Marxists On The March

Now that Cuomo (luv gov) is stepping down as Governor of New York, you have to ask yourself the question: Who's next? Who thinks for a minute that the woke-ista's are done with replacing people in positions of power in state and federal offices who don't tow the "woke" line. Maybe it's that dimwit Congresswoman, Ocassio Cortez, who has threatened to run against Chuck (Chuckles) Schumer. Maybe we'll see the likes of Al (Shakedown) Sharpton run for Cuomo's position when that comes up in 2022. Maybe, just maybe, they impeach Cuomo to make sure that he doesn't run against Kamala Harris in 2024.


In case you missed it, there was a video circulating on Twitter yesterday of Bumbling Joe Biden walking into the West Wing at the White House. He was flanked by two Secret Service agents who appeared to be leading him along the pathway up to the steps and on to the hallway outside the West Wing. At one point, the Secret Service person walking in front of Biden stopped briefly and directed him to take a right at the end of the walkway. Wouldn't you know it, Bumbling Joe just kept walking.

Biden walked off the cement walkway and on to the grass where the Secret Service person was already a few steps ahead of dementia Joe and appeared to be taking the usual precautions by looking in and around bushes for the usual boogeymen. The Secret Service person behind dementia Joe looked around in bewilderment when Joe failed to take the path as directed by his fellow Secret Service person. He had to be asking himself two questions: One, where the hell is this old fuck going, and, please god, tell me that no one is capturing this on video.

I'm thinking that it's just a matter of time now before Joe steps down or is maybe forced from office. Will it have anything to do with allegations of sexual improprieties the likes of which we saw in spades with Cuomo? Well, there is the Tara Reid rape allegation still hanging out there against Biden so there's that. These two politicians (Biden and Cuomo) are freaks of a feather when you consider that they both used the "I've always been a hands-on and empathetic politician" defense when faced with sordid and twisted allegations leveled by females against them.

Make no mistake about it. They have Harris waiting in the wings to replace bumbling Joe. That's the plan. That's always been the plan. The only thing more frightful than what we see in Biden, his leftist policies aside, is the total void that is Kamala Harris. It's a well known fact that that she owes her political wins over time to her sexual dalliances with Willie Brown. Even Willie probably never envisioned her making her way into the White House given her lack of prowess and all-too-obvious intellectual vacuity. He knew her for the zero that she is but, then again, it wasn't her mind that he was interested in. Good ole Wille.

Yesterday was an Ev day. He and I spent time together sorting things out and putting things in their rightful places. I took a bunch of his things to the laundromat in the morning before heading over to his place for 1pm. I wanted to work with him to get a few extra things done around his apartment and then we were off to the town hall to register his car. It wasn't the best day to be running around doing things given that temperatures out and about were maybe just shy of 90 with high humidity but it was what it was. We then went to get his inspection sticker at the dealership and that too went off without a hitch. Easy peasy.

His comfort level with all of this stuff is just not up to snuff. That is where I come in. I try as I might to not do things for him that he is capable of doing for himself but that line is not always as clear as one might think. I'm in the "teaching him how to fish" phase so wish me luck. It's not me who needs the luck but there you have it.

We also took the opportunity during my visit to flip his mattress around. It was overdue given that he's had the mattress for some two years now. That's a two-man job to be sure. I spied a pile of dirty dishes on the corner of his sink while helping out and I wondered if that was the same pile of dirty dishes that I saw there the last time I visited. There are some things you just don't want to know.

Ev is getting some pressure from folks to get vaccinated. He's resisted thus far and I think that's a good thing. Adults his age have a better chance of getting hit by lightning than dying from Covid so I like his chances. No one knows the long term effects of this experimental vaccine they're pushing so I'm not willing to have my child be a part of some grand scale clinical trial by big Pharma. The government has gotten in bed with the devil when it comes to this vaccine and they've made promises that they will never be able to keep. American citizens should not pay the price for poor decisions made by their governments.

He owes no explanations for his decisions to pass on the vaccination. His body, his choice. Right? Isn't that what women say when it comes to abortion? And when people call him a murderer for not taking the vaccine, I thinks that's a bridge too far. I want him to stand tall and proud for sticking to his guns and not giving in to the panic porn around this vaccination business.

And, since when is it a liberal vs conservative issue? Not that the Ev man thinks in those terms, but he's painted with the same broad brush strokes when the libs start going after the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are, after all, Trump supporters and by-and-large from Southern states. They never mention the fact that blacks and hispanics are also part and parcel of the "vaccine hesitancy" crowd.

If you listen to some of these clowns on the progressive radio stations like Sirius, you might think that the liberals have zero vaccine hesitancy, are all vaccinated and have received booster shots where appropriate, and all are at risk of losing their lives if infected by the unvaccinated republicans. Oh, and feel free to use the terms "unvaccinated" and "Trump supporter" interchangeably. That is what they would say.

Pushing the narrative that Trump supporters are responsible for the deaths of countless Americans is the hill that they are willing to die on if it will return them to Congress and the Presidency in 2022 and 2024. Is it too insensitive of me to be asking the question, "How many people have died this past week or month as a result of complications experienced after receiving the vaccine?" I'll wait.


Knowing what we know about the bumbling presidency that is the Biden presidency, the libs are going to need something more than a raging coronavirus to keep power in the upcoming elections. Biden's approval ratings are underwater and Kamala Harris, as a VP, has been an absolute disaster. Sleepy Joe will never escape the cognitive hell that he lives in due to his dementia and it only gets worse with each passing day.

I expect we'll see less and less of him as they hide him away and out of the public eye. It's not like we didn't see this coming. At what point does it become a constitutional crisis? At what point do they deem him unfit for office? I'm not sure that we should be praying for this moment knowing what we know about his Vice President. Uh, no.

Then there is the thought process that says that Joe Biden has never really been in charge anyway so who cares. Is it, by any chance, that fucking goat herder from Kenya with the transexual wife, Michael? They never left Washington after leaving office so one has to be a little bit suspect. We're all still waiting for one person who knew him in his college days to step forward with evidence that he even attended college in our country.

Either Obama wasn't in attendance, or he was the worst student on campus and nobody wanted to associate themselves with him. It's probably like the Kennedy assassination or the moon landing in the late sixties. We'll get the truth some 50 years from now when nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a fuck.

I saw some story yesterday about results coming out of the latest Census numbers for our country. It showed a declining number of white people for the first time since the Census began. As a stand alone story, not a big deal. Yet, we saw talking heads on the liberal talk shows taking a victory lap at the very thought of a diminishing number of white people going forward. How is that not racist?

Did you see white people taking a victory lap when the Census showed white people as the dominant race in our country? The short answer to that question is, no, you did not. These radicals might be surprised to know that our Constitution says nothing about racism. Maybe they missed the part that says, "All men are created equal."

I'm not convinced that this colorized version of our country coming down the pike is the nirvana that everyone on the left thinks that it is. We only have to look at the cities run by the democrats and the minority populations they control to know that more of the same is not a fruitful model for our country on a go-forward basis.

Crime is rampant, poverty is inescapable, graft and corruption are a way of life, pulling oneself up by one's bootstraps is practically impossible, and self initiative is not encouraged. So when I see morons giving each other high-fives at the thought of what is today a minority population finally having the upper hand in controlling our destiny as a country, color me skeptical.

More troubling to me is the move towards socialism we see with the Biden Administration currently in office. We're several generations removed from our country becoming a nation of black and brown people but we are a lot closer to losing our republic when we see what Biden and his minions are doing to weaken the firewalls of our Constitution.

There was a lead story on the Tucker show on FOX last night where he mentioned one thing but, in the process of doing that, revealed something more troubling that I think he wanted everyone to know about. He actually said that the grand daughter of Che Guevara has an office in Biden's White House. Wut? They know Che Guevara was a Marxist revolutionary. Right? WTF!

I was looking at the telly last night hoping to find news about the goings on in Afghanistan. It was crickets for the most part. CNN had some moron interviewing a Taliban commander and asked how they planned to further women's rights now that they are on the verge of taking over the country. You can't make this stuff up. That's when I tripped over Tucker's comments.

The absence of any real reporting on the pullout of American troops from Afghanistan by the leftist media, and what is now shaping up to be a repeat of the Saigon disaster in the late sixties, tells you all you need to know about the leftist press and their fervor for covering up anything that doesn't shed a positive light on the Biden Administration.

We're just waiting now for the video of American's being airlifted off the roofs of consulates across Kabul, if we get to see them at all. The smart money says that we will never get to see those pictures as long as the democrats are sitting in the White House and their praetorian guard are in control of the media.

You're more likely to hear about states along our southern tier where the virus is running rampant and the governors in those very states who are pushing back against vaccine mandates, mask mandates, etc. in the midst of it all. Not a fucking word about the illegal aliens pouring into those very same states where one in four is sick with one or more variants of Covid-19. This is Biden's America. God help us all!