit here thinking about it. Everybody is sick, nobody is happy, we're all beside ourselves with boredom, and I thank the baby Jesus for the misery in our culture and across the world that provides a suitable distraction for those of us not otherwise lulled by the inaneness offered up by Hollywood and the NFL. I'm not quite to the point where I'm considering joining the forces of ISIS since I still think there is a point to having our traditions but would appreciate mixing it up just a bit from time to time whatever that looks like. God only knows I've been trying and last year I tried to source all of our delectables from Trader Joe's and I think it went largely unnoticed. I don't think anybody even cared so long as the usual array of sauces, gravies, starches, and beverages were available. So there you have it.

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I'm surprised that these anarchists who march in the streets of our cities complaining about the heavy handedness of law enforcement don't take exception to the phrase "Black Friday." The hounds of political correctness bay incessantly when it comes to the naming of football teams and the displaying of confederate flags and seek safe zones from whites and others of European persuasion who would seek to oppress them but when its comes to a free-for-all occasions like Black Friday they are color blind and wanting to partake like everyone else. Funny how that works. This war they seek is economic if not political and with unemployment in the black community at a raging 18-20% it would behoove them not to take advantage of the Black Friday holiday to bring the national and community retailers to their knees by staging rallies and boycotts until their collective demands are met. Maybe a "minorities only" sale would suit them. Stores like Macy's might be amenable to changing the moniker of their annual "Black Tie" event to something more politically correct.

But the real goal of any self respecting anarchist is to overturn the establishment of rule in our society and that cannot be tolerated. March as you will in the streets as your voices are protected by the first amendment but incite violence and your actions will be ejudicated by a jury of your peers. Call me racist if you wish but the law is the law and if you insist on mob rule then you'll pay the piper if and when the time comes. Maybe the real goal is to keep the low information voters sufficiently riled until the presidential elections come along next November. There is nothing like stoked hatred for the white man and his oppressive establishment to get black folks and their ilk to the voting booth. These are the same criminals that march the streets of every major city night after night in our country burning down stores, threatening the local populations, looting the businesses, and all in the name of justice. Without their support, Hillary Clinton doesn't stand a chance. I'm thinking things are only to going to get worse between now and then.

Thanksgiving dinner has come and gone. It wasn't so bad. We didn't get over to Mrs G's until 5 or so because the turkey was a little slow in coming along. That gave us the time we needed during the day to put together all the other things and Nancy deserves a lot of credit for coordinating all of it. We usually forget one or two things and only realize it after we've sat down to enjoy the fruits of our efforts. Not so last night. Mr G called after we had arrived back home after having dinner that she had forgotten to put out the jello mold, the olives, and one other thing I can't recall at the moment. There was plenty of food to eat and more than enough to leave Mrs G with a plate to consume at her leisure. We lamented as a group, not including Nancy, that having pumpkin pie had perhaps run its course and we offered up other suggestions such as apple pie and the like. That didn't stop us from enjoying the pie that Nancy had prepared and once lathered up with whipped cream and a scoop or two of ice cream all was forgiven.

We never got around to talking about the things we were thankful for so that was a missed opportunity. There was nary a mention of Da and that too was a missed opportunity. We usually ask about Willie and ask Debbie to give him our regards but seemed to have forgotten to do that this time around. I drank water instead of orange juice, no alcohol was served but a little wine might have been nice. The rolls were warm and right out of the oven and the gravy from Trader Joes came out of the microwave just fine. We encouraged Mrs G to stay on schedule with her time in the pool at the YMCA the day after Thanksgiving; we discussed the goings on with the presidential race and the seemingly likely nomination of the long time front runner Donald Trump; and had some fun at the expense of certain Cape Verbenas who were not in attendance; and probably spent more time talking about the scourge of ISIS and multiculturalism than was otherwise warranted. It was delightful to have Debbie join us and it was good to have Evan at the table as well. The more the merrier as the saying goes. Evan decided that he would not be doing any Black Friday shopping so stayed close to home for the evening. Nancy and I were in bed and asleep by 8. I was up and lying awake in bed at 2am reading the final chapter on my iPad about Alan Shepard entitled "Into the Light - The story about America's first spaceman." It was a fabulous read.