Hildabeast Hearings

Good morning, world! Two days without a bike ride and I feel like the wheels are coming off my world. That might be a slight exaggeration but not a stretch by any means. You get attached to certain things in your life and when they don't get the attention they deserve you quickly realize that they are more than just mainstays in your sometimes meaningless existence. Don't mean to poo-poo the lot of it but it certainly feels more true than not as I sit here thinking about the rest of my day and what exactly that looks like. I will get back on track with my riding as I can see the sun rising brilliantly on this otherwise cool and beautiful autumn morning here in northern New England. I don't know that I will try to compensate for those two days lost by riding any further but I will relish getting back in the saddle and I may take my time going about it since there is something to be said for living and loving in the moment even if we're only talking about taking a bike ride. I have good mind to rake some leaves as well. Those two red maples in our front yard are prolific in their spewing of leaves onto our lawn this time of year and if I wait too long the task of removing them becomes that much more difficult.


I also want to catch up on the latest Benghazi news as Hildabeast Clinton went before Congress yesterday and admitted that the movie narrative was a false narrative indeed and that she lied to the American public in order to protect Obama's run for a second term in office when she went in front of the American people and blamed the death's of our four Americans on a movie. When the caskets carrying the four Americans were returned to U.S. soil she told the grieving families that she and the President would stop at nothing to find and prosecute the individual or individuals responsible for making that film. There was no film and she knew it. To this day the families have heard nothing from the U.S. government in the aftermath of those heinous events and it is the responsibility of our governmental officials to fully investigate the facts of the case and to make their recommendations accordingly. The Republicans running the committee are and have been performing their due diligence while the Democrats on the committee are doing their level best to portray the hearings as a political witch hunt and to vilify the republicans for their perceived efforts to take down Hillary Clinton in a year when her path to the democratic nomination for the highest office in our land seems clear. The coronation will have to wait. Absent a criminal trial for wrongdoing on this or other matters related to the Clinton Foundation and their selling influence and access through the foundation, the democrats are certain to nominate one of the more nefarious of characters and one with a checkered past to say the least. In the wake of Obama's lawless reign over the course of the last eight years, our country can ill afford to have this secretive, calculating, and mendacious wretch at the helm of our country. If there is a god…

We'll run off to the local farmers market this morning in Portsmouth so we can say that we went to the market at least once this year. It has more to do with the fact that the timing of the market visit has always bumped up against our morning bike rides and the bike rides were always deemed more important. No big deal. It is what it is. Now that the mornings are sometimes too cool to ride out time is better spent doing other things and going to the market qualifies as "better things." Not sure that we need anything so that is not the reason we're going. I suppose there might be a vendor or two from local farms taking orders for Thanksgiving turkeys so we'll have to talk about that before we get there. It's not too early to do that. Right? And Christmas follows a month later so probably not too late to be thinking about that. Maybe we'll pick up some local root vegetables and have roasted veggies for dinner tonight or tomorrow night. We'll steer clear of any and all baked goods since it is better to not have them around the house if one is not wanting to eat them. It's a nippy 34 degrees out of doors here in town so I'm not feeling as though we need to rush out the door just yet. It's still early. There is still time to put my thoughts in order before heading out. Not much time, but there is time.

That nagging question that comes around every time we pick up Mrs G for a night out on the town is where the bejesus are we going to go to have a bite to eat. C'mon, Mrs G. You must have a preference or two. She usually has none. That's fine. There is no shortage of places to go but if we go to Panera one more time I think I'm going to stab myself in the eye with a ball point pen. I know she likes to go to Wendy's in a pinch and I know she prefers to order chili when she arrives. She surprised us last night when she asked if we might go to Fall River so she could have chow mein. You're kidding, right? Her request was somewhat wistful followed by a snicker and a look into the distance as though she could see the joint out of the corner of her eye in the diminishing light of the late afternoon. Not wanting to lose that moment in time, I stated without fear of objection or reprisal that we could probably be there in 4 hours or so. Oh no, she declared. It is probably a two hour ride and not a minute more. And then she and Nancy went around and around on the absolute fantasy of making the trip or not making the trip and I sat behind the wheel doing my best not to run over any pedestrians while navigating the back streets of Portsmouth. Mrs G went on to say that the chow mein in Fall River is unlike any other chow mein and she referred to it as a "sandwich." What the fuck? A sandwich? I had envisioned several small white containers the likes of which I used to buy night crawlers in as a kid in the Adirondacks with a folding lid and a little metal clasp acting as a handle. One container for the crispy noodles and another for the guts of the dish but two separate and distinct dishes. Certainly not something to be served between two slices of bread. It's no wonder she never has a suggestion when we go out to eat. All she has ever wanted is chow mein but has never said so until now. Nothing else would suffice. Do you have a second choice, Mrs G?