There Is A God

I don't think my "contact me" thing is working on this blog. Oh, well. It's just one more thing to look into. I have this fear that I'll break something and I won't be able to fix it. Maybe I'll just get rid of it. It's a little like walking a tightrope without a net. Don't look down! Keep your eyes on the prize. It's Monday and there's this election in Virginia tomorrow that I'm keeping an eye on. That's not to say that I don't want to get started on my weekly blog because I certainly do. All I'm saying, in a roundabout way, is that I'm feeling a little distracted.


But, I think those bastards in Virginia, and I'm referring to the democrats, are going to steal the election from Glenn Youngkin. I hope he has what it takes to stay the course and do whatever is necessary to hang on to his hard fought win. I think the democrats think of Virginia as their state and they are not going to go quietly into the night especially when it comes to handing a political position of power over to a republican. They are just so invested in gaining political power and holding on to political power that they are willing to do anything, and I mean anything, to make sure that the other side (republicans) don't take what they consider something that belongs to them.

The democrats have no respect for the institutions and norms that we as a people have put in place over these last two hundred year to ensure the principal of one-person one-vote. That sacred trust between voters and the ballot box is critical to the sanctity of our republic and woe is the political party that tears that asunder. Listen to me going all Henry Wadsworth Longfellow this morning. Or, is it Ben Franklin? This is their idea of playing hardball, make no mistake about it. How many ballots will they need to beat Youngkin tonight? Tell me how many Youngkin has and I'll tell you how many they need. Shazaaam!

I don't know how you get your republic back if one political party is going to steal every election under the sun. We're talking about the democrats here. Once they win, they change the laws to make sure that none of the things that enabled them to steal the election in the first place are removed from the process in perpetuity. The same old trucks that trucked in the fake ballots the first time are there the second, third, and fourth times around and nobody is the wiser. The people processing the fake ballots do what they do because this is what they've always done. Nobody drops a dime because they all feel pretty good about never losing an election and winning means they get to decide who does and who doesn't go to jail. We all know how that works.

I wonder if the election tonight in Virginia is one of those elections where the democrats think that stealing it might well force change that could expose them for the frauds that they are. In other words, even the democrats know that Youngkin has this in the bag and to deny him the win would be to put even the bluest of democrats in the state at risk of admitting, I think we may have gone too far this time. Why bother voting when you know your vote doesn't count? Why bother voting when you know that the trucks with the stolen ballots are always around the corner just waiting for the nod from the corrupt officials?

It's a little like Joe Biden getting 81 million votes in 2020. Everyone knows Joe Biden did not get 81 million votes. Biden's theft of the 2020 election is well known and well understood by anyone paying attention during the 2020 election. He and his party are in power but they have accomplished little and Biden himself is largely seen across the planet as an illegitimate president. Everyone is satisfied that Trump is no longer in power so, regardless of how Biden got into office, everyone is willing to look the other way and sing the praises of Sleepy Joe and his minions in the democrat party. As Steve Bannon puts it, elections have consequences and stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

The preceding three paragraphs or so were put down on paper before last night's elections in Virginia and New Jersey. Now that the republicans have absolutely laid waste to the democrats and the democratic establishment in both states, I may have to admit that all of my worries about election stealing may have been a bit over the top. That's the good news. The better news is that Virginia, a deep blue state for some time now, turned a lovely shade of red last night with all statewide races going for the republicans. If you don't think that isn't some kind of harbinger of things to come for Biden and his leftists in Congress come next November, think again.

The republican candidate for governor in New Jersey, another deep blue state, is ahead by a whisker this morning as I'm getting out of bed. It is an utter repudiation of everything the democrats have tried so desperately to force upon our great nation including everything from teaching Critical Race Theory to our children to forcing mask and vaccine mandates on our citizens. I'm not sure I know what the proverbial last straw was but I think the rape of a 14-year old girl by a male wearing a dress in the ladies room in the state of Virginia might be one of perhaps many thanks to the woke policies on the left. The American people are waking up and it is fucking refreshing!

People are no doubt disgusted by Biden and his policies on mandates which call for the firing of employees across the board if they don't take the jab and, if that isn't bad enough, making them ineligible for unemployment insurance once they are out work. Can you think of anything more heartless? It's tyrannical and authoritarian and it tells you all you need to know about what lies at the heart of the regime in power. It was interesting to listen to the liberal pundits during coverage of the races last night on the telly. Not a one laid any of the devastation being wrought in races in Virginia and New Jersey at the feet of Biden and his minions. This is who they are.

I came close last a night a couple of times to just turning it all off and going to sleep. The races were ongoing and it looked to be a long night of results coming in ever so slowly. The county-by-county maps on my television screen were almost exclusively blood red so that gave me pause. I could see and hear that the democrats running were underperforming and the republicans were over performing in county after county. It got to the point maybe after midnight sometime when there simply weren't enough votes remaining in the counties left to come in to give the democrats a win. Yet, the networks were reluctant to call the races. It's par for the course I tell you.

The democrats tried desperately to tie everything in the race to Trump but that just wasn't cutting the mustard. When that failed, they attempted to call everything coming out of the mouths of the republican candidates "dog whistles" and that fell flat as well. The democrats totally misread the citizenry and probably conveniently so. To do otherwise, they would have to fess up to the train wreck that is the Biden Administration and one thing democrats never do is eat their own. No matter, the republicans did what the democrats couldn't do at the end of the day and they reaped the rewards by sweeping into offices that no one thought they could ever win. We're talking "handily" here.

The one thing I want to do today is to tune into all of the progressive radio stations just so I can drink me some liberal tears. Pour me another one, bartender. The nice thing about Sirius radio is that you can rewind to the beginning of the shows so I can catch up on a lot of shows without missing anything. God only knows I want to hear my fellow conservatives taking their victory laps despite the fact that they too felt that the races might be stolen. I suspect these wins in Virginia and New Jersey are going to put wind back into the sails of republicans and conservatives across the country so that's a good thing. For now, all I want to hear, for the most part, is weeping and the gnashing of teeth on the left.

What is it with this pesky cough? It's a bit of congestion in the chest that won't go away. Maybe it's been a week or so now? Is it, god forbid, the dreaded Covid? I have no other symptoms and I'm feeling pretty good generally speaking. That is not to say that I'm a bundle of energy. My tank is maybe half full at best? Is it enough to do some yard work? No. Is it enough to tidy up here and there? I'm thinking the answers to that is a resounding "yes." I think we'll make an appointment to get a Covid test anyway just to be safe. It's probably premature to be doing any funeral planning.


What the heck was with the Ev man yesterday? He sounded like he was maybe having a bit of Christmas cheer early on in the day. We wish he wouldn't do that but he's his own man so there's that. He actually gave us a call in the early afternoon. What he wanted was entirely unclear. Hearing his voice, stumbling and mumbling as it was, was frightful in and of itself. He was at home and not behind the wheel of a car so we were thankful for that. I think he knows that that is never a good idea so steers clear of any such plans when hunkering down with his favorite beverage.

"No", I told the missus, "we do not need to go over to check in on him." "He'll bounce back and will be as good as gold tomorrow." "Trust me." He's not in any danger that I know of and I suspect that this isn't his first rodeo if you get my drift. My guess is that he probably wouldn't answer his door were we to go over and check in. He is an adult after all and if he wants to have an adult beverage or two, or maybe more, then he is entitled to do as he pleases. And, sure as the sun comes up every day in the East, we spoke to him on the phone today and he didn't sound any worse for wear. That's just how that boy rolls.

Maybe I'm one of those cases where people who have been vaccinated get Covid but a far less serious case of the sickness thanks to the vaccine. That's a breakthrough case, right? Where are the fucking Kleenex when I need them? Only kidding. I have no runny nose and my throat maybe a bit scratchy but I wouldn't call it "sore." My appetite is strong as it always is when I get a cold and it aligns quite well with that old wives tale about "feed a cold, starve a fever." Oh, and there is nothing wrong with my sense of smell. I just don't have the classic symptoms of Covid so I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch. I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch. I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch.

We'll be skipping our weekly visit with Mrs G just to be safe. No need to infect anyone if this malaise I'm feeling is the real McCoy. Covid, that is. For that matter, I'll be limiting my travel and I will not be going to my usual haunts until I know for sure that my being out and about isn't going to kill anybody. Well, indirectly, that is. This is what you're supposed to do. Right? But it's only a damn cold! We've been conditioned to think that every time we sneeze we need to get a test of some kind just to rule out Covid.

We've taken no precautions here at home when maybe we should have. Nobody is asking me to go stay at a local hotel until I'm over whatever it is that I have so that's comforting. I am mindful, even if the missus isn't, that we shouldn't be sharing certain things and I'm careful not to infect anything that mighty, in turn, infect her. That's the least I can do. Right? Did I mention that I'm feeling a little better today? I think I'll keep my appointment at the local clinic just to make sure that I don't have Covid and that I can get whatever it is that I need to see my way through this little thing that seems to be plaguing me.

Biden has finally passed his vaccine mandate thing along to OSHA and they have been charged with enforcing it for certain groups. This is what the anti-vaccine forces have been waiting for. The President, and by extension, OSHA, does not have the authority under our system to make this kind of sweeping rule that impacts millions of Americans. I don't know how many times I have to say it. It's an experimental vaccine. So many states, red states for the most part, have passed legislation to protect their citizens from the mandates of the Federal government and, more specifically, legislation to push back against these mandates. In theory, only congress can pass such a sweeping mandate as is now being pushed by Biden and his cronies at OSHA.

I'd like to think that my red state governor will protect me and mine from whatever it is that Sleepy Joe is trying to foist upon us. We do not fall into any of the categories currently being covered by OSHA so we have no imminent fears of having to get any kind of jab although our next jab, were there to be one, would be a booster. I thank the Baby Jesus every day that I do not live in a "blue" state where their citizens bend over and grabs their collective ankles every time the government comes knocking at their door. These are the same asshats who march around city hall with placards that read, "My Body, My Choice", when it comes to issues like abortion but they bend over like a bunch of sheep when it involves other government mandates involving their bodies.

We need to get on the stick if we're going to have a turkey on our table this coming Thanksgiving. The missus is adamant that we have a turkey so a turkey we will have come hook or crook. I've had good luck with ordering a natural or organic turkey in the past so now I'll just have to find who is accepting orders for same. That's the plan as of today, anyway. The dinner itself can be as minimalist or as extravagant as we want it to be. We'll likely do something middle-of-the-road just to not make this any more of a chore than it sometimes already is or can be. I wouldn't mind, truth be told, if we could order the whole darn meal instead of having to cook everything but that's just me. That's me thinking outside the box again. Stop. Just stop.

Just when I was beginning to enjoy a nice stein of liberal tears in the wake of their losses endured by the democrats in Virginia and New Jersey, I wake up this morning to find that the democrats passed the infrastructure bill in the middle of the night. Now, I have to endure the crowing and gloating of the leftists as they have completely forgotten the spanking they got in the two aforementioned states, and they are moving on. This is what they do and this is who they are. To add insult to injury, we're likely to hear a lot more than would otherwise be warranted about the handful of republicans who helped them put this albatross of a bill across the finish line. These traitors need to be taken out in the primaries.

What the liberals don't understand is that they lost in both Virginia and New Jersey not because of what they haven't done in terms of reforms promised to their base, but rather because of what they have done. I'm talking about open borders, inflation rates through the roof, crime rates escalating coast to coast, the teaching of critical race theory in our schools, the forcing of masks and vaccine mandates on the populace, the firing of employees on a mass scale who have chosen not to get vaccinated, etc.

I'm hearing that Pfizer is now coming out with a pill that reduces hospitalization and death due to Covid. If taken within 3 days of the onset of symptoms, the efficacy of the pill was so effective that they put a stop to the clinical trials and are now requesting emergency use from the FDA. This could be a game changer. So, where does this leave all things vaccine mandate related? Why would you continue pushing mandates when there is a pill that you can take that prevents sickness and death due to the virus? Why would you continue to force companies to fire their employees for not getting the mandated vaccine if there is a pill that is available to all? Well, these mother fuckers are doubling down. I'm talking Bumbling Joe Biden here.

You know these politicians like Biden are getting paid off by big Pharma to mandate these drugs. Right? How else do you explain the bull headed and obscene nature of the push for the vaccines by government officials? It's no wonder that people across the planet are marching in the streets in the hundreds of thousands and taking risks that they would not otherwise take. Personal liberties are on the line and that is a principle worth fighting and even dying for when push comes to shove. Maybe the people in power have too much power. I think we're maybe one or two marches away from another storming of the Bastille in some countries. Maybe we should ask the Cuban people how that worked out for them. Or, maybe we ask the citizens now residing in the former democratically controlled Hong Kong the same question.

I got a call from Uncle Wally the other night. He's thinking about rebooting his holiday party for year end. You know, the one that was cancelled last year because of the pandemic. It's not as though we wanted to go last year and couldn't. We were happy not to be sitting around elbow to elbow with relatives and friends who might unknowingly be carrying and transmitting the dreaded virus. Well, the virus is still around so I'm not sure what has changed that would have Uncle Wally thinking that having a party is a good idea.

It is true that more of us have been vaccinated so that may be a factor. But, Johnny boy, people vaccinated can still contract and transmit the virus. So, that make us safer how? I told Uncle Wally that the missus and I have no short term plans to get a booster shot. Wally, you still there? Maybe I need to remind him that the definition of "fully vaccinated" per the CDC does not include the booster shot. Not that I'm looking to make things any easier for him. He seems to want to do this so he may be looking for reasons to proceed even if that means proceeding with caution. What's one more risk factor in a world that oozes and reeks of risk? One more risk indeed.