
I think I'm starting to buy into this holy war business. So much for multiculturalism and diversity. When you hear about bombings by radicalized muslims at the finish line at the Boston Marathon; when you hear about week-long fire bombings and civil unrest on the streets of of Stockholm by gangs of Muslim immigrants; when you hear about the beheading of a British soldier on the streets of London in broad daylight by Muslims screaming Allah-u-Akbar (God is Great); when you hear about the unwillingness of our country's liberal leaders to even utter the word "Terrorists" in relation to events that obviously fall into that category, it is a problem. It is a narrative that does not fit well into the liberal agenda and they avoid discussion of same like the plague. It is the liberal policies that attract these immigrants and lure them from abroad with every kind of monetary incentive you can imagine. States like Massachusetts pay for their housing, their living expenses, their education, and even their trips to and from the Jihadist training bases in the Mideast. If they have anything in common it is that they despise infidels of every stripe be they Americans or other. So, it bears watching. When we see a general disinclination by our politicians to endorse or embrace profiling policies that may actually keep us safe from these animals, we must resist those policies with every fibre of our being. That means ousting politicians responsible and righting those wrongs at every turn and by any means available. That may be difficult with our porous borders and our weak-kneed politicians who on both sides of the aisle either look at the masses crossing as cheap labor or their future constituents.


But life goes on. The Ev man was up and gone by 7:45 this morning to his schtick at Water Country. Not sure what they're doing there today since it is raining and has been the better part of the night but leave that alone. He had to pick up his friend first so Nancy made him eggs and sent him on his way. This is only his second job if you forget for a moment about his assistant counselor schtick at a summer camp in upstate New York a few years ago. I think the Mrs would have preferred that he get a job in one of the local restaurants instead of Water Country. That has more to do with his being exposed to the sun day in and day out. That is to say, since his mother has already shown a predisposition to skin cancer and his grandfather had an even more serious issue which may or may not be related to the sun, she felt it best to have him work inside instead. It was not to be. Besides, if he gets his life guard accreditation, he can find summer jobs more easily because he has a sought after skill. He could even, if he wanted, apply back to the camp in NY which I think would be fine with us. With unemployment at an all time high for kids his age, these are opportunities that he should be taking advantage of. I guess we'll see where it goes.

SCAN TIME! The gentleman at the intersection stopped ever so briefly but not before asking the two of us where he might find a pharmacy. Not sure if that was code for wanting to score some drugs or if it was a straight forward request for information. Besides, we were unlikely candidates from our perspective so we fell for the query and responded after a moment or two of what seemed thoughtful deliberation. My internal GPS always points north but I was feeling more confident than usual and I bleated out with unusual abandon, "down the road about a mile you will find a CVS." He seemed satisfied and didn't linger for any further elaboration because my directions and identification were precise right down to the store name. Nancy, on the other hand, was less sure of the store name and thought for sure that the store to which I referred was a Rite-Aid. I will admit that there seems to be a Rite-Aid on every corner these days but I was alarmed at her insistence to the point that I gave her a second and even third look before averting my eyes less I be run over by the foot traffic in downtown Portsmouth. Only then did I issue the "Scan Time" warning. In a weeks time we will be visiting Boston for yet another scan so we can hopefully look back on this particular event and laugh it off as a lapse of something, anything. Yes, laughing will be good. I will look forward to it even.