Spill The Beans, Baby!

Every once in a while I'll pick up a book written by one of Trump's many detractors and I'll try to read a bit of it. If you want to know what the opposition is up to, you need to pay attention to what they say and what they do. Sometimes, what they're not saying is just as important. Sins of omission, as they are called in the trades. I also don't want to be accused of being too one-sided in my loyalty to Trump's "America First" revolution, I'm really just trying to keep an open mind.


Unfortunately, Trump's detractors are too rabid for my tastes so I'm good for a couple of pages and then I'm done. And the lies are usually just over the top. The truth of the matter is, there are a lot of people who believe the lies. The leftists know it so it is spewed endlessly on the nightly news and talking head shows and then regurgitated non-stop for edification of the masses who are open to such nonsense. It's sad, really, that there are so many gullible people out there. Maybe Michael Savage was right when he said that liberalism is mental disorder.

I'm reading today about the fact that New York is seeing 9,000 new cases of Covid a day and 1,000 deaths a week in hospitals and nursing homes. Those numbers might be down from numbers previously reported but they are still hellish. I am less trusting now of the numbers being reported by the Biden Administration. I've heard they're intentionally doing less testing so that invariably produces lower numbers. While everyone is taking a victory lap, the more virulent UK variant is showing up in wastewater in cities like Burlington, Vermont.

If we can't trust our government to give us accurate information about this Covid business then how are we to make any personal assessments about what works and what doesn't work when it comes to vaccines, etc.. How do we know that these vaccines aren't part and parcel of some plot by the Chinese or the globalists to render our populations sickly and vulnerable? I think the bigger question for a lot of people is, how are these vaccines going to play out longer term? Nobody knows, or if they do they aren't saying.

My appointment to get the vaccine is a couple of weeks away. I'm trying to familiarize myself with the panoply of symptoms I'm likely to experience once I get the shot so I'm not caught unaware. The symptoms seemingly range everywhere from a sore arm to death. I'll have to make sure my affairs are in order before I head out to the vaccination spot when the time comes. Maybe I'll treat myself to a special breakfast out somewhere. I'll throw caution to the wind and put in my order for "three pigs in blanket" and a nice side of home fries.

I may or may not share my vaccine business with my peeps. I know that one or more of them is having difficulty in getting their vaccinations so it's probably best to keep everything close to the vest. It's not my fault that my State is doing a better job than most in delivering the vaccines to its residents. All the same, no need to gin up bad feelings one way or another. There's enough anxiety going around without me throwing fuel on the fire.

I'm running into a little trouble here. I'm slowing down and I'm feeling less and less like putting anything down in writing. I keep trying different music to see if that might help. If I can strike a mood of sorts I'll be good to go. If not, I'll be fucked. If I can't empty my head I'll be in big trouble. It's going to be a wash-out of a day so there's that. Since when do we get torrential rains in the month of February? This global warming business is a bitch.

I thought I saw somewhere yesterday where some official in Massachusetts made the asinine comment that they will have to break the will of the people who rely on carbon in order to achieve their global warming goals. Who the hell died and made them global warming czars? Just to be clear, they're talking about people in the Northeast who rely on oil to heat their homes during the winter months. And, how exactly do they intend to break our will?

Another bothersome report I'm reading this morning is the fact that Kamala Harris, the Vice President, is having talks with G7 members like Emanuel Macron. You see what's happening here. Right? They're grooming her to replace the bumbling, fumbling, and ever demented Joe Biden as he slips off into god only knows where. For all we know, he's doing her bidding and the bidding of Obama day-to-day anyway so maybe it doesn't much matter. Biden was a trojan horse all along so don''t say you weren't warned. This is a problem.

Biden continues to hide behind the veil of the coronavirus to conceal his advanced stage of dementia. The people who voted for him, some 80 million allegedly, know but could care less about his collapse into darkness as long as their socialist agenda is implemented. You also don't see Biden doing any public appearances and it's clear as day as to what they're up to.

These pathetic bastards on the left showed their true colors in their latest attempt to impeach Trump in the Senate. They doctored evidence and lied to the American public when they brought their case. It was a dark day or two as the democrats rolled out a defense that would have resulted in the lot of them being disbarred in a different venue under different circumstances. It was really a very sad day in the annals of American jurisprudence. It was a poison that was quickly disproven by Trump's defense team. Thank the baby Jesus.

Evan was hoping against hope that the weather would be so miserable and nasty today that he wouldn't have to go to a pre-scheduled appointment. We're getting more rain than snow and maybe less ice and sleet than originally forecasted and that made for some anxious moments this morning in the Ev man's world. "When should I send the text that I'd prefer to come on a different day due to the weather?", he asked me. He spent the night at our house in anticipation of a more substantial storm socking everyone in for the day.

There are just enough reports of ice here and there across the region where asking the question about coming on a different day right might sense to someone not following things all that closely. If they knew that he was within a stones throw from their location I have to believe they would be less accepting of any requests he might make. The less they know about such things, the better I suppose. As it is, they sent him a text around about 7:30 this morning offering to see him on a different day due to the weather and resting road conditions.

So all is well in the Ev man's world once again. That means, as you might guess, that all is well in our world. Well, for today anyway. Nobody knows what tomorrow or the next day might bring so we take it day by day. Maybe a celebration is in order since we're over today's hump. I suggested that we order up a couple of breakfast burrito's from a local take-out joint that we love to frequent. He's game so we just need to work out the timing.


I'll be picking up my old car from the shop this morning. It was a costly repair but not beyond the pale, thankfully. I don't know that I thought it was going to be that expensive but I was prepared to throw a few extra dollars at it only because replacing her would be even more costly. Yes, I referred to my car as a "her." You can't very well justify spending a lot of money on an older car if there isn't some kind of relationship that says, "I love you but in a non-sexual way." And I do! What's not to love about a 21 year-old anything?

I've never so much as entertained even a thought or two about replacing her over the 8-9 years that I've owned her. Only more recently, and maybe due to her advanced age, have I given any thought to anything of the kind. One idea that comes to mind, maybe first and foremost, is that any new car that I might buy has to fit in our garage. If there are any exceptions to that rule, I can't think of one at the moment. Oh, and break my heart why don't you, I'm reading that Jaguar will be going all electric by such and such a date. WTF?

Nancy asked if I might like to buy an electric car. I'm certainly not predisposed to doing such a thing in case you didn't pick that up in my comment about the new Jaguars. I'm not worried or preoccupied about alleged holes in the atmosphere caused by homo sapiens and the vehicles that they drive or the excess of flatulence of the beasts in the fields in you want to go biblical. I certainly don't think that any spawn carrying my genetic material into the foreseeable future will look back and wonder what their bonehead of an ancestor was thinking when he did or didn't do something that maybe he should or shouldn't have done.

That isn't to say that if the right vehicle came along that I couldn't be willingly dragged into the local dealership just to take a peek. It's just transportation, after all. A way, if you will, to get from point A to point B. I'm all about curb appeal when all is said and done. Throw in a modicum of functionality with a twist of futuristic bells and whistles and I'm good to go. Where and what I put in my "fuel" tank is of little concern although availability is a strong consideration. Just don't tell me that I have to buy something just so the polar bears have more ice beneath their feet when they're off on their daily jaunt to kill and consume hapless fur seals.

Maybe it's been there all along and I just haven't noticed. We were watching a couple of shows on the telly and out of the fucking blue we get these scenes popping up reminding us that racism is alive and well and we (Caucasians, notably) need to fix it ASAP. These fucking woke producers in Hollywood are actually concocting scenes out of whole cloth that are designed to explore the alleged long time subjugation and exploitation of the black man. It's not enough to say you're sorry. On who's behalf are they spewing this nonsense and to what end?

It was really ghastly. The virtue signaling by the major networks in this country of ours is out of control. One scene spoke to the inequities of drug dispensing in a hospital setting between blacks and whites. The actress quoted some nonsensical, and I do think she pulled this out of her ass, numbers about how drugs are dispensed to whites more readily than to blacks for identical ailments. You have to understand something. Without victimology, the left has nothing. It now just looks like an act of desperation by the left but it may just work.

It should also tell you something about the shlock that you see on American television sets these days. It's really an abomination. Unwatchable, really. Ten minutes into any show on network television and you're ready to either vomit or get our your checkbook to make things right once again in the eyes of the gods by making out a check to Black Lives Matter. It's like sitting down to a meal that looked mouthwatering when you read the description of the various dishes but tastes like shit after the fact. You can't get back those wasted minutes. They're just gone.

Some of the best shows, or series of shows, I've seen as of late are those coming out of Australia, New Zealand and the UK. They are vastly superior to the crap the major networks have on here across the pond. It's a little bit funny, actually, that in some of the smaller countries you see the same actors and actresses time and time again. The talent pool just isn't that big. It's just a constant but enjoyable wash, rinse, and repeat. I steer clear of Korean films and those coming out of China since the acting doesn't quite cut the mustard and most of it is likely intended as propaganda.

I've followed Rush Limbaugh for a lot of years and I heartily join my conservative brethren in mourning his passing. I was never a hard core Rush guy but always appreciated his take on issues over the years. I don't think I ever listened to a full three hour radio show but that probably says more about my attention span than anything else. I remember trying to call in to his show during a period leading up to Christmas one year when he was giving away iPhones. Me and a million or more others I might add. That didn't end well for me. It was not time well spent.

Nancy thought that Rush should have put on some prerecorded message to his fans after his passing. It's not like he didn't see this coming, right? Instead, his wife comes on the radio and gives her spiel which was just fine. But, it wasn't the Rush meister. He could have hit this one out of the park but it wasn't to be. Maybe he did have something but she thought her message was maybe more important or more compelling. Maybe she figured that he had his moment or two in the limelight and it was now time for her to step up to the golden microphone. Maybe it's best not to tease this out too much. Godspeed, Rush.

Lastly, who believes this nonsense about Biden have hours long conversations with leaders from other countries? Where are the fucking transcripts? Who else was on the call? You know he can't even read from a teleprompter, for chrissakes. Right? And when is the last time you remember him taking any real questions aside from, what's your favorite flavor of ice cream?

Which foreign leader will be the first to step forward to set the record straight in the wake of these so-called two hour calls about the rudderless and demented Joe Biden and his band of leftist hacks running roughshod behind the scenes in our nations White House? Which country is willing to jeopardize their share of America's largesse in the form of foreign aid just to set the record straight on the moron currently sitting at the helm of our great nation?

And where are the fucking patriots with the goods? You know, like the ones that stepped up during Trump's time to spill the beans on his alleged malfeasance? Or, is it misfeasance? I can't hear you! They came out of the Washington woodwork like termites to condemn everything they didn't like about Trump and his Administration. Hell, they even impeached him for an "excellent" phone call to the leader of Ukraine. Please don't tell me that Trump didn't put a few moles in there just to keep an eye on things until he runs again in 2024. Come out, come out, wherever you are.