Birthday Boy Blog

Here we go again. Time to get going. Time to get off my butt and do something constructive. Isn't that what spring is all about? I think so. But, why a blog? If for no other reason it will help me keep track of things. Better to put it down that have it get lost. Forget about all of those little pieces of paper floating around the house that I can never find when I need to find them. Forget about all of those ideas that I've lost in the shuffle and have never gotten back to. I must say that I finally found a nice little application for my Mac called Xpad which helps me keep track of ideas and other things so they don't get lost. Now, if I can only remember what I put in Xpad I'll be doing just fine. Maybe this here blog will help bring it all together in a way that I haven't been able to do thus far. We'll see. I do wish this blog software would capitalize the first letter of each sentence automatically. What a pain.

Did I mention that Ev is doing Babe Ruth this spring? Oh, yeah. Bring it on. I think once he got over the initial hump of being there and getting over his fears about this and that he was just fine. We reminded him the the anticipation can be far worse than the reality but they are just words and he needed to see that for himself. It was nice to see him free from all of those nasty preconceived notions that hung around his neck like a bag of wet sand. Once he hit the ball, once he got hit by a ball, once he made a catch that no one thought he could catch, and once he got a taste of dugout dust in his lungs, he was just fine. That's our boy. After all, there is only so much a parent can do for a child and he or she must do the rest on his or her own. That's just the way it is. No one ever said the design was perfect.

Brother Wally tells me that Hillary is the one. She the cat's meow. Just ask the farmers in upstate New York, he tells me time and time again. Wally cast his vote for Hillary when New Yorkers went to the polls and he is a proud supporter. Not so proud that he carries her name on the fender of his car but he never fails to sing her praises when we touch base. Why anyone in their right mind would want a Clinton anywhere near the White House after all of their bullshit in the 1990's is beyond me. Perhaps brother Wally has distant memories of those days. Who knows what he was doing when Bill was diddling Monica (or was it the other way around) in the Oval Office and she was running interference to protect him from the spying eyes of the Secret Service. Who knows where Wally was hiding when the FBI found Hillary's fingerprints all over FBI files of the Clinton's political opponents. Maybe Wally was otherwise occupied when Vince Foster allegedly took his own life and the hacks surrounding the Clinton's could be seen in the early morning hours ferreting files out of his office to further hide or conceal secrets that only Mr. Foster and Hillary herself knew. I think if Wally had a better sense of those days he might not be such a strident supporter of a vermin who would happily sell her soul to the devil to obtain the presidency. In fact, in watching her pathetic and sometimes pathological ranting I'm not sure sure the sale hasn't already been consumated. I sure hope Wally wakes up soon. I wouldn't want him to miss her meltdown on national tv when the confetti rains down on Obama at the national convention in August.

That's as good a start as I could have hoped for. Hats off to Denise and Lise on their birthdays just past. I had hoped to call both but life got in the way. Isn't that the way it always happens. I hope to have some youtube type clips on my blog and maybe a podcast in the future. For now, text will have to do.

arriva doochy,
