Buckle Up

Bumbles is in Kyiv this morning on a surprise visit to see his fellow huckster, Zelensky. His handlers probably told him he was going to a rally in Rehobeth, Delaware, and to just read the cue cards they put in his hands. Where is the bagman, Hunter? Is he still pulling down $83k a month from his job as an oil and gas expert working for Burisma? Where's doctor Jill? You know, the brains of the operation and Bumble's personal care assistant. Yes, that's right—the one with the fishnet stockings.


Bumbles is in Kyiv, offering the Ukrainian people unending support through money and arms to assist the Ukrainians in their border dispute with their neighbor, Russia. His specific promise is "as long as it takes" whenever he is asked about America's commitment to Ukraine. In contrast, our borders here in America are wide open to every criminal, every terrorist, every rapist, and every last indigent and uneducated scoundrel from all over the world. Bumbles and his minions wouldn't have it any other way. But, when it comes to the good people of Ukraine and their sacrosanct borders, tell me what you need, says Bumbles.

Meanwhile, Bumble's Vice President, Kamala Harris, calls Putin a war criminal on the world stage and threatens to haul his sorry ass before the World Court in Hague, where he will be charged with war crimes. She's come a long way from her early days in San Fransisco when she gave hummers on her lunch hour to her main squeeze at the time, Wille Brown. Her grasp of world history is sadly lacking if she thinks Bumbles and his stooges will waltz into downtown Moscow and pull Putin from some spider hole in the ground as Bush did with Saddam Hussein. This clown car of an administration is clearly out over their skis when it comes to sorting out the intricacies of what passes these days for international diplomacy. Putting American boots on the ground in Ukraine will be the least of our worries as Americans if we allow this fool of a president to continue down this perilous path. Congress, are you listening?

Is it any surprise that the Ukrainian people are singing Bumble's praises this morning as he gives his speech from downtown Kyiv? Where would they be without NATO countries sending them unlimited weapons and money? Ukraine might have come to the negotiating table long before now, and tens of thousands of their fellow citizens might still be alive had the West not interfered with a border conflict. The West continues to spread their bullshite about Russia not stopping at Ukraine's borders if they are allowed to take Ukrainian territory without any resistance. That would put Russia into direct conflict with NATO forces, and nobody believes that Russia thinks that's winnable. The West might have crossed the rubicon now that we've called for Putin's capture and arrest. It likely incentivizes Putin to double his efforts and put the entire country of Ukraine in his sights. And now, China openly states that it will support Russia in its war with Ukraine.

What is it with all these industrial accidents we're seeing nationwide today? The train derailment in Ohio is but one of many examples. It has a "careening" feel, making me wonder what shoe we'll see drop next. It seems that our transportation infrastructure, as is our nation's food supply, is being targeted, as seen with various fires at poultry farms countrywide. Add to that various unexplained network outages, and you start to get a little curious about where the hell this is going. Is this payback for Biden's alleged part in destroying Russia's Nordstream Pipeline? Is this part and parcel of the "famine" Biden referenced in a speech he made in Europe some months ago? How much of what we see has to do with Biden and his cozying up to the Chinese Communist Party? They own Bumbles and the entire Biden crime family lock, stock, and barrel, so you have to figure they'd be looking to cash in on their investment sooner or later. Will we even have any gas left in the tank, or the weaponry, or the will to fight if and when China attacks Taiwan? Is that fight even in our best interests as national interests go?

We have so many nationals from so many countries, including nationals from China, crossing into our country illegally that you can't discount the fact that some of those crossers might be doing what they've been sent here to do. This is what terrorists do when dispatched to do a job. Bumbles Biden has already told them he is looking the other way if they can find their way to our southern border. In other words, come one, come all. I guess it may not be difficult to torch a food processing plant if you have the tools and the will to pull it off. A plus is receiving a stipend from the government that sent you there to do the job. It's all conjecture on my part, but you have to be open to conspiracies when you see your country going to hell in a handbasket. You can't go on thinking that none of what you're seeing isn't by design.

Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has released countless hours of video of the January 6th "insurrection" to Tucker Carlson to look over and show to the public as he sees fit. The video will likely show the American public that the so-called "insurrection" was not an actual insurrection. Rather, I expect some of the footage to vindicate many people who have since been convicted and jailed. It will likely prove without a doubt that Nancy Pelosi was instrumental in making the insurrection possible and crafting the spectacle to set up and further demonize Donald J Trump as the leader of some far-right Nazi-like movement. Her January 6th Committee would be Washington's Court of the Hague, and she would televise every moment of it in living color with witnesses hostile to our former president. She even had her daughter's film crew on the premises during the event, capturing the politicians fleeing for their lives and cowering in fear behind doors and beneath desks.

This film has never been released to the public at Pelosi's direction since it would make their case against Trump next to impossible. How do you explain the Capitol Police opening doors and waving people into the People's House through entrances not typically open to the public? How do you explain the masses of orderly protestors who came and went without tearing down statues and breaking down doors like your everyday Antifa rabble-rouser? I don't know how they managed to keep this footage from the defense attorneys. How did judges allow this to happen? Is this what a kangaroo court looks like? We lock people up because we don't like their politics? Every democrat was silent as every last defendant was found guilty and given lengthy sentences. I hope to God that this footage we're about to see exposes the insurrection nonsense for the scam that it was and that we see many, if not all, of these people who have been sentenced released. How do we now find justice for them?

I might have preferred to see this video released on Twitter. It deserves an honest airing, and I'm not sure we'll see everything we need to see if Carlson gets to pick and choose what we see. Context is important, so Tucker can provide that as he sees fit. I also trust him to show the video that best captures the lies and fabrications that the democrats have dishonestly laid at the feet of the American public since this all began. The democrats knew well in advance of Trump's plan to go to Washington DC, on January 6th for a planned rally, and they weren't about to let that opportunity slip by without putting a plan in motion to send as many Trump supporters and Trump himself if possible, to jail. We'll hopefully see the extent of the participation of the FBI and other Intelligence agencies in the creation and exacerbation of the event that unfolded that day. It will lay to rest the lies that the democrats continue to tell about the five or more Capitol police that died that day. The only person who died on January 6th was a Trump supporter, Ashley Babbit. She was shot down in cold blood by an undercover policeman who has yet to be held to account for gunning down an unarmed "trespasser."

What the hell is the foreperson of the Georgia Grand Jury doing making the rounds on national television looking and talking like a crackhead as she seems to suggest that there are several high-profile people that they plan on recommending for indictment? I thought this was supposed to be a secret grand jury. I'm guessing she couldn't say no to CNN and MSNBC, who are literally and figuratively salivating at the prospect of seeing names of indictees like Donald Trump, Rudi Guiliani, and others in bold on their chyrons on a twenty-four-hour loop. There is no price too high that they wouldn't be willing to pay, given half a chance. Is this not the very definition of stupid? Unfortunately, these woke sickos, and I'm referring to the foreperson here, are the types that the leftists love to pack juries with these days. The good news is that having the foreperson jumping the shark like this can be grounds for many things, including the dismissal of charges against those indicted. Even if nobody ultimately gets recommended for indictment, this drip-drip-drip of negative media can be bad for someone like Trump, whose attention is laser-focused on winning back the White House.

I'm getting a little worried about the constant warmongering I'm hearing and seeing coming from Biden and the neocons. It's not enough that we're giving hundreds of billions of our taxpayer's money to Ukraine, we now have to worry about getting into a kinetic war with Russia and China over some fucking backwater of a country like Ukraine? And we have this senile old fuck of a president making the rounds in Poland giving speeches like he's Winston Churchill? Do they know that Bumbles Biden is one raised hand away from being ousted from office using the 25th amendment? That's the amendment that removes a president from office when they no longer have the capacity to do the job due to a physical or mental deficit. It wasn't that long ago that I thought Biden was sleepwalking us into a confrontation with Russia. Now, I'm more of the mind that it's all very deliberate. I'm not talking Cuban Missile crisis just yet, but we're getting closer by the minute.

Maybe Bumbles thinks his chances of winning a second term will be bolstered if he's a bona fide wartime president by the time 2024 rolls around. His approval numbers are already in the low forties, so he can't go much lower. If body bags carrying the bodies of our boys and girls start rolling into our country by the tens of thousands, will Americans still be singing the praises of the fool on the Hill who thinks he's Winston Churchill reincarnate? More worrisome to me is that our military is more concerned with equity, diversity, and inclusion these days than about fighting and winning wars. We simply can't have men hunkering down in European foxholes wearing lipstick and donning stiletto heels and fishnet stockings. That only increases the chances that we'll see LGBTQ flag-draped coffins rolling off the backs of US transport planes, and that is never a good look. All of this assumes we get ourselves involved in a conventional war. If Biden and his woke generals go nuclear, all bets are off. We'll need more urns and fewer coffins if we need anything at all.

I'm constantly amazed by the number of cars passing me by while biking that fail to give me a wide berth. Sometimes there are no cars in sight, and the cars that pass me have every chance to cross into the other lane, if only a little, but they don't. It's almost as though they don't see me or, worse yet, they choose to ignore me. I don't know that they wish me harm, but by passing me as closely as they do, sometimes I'm left to think the worst. I'm used to it for the most part, so I do my best not to make it difficult for them by staying in my lane and as far to the right in my lane as possible. I've considered veering from side to side from time to time just to let them know that I'm unpredictable and that they should adjust accordingly. Thankfully, my trusty mirror tells me a lot about what's coming my way, and I've been known to drive off the pavement and onto the dirt or grass if my spidey sense flashes red. I also think there are some malevolent types out there who wouldn't think twice about knicking a biker given half a chance. And then there are those people who just don't care, have had a bad day at the office, have broken up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, or whatever.

Trump went to East Palestine yesterday. Neither Biden or Butt-Edge-Edge have shown up since the accident a week or so ago. I'm always suspicious of politicians who show up when these things happen. It's kinda like the lawyer who shows up at the scene of an accident and starts handing out his business card to everyone in sight. They call those guys and gals ambulance chasers, and for good reason. I'm not sure that this wasn't anything more than a photo-op for Trump, but I'm willing to give him credit for showing up and lending his support to the good people in Palestine who are struggling with the ecological hell that has descended on their town in the wake of the train derailment. It's actually a little bit sad that the major television networks, including FOX, decided not to cover his visit because they wanted to give Trump as little oxygen as possible. They deprived the good people in that town of coverage that would only help to highlight their plight, but it was more important to the networks that they deny Trump any airtime whatsoever, so that is what they did, or didn't do.

I saw a story last night about the airlines here in our country hiring airline pilots based on diversity, equity, and inclusion standards rather than competence. In case you're wondering how this story ends, the black pilot crashed his 737 into the water killing all three people on board. He, the pilot of the fated 737, was hired not because he had a stellar record of flying over a number of years but because of his skin color. It was more important to the airline that they hire someone of color to prove their commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion than putting someone behind the yoke of that Boeing who actually knew what the hell he was doing. Does that mean you'll never see me boarding a flight with a black pilot in the cockpit? You bet your ass it does. This isn't because I think black men or women can't be good pilots. It's because I can't trust the airlines not to put the health and welfare of their passengers ahead of their commitment to a leftist ideology that demands they hire pilots based on diversity, equity, and inclusion. It's a cancer on the industry, and they're just getting started.


The missus and I were out and about last night around six o'clock with temperatures in the low twenties. It was raining, which was really weird considering how cold it was outside. It looked like a fine icy drizzle, and it definitely was not snow. I could see it building up on our windshield, and I was running out of buttons to press to make it go away. Thankfully, we were just out to pick up a nice cauliflower crust pizza so we didn't have far to go. I could just imagine someone commuting and having to deal with the ice accumulating on their windshields every few seconds. The roads seemed okay, but roadways tend to turn to ice rinks when this sort of thing happens. There's a bit of a buildup of hardened snow on our driveway this morning, and it's not something that I can use my snowblower on. I'd like to think that temperatures might warm up a bit and melt the darn stuff, but it's only supposed to get colder from here on in. The good news is that we have a garage, so I won't need a blowtorch to get into my car. The even better news is that we didn't lose our electricity overnight.

I'm reading on my Twitter feed that we plan to send around 200 American troops to Taiwan. There is also a response from what appears to be a valid Chinese Twitter account telling the US in no uncertain terms that Americans will be targeted first should they decide to invade the island of Taiwan. I don't suppose that sending a small contingent of US troops to Taiwan would forestall any plans that mainland China might have regarding Taiwan, so I'm not sure what Bumbles and his incompetent crew in the White House had in mind when hatching this latest plot of theirs.

It sounds like something that one or more of the soy boys surrounding Biden came up with, and Biden, being the idiot that he is, gave what appeared to be a nod when, in fact, he was probably just falling asleep. Did I mention that North Korea is threatening a declaration of war against the United States? It's probably just Chairman Kim being Chairman Kim. It will not stop the US from going ahead with their planned joint military exercises with South Korea off the coast of Korea. Still, it's one more fucking log on the bonfire that is our international diplomacy being stoked by the fool of all fools in the White House, Bumbles Biden.

I don't quite understand China's role in this whole Ukraine versus Russia thing. On one hand, they're trying very hard to be the grownup in the room by suggesting a settlement of sorts in order to save lives. On the other hand, they are sending drones to Russia for use in the conflict. Are they not crossing a rubicon of sorts with the drones? How does the West deal with this matter concerning China's expanded role in the conflict? Do we buy fewer of their goods to stock Walmart's shelves? I'm sure Pete Butt-Edge-Edge is all over this. He's done such a great job with the East Palestine disaster that I want him at the table when they around to discussing this. That's a joke. I'm just kidding. No, really.

CNN interviewed foreign nationals fighting in Ukraine on their program last night. I had visions of mercenaries from around the world going to the shithole that is Ukraine not to fight to the death to protect Ukraine's national integrity but rather to ply the trade for which they've been trained. Maybe someone decided that showing the faces of Ukrainian fighters in the field was counterproductive for some reason. Like, hey, that's Billy Bob what's his name from Kiev! Let's hunt down his family, and we can shell the shit out of his town just to show them we mean business. Thanks for nothing, CNN.

There's a vote of some kind coming up in the Senate I think about giving the World Health Organization (WHO) power over sovereign countries like the US when dealing with pandemics. Would it surprise anyone that Bumbles Biden would want to sign off on this bullshit? I think the US Senate has the final say if I understand how this all works. It would mean that the WHO gets to dictate everything associated with battling pandemics however pandemics get defined by the WHO. Had they been the final word on who did and didn't get the vaccines here in the US when Covid came around, Americans wouldn't have had a say. It's also important to understand who finances the World Health Organization and which country holds sway over the policies they implement. I'm talking about China here. Do you want the Chinese Communist Party telling you which and how many jabs to take for those viruses or pandemics they deem "dangerous?" The answer is simple: You do not. I can hear all of the red state governors now hollering out in unison: Go fuck yourself! Read the goddamn Constitution. There's something about state's rights that you might be interested in. I think it's the tenth amendment to the Constitution.

I'm seeing an awful lot of stories these days about the bird flu. None of the stories portend good things. Even worse, whenever I sit at the computer, I see that the missus has left up a website about the bird flu. She goes to bed thinking and worrying about this kind of stuff. Have we seen any stories of human-to-human transmission? We have not. But this is how it all starts. Right? Remember all the talk about the bats and the wet markets in China when we here in the West started hearing about Covid? "It's not really a problem until we have evidence that it is being transmitted from human to human," they said. Not long after that, we started to hear accounts about the immense swaths of death and destruction as the virus laid waste to unsuspecting Europeans. You know how this story ends. We're in for another go-round of pandemics if this bird flu thing gets started in earnest. As for the missus, she is barely getting back to normal after hiding out for two years during the Covid craze. Let's hope this thing doesn't become the next contagion for her sake.

I've watched a little bit of the Murdaugh trial on YouTube. It's quite a story. I don't have an opinion on his innocence or guilt in the murder of his wife and youngest son, but I'm not sure I've ever seen someone admit to having lied about this, that, and everything under the sun for as long as he has. It's no wonder his wife was on the verge of getting a divorce. I'm surprised that there wasn't another woman in the mix. I'm referring to an affair of sorts. You had everything else. It's a classic case of when things start to go bad, they really start to go bad. No wonder he was popping pills day in and day out. Some 50-60 a day if we're to believe what he says about how many pills he consumed. Neither he nor his sons were seemingly held to account for anything, including the alleged murder of the gay guy who allegedly had a "relationship" with Buster Murdaugh or the death of the young woman who died in the boating accident when Paul Murdaugh was behind the wheel and drunk out of his mind. It probably doesn't matter if they find him innocent or guilty of the murder of his wife and son. He's not likely to see the light of day outside of a prison again anyway, so that's that. Lock him up and throw away the key. Git er done.

I'm trying to think if I have anything else to say before I kick this week's blog to the curb. We have more snow coming in a few days so that's good. We have a lot to make up for after a remarkably snowless month of February here in New England. That will make for more work for me, and probably less biking, but winter will soon be in the rear view mirror once March rolls in. I can never remember. Is it in like a lamb and out like a lion, or the other way around? Either way, it means gusty winds and that makes for a more difficult ride up and down the coast. Well, one way anyway. The wind is usuallly either at my back or in my face. I've not decided which I prefer. What elese you got, Johnny boy? Did I mention that the missus brought me a poke' bowl back from her visit to Massachusetts yesterday? It was a salmon poke dish with sweet rice and other things. I prefer tuna but they were out of tuna. Thank you, darlin'. You're always thinking of me.

She brought a used PC home with her from one of her clients. He upgraded to a iMac reccently, and the PC was now just in the way so she offered to get rid of the darn thing for him. I guess it's our problem now. Do we need a used PC for any reason? I don't think so but it could come in handy. I'll need to figure out how to wipe the hard drive and, if I'm not mistaken, I think I'll need certain software for that. Or, we could just clean her up and take her to the town recycling center. That's probably where she's going to end up sooner or later. You know how I feel about taking other people's trash. I've got enough of my own for chrissakes. Well, more to the point, we've got enough of our own. She should have charged her client with a cleaning fee or some such fee for taking the damn thing off his hands. Nothing is free these days. Right?

I'll need to see the lineup of talking heads for this morning's television shows before I decide if and what I want to watch. It will be interestimng to see if the train derailment story in east Palestine is still in the news. The networks can always lean into the Ukraine story if they're wanting to avoid other stories less favorable to Bumbles Biden and his minions. You know why Bumbles never went to East Palestine. Right? The townfolk would have been shouting expletives from the sidelines and that wouldn't make for good press when Bumbles is planning to announce a run for his second term. His handlers simply wouldn't allow him to go there even if he wanted to. He doesn't know where he is or where he's going half the time anyway so it probably doesn't matter. He just reads the script in front of him. That's how the demented old fuck rolls. Tell me again how he got eighty-one million votes. It's such bullshit.

The Ev man gave a call this morning. He gave me an update on the things we bought at Whole Foods yesterday. He was okay with the mozzarella balls but the sauce wasn't very good. He also complained about the fact that he once again underestimated how much milk he thought he was going to need when he bought what he bought at Whole Foods. I tried to convince hin that he should be buying both a larger sized container of milk and maybe more than one but he wasn't buying what I was selling. Not that he isn't open to suggestion, becasue he certainly is. I think, like I said, he underestimated what he was going to need. The missus and I plan to pick up his car in the next day or two before the next storm because he likes to have his car garaged during the storms. I think it spares him the trouble of moving his car back and forth between the upper and lower lots of his complex so they can clear the snow from both lots after every storm. That's fine. You do what you can for family. It's always about the family. Maybe we can drop off a couple of gallons of milk when we stop by.