Red Wave Cometh

What the hell? The FBI is now raiding the homes of fifty Trump supporters? I should say, Biden's FBI. I mean, talk about losing our institutions. Isn't that what the harpies in the democrat party wail about all the time? It's actually happening, folks. This is a damn travesty. It's bad enough that Bumbles Biden is running around the country demonizing Trump supporters in every speech he reads from his trusty teleprompter. This is how they intend to win the mid-term elections. Just like Hitler's propagandist, Goebels, if you lie long enough and with sufficient vigor, people will believe your lies. This is who the democrat party is these days. Who in their right mind wants to belong to a political party that won't rest until every last one of their opponents is either dead or locked up in a jail cell somewhere?


Our next-door neighbor has all of their political signs out on their lawns ahead of the primary here in New Hampshire tomorrow. They are diehard democrats who have had a good swill of the Koolaid that the democrats have been serving up, and they're coming back for more. Maybe they're just as juiced up for their political party as I am for mine, so we'll leave it at that. That said, the Biden Administration has been a disaster for our country, so you would think that they might want to reconsider who they vote for when the time comes to go to the polls. As they say in the movies, not so much. They are doubling down. I have a good mind to take a picture of their signs just so I can track their success or lack of success as the votes start to roll in. If I could do that without being seen, I surely would.

I am a little concerned that the candidates I plan to vote for tomorrow are a little too MAGA. Too MAGA to win in the general election in November is what I mean to say. Trump has endorsed neither, but both are huge Trump supporters, and both believe in Trump's America First policies. It's possible that Trump has not endorsed either candidate because he thinks that his endorsement could hurt the candidates. That's how he rolls here and there. Trump isn't going to be around forever, so we conservatives have to stick to our convictions and vote for those candidates who are true to the cause. I make it sound like a cult, but it's not even close. It's a belief system that will hopefully keep our great republic on the straight and narrow for the foreseeable future.

We MAGA folk want lower crime rates, legal immigration, zero illegal immigration, fewer drugs rolling across our borders, laws to protect the sanctity of the unborn, classrooms that teach the three R's, energy independence, the abolition of sanctuary states, a reasonable take on the separation of church and state, mandatory ID's at the voting booth, minimal absentee voting, equal opportunity, freedom of speech, leaders who respect the rule of law, and a bottoms-up approach to dealing with pandemics and such. In other words, we can't have leaders whose first response to a pandemic is to close everything down. I'm just scratching the surface here, but it's my wish list, so I'll do with it what I please. With any luck, this is what the two candidates I plan to vote for tomorrow support in one way or another. My neighbor would likely support a lawsuit whose sole purpose would be to ban these candidates from ever running for political office. Are you starting to get the picture?

We're just back from vacation for two days now, and as best as I can tell, we still have hummingbirds around. Well, one hummingbird that I've actually laid eyes on, anyway. I changed their sugar water so they'll have something sweet and nourishing to drink before they head south in the next week or so. I actually moved my feeder on our back deck because I was getting tired of seeing black ants that had gotten inside the feeder somehow. I don't know if that makes the feeder less attractive to the hummingbirds or not, but it annoyed me, so I moved it about a foot away. It's a little closer to the house now, so I'm hoping that doesn't pose any problems for my little friends. We came back to an almost empty thistle feeder as well, so the missus and I went to Walmart last night, where I picked up a ten-pound bag. That should last a while. The missus tried to talk me into buying two bags, but I decided against it.

I need to go to the store this morning. We're completely out of bottled water and cold brew. Before I forget, I bought a little kit in the last week or so that promised to remove the oxidated look of the Ev man's headlights on his car. You know how they fog over when that happens. I worried that his headlights wouldn't get the job done for him when he was out and about in the dark. I also bought a higher-intensity headlamp which I think I mentioned previously. The kit did the trick for the most part. It isn't perfect, but it's close enough for government work, as they say. I sent the Ev man a before and after picture, but I haven't heard back from him. It's been two days now. I'm pleased with the end result, so that has to count for something. It took a little bit of elbow grease, and I worried here and there that I wasn't doing the clockwise and counter-clockwise thing correctly, but it all worked out. One side came out better, but that might have been because of me. I might need to take another pass at that one.

I don't fully understand the titles, but I think they refer to my brand of conservatism as populism or populist. It's a kind of nationalism, if I'm not mistaken. Over this past weekend, there were elections in both Canada and Sweden. You won't read much about it in our leftist media because the winning candidates and parties in both of those elections were populists. Since our leftist media gets to decide what you see and what you don't see, don't expect them to tell you when fellow leftist regimes in other countries fail spectacularly. The citizens in both of those countries are pushing back against the liberal policies of the globalists and the damage that those policies have wrought on their nations. The Davos crowd can not be pleased. Their plan for world domination and subjugation of those nation's citizens is now clearly in a cocked hat, for lack of a better term. Straight ahead on the calendar are mid-term elections here in the United States and Brazil, where we're expecting more of the same as we've seen in Canada and Sweden. People are standing up and taking their countries back. It's true what they say about pendulums. When they swing too far in one direction, well, you know what I mean.

Today is one of those unusually hot summer days that we sometimes see in September. It's the perfect weather to hang clothes out on the line. Admit it, you never saw that coming. But, it's true. I took the lot of the Ev man's dirty clothes accumulated over the course of our vacation at the lake to a local laundromat. The Ev man would prefer that we do his laundry at our house, but he'll be none the wiser if we don't tell him (which we have no plans to do.) If I can get all of his clothes in one machine, which I was able to do, then it's all for the better. No fuss, no muss, as they say in the television commercials.

Timing is everything too. If you hang things out too late, then they don't have enough time to dry. If you leave them on the line into the early evening, they are more than likely going to be damp to the touch when you go to collect them. You didn't think I knew anything about hanging clothes on the clothesline, did you? Maybe you couldn't see me doing it knowing what you know about my home life. But I had everything out and on the line well before noon, so we are looking good. It will all be lost on the Ev man, but that's life. Maybe he'll notice, maybe he won't.

The missus and I popped over to Kittery, Maine, last night to have dinner at a little restaurant on the water. We each had a cup of chowder, and I ordered some mussels while the missus had a nice chicken sandwich for her main meal. It was the final day of our vacation before the missus had to return to work on Tuesday. Our server was friendly and as sociable as she needed to be to get the job done. Our initial plan was to split a chowder, but, in my own inimitable way, I said fuck it, and I ordered two chowders. I'm glad I did because the chowder was quite good, and I would have wanted more had we only had one cup between the two of us. You always have to be a little concerned about the amount of stock you get in your chowder compared to the amount of broth. I think the ratio of potatoes and clams to broth in both of the cups was about as close to perfect as one could expect. It was also not too hot and not too cold. Somebody in the kitchen knew what they were doing. It was spot on, as they say.

I can't get these raids by Biden's FBI out of my mind. I was watching Tucker on FOX last night, and he went on and on about this issue. One thing I didn't realize was that the FBI is showing up at people's homes based on "tips." Those tipsters, whoever they were, accused said persons of being at the January 6th rally where things went sideways on that fateful day in 2020. Tucker said something about the government using facial recognition software to identify people at the fracas that day, so you know they knew who was there and who wasn't.

They also knew that these people on whose doorsteps they were showing up were nowhere near the Capital that day. And, who exactly are these so-called tipsters? Which of their neighbors dropped a dime on a neighbor they knew was a Trump supporter? Since when is being a Trump supporter a crime? Since when is being a republican, maybe a MAGA republican, cause for the Gestapo or brownshirts of the Biden Administration to show up on your doorstep accusing you of this and that crime? It's all about intimidation. It's all about making MAGA voters think twice about voting for their MAGA candidates. It's about instilling fear in the populace. It all ends on Election Day in November.

The leftist democrats are using January 6th as a pretext to criminalize, investigate, and lock up their political opposition as they see fit. It gives them the legal leverage to shake down every last republican and to use the law as a cudgel to intimidate and inspect every last document, electronic and otherwise, that they can get their hands on. It matters not that these materials are privileged and perhaps subject to attorney-client privilege. The leftist democrats could care less what laws are broken, tattered, or torn asunder.

They have the power now in Washington, and they have every intention of using it to demonize their political opponents, weaponize our Intelligence agencies, and use their power to steer the outcome of elections in their favor. If that means calling moms and dads who speak their minds at school board meetings "domestic terrorists," then that is what they do. Now that the Bidenistas have labeled Trump supporters "extremists" under the revised anti-terrorism laws after 9/11, civil liberties in our country have taken a turn for the worse. Maybe they need to be reminded that Trump received 71 million votes in the 2020 election. They will be out again on Election Day in 2022 and 2024.

It was so funny. Well, in an ironic sort of way. Bumbles Biden was partying at the White House yesterday while celebrating the passage of The Inflation Reduction Act. We all know that it does no such thing. We all know it's nothing more than a payoff to the donors of the Democrat party. We all know that it adds to the inflation that is crushing the American consumer day in and day out. Bumbles even had James Taylor on site strumming his guitar while playing a song about suicide (Fire and Rain). I mean, talk about tone-deaf. The best part, or maybe the most ironic part of it all, was that the year-over-year inflation numbers had just been released, and they were worse than anticipated. While fuel-related inflation numbers had come down a bit due to Biden's releasing oil from our nation's Strategic Oil Reserve, inflation in every other area was up markedly.

Making matters worse was the fact that the stock market was not taking this inflation news in stride. By Market close, the NASDAQ was down 5+ percent, and other indices had been similarly skewered. I think the S&P was down 4.3%. It was the Market's worst one-day loss since the 2020 Pandemic and, before that, the financial crisis in 2008. Think about the contrast between Biden and his minions snacking on sandwiches, drinking their wine, and celebrating the passage of The Inflation Reduction Act while the financial markets were being ravaged. Anyone and everyone in the markets was wishing that they were not in the markets. There had been a bit of a run-up in the market in the last week or so after the market logged a loss of some 12 percentage points over a two to three-week period, so I think people were starting to feel good about gaining back some of those losses. Nobody was prepared for the bloodbath in the market that we saw yesterday. I mean nobody.

On a brighter note, both of my candidates won their primary races last night. The missus worked a little late last night, so we were late in getting to the polls, but we made it just in time and cast our ballots like the good citizens that we are. Karoline Leavitt kicked some serious ass and surprised all the pundits who thought that the establishment guy, Matt Mowers, had it in the bag. Ms. Leavitt, if elected, will be the youngest member of the House of Representatives in our country's history. She strikes me as a Marjorie Taylor-like fighter, and God only knows I love a fighter when it comes to my politicians.

Ms. Leavitt was on Trump's communication team during his first term, so that had to help. I don't think anyone saw her winning as decisively as she did. I've never written a check to a politician in my life, but I'm tempted to make an exception for Karoline. When I think of the money that the likes of Kevin McCarthy (Minority House Speaker) spent in our state trying to boost her opponent, Matt Mowers, it pisses me off and makes me want to pitch in. I know McCarthy isn't MAGA, but he shouldn't be spending money to take out MAGA candidates. That can't sit well with Trump. It sure as hell doesn't sit well with me. Ms. Leavitt will be, God willing, taking out Chris Pappas in the general election in November.


The other candidate I voted for was General Don Bolduc. He'll be running against Senator Maggie Hassan in November. These damn democrats, and I'm talking about Pappas and Hassan here, have voted for every last one of Biden's policies that have been destroying our country from within. Do I need to go down the list of my grievances against the Biden regime again? I have neither the time nor the patience to do that this morning. I think the General has the appropriate worldview required to be a good and productive member of the United States Senate representing New Hampshire. He will not be a fucking rubber stamp for Bumbles Biden, and, more to the point, he will hopefully staunch the bleeding caused by Bumbles and his leftist regime. We want to send Maggie back to the quohog flats from whence she came before her senatorial stint. I think the General can take her down. Electorally speaking, of course.

What up with these red state Governors sending these illegal aliens to blue states? What's good for the goose is good for the gander? Governor DeSantis of Florida sent a planeload of 52 illegal aliens to Martha's Vineyard. That has to be a wake-up call for the hypocritical libs. They want the borders open to let these illegals into every other community but their community. Biden was wanting to flood our country with illegals thinking that he could turn red states blue or some such nonsense.

Now that they are getting a dose of their own medicine, the governors of these liberal shitholes are crying bloody murder. Now they see what Biden has unleashed on the red states along our southern border, and it is no longer out of sight, out of mind. They are waking up to illegal aliens sleeping, shitting, and urinating in their streets, in their schoolyards, you name it, there they fucking are. But sending the aliens to Martha's Vineyard is a beauty to behold. It's the Valhalla of liberal elitism. Maybe the Obama's will have them over for tea.

It's that age-old NIMBY (not in my backyard( thing again, isn't it. Did the Bidenistas give any thought as to what our country would do with 3-5 million or more illegal immigrants? Where did they think they would live? Who would be good enough to house them and help them care for their children? Who did the Bidenistas think would provide these illegal aliens with healthcare, schools for their children, and a bit of spare change here and there so they could arrange for their own entertainment?

It's also not lost on the communities along our southern border that many of these migrants showing up on their doorsteps and shitting in their schoolyards would not be ideal candidates under normal circumstances. In other words, they are not sending their best. You can see these shithole places around the world emptying their prisons and mental health facilities and putting them on busses where they meet up with this or that caravan heading north to Joe Biden's America. Cough it up for the coyotes, and you're on your way.

I'm not sure that I get it when I see and hear these big city mayors in sewers like New York City, Chicago, and Washington, DC whining like a stuck pig because they see a busload or two of illegal aliens arriving in downtown proper. I have to believe that they already have millions of illegal aliens living in their midst, so what's a handful or two more? Is it because these latest arrivals are somehow less desirable? Are they not all equal in God's eyes? What precisely is it about these illegal aliens that have their panties in a wad? You know damn well it has everything to do with the fact that they were sent by red state governors. Say it!

Judging by the prime-time primal screams of the mayors in these shitholes at the very sight of these busses coming to town, you'd think something was up. Why would they be ordering the National Guard to help deal with the migrants? It gives them yet one more reason to request additional funding from the federal government, so that's nothing new. When you think about it, red state governors only have so many options when it comes to dealing with illegal aliens. Giving the libs a taste of their own medicine might well qualify both as an opportunity and a last resort. Pick your poison.

I'm waking up to temperatures in the fifties this morning, and I'm thinking to myself, I should have bought a cord or two of wood for mornings just like this. The missus is now up and about, and she's complaining that her nightgown is getting a bit threadbare here and there. She's lamenting the fact that we never stopped at the Vermont Country Store while we were on vacation, where she might have had a chance to pick up another nightgown. It's just more of the same. Woe is me, wash, rinse, repeat. Throw on a sweater for chrissakes, and enough with the pissing and moaning.

Put yourself in the place of an illegal alien waking up on a cold sidewalk in some foreign land (USA) without a pot to piss in or a place to go for a hot meal. They'd give their left testicle and then some for a threadbare nightgown to throw over their shivering torsos. Listen to me, Mr. Empathy. Take your hot shower, little darlings, and we can discuss how we might go about replacing that nightgown of yours. Is it too late to get that cord of wood? It seems so daunting when I think about all the work involved in getting our stove up and running again. I just don't see it in the cards as I sit here shivering in my jammies this fine September morning.

I'm waking up to the news this morning that those 50 or so illegal aliens that were flown into Martha's Vineyard yesterday by Governor DeSantis from Florida have now been airlifted off the island and flown to points unknown. The Vineyard is one of the wealthiest liberal enclaves in the continental USA, yet having 50 illegal aliens on their soil constituted a humanitarian crisis. They simply don't have the infrastructure to support these migrants, was all you heard in the liberal media yesterday. Yet, the island is littered with multi-acre estates, which could have easily been used to set up housing for the migrants. Hell, Obama lives on the island, and he's championed diversity and such from day one of his Administration. Where was he when the migrant's plane touched down on the one and only airport on the island? The quick and dirty answer is, nowhere to be seen. These mother fuckers are unbelievable.

Hey, I like the timing of it. The mid-term elections are right around the corner, and the issue of immigration deserves to be front and center. Ironically enough, it's the liberals who are splashing it all over the newspapers and media from coast to coast, thanks to this dust-up manufactured by the Republicans. It's the liberals who are reminding the voters that while immigration may be a temporary inconvenience on the island of Marthas Vineyard, it is a veritable crisis in small towns along our southern border in states like Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, etc., where the number of illegal aliens coming into their towns and cities every day of the week is in the tens of thousands. The liberals would rather talk about abortion, extremist republicans, January 6th, or anything but illegal immigration. Hell, Vice President Kamala Harris reminded us all yesterday in an interview with Chuckles Todd on NBC that our borders are secure. The American people know better.

I'm hearing more and more examples of democrats not agreeing to participate in public debates with their republican opponents in the days and weeks leading up to the mid-term elections on November 9th. I get it. The Democrats have no record of accomplishments to run on, and, while they've passed legislation here and there that may please their base, it has also added to our deficit which is now north of $30 trillion. In other words, the democrats have been spending money like drunken sailors. But, it's not just the spending.

It's a whole host of other things. We'll see how the strategy of not going to debates works out for them. The Democrat party also seems to be running any number of candidates as unopposed, which means they settle on a candidate who they think can win, and that's who they put up against the Republican candidate. Meanwhile, the Republican candidates are battling it out in the primaries until they end up with a candidate who may or may not garner the support of the voters who cast a vote for the winning candidate. The tougher the battle in the primaries, the more hostile the infighting gets, and it all makes for a more contentious and less cohesive party dynamic for the winning candidate who needs the full support of the voters and their party when all is said and done.

My neighbor had surgery on her knee yesterday. I think it was a knee replacement, but don't quote me on that. I was surprised to see her coming home so soon after the surgery. I thought she would be in the hospital for of a couple of days anyway. They've really perfected some of these procedures is all I can offer. Her driver is around her age, and she's no spring chicken, so I considered running over to lend a hand when I saw the car coming down the street. There are steps involved in her going from her car to her house, so that had to pose a challenge or two for both her and her companion.

This was me thinking out loud while sitting in the comfort of my living room, of course. Might they have appreciated an extra set of hands? Probably. I waited to see if someone might come knocking, but nobody did. She has a couple of capable sons that I know of, and they were nowhere to be seen. How they finally managed, I don't know but here's hoping that they're not sitting around this morning thinking the worst about a neighbor who couldn't be bothered to lend a hand when an extra hand would have been appreciated. Am I overthinking this?

FedEx came out after the Market close yesterday and changed up their earnings guidance for the worse. FedEx is the veritable canary in the coal mine when and where prospects for an improving economy are either in the cards or not in the cards. It is a bellwether for the entire shipping industry, and to a greater extent, the economy at large. If FedEx doesn't see things improving, and they clearly don't given their updated guidance, that is not a good thing. Not a good thing for people with their life savings in the stock market, not good for people seeking employment, not a good thing for an economy already struggling to stay out of a deep recession or worse, and not a good thing for people who will be laid off in struggling companies coast to coast. It is probably just the beginning of a long list of companies that will have to adjust their guidance due to a deteriorating economy. Stock market futures ahead of the Market open this morning are blood red.

We'll be heading over to see Mrs G today. It's been a good couple of weeks since we've seen her. Maybe almost three weeks if we're counting the actual days. We were off on vacation so that accounts for much of our time away. She says that her facility is having issus with covid again and there are some 26 staffers who have come down with the dreaded virus. Only three residents have come down with the virus. To put it all in perspective, I think the resident-to-staff ratio at her facility is quite high. So, how do you account for the staff coming down with so much covid? Does the fact that they're required to wear masks account for any of it? It's counter intuitive, I know, but that's the point. You might also look to see who is out and about in the community and who is not out in the community. The staff is the obvious winner in this category but the residents do go out from time to time and they have no obligations to report in, mask up, or anything of the kind while out and about or when they return.

The management of her facility is urging the residents to get the latest and greatest booster shot as a result of the uptick in Covid cases. Do they not know that more hospitalizations than not these days involve people who have had multiple boosters? People with no history of getting the jab, or people who having gotten only the base jabs, are faring the best. In other words, these fools managing her joint are increasing the risks to their residents by pushing the stinking jabs. When will it all stop? When will someone there start paying attention to the science? Isn't that what they say? Follow the science?

It has to help that the residents of her facility are probably fitter than most considering the fact that you don't get to grow old, or end up in facilities like the one in which Mrs G resides, if you're otherwise beset with comorbidities. I should add that people in the facility are not dropping likes flies despite having received multiple jabs since the Covid thing began in March of 2020. What's one more jab in the scheme of things. Right? If it gives the residents peace of mind, as crazy and devious as that sounds, then fuck it. Sign up for the booster and get on with your lives. Or, not.