Singing Her Praises

Our two-week quarantine (wink/wink) is up this coming Sunday. The State of NH recommended it, but did not mandate it, after returning from our one-week vacation to Lake George, New York earlier this month. It was an outstanding question going into our vacation week and we had one hell of a time trying to decipher anything from our State's website. What do we do when we return after being out of state for five days? What version of "quarantine" do we subscribe to precisely?


As anyone who knows me knows, I love a loophole! If I had a big ole truck I would drive right the hell through that loophole and come out the other side with a shit-eating grin on my face. That's just me. Nancy's preference was to go to the other extreme and follow Governor Cuomo's rules of quarantining. You stay in the house; You have everything you need delivered; You touch nothing delivered for a minimum of 24 hours; You wear a mask in and out of doors; yada yada yada. She's drinking the koolaid out of a firehose these days and she's one of Hitler's long lost brownshirts as it relates to anyone with an opposing view. This is not the woman I married.

Maybe it's my meandering and unserious attitude about it all that is bringing her around. I've stopped enabling her when it comes to doing things that she would not otherwise do during this stupid pandemic. I've stopped buying her favorite yogurts when out on a shopping run. She wants yogurt, she can buy her own fucking yogurt. She asked me last night when we were outside Lowes if I might go and purchase the mums she had placed in her cart. Sorry, love. No can do. YOYO. That's short hand for you are on your own. So, in she went with me in tow. Mission accomplished.

I follow the rules too but the minute I leave any one of these establishments I'm ripping off that mask like a soggy old bandaid. Let's face it. When everyone is doing it (wearing masks) it's easier all around to just join in. Nobody wants to be the fool on the hill or the dunce sitting all alone in the corner of the classroom. It is true though. Nancy is much less of a Nazi these days about things than she used to be. I'm on her like white on rice when she goes on one or more of her little tirades when she sees something she considers "unsafe." Until you walk a mile in their shoes, don't be so critical. I'm killing it with the cliche's, don't you think?

Every relationship needs a moderating voice and I'm happy to step into the fray when and where others fear to do so. I'm also wanting to spare Evan the nonsense that his mother is dishing out and I think he appreciates hearing an alternative view on this whole pandemic thing. He's had a lifetime of coming down on one side or another when and where his parents and their politics or playbooks are concerned so maybe this time is no different. When we first returned he stayed with us for a couple of days until I think he felt comfortable enough to go back to his place. Someone had put the fear of god into him and I changed that up in a hurry. Not to worry, he's fine now.

I still can't get over how well our tomato plants did this summer. My Big Boys came through in a clinch and, man, those suckers are everywhere. They're big as baseballs and twice as juicy. Few things give me more pleasure these days than walking out to the garden in the early morning and walking amongst my tomato plants looking for one or more that might have developed a bit of a red blush over night. That's when you know they are ready to pick. I'm detaching them from their mooring with a counter clockwise twist of the wrist and while that seems to work I'm not altogether sure it's the proper way to remove a tomato from the vine.

So there they sit, ripening maybe for days, on our kitchen table. Nancy is a huge fan as well and she is just as surprised as I am when it comes to our good fortune when and where tomatoes are concerned. We seem to have just enough but not so many that we can't eat them before they develop bad spots, mold, etc. You can usually cut around the bad parts and make do with what you have left. Maybe we'll have BLT's today or maybe Nancy will have her favorite cheese and a sliced tomato to go along with it. A drizzle of balsamic vinegar never hurts and if the bacon we use in the BLT's comes in a vegan version all the better.

President Trump has been burning the candle at both ends as of late. I love watching his rallies streamed live by RSBN. His messaging is much the same in each of his rallies but there is so much going on these days that the only way I can keep up with what he's thinking, when he's not tweeting about this or that, is by watching his rallies.

The crowds are enormous and the enthusiasm of the attendees is off the charts which is probably why attendance for his rallies runs in the tens of thousands. Meanwhile, Sleepy Joe is calling a lid early on each day signaling to the press and the public that there will be no public events forthcoming. The contrast between the two camps is startling.

Trump had one event scheduled for the Rose Garden around 5pm yesterday and I wasn't about to miss it. He was nominating his pick for the Supreme Court to fill the vacancy created by the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. His pick (Amy Cony Barrett) was telegraphed, or leaked, not sure which, about 24 hours prior to the event. There may have been a reason to do that but it seemed odd if nothing else. Why would he do that?

It was a great showing in the Garden! She's a beautiful young woman with decades ahead of her on the court assuming she gets through the process in the Senate. Did I mention that she's a solid conservative with a love of country and the Constitution? Those are her words, not mine. It doesn't hurt that she clerked for the now deceased, Justice Antonin Scalia.

The President has the radical dems over a barrel with this pick. What line of attack will they choose to try and derail her? They realize that if they go after her too hard that they will alienate even more suburban moms. Right? Maybe they learned something after the travesty of the Kavanaugh hearings where their outrageous attacks on a good man resulted in their losing several seats in the Senate.


Ms Barrett will likely be approved along party lines and she will be in place by the time the election rolls around. The jury is out as to which party will benefit more from her selection come November 3rd. Her being seated in time to ejudicate any disputes arising out of the election cannot but help assure a Trump win should it come to that.

This has to fire up the Evangelicals and Trump doesn't win without a majority of that constituency showing up to vote for him. He is, by far, the most pro-life president in generations and that has not gone unnoticed by every group including the Evangelicals. Who on the conservative side of the aisle isn't loving what a 6-3 conservative court might deliver for our nation? Did I mention that Trump and (Sleepy Joe) Biden are expected to debate two days from now? It should be a barn burner of a Sunday morning for the talking heads! I'll be there with bells on!

But I digress. Where the hell have the Finches gone? You now, those little yellow birds that have been coning to my thistle feeder for years. I was whining a bit just a month ago about how I was having to fill the feeder more than usual. I thought it might have something to do with the fact that the feeder need to be tidied up a bit so I did just that with the hopes that they might returning to their reliable source of some of the best thistle in town. Nothing but the best for my little friends! That's a but of an exaggeration but it's the truth.

The Finches are nowhere to be found. Not only are they not regular visitors to the thistle feeder, they are also not anywhere to be seen around my other bird feeders. I've seen a cat prowling around the hood as of late so maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe he's been more of a stalker than a prowler. Losing two species in the space of two weeks is a mind bender. The Hummingbirds have left for points south for the winter so there's that. Maybe the Finches went with them. I don't know. I'm grasping for straws here.

Tonight is the first of three debates between Trump and Sleepy Joe Biden. It's pins and needles time, folks. Grab your popcorn and find yourself a good spot where you can sit down and enjoy the fireworks. Expectations are seriously low, maybe too low, for Sleepy Joe in tonight's debate.

These things never go according to plan so that might mean that Biden comes out looking better than expected given the expectations going into the debate. He performed reasonably well against Bernie Sanders in the primary so that was a bit of a surprise. How does someone with advanced dementia survive a nationally televised debate in this day and age?

I'll let you in on a little secret. Donald Trump is no Bernie Sanders. Look for Trump to get under Sleepy Joe's skin time and time again until Sleepy Joe asks the moderator if he can use a lifeline to call his wife, Jill. Maybe he has Bernie and AOC on speed dial just in case. Keep in mind that Trump has the benefit of knowing everything there is to know about the Obama's and the Bidens when they occupied the White House in the previous administration.

Joe knows that Trump knows and that can't be a good feeling if your name is Joe Biden. Joe is also prone to fits of anger as demented patients often are so look for Trump to needle him maybe for no other reason that to get a rise out of him. Trump: This is not a man you want anywhere near the nuclear codes! Trump also has a long record of success in his first term so he can do a lot of comparing and contrasting.

Look for Joe to counter Trump's comments with lies and ballast of his own. I expect Trump to wear his opponent down over the scheduled 90-minute debate. As for the moderator, Chris Wallace, stay the hell out of the fight and let the two men hash it out between themselves. One thing we don't need is another Candy Crowley. As you recall, she fact checked Romney in the Romney/Obama debate and that threw the debate win to Obama. It changed the trajectory of the race and ensured an Obama win when all was said and done.

I want the people of our great country to take a good close look at the two men on the stage tonight and be honest with themselves about which man is up to the job of being president and which man is not up to the job. The fact that there are tens of millions of Americans who are planning to or who have already cast a vote for a man with early or even advanced dementia, should be alarming in and of itself.

Hating Trump is one thing. Installing a demented and likely senile old man as president of the greatest country on the face of the planet is something altogether different. That is Trump Derangment Syndrome (TDS) on steroids. Do the right thing.