Kicking Off A New Year

Well, here we are, folks. We made it to the new year, 2021. The race is on to get everyone who wants to be vaccinated against Covid-19 vaccinated. First Pfizer, then Moderna, and now Astrozenaca, are vaccines that have been approved for emergency use in the U.S..


Well, Astrozeneca has been approved in the UK but not yet here. I think the U.S. is a week behind when it comes to the latest market entrant from the UK, Astrozeneca. The only question remaining is how quickly can they get it all done in order to avoid more deaths due to viral surges here and across the globe.

The saga of the Biden Crime Family and the stolen election of 2020 continues. There are a few more formalities in the process before his so-called inauguration on January 20th. Maybe I've been on Twitter a little too much but there is a chance that the electors in Congress can, in fact, still side with President Trump when all is said and done and install him as the 46th president of the United States instead of Sleepy Joe. There is just too much documented fraud and, allegedly, too many ties between Sleepy Joe Biden and the Chinese Communists to allow his installation come inauguration day.

It remains to be seen how many patriots stand up for their country and our Constitution when the time comes for the electors to declare Joe Biden the President-Elect. Will they turn a blind eye to the corruption in the various states where the democrats literally stole the election by stuffing ballot boxes in the middle of the night? I have no doubt that the democrats are in with both feet when it comes to getting back in power in Washington, D.C.. If they've told us once, they've told us a thousand times. The ends justify the means.

Stealing elections is nothing new for the democrats. Standing up against this sordid business is new for the republicans so we'll see who does and who does not have a backbone come January 6th when electors are chosen. Trump has taught them all by example how to fight over the course of his first four years in office. Now, they get to choose. Do they go along to get along, or, do they do the right thing by their constituents, our Constitution, and their country and say "NO" to the illegitimacy of the election of one Joe Biden.

I'm a little worried as well about the senatorial election in Georgia on January 5th. If the democrats "win" both seats in that election, we are fucking toast as a nation. That will give the dems power in both houses of Congress and the presidency and god only knows what we'll see coming down the pike if that happens.

We've all heard the threats about packing the Supreme Court and giving statehood status to Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C.. The prospects of Republicans never returning to power if these threats are carried out are real. We only need to look at the shit holes like California, New York, and other states governed by democrats to see what happens when one political party controls all the levers of power in government.

And there's no reason to think that the theft that occurred in the general election won''t occur once again in the Georgia senatorial elections come January 5th. This is what happens when there are no consequences for crimes committed in broad daylight. Well, it was in the dark of night during the general election but you get the idea. As a nation, we cannot allow this type of chicanery if we're to be true to what our forefathers fought long and hard for as a young but enduring nation.

The Constitution has to be more than just a piece of paper. It has long provided us with guardrails and off ramps to ensure that we stay on course and true to the words written on that very document. It has always been worth fighting for and seeing as we're at a constitutional crossroads here once again, I'm still waiting along with millions of other Americans to see what, if anything, people are going to do when it comes to standing up for what is right, what is good, and what is true. Oh, and by the way, where the hell is the FBI when it comes to looking into any of this?

If what they're saying about the machinery that is used in a number of states to tabulate the votes is true, then every damn last one of those votes is suspect. If any of what they're alleging about foreign entities like China and Russia having access to the software and systems of those very voting machines is true, then we can't very well validate those results by putting the swine, Biden, in the corner office in our nation's capitol.

And people wonder why we have so little faith in our institutions when they look at what went on both before, during, and after the general election. It's enough to make you think about just staying home the next time. They're just going to steal the election anyway so why bother. We have to do better as nation.

As for the homestead, we enjoyed a quiet night here at home on New Year's Eve. We had big plans for dinner but they fell by the wayside early on when we started eating snacks with abandon. One thing led to another and the thought of sitting down to dinner seemed, well, unnecessary.

We had high hopes of ordering a platter of two from a local eatery for the evenings festivities, but those plans too fell by the wayside when Nancy missed the deadline for ordering. The food that we did have on hand for dinner isn't going anywhere so maybe tonight's the night. Oh, and Nancy says that this eatery has a nice looking paella on their menu.

Let's bookmark that puppy for another day, shall we? Paella is one of my favorite dishes. It is best served in a cast iron skillet and the more seafood, sausages, and saffron rice the better. I fell in love with this dish at first sight when I had it some years ago in a Portuguese restaurant outside Boston. My relationship with this dish has been enduring if nothing else. That one dish has been the standard against which all future paella's have been compared over the years. We'll see how this one stacks up.

Evan stopped by late in the afternoon and brought with him things he ordered and picked up at a local Mexican restaurant. I don't know that he had any intention of spending the night but spend the night he did. He said something about not wanting to be out on the roads that evening with all the drunk drivers. We as parents nodded approvingly and promptly returned to our game of Scrabble. Nancy's game is improving by the day and I'm having to turn to new found strategies in order to continue my winning streak.

I've never enjoyed the part of playing Scrabble where you have to make sure that all the tiles are turned face down before you get started. I've come to find out, and not a moment too soon I might add, that tournament players actually pull their letters from a bag when their turn comes around. Who knew?


All this time I thought that players with innate abilities to identify familiar looking patterns on the back of tiles might well have an advantage in selecting the X's, J's, and other high scoring tiles. One might even go so far as to nick or otherwise mark a letter in order to gain advantage. Not me though. No siree, Bob.

When turning in my tiles for better tiles, I was always careful not to re-select those same boring vowels and others so put them in spots separate and apart so I would know the next time around not to pick them up again. Putting all of the tiles in bag creates a level playing field and removes any and all opportunity for any so called sleight-of-hand maneuvers by one or more players. My days of not picking up returned tiles are now numbered with this new "bag" strategy.

Having given it a go in last night's game for the first time, I can tell you that it's somewhat refreshing. There's a little bit of a "feet's don't fail me now" feeling when you put your hand inside the bag. There might even be a "Come to Jesus" moment or two depending on just how much luck you think you need in selecting your new letters.

Please, God, I only need a vowel or two and I can make that 7-letter word I've been wanting to make. Be a good sport for chrissakes. Grant me this one final wish and I'll be forever grateful.

We'll be popping down to downtown Portsmouth later today to pick up a small bag of chocolates that we expect to add to our list of presents we want to give to Mrs G as a belated Christmas present. We don't have much so the bag of chocolates will be a nice addition.

Who doesn't like a little more heft to their bag of goodies sitting under the tree? We'll need to pick her up since her facility doesn't allow guests and hasn't since this pandemic thing began earlier this year. Our days of paying her a visit while sitting outside on her patio are over now but were pleasant indeed while they lasted.

A friend gave Evan an air fryer for Christmas. I know, I know. What the hell is an air fryer? I am only now starting to read accounts here and there from people who have purchased the fryers and, to a person, the reviews are good to stellar.

What I don't know is whether or not the fryer will prove to be a suitable or even acceptable replacement for the microwave that he currently has in his kitchen. I think he has the space for both so maybe he keeps both. I don't know that it is intended to replace the microwave so we'll have to see how this works out for him. Baby steps.

It looks like a cold, rainy, and miserable morning here in town as the hour of eight o'clock rolls around. I meant to look at the forecast before drifting off to sleep last night but I never quite got there. Maybe the only question I might have had in mind was whether or not I might be able to get out for a bicycle ride the following day. It looks like that ain't happening. Not today, anyway.

I've been pushing myself to get out on the road over the last several days or so if for no other reason than to get out there while the getting is good. I can now take the day off with a clear conscience. That said, I haven't much cared for riding along Ocean Boulevard as of late because of all the folks on holiday driving through town.

It makes it difficult for bicyclists like me to navigate the twists and turns along the ocean where getting clipped by a passing motorists is always a real possibility. Let's face it, their attention is usually elsewhere. And, depending on the amount of snow hereabouts, it can be even more of a challenge. Weather conditions aside, It's just a little more unnerving than usual so with the holidays now behind us I think I can breath little easier when I'm out and about on the roads in town.

As for resolutions for the new year, I'll be stepping up my exercise routines, reading more, doing something with my guitar each and every day, watching television less, writing in this here journal maybe as much or more than last year, working with Nancy to deal more rationally with her fears about the dreaded Covid-19 and the futility of our collective but pained and plagued existence on the planet Earth, provide the Ev man with the love and support he thinks he doesn't need, and maybe try to get by with a little less chocolate in my diet. Gotta start somewhere. Right?