Ray of Sunshine

We've had a few cold mornings here along the coast. It's around zero degrees this morning. I don't think it got out of the teens yesterday. That's a good thing because it made for an easier time in dealing with the cleanup of the 13.5 inches of snow that fell on Saturday. Once the temperatures warm up, the snow starts to get a bit dense, heavier, and harder to move around. I have a little more work to do today to get snow off of our roof but then I'll be done. Until the next storm moves in, that is.


I've got a little Neil Young on tap this morning. I don't much care for his politics but his music is pretty good. I have fond memories of his album back in the day entitled "Harvest." Maybe it was "Harvest Moon." I love these musicians who profit handsomely in our capitalist society but otherwise decry the very same capitalist system that makes them rich beyond their wildest dreams. In case you're keeping track, that's a fucking hypocrite by any other definition. And what is this latest kerfuffle or row that he has with Joe Rogan and Spotify?

I'm not a podcast guy so I just want to get that on the record. This Rogan fella apparently has a podcast that gets a lot of buzz because of his positions on covid and maybe some other hot topics of the day. Spotify, which I also have nothing to do with and know nothing about, is maybe an online music repository available to the masses for a price? I do know that Rogan is anti-vaccine, or maybe just anti-vaccine mandate, and when he came down with the dreaded Covid-19 he fought it off with some well known therapeutics such as Ivermectin, etc. Much to the chagrin of the left wing media, he survived and lived to talk about it.

So, I guess that these pro-vaccine freaks like Neil Young and others of his ilk who also have their music libraries on Spotify, want Spotify to ban Rogan for his anti-whatever stance. It's just more cancel culture bullshit by the leftists. I don't know what this means or doesn't mean to Rogan. Is he only on Spotify? If it doesn't kill him, does it make him stronger? Maybe it's just another high tech lynching. You know how they love to silence voices that they don't agree with. I still have no plans to listen to any of his podcasts since I don't do podcasts. Maybe I'm just old fashion but I'll take a good book over a podcast any day of the week. That's just me.

Trump had a rally in Texas over the weekend. By all accounts, it was a massive rally. I watched a few minutes of it but not much more. I've heard it all before. He's a bit repetitive and that's probably to be expected since we're all very familiar with the many themes that have dominated both his campaign and the body politic since he came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy for president. He did say something about were he to win the presidency again that he would consider pardoning the January 6th "rioters." I only know this because it triggered the media like nobody's business. Trump would tell you that bad press is better than no press at all so there's that.

To be honest, I think I just tuned in to the rally to lay eyes on him. How does he look? Is he in fighting shape? Does he look like he's up to the task of running again? How does he sound? Are his old themes sounding old and maybe a little tired? He was a breath of fresh air back when he ran in 2016. Is he still a breath of fresh air? Judging by the size of the crowds in attendance, he still has it whatever "it" is. Maybe it's just the ability to draw a crowd on a cold Saturday night in Texas. Maybe that's just enough to get him over the finish line in 2024. It seems likes an eternity between now and then.

The missus and I were talking about the fella on the game show "Jeopardy" the other night. You know, the one who thinks he's a woman. He dresses up as a woman and maybe even prefers to be addressed by his pronoun of choice. Maybe I'm old fashioned but when I see a man sporting a stubble and built like a linebacker, I'm inclined to refer to him as buddy, fella, or maybe mister. The pearl necklace draped around his neckline didn't fool me for a minute. I was doing fine until the missus referred to him as a "she." It was a defining moment. I told her in no uncertain terms that were she to continue to refer to him as a "she", that I would just as soon end the conversation. That's just how I roll.

I'm keeping an eye on this Ukrainian thing as best I can. I'm amused to hear the idiots in the left wing media say time and time again that they don't think that Putin has made up his mind yet when it comes to invading or not invading Ukraine. Here's a guy who has put 150k of his finest troops on the border of Ukraine and you're telling me that he hasn't yet decided what he wants to do? What sort of tomfoolery is that? What idiot came up with those talking points? Yes, I've heard seasoned analysts, including retired generals and soothsayer wannabes, saying it on more than one occasion and on more than one channel. It sounds like something that was cooked up in the West Wing of the White House. It's just wishful thinking. Or, maybe just some garden variety poppycock.

Truth be told, it's right out of the Ron Klain ( Biden's Chief of Staff) cookbook for morons. Designed to elicit what, I don't know. It remains to be seen how far any of the western powers are willing to go if Putin does invade Ukraine. I'm not hearing any country, or NATO for that matter, say that they are willing to put troops in Ukraine to assist in their defense. Most are indicating that they are selling Ukraine weapon systems that they can use to defend themselves but, quite honestly, they are outmanned and outgunned by the superior forces and weaponry of Russia. The only question remaining is just how much blood and treasure Ukraine is willing to expend before bending the knee.

It's all very reminiscent of what transpired in the 1940s when Hitler started his campaign to invade and dominate neighboring countries in Europe. The willingness of some of Europe's leaders back in the day to accede to Hitler's demands only made matters worse for those countries he was looking to invade. One doesn't get the impression that Putin plans to go beyond Ukraine when all is said and done but that may well depend on how hard other European nations push back on the Ukraine issue. If he is looking to reimagine the old U.S.S.R., then Putin may just be getting started. It's a European problem. Right?

I have to laugh. I was watching some coverage of a Saudi official who was paying Biden a visit in the room that the President of the United States always uses when these types come to town. There he was, bumbling Joe in all of his glory looking every bit the demented fool that he is sitting side by side with his guest. It gets worse. Not a word came out of Biden's mouth that he didn't read off a cue card that he held in his hands and looked down at when it was his turn to speak. You can't make this shit up. I was trying to imagine what the Saudi guy must have been thinking of this unbelievable and nonsensical sleight of hand. Who the fuck does Biden think he's fooling?

I don't know how much longer they're going to be able to prop Biden up before he collapses under his own weight. He looks feeble and he sounds feeble minded. I don't think this is what the American people signed up for when they "elected" him to be our president. Is it too much to expect our President to speak in complete sentences and not to take his cues from cards that he carries in his jacket pocket? And then there was the scene in the White House yesterday when he went to take questions from the press in the room and you could hear his handlers telling everyone that it was time to leave. Biden just sat there looking dumbfounded with that stupid Joker-like toothy grin of his probably unaware of what was going on around him.

Are we now supposed to believe the latest polling that shows Biden beating every republican contender come 2024 by a good margin? Say what? He's even beating the generic republican by a good margin? Are you telling me that the majority of the American people would prefer this senile old fuck to a republican who can speak in complete sentences and who wouldn't need a stack of cue cards in his or her coat pocket to get through a question and answer session? I don't believe it. I'm guessing that the American people don't believe it either. They want Biden gone. The sooner, the better.

I'm starting to wonder what the process of getting rid of Biden before his term ends will look like. I think there's a remedy in the Constitution when a president is no longer able to fulfill his duties. I suppose he could just resign. He's lucky in a way that his Vice President, Harris, is viewed even less favorably than he. I think she was put on the ticket for that very reason. Be careful what we wish for. Right? It could work if they were somehow able to get rid of Harris without leaving her so-called constituency high and dry. I can hear them now. You want to do what to the first black female Vice President? Keep in mind that not a day goes by when she doesn't think that this might be her lucky day. Just sayin'.


I got a call from Mrs G yesterday. She was calling from her car. She was apparently on her way over to see Ray, or something like that, and she was having trouble getting her passenger side window to roll up. She said that she had driven into town with the window halfway down and I thought that was a bit strange. She must have really needed to go into town to do whatever it was that she wanted to do. I mean, we're talking February here, folks. I think the temperatures had never gotten out of the 20's when she called. Oh, and then there's that whole "Ray" thing.

Who is this guy? What is going on with the two of them? It's none of my business but he seems to be more important to her with each passing month so maybe we should know more about him? I was telling the missus that it's probably just a matter of time before Mrs G invites him to join the lot of us when we go to pay a visit. The more the merrier, I suppose. He's one of her fellow residents at her independent living facility so what else do we need to know about him? Does it matter one way or another if the two of them are getting on like a couple of teenage lovebirds? It might be more of an adjustment for the missus but I'm more of a go-with-the-flow kinda guy so I'm just throwing that out there. Live and let live?

I remember the time when the missus and I were over to visit Mrs G for our weekly visit and she insisted that we listen to a message that he (Ray) had left on her phone. He sounded a bit intemperate and gruff, and maybe a little rough around the edges, but all in all I can't recall that it made an impression one way or another on the missus and me. I do think that Mrs G is making more of an effort at a minimum to mention his name more frequently so we get used to the idea that he's not going away any time soon. Like I said, it's probably only a matter of time before they'll be sitting side by side on her couch when we go for our visit. If Mrs G is happy, we're happy. That's the bottom line.

As for her passenger-side car window that wouldn't go up, I suggested that she leave the car running and walk around to the other side of the car and try rolling up the window using the controls on the passenger side of the car. It worked like a charm. She had been contemplating having to bring the car back to the station where she had her annual inspection done to have this fixed and that is now no longer necessary thanks to my sage advice. Does it matter that she cannot now control the passenger side window from the drivers side of the car? Probably not, in the scheme of things. That is to say, she can carry on and forget about having to get it fixed.

Johns Hopkin's Hospital released a report the other day on the Covid crap that we've been mired in for the last two years. It was a shot across the bow of the medical establishment. Everything that people have been saying about how useless and ineffective measures like cloth masks, lockdowns, school and business closures, and governmental mandates have proven to be true according to the report.

The medical establishment, and this is me speaking, has been working in concert with governments far and wide to impose tyrannical restrictions from day one back in early 2020. Using the virus as a justification for their governmental over reach when they knew that it was all unnecessary is criminal. Who will be held accountable? It also proves the point that government, left to its own devices, cannot be trusted to have the best interests of its citizenry when push come to shove. One only has to look at the actions of the governments across the planet as they beat their citizens in the streets or lock them down in their efforts to exercise their now complete and tyrannical control over their citizenry.

For those leftist fucks in the media who pushed the vaccines that don't work, and the very same media outlets who used the daily and weekly mortality stats to run people like Donald Trump out of office, maybe it was a "mission accomplished" moment for them. The ends justify the means. And now, those very same outlets have taken down their daily deaths chyrons but continue to call out anyone and everyone with an opposing view as spewing misinformation or, worse yet, disinformation. More revealing is the fact that not one of them, CNN or MSNBC being the main culprits, have said one word about the John's Hopkin's report. And they wonder why vaccination rates are falling like a rock.

What do you make of theirs Facebook fiasco? Facebook (aka Meta) stock plunged 26% the other day. There was something about their earnings that caught the attention of investors and their forward guidance didn't help. This may well be the largest loss of its kind in the annals of the stock market for any one particular stock in the course of a day's trading. I hear that Mark Zuckerberg took a hit to his personal wealth to the tune of some 29 billion dollars. I don't do Facebook but I hear that they are losing subscribers hand over fist. Advertising revenues are drying up and young people have plenty of other options available to them. Can they come back from the abyss? Only time will tell.

It's a sleet-fest out there this morning. I've had a bike ride the last two days so taking a break due to the weather today is not a big deal. In fact, I pushed myself yesterday to get a ride in since I knew today would not be a good day to ride. The rain started in earnest in the late afternoon yesterday and its all turned to sleet now that the temperatures are hovering around zero. It's hard to imagine that we'll see any accumulating snows but we're supposed to get a few inches so we'll see how that goes.

The Ev man left his car in our garage for the duration of the storm. The missus and I dropped him back at his place across town so he could be home when an old friend came to visit. I think he likes the idea of keeping his car out of harms way when storms are in the forecast. He's thrilled that the dealership did such a good job when it came fixing the water leak in his windshield and he's seemingly now more protective than ever when it comes to taking care of his car. He understands only too well the freedom that owning and operating a car represents and it isn't something that he is willing to put in jeopardy if he can help it.

Did I mention that he thinks that they did something else at the dealership that resulted in the car running better than ever? I've gotten behind the wheel a couple of times and although I can't put my finger on it I think I tend to agree with him. Maybe they went ahead and fixed that motor mount thing that they said was broken. I wasn't convinced that it needed fixing based on my conversation with them when they had the car in the shop so I told them not to bother with the fix. Anyhoo, he couldn't happier with the car at the moment. "She'll be here when the storm is over", we assured him.

I'm not sure what to make of it but I've got a bunch of turkeys squabbling in my backyard this morning. It's not unusual to see turkeys around but I've never seen them fighting amongst themselves if that is indeed what I'm seeing. I think "squabbling" is the right word. It was an up tempo gobble-gobble that caught my attention and when I looked out the window they were all chasing each other around in a circle of sorts. They might have been ganging up on one or more of their own but it was a bit difficult to decipher. It was anything but friendly. And then they were gone.

I think it all started a couple of weeks back when I stood outside our garage with the fella who had come over to fix our dryer vent. We were looking at some tracks in the snow that looked suspiciously like tracks that a large cat or a small coyote might make. Yesterday, the missus called me outside to show me the remains in the snow of a half eaten squirrel that a hawk had made a quick meal out of and had maybe been scared off by a passing car before he or she was able to finish its meal.

There was the telltale scattering of fur and blood in concentric circles around the kill site and the half eaten carcass laid some two or three feet away. I suspect that the hawk attempted to fly off with the carcass and dropped it in his or her frenzied flight away from the scene. I'm guessing the bird had had his or her fill since it never did return to finish eating the squirrel. I regret having missed the take-down of the squirrel by the hawk since it was in clear sight of our house. And, how about the deer we're seeing hereabouts as of late? That's a bit unusual and I don't think that the weather has been a factor since we don't have that much snow on the ground. Interesting stuff.