Like It's 1999

Here we go again. Just when Sleepy Joe Biden was not getting the kind of cooperation he wanted with all of his fucking mandates to get jabs in everyone's arms, he and his crime partners in Big Pharma decided that what they needed was a new variant. A variant so insidious and so nasty that countries would close their doors to anyone wanting to enter. So deadly perhaps that the old standard of "two weeks to stop the spread" just wasn't going to cut the mustard anymore. So worrisome even that financial markets around the globe would tank on the news of this new variant. They would label this variant, "Omicron."


I was watching in disbelief last night as this clown came on television from the World Health Organization. His recommendation was that everyone get the vaccinated now if they haven't already been vaccinated. If they have been vaccinated, get the booster. They don't know much about this new variant, and they don't even know if the current vaccines will be effective against it, but it's important that everyone get vaccinated. You can't make this stuff up. What about people with natural immunity? What about people who have already had the virus and now carry the necessary antibodies that can potentially ward off any sickness? Not one fucking word about therapies. Blah. Blah. Blah.

Biden had a mandate out for health care workers to get vaccinated by the 4th of January or face the threat of losing their jobs. Who the fuck does he think he is? Thankfully, the courts have now stepped in on behalf of 7 states and have ruled that the federal government does not have the authority to issue such mandates. Good for them! I'm also hearing that several states are paying unemployment to those people who lose their jobs because they decided that getting the jab was a bridge too far. This is in spite of Biden's efforts to not pay them unemployment. What a mother fucking clown!

It's worth repeating that people who get the vaccination can both contract the virus and spread the virus. The viral load of carriers, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, is the same. In other words, you are just as likely to get the virus from an unvaccinated person as you are a vaccinated person. Yet, the propaganda arm of the Biden administration continues to perpetuate the myth that the unvaccinated are the villains of this pandemic and unless and until they are brought to heel we cannot rid ourselves of this pandemic. It's a virus for chrissakes. It's an equal opportunity killer. Get over yourselves.

Did I hear Mrs G say that she missed having pecan pie for Thanksgiving? The missus suggested that her facility might have been looking to cut back on expenses and it would be out with the pecan and in with the apple, pumpkin, and maybe blueberry. I thought it to be something of a reach given the relative expense of the alternates but I guess it's a theory like any other. That, of course, gives us the opportunity to bring over some pecan pie on our next visit. It will be a lovely surprise to say the least. Well, that's my take anyway. Maybe it will just go into the freezer like every other baked good we've brought over for her in the last couple of months. Here's hoping not.

Funny thing is, I can't find pecan pie anywhere. I've been to all the usual places where you might expect to find a good assortment of pies but, alas, pecan pie was nowhere to be found. I thought it was a good holiday pie and not just for Thanksgiving. No? I'm not out of places to look and we still have a couple of days before we'll be heading over to see Mrs G so I'm hopeful we'll find something. Do we have a back-up plan? A plan B so to speak? We do not. Can we get one together if necessary? Yes, I think we can.

I'm new to dongles so it's no surprise that now that I'm trying to understand what they do and what they don't do, well, let's just say I still have questions. I'm trying to connect my wireless keyboard with both a Mac and a PC and it's just not cutting the mustard. The problem weeks to be with the driver on the PC which I can't seem to locate anywhere. I should mention that I have the mouse working just fine using that dongle and the PC seems to have the right driver installed so no problem there. I ordered a $17 dongle from Amazon and I thought I'd be off and running but it turns out I'm no further ahead than when and where I started. Where there's a will, there's a way?

The Supreme Court is hearing a case on abortion rights based on a case out of Mississippi and it seems from all accounts that Roe v Wade is now in the crosshairs. I'm no fan of aborting babies so the sooner they fix the problem they created when they took up Roe v Wade, the better. The left is going absolutely nuts and the blather in the media is unrelenting as it relates to women and what women can and cannot do with their own bodies and what role government should and should not have in that process. I heard one moonbat on the radio this morning talking about how it's black children who will pay the price since they are the last to be chosen of children who are up for adoption.

The Court won't announce their decision for another several months so we'll have to wait to see how it turns out. Between now and then, we'll no doubt hear the painstaking cries on the left to "fix" the court by adding the requisite number of liberals on the court so they can pass what they want to pass when they want to pass something. This is their idea of how a Republic should be run. You perfect the art of stealing elections and then you put a court in place that will do your bidding in perpetuity. That's not what we signed up for, folks. That's not what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they created this Republic of ours.

I'm not actually sure what the right answer is when it comes to abortion. It seems that there should be a cutoff somewhere where having an abortion is not an abomination but rather a clinical severing or suctioning of some amoebic mass that has yet to take shape. As for the latter, I'm talking cellular level here. I know that the Baby Jesus would go on and on about the moment of conception and all the rest but no one should have any misgivings about what takes place in an environment the size of a dime-sized Petri dish. Isn't this what the morning after pill does? Isn't that pill an over-the-counter drug? No one, and I mean no one, is getting killed in the crib here. It's guiltless.

The Ev man is paying a visit this morning. He's up and out of his place early because the management of his building is doing their annual inspections. They will be testing for this, that, and the other thing. They've already notified all of the tenants that they are using a new device to detect smoke related crimes. The units have a no-smoking rule although I suspect that many residents light up here and there and hope for the best. The "best" being that it will not be detected and life will go on as usual. I suspect that the Ev man has had his moments of weakness just like everyone else so we're keeping our fingers crossed that he'll not end up on a list of people guilty of smoke related transgressions.

So, we're now on a Stacey Abrams watch? This dumpster fire of a liberal hack has been involved in every effort to steal elections in the State of Georgia going back to god knows when. Now, she's running for governor of that great state. Running for a second time, I might add. Is there any greater danger to our republic than to have a swine the likes of Abrams at the helm in a key southern state? There is no end to the shenanigans that she and her minions would put in place to run that state into the ground. Think "New York" and "California."

Abrams has considerable political prowess so she should not be underestimated. The republicans will have to unleash the hounds of hell to ensure that she not only doesn't win but to ensure that she loses in such a humiliating fashion that she will not soon return to the political stage. My preference would be to see her perp-walked off the stage in cuffs and jailed for her interference in political causes over the years. There has to be a RICO statute on the books somewhere that applies to her brand of politics. No? Let's take the gloves off here and let's take this dastardly creature down before she has a chance to get on her feet. Politically speaking, of course.

I hate to say this but our schedules go to hell in a hand basket when the Ev man shows up (especially early in the morning.) Then, we stop doing what we usually do and we never quite get that time back. I, for one, like to get things out of the way in the morning. When I don't, I start to resent everything and anything that caused the disruption. No, I don't resent the Ev man. I never would. I never will. I may try and pawn him off on his mom until I can finish up and that is what I usually do. No one is the wiser and I'm back in the game soon enough. The game being spending time with the Ev man and the missus. How the missus makes up for her time is her business. I do what I can to help.


We're having a new washing machine delivered today. The delivery people are coming between the hours of 12 and 4. Will they be taking any precautions with the new Covid variants floating around? Will I be offended if they are not wearing masks? Will I ask that they put their masks on if they don't show up wearing them? Will they be offended if I'm not wearing my mask? Will they insist that I put my mask on before entering our home? Between now and then, we'll need to clear a path so they can do what they need to do without interruption. Oh, and the old machine was starting to act a little funny and it was long in the tooth so it was time to replace it. Out with the old and in with the new!

This war on the unvaccinated is getting ugly. Is it Germany that is putting restrictions on unvaccinated people in terms of where they can go and what they can do? Austria is putting the unvaccinated in quarantine camps for chrissakes. Bumbling Joe Biden hasn't gone that far yet but he is clearly signaling that he is thinking of going in that direction. We're frogs in the fucking boiling water we are. Don't believe a word coming out of Biden's demented mouth when he says that he isn't planning this or that in terms of possible restrictions on the good people of our country. You know damn well that he is. He's just running the shit up the proverbial flagpole. Right now, he's announcing restrictions on international flights coming into the country. Tomorrow, who the fuck knows.

It won't be long before he's announcing restrictions on domestic interstate travel for the unvaccinated. Someone will have to explain to me the madness around the desire on the part of the Biden Administration to get the jab in everyone's arm. There's simply no justification for doing that in light of the fact that most people who get the virus survive the virus. Jab all the old and infirm fucks if that makes more sense because none of this other insanity passes the smell test. It seems far too insidious and maybe even something out of an episode of the Twilight Zone when you consider that it appears to have gone global. The masses are fighting back but maybe not nearly as hard as they could and should be.

Did I mention that we found a nice pecan pie sort of thingy for Mrs G? Whole Foods actually sells half pecan pies if you can believe that. I suppose that there are people who think that buying a whole pie for maybe one or two people in the house is a recipe for disaster. I'm talking calories here. And pecan pie is a very rich and very sweet pie so you only need a sliver to get that oh-so-delicious sugar rush. I'm not sure if you can freeze the rest but there would be no need if you had a half pie. I expect Mrs G will be tickled to get the pie seeing as she was unhappy with the absence of pecan pie at the Thanksgiving hoo-haw at her facility. It's the final piece of the puzzle so to speak.

We have no Christmas tree yet but we should be going out to get one soon. It looks like prices are at an all time high maybe starting at $50 or so. Fifty bucks was the ceiling last year and now it appears to be the floor. I suppose that some of that inflation has to do with the price of gasoline since that has doubled since last Christmas. I guess I feel bad for folks who can't afford to pay for a nice Christmas tree this year. That's especially true if children are involved. You can't have Christmas without a tree. Where would Santa leave the presents? What has to give way in order to put a tree up for those who can't afford one? Will there be fewer presents? Will there be a chicken in the oven instead of the more traditional meal of turkey or ham? Welcome to Joe Biden's America. The "best" is yet to come. I can hardly fucking wait.

Oh, and I heard one leftist loon on a progressive radio station yesterday lamenting the fact that Biden has yet to call for a ban on air travel for the unvaccinated. Biden is simply not moving fast enough to take away the liberties of the American people according to the moonbats on the left. They want the unvaccinated put in jail. They couldn't care less about the liberties that our forefathers have fought and died for. I think their reasoning is that most unvaccinated are Trump supporters although there's no truth to that whatsoever. They are going to find that out the hard way when 2022 rolls around and the unvaccinated in all parties rise up like a phoenix in the desert to throw these leftist bums out of office. It will be a "pitchforks in the town square" moment in the US of A. Count me in.

The missus is heading down to Massachusetts today and I'll be on my own. I have a list and I'm checking it twice. No, it's not a Christmas shopping list. If you really want to know, there is everything on that list from making eggplant to moving our grill from one corner of the deck to another corner on the same deck. I should rank the items in terms of value and address the higher value items first. I don't have a bike ride on the list so that will need to change. I've missed the last two days due to weather and I don't like missing more than two days in a row. I lose the big mo if you get my drift. Ain't nothin worse than losing the big mo.

I'm a little surprised at how little I've been bothered by the cold weather while biking as of late. Maybe I've finally gotten the dress code squared away and what I'm wearing is doing the trick. That's a good thing since it removes any and all obstacles to doing what I love to do. It takes more effort during the winter months but if I have the clothing thing down then I'm good to go at a moments notice. I am a little worried about one of my tires given the extreme wear so I'll want to give some thought to replacing it before too much more time passes. Getting a flat tire while on a winter ride could be a problem if I'm all of a sudden on foot and wishing I were closer to home.

I'm watching this omicron virus thing and it seems to be coming at a time when the usual variants are on the move here in the Northeast. In other words, the virus is doing what viruses do. They ebb and they flow. Well, they're ebbing pretty good at the moment and the hospital beds are filling up with patients which is also not unexpected. I wonder sometimes if there wouldn't be so many people showing up on the doorsteps of the hospitals if the media didn't push the panic porn as much as they do. You'd stay home, stay under the covers, and eat your chicken soup while letting the virus run its course. Now, you're so damn scared when you come down with as much as a case of sniffles that you're wanting to run the nearest emergency room where you're likely to compete for services with other snifflers. It's just so silly.

It also begs the question as to if and maybe when Uncle Wally reaches the conclusion that having family over for a Christmas party is maybe something he wants or needs to reconsider. He issued the invite before the dreaded omicron virus reared its ugly head here in North America and it was still unclear as to what would be ebbing and flowing where and when. Well, now we know. Upper New York is expected to be ground zero by the time Christmas rolls around. The missus and I would probably feel better about not having to drive into a viral hotspot so we're maybe half hoping that he'll come to his senses and cancel his party. We could always bow out, and the missus may yet insist we do just that, but we're not there yet.

If I see video or pictures of one more public official partying like it's 1999 without wearing a mask while telling their constituents that they have to mask up and stay home, I'm going to say the hell with it and we'll be off to New York with bells on. I'm thinking of offering uncle Wally one or more of the four rapid tests we just received in the mail so he can test people before they join his party. He might think that to be a bridge too far but if it saves one or more lives in the process then it's a good thing. One thing I worry about is the accuracy of such tests. You'd hate to see him turn anyone away because of a false positive. Is it any coincidence that the dreaded Omicron came along just as the Biden Administration announced the availability of booster shots for everyone? I think not. It's a fucking scam.