Decisions Decisions

Here we go, folks. Another week coming up and we're just getting the party started. Well, let's just say that we're getting started. Does that mean that the party is over? No, not necessarily. We just need a reason to party and we don't seem to have one at the moment. That's not to say that we won't have one by the end of the week or whatever but as of this very moment we do not. I have a little Laura Nyro on the turntable so that should tell you a little bit about my mood this morning. Gotta start somewhere. Right?


I have a little food shopping to do today so I'll be heading out to the market later this morning. We've been doing a lot of salads lately so here's hoping they have a nice selection of romaine on hand by the time I arrive. I really should make a list. There are a lot of things that I need and I could probably go from memory but that too has its limits. One thing we don't need is berries. We have too many berries. If we don't start eating more of them and soon they will likely go bad and I'll need to throw them away. Berries are expensive so I'd rather not be throwing them away if I can at all help it. And, I don't know how it is that I'm finding myself short on humus. I need to do a better job of staying on top of the staples. Oh, and I can't forget the cold brew. The missus would never forgive me.

She made a nice black bean salad yesterday for Father's Day. I inquired as to why she thought it made sense to go as hard and heavy as she did on the cilantro. It ended up looking and tasting like a cilantro salad with black beans thrown in as an after thought. I like leafy greens but not when it comes to greens like cilantro. I mean, who does that? I never did get a straight answer from the missus but, have no doubt, she's a cilantro lover and there is no such thing in her mind as having too much cilantro on anything. Am I incorrect in assuming that it is intended as nothing more than a garnish when used in dishes like black bean salads? I think I am not incorrect.

The missus was apparently gobsmacked with how good the fish looked at our local seafood store when she dropped by yesterday to buy some cooked shrimp. I know she wants to buy some scallops and I suppose she'll get around to doing just that soon enough. I inquired about their seasonal Atlantic salmon and she told me that they had a nice selection of just about everything under the sun. Did I mention that she bought some Ritz crackers with which to make a nice crust for her broiled scallops? Those Ritz crackers are going fast just hanging around the house so if she's going to do her thing with the scallops I suggested that she get on the stick. In so many words, that is.

I was surprised that the missus was out and about in the local stores as much was she was yesterday. I suspect that since I was indisposed so to speak that she was getting on without me. Maybe I should be indisposed more often. The missus is otherwise disinclined to do much shopping and she leaves it all to me. I'll not get into why I was indisposed other than to say that I didn't sleep well the night before and I felt the need to make up for the lost sleep. I ended up spending more time than I wanted to in bed and under the covers. I was literally down for the count. It was indulgent to say the least but it was what I wanted to do for Father's Day so that's what I did. How was your Father's Day?

I told the missus in the early evening that having spent the better part of the day and night in bed that I was privy to the comings and goings of the our local hummingbirds. Well, the hummingbirds that come and go from the feeder that we have just outside our bedroom window that is. I was shocked to see how often they were feeding at the feeder. Shocked in a good way is what I would say. It made me feel good about the amount of time that I spend making sure that they have what they need when they come to the feeder. That means changing their homemade sugar water concoction at least once a week and even more often when we see a few days in a row of relentless heat and humidity.

What is this I'm hearing about Trump donors pouring money into Ron DeSantis's gubenatorial run? Maybe they're hedging their bets in the event that Trump does not run in 2024? Maybe they think that Trump is less appealing as a candidate after all of this January 6th falderal. Maybe they think that the January 6th stuff can peel away just enough republican and independent voters to ensure that the democrat candidate in 2024, whoever she or he may be, wins going away. Mark Halperin seems to think that DeSantis is good but he doesn't have Trump's political skills. I think I would agree with that assessment by Halperin. That said, I don't think DeSantis has a choice but to run in 2024 since he'll still be governor of Florida which has him running from a position of strength.

Here's hoping we'll be hearing from the Supreme Court today on one or more rulings. I'll be interested to see how they come down on the Roe vs Wade decision. The leaked draft seemed to suggest that they are going to deep-six the decision and send it back to the states to decide. If they decide something less rigorous, I'll be wondering just how much of a difference it might have made had that draft not been leaked some months ago. In other words, were the conservative Justices intimidated into watering down the decision because of the kerfuffle we all experienced when the drift was leaked? Did the threats to the Justices as a result of the leaked draft somehow force them to put their lives and the lives of their family members ahead of any decision that they might make on the Roe vs Wade case? I guess we'll see although maybe not today.

I really don't know anything about the other cases that they have in front of them. There is some gun case that might have something to do with the second amendment but I'm not entirely sure. I read these decisions that they make and I sometimes have a hard time understanding the arguments that each side is making much less the nitty gritty detail in and around the final decision. Sometimes I just want to know whether the decision is good for the conservatives or good for the liberals. If the damn liberals pull one or more out of the coals then it's only because one or more of the conservatives came over to their side since the conservatives have a 6-3 majority on the court. It works the other way around as well although less often. You almost never see a unanimous decision.

We've also got some run-off elections and primaries today to keep an eye on. There are so many of them, in fact, that I had to bookmark an online news story that broke down all the various races so I could go back to it to see how they all played out. There are two or three headliners that are considered pivotal when and where the MAGA vote is concerned so those will be front and center when they start to tally the votes later this evening. I'd like to see Vernon Jones pull out a win in his congressional race in Georgia and, in Alabama, I think I like Brooks over Britt in the senatorial race despite the fact that Britt got Trump's endorsement. I just don't trust Britt to be true MAGA. She's too well spoken and she's an establishment hack as far as I can tell. She'll tell you what you want to hear and then fuck you up when you turn your back.

I don't follow foreign races either but I'm happy to see that Macron has lost his majority in the parliament in France. The liberals on our side of the pond couldn't have been happier when Macron won the presidency over LePenn. They crowed endlessly about how great his win was for democracy and how it was the end of the conservative movement in France and how it was one for ages. You know what we're going to hear from these very same liberals this morning after his loss of his majority in the parliament? Not a fucking word. It will be non-stop crickets. At least one higher-up in France is now asking for Macron's resignation although that's likely to go nowhere. I'm taking a victory lap since I've always considered Macron something of a pussy. Or, as they say in France, a poosey. Just a little no-good rat bastard. A Napoleonic toadie whose never met a camera he didn't like.

I follow this guy named Wifey on Twitter and he's saying that we're now entering Bear Market rally number three. He's been spot on so far going back to November 2021. I wholeheartedly agree with him when he says if you're going to lose make sure that you lose small. That seems like sage advice. He posts all sorts of things to educate the "normies" who follow him and he places family (fam) above all else when it comes to investing. We've seen bear markets materialize and then fizzle in the course of a day or two since this bear market started so you do everything you do at your own risk. Wifey is good enough to give you just enough information so that you can make whatever decisions you're wanting to make that affect your own portfolio. I'll be holding my fire until I see the whites of their eyes or, better yet, when someone calls the bottom. Not a bottom, the bottom. I could be waiting a while.

Well, fast forward 24 hours and we have results from the primary races. My boy, Vernon Jones, did not win. In fact, he lost with a margin of 73% to 24% or something like that. Funny thing is, Vernon was neck and neck with his opponent (Collins) after the first primary so I'm having a hard time digesting this so-called loss. I mean, how do you now account for a 50% difference between the two candidates who were nearly tied just two weeks ago after their primary? This was a runoff for the two top candidates and Vernon gained nothing while his opponent jumped some 50% points? I mean, you can't make this stuff up. I'm calling a fraud here, folks. We've seen some serious shenanigans coming out of the Georgia elections as of late and this is just one more example.

A very small part of me is quite happy with the fact that the republicans in Georgia now have the upper hand when it comes to stealing elections. Democrats have been stealing elections for generations in Georgia and I'm quite sure that they have every intention of installing their candidate, Stacey Abrams, as governor in the upcoming gubernatorial election. With republicans in control of the internal machinations, she will likely be on the losing end of whatever skullduggery her party comes up with to try and steal the election away from the rightful winner in the race. It comes down to whomever has the most stolen votes and with both sides playing the same game I think the advantage goes to the party in power. Some of this is clearly in jest so maybe you file this under, "Where there's a will, there's a way."

I'm getting increasingly concerned about justice and the equal application of the law in our country. How is it exactly that every last January 6th trespasser has been locked up and denied bail while staffers for some clown on television (Colbert) who did the very same thing are jailed for one night and then released? How is it that the BLM rioters raged and pillaged for an entire summer and not one of them spent so much as a night in jail while January 6th trespassers remain behind bars? How is it that patriots like Peter Navarro are taken into custody by the FBI while boarding a plane for his failure to respond to a subpoena while other governmental officials in the democratic regime get a pass when they do the same thing? If no one else will say it, I will. If you're a democrat, do as you please because there will be no accountability. If you're a republican, take one step out of line and you will be hogtied and frog marched before the judiciary. If you're a Trump supporter, God help you.

And then this clown, Colbert, goes on television and makes light of the crimes committed by his staff while taking comfort in the fact that he knew all along that his staffers would not be held accountable. He's one of the elite, of course, and we all know how our justice system deals with the elites. Think Hillary Clinton. So, Colbert can dispatch a handful of his staffers to our nation's capitol where they are allowed into one of the buildings occupied by our country's congressman and congresswomen. They are summarily dismissed after officials find out that they are not properly credentialed and, somehow, they find their way back inside the building where they are arrested for trespassing some hours later. How is this any different than what many of the January 6th trespassers did? One group walks free while the other is kept in solitary confinement without the possibility of bail.

We've seen a lot of shooting sprees come and go over the years and republicans have always roundly refused to consider any changes to existing gun laws to mitigate future shootings or deny so-called shooters access to weaponry with which to do their dastardly deeds. The rationale has always been that it just never made sense to react emotionally and in the moment to events no matter how horrible. They would tell you that this is how bad law is made and they would be right. Truth of the matter is that the laws, once enacted, would likely do more to chip away at the rights that we as citizens have under the second amendment than they would to prevent future shooting sprees. The last thing you want to do as a republican, is to let the liberals get their nose under the tent door when it comes to the second amendment. They would like nothing more than to confiscate every last weapon.


So, why are the republicans in Congress now joining up with the democrats to update our gun laws in the wake of the Uvalde school shootings? None of the laws they're talking about implementing would have stopped the Uvalde shooting or any other one or more of the recent school shootings we've seen in the last year or two. They are doing the bidding of the democrat party at a time in our history when the democrat party is at its weakest under the pitiful and demented presidency of one Joe Biden from Delaware. Biden has wreaked misery upon our citizenry in every conceivable way from leaving our borders open to the millions of migrants from 151 countries across the globe to shutting down our domestic energy production at a time when gas at the pump ranges anywhere from $5 a gallon on the East Coast to $10 a gallon on the West Coast. When your political opposition is in the proverbial ditch, the last thing you want to do is to throw him or her a rope.

When these so-called republicans tell us who they are we need to listen. We now know their names so our mission near term is to mobilize the citizenry in their respective states to vote them out of office. They've exposed themselves as the RINO's (Republican in name only) that they are and they need to be taken to task. They need to be held accountable. It's that simple. I'll give the liberals one thing. They speak with one voice when they want something. No one, and I mean no one, breaks from the pack. There have been a couple of exceptions like Manchin and Sinema this year and you might say that they saved the democrats from their own worse tendencies. Had they passed the legislation that their party wanted, our inflation rates would be in the double digits now. I'm not sure how we account for the fact that fourteen republicans are voting with the democrats on this gun legislation. It's a fucking travesty if you ask me.

The Red Flag law shit in the bill being proposed is very concerning. It allows anyone to drop a dime on someone they don't like, someone they think might be a danger to himself or herself, or you name it. It's been proposed here in my state but it was either vetoed by the governor or it never got the votes it needed to pass. You can see where a law like this would give license to every last law enforcement agency to grab people's guns using false pretenses. Worse yet, were it to turn on the whims of certain political parties, they might well try to make a case that their political opponents are a danger to our Republic and then all bets are off. Look at what they've done to the Trump supporters who trespassed in our nation's capitol on January 6th. They've criminalized their behavior and the democrat loyalists at large, were they to get their way, would put every last Trump supporter in jail. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. This is who they are. This is what they do. Where is our Supreme Court?

The financial guy I listen to on the radio is talking a lot lately about how people who hold jobs need to make themselves indispensable to their employers. He's reporting on certain industries laying off hundreds if not thousands of employees due to any number of economic factors. It's a near certainty these days that we're going into a recession so I think his advice is both timely and necessary. Can you imagine being laid off in an environment that we're in these days with skyrocketing rents, inflation rates above 8%, gas at the pumps averaging some $5 to $$6, and a tightening job market? Once unemployed, you may well be competing for positions with any number of refugees that Demented Joe is letting come across our Southern border and who are willing to work for a lot less than what it might cost the employer to hire you. If you're not working, you're not going out to eat, you're not taking in a show from time to time, you're not buying a new car, and all that contributes to the downward spiral in our economy.

I just don't know how prepared we are as Americans for hard times were it to come to that. We've got a generation or two of Americans who know nothing but a stock market that goes up, who have never seen gas lines the likes of what we saw back in the days of Jimmy Carter, and certainly we've not experienced shortages the likes of which we've seen more recently with baby formula and tampons. As an aside, I have to laugh. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the congresswoman from Georgia, says that we're experiencing a tampon shortage because so many liberals are putting tampon machines in men's rooms across our country.

There have been any number of food production facilities across our fruited plain that have been destroyed lately and for a variety of reasons. We'd probably have to go back to the days of the Great Depression of the 20's to see the kinds of food shortages that may be just around the corner for we unsuspecting Americans. Imagine now competing for food with the some ten million hungry mouths that Demented Joe is importing from other countries and you can see how we can go from bad to worse in a heartbeat. If you've got a plan, it's time to dust that mother fucker off.

Let's give a shout out to the Supremes for their ruling on the New York gun law that came down yesterday. I'm going to cut to the chase: The Court ruled that the NY law is unconsitituional. The NY law was so restrictive that almost no one got a concealed-carry permit and that was by design. Only the bad guys get to carry guns on the streets and subways of New York City. The decision was 6-3 with the conservatives carrying the day. The three liberals voted against allowing God fearing Americans to carry guns for their personal protection. Imagine that. What does that tell you about what might happen to our second amendment rights were the court to have a liberal majority? I suppose if you have fewer good guys carrying guns you will probably end up with more bad guys carrying guns and, to no one's surprise, you'll need more government to step in when and where you need protection. See how that works?

There are a handful of blue states that have laws on the books that mirror or are maybe even stricter than those on the books in New York. The officials from each and every one of those blue states spoke publicly and to a person declared that they would work with their legislatures to come up with workarounds to counter the ruling from the Supremes. The speeches no doubt were designed to placate the concerns and outrage of their leftist constituencies who yelled from the rooftops about renewed hopes of packing the Supreme Court and "taking back what was rightfully theirs." I wonder if these politicians know how clownish and stupid they both looked and sounded? The mayor of New York City went on and on about the streets of his city turning red with blood now that the good guys will have the right to carry forearms. Wat? The pearl clutching was clearly beyond the pale but delicious to observe from afar. There is a God!

I would have liked nothing better yesterday than to sit on my sofa and look at my Twitter feed all day. I wouldn't say that watching liberals lose their minds on Twitter is one of my all time favorite past times but let's just say it's a close second. The missus and I had a more important task to attend to so I never got the chance to do what I wanted to do. That's the way it works sometimes. We promised Mrs G that we'd take her out to look at a couple of couches that she's had her eye on. It has to be long enough for Debbie-Rah-Rah to sleep on but, that aside, Mrs G was not overly particular. Oh, and Mrs G doesn't care for certain fabrics and styles so it was easy to tease out the bad choices fairly quickly. She was getting out and about using her little walker thingy. When you're as old as she is you are eternally thankful for something or somebody to lean on. Some crutches are more obvious than others.

We actually went to three furniture showrooms which were, thankfully, in close proximity to each other. That should give you some sense as to just how motivated Mrs G was to take care of business. Having decided which couch she wanted, I urged Mrs G to place her order and be done with it. You never know these days with supply chain issues and all the rest whether waiting to place your order might not unduly delay delivery of said furniture. If the salesman says that they have the couch you want in stock, you place your order and move on. I think Mrs G was just too pooped by the time we were finished looking around that going back to the store to place the order was just a bridge too far. It wasn't a point worth arguing so Mrs G and the missus made plans to place the order the following day. And then there's the issue of getting rid of her existing couch.

On our way out to the main road, Mrs G noticed that we were within spitting distance of a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) outlet store. She started talking, haltingly almost, about how she and Mr G used to come this area of town back in the day, go to Lowes, and then stop by Kentucky Fried Chicken for a little lunch before heading home. Well, I can take a clue as much as the next guy so I swung into action and made my way directly behind a line of cars that were ordering from their take-out window. "Oh, no," Mrs G said. "You don't need to wait in line just for me." '"The line is going to take too long," she went on. She had wanted to go into the store but the store was not open for walk-in's. I settled in behind five maybe six cars already in line and assured Mrs G that the line was likely to move pretty quickly so there was no need to worry about a thing. The only decision left for her to make was whether she wanted a three piece combo meal or a four piece combo meal.

The missus and I didn't tell her that we'd not had chicken from KFC in ages because of our desire to avoid saturated fats and everything else under the sun that clogs the fuck out of your arteries. It sure tastes good going down but you'll need emergency bypass surgery by the time you're done with the rolls, the gravy, and the mashed potatoes. She must have thought that we were an order of fries short of a happy meal not to grab a combo meal but she was too polite and probably too hungry to even broach the subject. The only challenge left was to get her home and sitting on her couch with her combo meal and her diet Pepsi before the meal turned cold. That turned out to be a bigger challenge than we thought since the missus and I had every intention to stop by one more store where we hoped to grab something to eat for dinner. All in good time.

Just when we conservatives thought we'd seen it all this week after the Supremes overturned a gun law in New York, we found out that they had one more shoe to drop before heading to the Hamptons for the long weekend. They overturned the Roe vs Wade decision that has been established law for some 50 years. It was bad law when they decided it 50 years ago and conservatives have been praying night and day ever since that it might someday be overturned. And, much to the delight of conservatives country wide, our Supreme Court with their 6-3 conservative majority in the year of the Lord 2020, did just that. It never made any sense that a handful of Supreme Court justices would make decisions on something as impactful on our society and citizenry as abortion. The Court has now decided, and rightly so, that those decisions are better left to the people and their elected representatives. So, the States will now decide the fate of abortion one way or another and for better or worse.

For those states that now choose to ban abortions, its citizenry can travel to an adjoining state assuming they offer abortion services. That's my way of saying that if someone wants to get an abortion they will always have that opportunity. The Karens marching in downtowns across our fruited plains and holding their placards "My body, my choice" after the decision came down can take their signs and their collective rancor and go find another cause to fight for since this fight is, for all intents and purposes, over. Stick a fork in it, it's done. You'll not find much sympathy amongst the people in our country who value life and who wonder what the hell there is to piss and moan about knowing full well that anyone who wants an abortion can still get one. The Nancy Pelosi's and Chuck Schumer's of the world would have you believe that the November elections will be all about Roe. Poppycock. That's just wishful thinking.

Lastly, aside from the Justices themselves, we have Donald J Trump to thank for these momentous decisions coming-out of the Supreme Court this week. Were it not for the Donald, none of this would have happened. He put these Justices on the Court knowing full well that they would overturn Roe vs Wade given half a chance. The Right-to-Life movement owes Trump a huge solid for his commitment to their cause. If this doesn't fire them up to put Trump in office for another four years come 2024, then nothing will. Trump has had their back from day one and now it's their turn to have his back. Trump's capital in the wake of this decision has risen tenfold and conservatives coast to coast will hopefully show their appreciation at the polls both in the Mid Term elections in November and in the presidential election in 2024. God willing.