One Busy Week

This is a big week. I'm listening to CSPAN right now where they are holding hearings in the Senate on the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill. A vote is expected by the 30th (this coming Saturday) so we'll see if this passes. If it does, then Obamacare will be dead in the water. Well, almost. Close enough for government work is what I say. It is going to be close. Again, if it passes it will be one more piece of Obama's legacy that will go away (thank the baby Jesus.) My fingers are crossed. Mrs G has an appointment for a few tests this week which will determine the trajectory of her life in the short term for better or worse so the implications of that are significant. She is otherwise satisfied that she either will or will not do certain things depending on the outcome and that is as it should be. Our collective fingers are crossed. Nancy and I both have appointments with Dr. Joslow tomorrow but neither appointment warrants concern one way or another and both were previously scheduled. In other words, there is no impending crisis.

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Our bathroom should be nearing completion and has been promised at least partially by this coming Friday. As I sit here today on Monday that appears doubtful. The walls have been painted and the flooring is down so I can envision a completed project whereas before I could not. Trump commented on NFL players in a rally in Alabama over the weekend and the fallout of those remarks seem to be resonating in the news cycle with no end in sight. I have to believe his remarks were intentional and may even be yet another shiny object for the press to chase while his administration pursues their busy agenda. And then there is the Senatorial runoff in Alabama tomorrow between Judge Roy Moore and Luther Strange. Trump's appearance at the rally in Alabama was intended to show his support for Strange but his comments were half hearted at best so he was perhaps sending a message to his supporters that it was ok to vote for the "other" guy. Odds are that Moore will win and that would be a good thing. Not good for McConnell and the Establishment, but good for America.

The histrionics of the democrats on the issue of Obamacare and the defeat of same is deafening. It has nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with Obama's legacy. Let that sink in. If Congress can't get the job done then Trump will see to it that the three legs of the three-legged stool of Obamacare will be shortened and ultimately removed thereby rendering the act obsolete. If you haven't looked at the price of your healthcare package as of late then you should. You would realize that something has to be done before it becomes all but unaffordable, if it isn't already, for everyone except those receiving subsidies. Did I mention that North Korea threatened to shoot down any US planes even if they were not in North Korea air space? This was in direct response to Trump's remarks at the UN which they admittedly accepted as a declaration of war. It was not, of course, and the rhetoric and the ratcheting up of same continues unabated. My advice to Kim Jung-Un would be to think twice before taking any hostile actions towards the United Sates or our allies. We are not currently on a war footing with North Korea but that can change very quickly. Very quickly indeed.

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