Three Little Piggies

There is nothing quite as sweet on God's green earth as laying your head down to sleep at night knowing full well that you don't need to get up to go to work in the morning. You can sleep in if you like. You can dream with wild abandon or toss and turn to your hearts content. You can lie in bed with your iPad or tune in to your favorite TV show or simply turn to the news of the day and slip beneath the covers knowing it's all good in your world even though the outside world is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the ultimate escape. Where you go and what you do once you've gone your merry way into that lovely abyss nobody knows and nobody cares. It doesn't even matter that you don't remember where you've gone once you awaken because it is difficult if not impossible to remember the milestones of your journey even if someone were to inquire. Better to not ask too many questions. Suffice it to say that it is a quarry of intrigue with a side of fries and three splendid little piggies. Oh, yes. That would be three splendid little piggies in a blanket. One of my all time favorite breakfasts. And then you wake up....


It is a good thing that Ev has a handful of good friends that he hangs with when he is not otherwise occupied. You worry about your children having friends. Not having any can be difficult and a loner Evan is not. Having too many can bring a flourish of activities many of which may be questionable and some even illegal or illicit. You hope to hell that there is a voice of reason crying out in your child's head drowning out those other voices that look to corrupt him or otherwise shape shift his moral compass. Did I mention that our neighbor gave us two bank passbooks she found in the road outside our house recently? One belonged to Evan. The other was a passbook for a joint account Evan opened with a friend. That's what I'm talking about. Nancy has yet to tell Evan that she has the passbooks now that we're a week away from the incident and I wonder if she plans to ever tell him. My only question is, why is he opening a joint account with his friend. I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that the two of them applied for a job at Ollie's recently. Chances are he will fail to fess up even if asked since that is just the way he is. He guards his privacy with a passion. We may just need to accept the fact that he will tell us in his own time if that is what he chooses to do. Or, not. I'm betting on the latter.

Speaking of little piggies in a blanket, I'm getting a little hungry for breakfast. Nan has been enjoying one particular dish I make which consists of sauteed broccoli, red peppers, mushrooms, and turkey sausages with melted cheese on top. Sometimes I just whip up some eggs and make an omelet of it. That is starting to sound pretty good to me even now. With snow in the forecast for the day I had hoped to make a batch of chili and eggplant parmesan and, if I have a chance, take a closer look at the damage to the front end of the car to see what, if anything, I can fix. So you see, I have a full day planned. Maybe I'll listen to a little audiobook of Winston Churchill and WWII while stirring the chili.