Elections Have Consequences

Is this how World War 3 starts? We're going all in when it comes to Ukraine? It's a fucking European backwater with a history of corruption that has been bailing out democrats since the beginning of time. That's probably a bit of a short selling when and where it comes to knowing the country of Ukraine so I have a book that I intend to read so I can be better informed. I have to be honest though. What I hear coming out of Putin's mouth reminds me a lot of Donald Trump and how his unpredictability kept his friends and foes alike at arms length. For better or worse, it's true.


Putin can barely manage the war he's waging in Ukraine so it's doubtful, short of unleashing nuclear weapons, that he can take on the enormity of the world's powers who are now aligned against him and his criminal regime. See what I did there? It is precisely what our media is doing here in the United States. I'm whipping up hate and, in doing so, I'm moving us inexorably towards whatever is in store for us as a country should we go head-to-head with another nuclear power. This increases rather than decreases the likelihood that a confrontation will take place. I'm not sure I want to know what that looks like.

If we blow each other to smithereens then who, pray tell, steps into the fray if and when the dust settles? That would be China, of course. They have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I don't think that is what Sun Tzu had in mind when he wrote the "Art Of War" but there must be something in his book about letting your opponents destroy each other. Did Sun Tzu presage the nuclear conflict between Russia and the West when he wrote, "There are five ways of attacking with fire. The first is to burn soldiers in their camp." That wasn't possible 5000 years ago. It is now.

I think I like my chances given a limited volley of nuclear weapons. I'm guessing that the Russians will want to send one or two across our bow just to show that they mean business. Turning a small town in Iowa into dust might be just the trick rather than taking out a million or more citizens in a large city. That's wishful thinking on my part and probably a bit selfish. I mean, if it's going to happen then you just have to fasten your seat belt and hope for the best. Right?

It wouldn't take much to tip the scales into what the planners refer to as "Mutually Assured Destruction" so maybe this small-town-first theory of mine is a best case scenario. It irritates the hell out of me to think that the only people left after all is said and done are the people who got us here in the first place. I'm talking about the mother fucking politicians and the military brass who will be ushered to their designated seats in the bowels of a well appointed fallout shelter well ahead of the first strike where they will ride out the apocalypse in relative comfort. The rest of us, not so much.

In the meantime, Bumbles Biden and his minions are getting in bed with socialists and tyrannical regimes across the globe like Madura from Venezuela and the Mullahs from Iran where they hope to secure just enough oil to make it both scarce and expensive by the time it becomes available on Main Street USA. Trump warned us that Biden would give us $7 a gallon gas when we were paying less than $2 a gallon at the pump under Trump. He was right. Almost prophetic if you want to know the truth. We may actually see the day when we look back on paying $7 for a gallon of gas as a vestige of a bygone era.

The Bidenista's are determined to force the green economy on the people of the United States whether they like it or not. They can't take our guns away so why not cripple us with a crashing economy? This is a problem that goes away overnight if we start drilling again here in the United States. What is their end game here, anyway? Is it to force-wean us off of our reliance on carbon based energy so they can fulfill some leftist fantasy they have about climate change? Our enemies abroad would probably like nothing better than to see us move away from a carbon based economy. How many of the tanks, planes, and mobile units now engaged in the Russian invasion of Ukraine are powered by electricity? How many indeed.

The fact that the leftists in our country are effectively aiding and abetting our enemies by working on their behalf to move us away from a carbon based economy should give us pause. If that doesn't give us pause, then consider if you will the effect that higher and higher gas prices have on everything from the cost of a gallon of milk to what it costs the average commuter to go back and forth to work every day. If you drive a SUV, god help you. Moms getting behind the wheels of their vans are thinking twice about those away soccer games and concluding that putting food on the table may be more important than their sons or daughters athletic pursuits. This is not what they had in mind when they decided that voting for Trump was a bridge too far back in 2020.

"Elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences" - Steve Bannon. Is there a more apt expression of what we're experiencing here in our country in 2022? I think not. Trump warned us that voting for Joe Biden was going to be a disaster and he wasn't wrong. These are tumultuous times for our country. When you add the threat of a nuclear disaster to everything else going on it all seems so self inflicted. Seeing what Joe Biden is unwilling to do to change it all up for the better, and kick starting our energy production again is just one thing that could make a difference, you have to wonder where his allegiances lie. It's almost enough to make you forget about the invasion that Joe Biden inititated when he opened our southern border to migrants from across the globe.

I don't begin to understand all of the unfortunate economic undercurrents that Biden and his minions have unleashed on the good people of our country. Maybe the goal at the end of the day is to see to it that the middle class in our country owns nothing. The elite will own all the wealth and the scraps are up for grabs. The value of the dollar will likely go into the ash heap of history and the reserve currency will be god only knows what. Between now and then, or between now and when Trump returns to office in 2024 to save us from another four years of Biden, we'll be scraping by as best we can until we can vote these communists the hell out of office.

The missus and I went to vote in our town elections yesterday. Just so you know what we're up against here in town, one of the ballot measures was to do away with the voting machines. You know, the damn voting machines that have allegedly corrupted counts either by hook or crook to get the people and the votes to go one way or another. I don't know if someone is physically hacking into the machines or whether or not they're accessing the machines through the Internet to change counts after the fact. We certainly know from experiencing these frauds first hand in the 2020 election that nothing is off the table when it comes to the left stealing and manipulating votes. It seems as though we have more leftists in town than I thought. The vote is in and the machines aren't going anywhere. Like I said, by hook or crook.

In case you wondered what other kind of mischief the leftists were up to yesterday as we all went to cast our votes, they put a petition on the ballot to change "Columbus Day" to "Indigenous People's Day." I gather that the thought of good old Christopher Columbus doing whatever he did back in the day was so outrageous that having a holiday in his name is just beyond the pale for the leftists. They are too triggered, too emotionally fragile, too deluded in their leftist wet dreams, and too far gone to allow a grievance of this magnitude to go one more day without waging a war or worse to get his name off the Calendar. Unfortunately, there were more of them than us. Thank the Baby Jesus that we don't have a statute of Christopher Columbus in town. It would be more grist for their mill.

Thank God that nobody in our household has to commute anywhere. With gas prices approaching $5 a gallon, I don't know what the average person who has to commute to work every day does to survive. If you're a minimum wage worker, chances are you're spending more money to fill up your tank than you're receiving in your paycheck every week. It is not a sustainable position. Something has to change. Maybe you change jobs so you're closer to home. You can't afford an electric car so don't even think about it. Maybe you forgo having lunch out at the local diner with your buds every day and bring a bagged lunch instead. How about joining a carpool? Oh, and keeping your thermostat at 50 degrees during the winter months is not an option especially if you have children at home.

With gas prices and the prices of everything else going through the roof it comes as no comfort to know that the stock market is not faring well either. If you've been saving your pennies in the bank for years and have recently moved those same monies into the stock market hoping for a better return, god help you if you need to redeem those shares. The NASDAQ is off some 20% just this year and it could get markedly worse if China invades Taiwan. Maybe you take some comfort in the fact that the NASDAQ was off some 75% back in 2010. Yes, Olive, what goes up also goes down. The converse is true as well. You just need to have the time and patience to let the market do what markets do. Not everyone has that luxury. Retiring soon? Think again.

I try very hard to stay away from Main Street media these days. You'd think our country was at war given the breathless coverage. Truth be told, it's almost was though the media is pushing for war on behalf of the Bidenista's. Just yesterday, the media was in a kerfuffle about the Russians bombing a children's hospital in one of the cities in Ukraine. The day before, it was all about the Russians bombing a nuclear facility and the imminency of a meltdown that would be ten times worse than Chernobyl. Today, I suspect it will be all about the biological weapons lab that, were the Russians to get hold of it, god only knows what might happen. See how that works? Their ratings have never been better. War is good for the Main Street media. It's even better for the Military Industrial Complex who would like nothing better than to kick off a conflict in Eastern Europe.

Here's the dirty little secret: Nobody died in the children's hospital despite the spasmodic coverage and the nuclear facility was really never at risk. That didn't stop the media from showing video of screaming moms against the backdrop of crumbling buildings and fires erupting in and around the nuclear power plant on a continuous loop for the better part of two or three days. Oh, and I almost forgot. There was the whole thing about the US giving fighter jets to Poland to replace fighter jets that they were planning to give to the Ukrainians. And then, Bumbling Biden stepped in and put a stop to that deal much to the consternation of the Ukrainians. You can't make this stuff up.


I heard one guy on the radio last night talking about the fact that maybe the US doesn't want the Ukrainians to win this war. Were that to happen, it might increase the likelihood of Putin doing something beyond the pale like launching a tactical nuclear weapon across their border into Ukraine. Do they fear that something like that would escalate the whole kit and caboodle into the proverbial and long dreaded world war three? Honestly, I just don't know who or what to believe anymore. We see what the media and the government want us to see and hear and the truth is probably somewhere in between. Maybe I need to include radio in my list of things that I'm better off tuning out.

I wholeheartedly believe that the US has no dog in this fight in Ukraine. I take issue with the president of Ukraine going on national television and lecturing the west for not doing more to support the war in his country. It feels personal when he shows up on camera in some undisclosed location wearing his camouflage colored vest and going on and on about needing this and that from the US and our allies. There is no doubt in my mind that the supply chains are not moving as fast as they might like in terms of getting the weaponry that they've been promised. All that said, Ukraine is surrounded by countries in Europe who have a vested interest in what Russia does and does not do in Ukraine. Is it not in their best interest to step in and help their neighbors in Ukraine? I know, I know. It's complicated.

One minute it's Covid-19 around the clock. You can't escape it. Now, if you can forget about our problems with raging inflation and an open southern border, it's all about Ukraine. It's funny how Covid just disappeared overnight. I don't even see Tony Fauci on television anymore. The media has bigger fish to fry. The part I worry about is that Biden's people don't want this Ukraine thing to get resolved. It's good for his ratings and it takes the shit show that is our economy off the front pages. The question is, how far is Biden willing to go to keep the war in Ukraine on the front pages? That is the part that keeps me up at night. I put nothing past the democrats when it comes to doing what they can to stay in power. As an aside, or maybe not, how far are the Europeans willing to go to aid and abet Biden's skullduggery?

Did you see that nitwit, Kamala Harris, on the telly? As Vice President, she was dispatched to Poland to reassure them of our country's steadfast support as a NATO ally. She really is a sorry excuse for a politician much less a Vice President. One has to ask themselves how she ever became Attorney General for the state of California realizing as we all do after seeing her in action these past many months that she is a complete idiot. I've heard all the rumors about her and Wille Brown and it's all starting to make sense now that we're getting a better look at her as she stumbles from one fiasco to the other in her role as VP.

So, she's doing a press conference with the Polish President, Duda, and she takes a question from a journalist about what the US is willing to do to assist with the Ukrainian refugees. She starts to cackle like a fool before making a ridiculous comment like, "with friends like this, who needs enemies," and it was completely inappropriate and just a real WTF moment for American diplomacy. The Duda guy just looked over at her in abject horror as she made a fool of herself and, by extension, the country that she was there to represent. It's the very Kamala that we know so well here in America but the very Kamala that one would hope they would have the good sense to not send anywhere for this very reason. Why did the Biden people send her to Poland knowing what they do about her inability to project power and gravitas in the moment? It isn't enough that we have a senile old fuck as President?

One last thing about Kamala Harris. Y'all know that she was put on the ticket with Biden because they figured that it would be a cold day in hell before they did anything to get rid of Biden knowing that Harris was the one who would step into the fray. Right? It's a scary thought to be sure but maybe a good strategy when all is said and done. If they can keep propping demented Joe up at the teleprompter or with the language appropriate cue cards then the people really running out government can continue to work their "magic" behind the scenes. It's a political shell game the likes of which we've never seen. One of these days here's hoping that the real puppeteer or puppeteers are identified and prosecuted as appropriate. It's more likely that he or she will be disappeared and that will be that.

Do I know everything I need to know about this "Don't Say Gay Bill" that Governor DeSantis is planning to sign into law in Florida? My understanding is that it will prevent or head off the grooming of first and second graders on subjects like sexual orientation and transgenderism. That seems reasonable to me. Is this something that these children need exposure to at that age? Hardly. This bill isn't sitting well with the leftists who want first crack at these fertile minds when it comes to introducing ideologies and social mores. Maybe more importantly, this is an issue which, if properly positioned, will solidify constituencies along lines that could prove beneficial to democrats in upcoming elections. In addition, if they can take DeSantis down a notch or two, that might well nix his presidential prospects in 2024 and beyond.

My guess is that there are more people that agree with DeSantis than there are people who disagree with him. Isn't that always the political calculus? The cool thing about DeSantis is that he rarely seems to care which way the political winds are blowing when it comes to making decisions. Seeing as how he just tends to dig in his heels when confronted by the opposition, the leftists do what they can in the social media space to garner support and bring in the big dogs to do their bidding. In this case, the CEO from Disney is on board with the cause so we'll see where it goes. DeSantis is likely tell him to fuck off which would be the appropriate response. Let's see how Disney likes operating out of Georgia instead of Florida. Now try to imagine Mickey Mouse speaking with a southern drawl.

I was telling the missus last night that I was feeling a little bad about how the whole Wordle thing was playing out. You know, the Worldle game that we both play each day. It's the online word game where you have just so many chances to guess the word after certain letters are revealed. The missus dragged me kicking and screaming before I decided to jump in with both feet myself. I was getting tired of seeing her have all the fun. Having to look over her shoulder while she played wasn't much fun either. I don't know if it was the angle at which I was taking in the game or just the fact that I'm wasn't in the driver's seat. Either way, I finally started playing my own games and the rest is history.

The part that I'm feeling bad about is that the missus so loved the game when she and she alone was playing it each day. She was so proud of the fact that she was doing as well as she was. She got a lot of satisfaction out of trying to get other people to play as well. It didn't matter that they decided not to play when they either lost interest or maybe they decided that it wasn't something that they thought they were interested in playing. Some people, like her mum, thought it was a bit too complicated and that was the end of that. In other words, things were going swimmingly for her in this newfound game of hers called Wordle. Not to worry. I'm getting to the "feeling bad" part.

Things started to take a turn for the worse when I started to play. The missus was happy to have me on board when I was just learning the game. She's a tutor at heart and I was a willing student learning at the knee of the master. Well, maybe "mistress" would be the more appropriate term here. Finally, she had someone she could play with and against. Each player plays their own online game but there is only one right answer each day the game is posted. Maybe I'm a better guesser than the missus or maybe I just have a better sense as to what it takes to win the game. Whichever the case, I started doing better than the missus and that wasn't sitting well with her.

What was once a game that she loved to play each day was now becoming a game that she started to lose interest in when she saw what she was up against. If I guessed the word correctly after three tries (words), the missus became miffed if it took her more than three tries. So much so, in fact, that she sometimes just walked away and quit playing before the game was over. I had essentially deprived her of the opportunity to beat me. The fact that I did all of that so effortlessly didn't help matters. Maybe there's a cardinal rule somewhere in the manual for marriages that speaks to the issue of competitive play. You know, like all is fair in love and war (Wordle)?

I've decided that I'll continue to play each day but I'm no longer going to tell her how many words it took me to win. If she does better than expected, or maybe matches my game, I'll congratulate her on her game and move on. Maybe just knowing that I probably did well in playing my game, that will somehow motivate her to try a little harder. There is something to be said for competition. It makes you a better player if it all works out the way it's supposed to work out. This is all about getting the missus to not throw in the towel. I owe her that much as my main squeeze and loving partner. I will no longer steal victory from the jaws of defeat as the inestimable announcer, Howard Cosell, once declared while sitting ringside at an Ali-Frazier bout. No sireee, Bob.

Yesterday was a productive visit with Mrs G after all was said and done. I busied myself installing a phone she had purchased through Amazon and the missus walked her mum through various online accounts she had to ensure that nothing was falling through the cracks. Did I mention that we finally got around to picking up some liver and onions for Mrs G? I mention this previously but the restaurant that we had hoped to visit was closed by the time we got around to placing our order. Mrs G had mentioned that her facility rarely has liver and onions and she was quite fond of the dish so the missus and I planned accordingly. It took a couple of weeks but everything fell into place yesterday and we arrived at the appointed hour with liver and onions in hand. You could smell the stuff from a mile away.

Mrs G was tickled as you might well imagine at receiving the food. She cracked the lid on the to-go container just long enough to take a peek before closing it back up again. The meal was laid out nicely with a heaping side of mashed potatoes and a side of broccoli florets occupying their own space inside the container. The liver was barely visible beneath what appeared to be a very nice portion of grilled onions. Have some liver with your onions, won't you. I was hoping that Mrs G would have a taste or two while the dish was still hot but she thought better of it for whatever reason. If we wanted feedback, it would have to wait. It came later by way of a phone call so that was good. She thoroughly enjoyed her liver and onions and all was well with the world. I think the word she used was "delicious."

I put her phone thing together and if I had to change one thing it would be the voice mail thing. I set it up to use the default voice rather than have Mrs G have to figure out what specific voice mail message she might want to leave. We all know how difficult that can be. Do you want to leave a humorous message? Maybe something less humorous and more to the point? I was thinking too about the fact that having an elderly person's voice on a voice mail message might well be an invitation to disaster if some fraudster decided to take advantage. I should have warned Mrs G to be on the lookout for a caller with a Nigerian accent asking her to send cashier checks to a P.O. Box. Seeing as she was quite pleased with the message that she decided to leave, I was wanting to leave well enough alone. And I did.