Pace Yourself

We have really had a sensational August. It is the August of our content you might say. It more than makes up for all of the drudgery we endured in June and July. I'm referring to the weather, of course. Our garden continues to flourish and I picked peppers and tomatoes just yesterday. It was a sole pepper I must admit but there appear to be more coming so I will continue to be patient. Maybe there is something to be said for rotating your crops every so often. My tomatoes, at least, have found their sweet spot and we have had a splendid crop thus far. I am not so enamored of the plum tomatoes as they are the least sweet of the crop that I planted earlier this year. Nancy is taking pleasure as well in the well being of her sunflowers and assorted other flowers including the infamous Morning Glory. There is just an abundance of everything and, in retrospect, we should have planted more of everything. I even brought a small container of cherry tomatoes to our neighbors, Betsi and John, which was brimming in goodness and blood red in color. She was most appreciative and left a stalk of horseradish on my car after the fact as we discussed. What, sweet Jesus, am I going to do with that?

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One week to go now before we take Evan to school. Ask me if he has done his pre-work. You know the answer. Ask me if I think he is prepared to go to school. You know the answer. He is one of the last of his friends to go off to school and he is determined to not let one night go to waste while there is at least one friend in town. Who knows where he goes. Who knows what video games he's playing. Who knows what beverages he's consuming. Who knows what else he is getting in to. He woke Nancy out of a stupor last night to ask if she might bring him his starch so he could spend the night at his friend's house. They would, no doubt, play video games into the early hours of the morning. The shoot-em-up type video games that turn your mind to mush and make you more likely than not to commit crimes involving guns, death and destruction. This heroin-like addiction has rendered him incapable of logical thought and the putrid substances with which he abuses his body cannot portend well for a so-called-student heading off to school. There is no agent of change that is likely to move the trajectory of his future in any meaningful way so I am dubious that he will find success in school. He will be attracted to like souls and will gravitate to the lowest common denominator in society and in school and will wither even further. So that we're not sending good money after bad, he would do well to fail miserably in his first semester and that would be that. He is a man now and can make his own decisions about these kinds of things. Again, not one of his strengths.

Nancy concerns herself with getting him ready to go to school and is sightly obsessive about everything from floor lamps to sheets. She takes him shopping and she tells me that he cannot concentrate for even a minute to make decisions about things he needs for school. I reminded her that I am no different when and where shopping is concerned and that it more likely a man thing than anything else. He showed particular interest in a print depicting a scene out of "The Great Escape" which is one of his all time favorite movies. Something for his wall at school I suspect. Maybe we should take some comfort in the fact that it is a start however small. Flannel sheets might be nice given that Fall is right around the corner, I suggested. Evan was not receptive to taking two sheets instead of one. Just how serious is this brain malfunction of his? But, he has to have a good supply of boxer shorts. Go figure. And where the bejesus is he going to store all of his starch? It is just as well, and I am more convinced of this than ever, that he is not going to UNH. Some of his buddies are going there so it would be more of the same. This Pace thing will be entirely different and he will have a fresh start so we'll see how it goes. A week from yesterday we'll be making the trip south and dropping him off. It will be a life changing event for all of us. Maybe a little prayer is in order. Dear Jesus...