The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I do love Christmas music. Is there anything more uplifting and cheerful at a time of year that is otherwise dark and gloomy? Just imagine the genius of the many songs that were written so long ago and yet remain timeless in their ability to lift the most hardened of hearts even today some decades and centuries after they were put down on paper.

In fact, I'm not aware of any new songs in the last fifty years or so that even come close to the classics written by Irving Berlin and his ilk. All you have year in and year out are the up and coming artists singing songs of old with a little twist here and a little twist there but staying true nonetheless to the original versions of those very same songs.


I'm less nostalgic about the traditions of Christmas and maybe even a little skeptical about the origins of same. It makes perfect sense to me that the holiday itself might well have been conjured up out of necessity by shop keepers and bean counters in order to clear year-end inventories. Further proof of this sinister collaboration are the very holidays throughout the year that appear chronologically on the calendar each on the heels of its predecessor holiday and each with its own unique rationale for gift giving, celebrations of one kind or another, or some other such nonsense where so-called tradition and Father Time conspire to gift wrap and deliver an aspirational commercial success. Yes, it's the most wonderful time of the year they'll tell you.

Maybe all that nonsense they taught me as a child about the baby Jesus, stars in the northern sky, mangers, magi's carrying gifts, and all the rest has some basis in fact. If you're a god-fearing christian then you buy the fairy tales hook, line, and sinker. You don't question the child dlddling priests, the nuns with the resurrecting rulers, or the church hierarchy that lines the pockets of the establishment with proceeds of countless lawsuits. It's simply the cost of doing business these days. It's an unholy alliance I tell you. But what about Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, you ask. And why aren't you dreaming about a white Christmas?

It's probably best not to ask too many questions. It's enough that I like the music and that it's there to enjoy if you are so inclined. As for the holiday itself, the same may be true. You don't have to approve of what the church and its undisciplined disciples have done going back a lot of years to give and receive presents although a suspension of sorts may be in order if one is to fully embrace the holiday and all the joy it brings. Children do it but they don't know any better. As adults, we could take a lesson or two from our children. And yet the message from the Church and their merry band of pernicious child molesters is always the same. You better watch out, you better not shout.


This is turning out to be a very dark post indeed. I had intended about to write about Nancy and her occasional morning walk through our local cemetery. She has been complaining as of late about scowling dogs and uproarious yips from leashed and unleashed animals beyond the tree line that are enough to make even boldest of walkers fearful for their lives. I suggested that she might be wise to carry a can of mace or like deterrent in order to repel an attack should that occur.

She responded that she didn't want to take the chance that it might well further infuriate her attacker rather than repel it. "How about Tiger Lady", I inquired. You know, the hand held device that morphs into a claw of sorts and collects DNA of the attacker if used appropriately. Well, if there is a canine version then maybe that would work. "Maybe you should carry a gun", I said with a grin.

There was enough of a pause where I thought for a split second that she thought it might be a good idea. One that she could work with anyway. That would be, in my estimation, a lawful use of a firearm should she wish to deploy it under the right circumstances. Before I'm willing to put a pearl handled revolver beneath the tree for the holidays I'll need to make sure I schedule plenty of time at the range for my darling. Repetition will be key.

She'll need just the right garter to holster the weapon but that may be nothing more than a fantasy right out of a Victoria's Secret catalogue. You shouldn't have to hike anything these days much less your skirt in order to gain access to your weapon. She inquired as well about local laws where carrying guns is concerned and I assured her that we no longer need approval from the local constabulary in order to carry a concealed weapon. Until and unless she needs a bump stock to stop multiple attacks, I think we're good to go.

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me…